path: root/themes
diff options
authorJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <jao@imladris.local>2017-10-31 05:15:53 +0100
committerJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <jao@imladris.local>2017-10-31 05:15:53 +0100
commit34e0fa1c9028b83e74f6a2b7f422d1031b708318 (patch)
tree828bdd3b82007a8c68e239abc0f5bfd6279303ae /themes
parente70583f3b9ddae31af77ea396f69feddf1fdf53a (diff)
still seeking the perfect color theme
Diffstat (limited to 'themes')
2 files changed, 21 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/themes/jao-mono-dark-theme.el b/themes/jao-mono-dark-theme.el
index cf2cece..560d42b 100644
--- a/themes/jao-mono-dark-theme.el
+++ b/themes/jao-mono-dark-theme.el
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
(jao-define-custom-theme jao-mono-dark
(:palette (fg unspecified "grey77")
- ; (bg unspecified "#3f3f3f")
- ; (bg unspecified "#2f2f2f")
+ ;; (bg unspecified "#3f3f3f")
+ ;; (bg unspecified "#2f2f2f")
(bg unspecified "#222222")
(box "color-237" "grey25")
(button ((c 240) nul) ((c "lightskyblue1" "#4f4f4f")))
- (hilite ((c nil "#333333")))
+ (hilite ((c nil "#505050")))
(strike-through ((c 237)) (st))
(italic ((c 137) it) (it (c "lightyellow3")))
- ; (link ((c 108) nul) ((c "#F0DFAF") nit nul))
- ; (visited-link ((c 36) nul) ((c "#E0CF9F") nul))
- (link ((c "lemonchiffon") nit nul))
+ ;; (link ((c 108) nul) ((c "#F0DFAF") nit nul))
+ ;; (visited-link ((c 36) nul) ((c "#E0CF9F") nul))
+ (link ((c "antiquewhite3") nit nul))
+ ;; (link ((c "lemonchiffon") nit nul))
(visited-link ((c "burlywood3") nit nul))
(tab-sel ((c 252 232) nbf))
(tab-unsel ((c 245 232)))
@@ -21,8 +22,9 @@
(function ((c 115) nul nbf) ((c "palegreen3"))) ;; 108
(type ((c 72) nbf) ((c "honeydew3")))
(variable-name ((c nil)))
- (constant ((c 72)) ((c "darkseagreen2")))
- (string ((c 36)) ((c "lightcyan3"))) ;; lemonchiffon3
+ (constant ((c 72)) ((c "mediumaquamarine") nbf nit nul))
+ ;; (constant ((c 72)) ((c "lightblue3")))
+ (string ((c 36)) ((c "cadetblue"))) ;; lightcyan3 ;; lemonchiffon3
(warning ((c 144)) ((c "#F0DFAF")))
(error ((c 95)) ((c "goldenrod3")))
;; (dimm ((c 240)))
@@ -68,30 +70,22 @@
(mode-line (c "grey60" "#2f2f2f"))
(mode-line-inactive (c "grey50" "#3f3f3f"))
(org-hide (c 0 nil))
- (rcirc-other-nick (c 5))
+ (show-paren-match (c "darkseagreen1" "#5f5f5f"))
(spaceline-modified (c "black" "lemonchiffon3") niv)
(spaceline-read-only (c "black" "lemonchiffon4") niv)
- (spaceline-unmodified (c nil "darkseagreen4") niv)
- (vertical-border (c "gray35") :inherit nil)
+ (spaceline-unmodified (c "white" "darkseagreen4") niv)
+ (vertical-border (c "#3f3f3f") :inherit nil)
(w3m-image (c "lightcyan2"))
(w3m-tab-background (c nil nil))
(w3m-tab-line (c 0 0) ul)
(widget-button (c nil nil) nul))
- (:x-colors "#050505"
+ (:x-colors "lemonchiffon"
+ "sienna3"
+ "darkseagreen3"
- "darkseagreen4"
- "grey40"
+ "cadetblue4"
- "paleturquoise4"
- "grey7"
- "grey60"
- "grey20"
- "sienna4"
- "#44836e"
- "#648f81"
- "darkseagreen4"
- "aquamarine4"
- "azure4"
- "grey60"))
+ "cadetblue3"
+ "black"))
(provide 'jao-mono-dark-theme)
diff --git a/themes/jao-themes.el b/themes/jao-themes.el
index 8c1d518..6641806 100644
--- a/themes/jao-themes.el
+++ b/themes/jao-themes.el
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
`((calendar-holiday-marker (p f00))
(circe-highlight-nick-face (p warning))
(circe-originator-face (p f00))
- (circe-my-message-face (~ font-lock-string-face))
+ (circe-my-message-face (p f10))
(circe-server-face (p dimm))
(clojure-test-failure-face (p warning) ul)
(clojure-test-error-face (p error) ul)
@@ -626,6 +626,7 @@
`((magit-branch (p f00))
(magit-cherry-equivalent (p warning))
(magit-diff-add (~ diff-added))
+ (magit-diff-context-highlight (p hilite))
(magit-diff-del (~ diff-removed))
(magit-diff-file-heading (p keyword))
(magit-diff-file-header (~ diff-file-header))