path: root/themes
diff options
authorjao <>2019-12-13 05:03:57 +0000
committerjao <>2019-12-13 05:03:57 +0000
commitdae71eb8d5d9bdc11958a0ff3f688b05b29b4608 (patch)
tree5b9be0a9dfd06ebc53ec7db014f1205a119eb85b /themes
parent9f7b8a79685b290e8d0f9296b95607581ff731bf (diff)
themes: sometimes you miss the most basic faces
Diffstat (limited to 'themes')
2 files changed, 28 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/themes/jao-dark-forest-theme.el b/themes/jao-dark-forest-theme.el
index bee319b..42aaaac 100644
--- a/themes/jao-dark-forest-theme.el
+++ b/themes/jao-dark-forest-theme.el
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
(jao-define-custom-theme jao-dark-forest
(:names (zenburn-fg-05 "#989890")
(zenburn-fg-1 "#656555")
+ (zenburn-fg-15 "#6f6f69")
+ (zenburn-fg-2 "#696969")
+ (zenburn-fg-3 "#595959")
(zenburn-yellow "#F0DFAF")
(zenburn-yellow-1 "#E0CF9F")
(zenburn-yellow-2 "#D0BF8F")
+ (zenburn-yellow-3 "#C0AF7F")
+ (zenburn-yellow-4 "#B09F6F")
(zenburn-green "#7F9F7F")
(zenburn-green+1 "#8FB28F")
+ (zenburn-green+2 "#9FC29F")
(zenburn-green-5 "#2F4F2F")
(zenburn-green-4 "#3F5F3F")
(zenburn-green-3 "#4F6F4F")
@@ -20,6 +26,7 @@
(spaceline-bg "#1F1F1F")
(dimm-line-fg "#3f3f3f")
(box-line-fg "#303030")
+ (comment-fg "honeydew4")
(zenburn-bg-05 "#212121"))
(:palette (fg unspecified "dark grey")
(bg unspecified "#1f1f1f")
@@ -32,15 +39,16 @@
(visited-link ((c zenburn-green-2) nit nul))
(tab-sel ((c 252 232) nbf))
(tab-unsel ((c 245 232)))
- (comment ((c 102) it) ((c "grey45")))
+ (comment ((c 102) it) ((c comment-fg)))
(keyword ((c 151) nbf nul nit) ((c zenburn-green+1)))
(function ((c 115) nul nbf) ((c zenburn-green-1)))
(type ((c 72) nbf) ((c "honeydew3")))
(variable-name ((c nil)))
(constant ((c 72)) ((c zenburn-red-3) nbf nit nul))
- (string ((c 36)) ((c zenburn-red-2)))
- (warning ((c 144)) ((c zenburn-red-1)))
- (error ((c 95)) ((c zenburn-orange)))
+ (string ((c 36)) ((c "wheat3"))) ;; "slate gray" "medium aquamarine"
+ (error ((c 144)) ((c zenburn-red-1)))
+ (warning ((c 95)) ((c zenburn-orange)))
+ (success ((c zenburn-green+2)))
(dimm ((c 59)) ((c "#6f6f6f")))
(gnus-mail ((c zenburn-fg-05)))
(gnus-news ((c zenburn-fg-05)))
@@ -74,22 +82,28 @@
(company-scrollbar-fg (c nil "#484951"))
(diff-hl-change (c dimm-line-fg "#313131"))
(diff-hl-delete (c dimm-line-fg zenburn-red-3))
- (diff-hl-insert (c dimm-line-fg "#414141"))
+ (diff-hl-insert (c dimm-line-fg "lemonchiffon4"))
(fill-column-indicator (c box-line-fg) :inherit nil)
- (font-lock-doc-face (c "lightcyan3") it)
+ (font-lock-doc-face (~ font-lock-comment-face) it)
(fringe (p dimm))
(gnus-button (c "lightyellow3") nul)
(gnus-cite-1 (c zenburn-fg-05))
(gnus-cite-2 (c zenburn-fg-1))
(gnus-cite-3 (c zenburn-fg-1))
(gnus-cite-4 (c zenburn-fg-1))
+ (gnus-group-mail-3 (c nil nil)) ;; "#252525"
+ (gnus-group-mail-3-empty (c zenburn-fg-2))
+ (gnus-group-news-3 (~ gnus-group-mail-3))
+ (gnus-group-news-3-empty (~ gnus-group-mail-3-empty))
(gnus-summary-cancelled (c "dark slate gray" nil) st)
(gnus-summary-selected (p warning) nul nbf)
(header-line (p hilite))
+ (lui-track-bar (c nil "#303030") :height 0.1 ex)
+ (magit-diff-context-highlight (c nil "grey20") ex)
(mode-line (c "grey60" "#2b2b2b")
- :box (:line-width 1 :color "grey18"))
+ :box (:line-width 1 :color "grey28"))
(mode-line-inactive (c "grey35" zenburn-bg-05)
- :box (:line-width 1 :color "grey17"))
+ :box (:line-width 1 :color "grey20"))
(mode-line-buffer-id (c zenburn-green-2))
(org-hide (c 0 nil))
(scroll-bar (c box-line-fg))
diff --git a/themes/jao-themes.el b/themes/jao-themes.el
index 626d857..7b5f039 100644
--- a/themes/jao-themes.el
+++ b/themes/jao-themes.el
@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@
(nul '(:underline nil))
(st '(:strike-through t))
(ex '(:extend t))
+ (nex '(:extend nil))
(bx `(:box (:line-width -1 :color ,jao-themes--box)))
(t (list s))))))
@@ -245,7 +246,8 @@
(change-log-function (p function))
(change-log-list (p f11))
(change-log-name (p keyword))
- (cider-test-error-face (p warning))
+ (cider-stacktrace-face (~ highlight) ex)
+ (cider-test-error-face (p warning) ex)
(cider-test-failure-face (p error))
(cider-test-success-face (p f01))
(comint-highlight-input (p f01) nbf)
@@ -388,6 +390,7 @@
(erc-pal-face (p warning))
(erc-prompt-face (f 01))
(erc-timestamp-face (p dimm))
+ (error (p error))
(escape-glyph (p dimm))
(eshell-ls-archive (p f12))
(eshell-ls-backup (p dimm))
@@ -820,6 +823,7 @@
(speedbar-separator-face (p f00))
(scroll-bar nil)
(shadow nil)
+ (success (p success))
(sunshine-forecast-date-face nil)
(sunshine-forecast-day-divider-face (p dimm))
(sunshine-forecast-headline-face (~ header-line)))
@@ -868,6 +872,7 @@
(w3m-tab-unselected-retrieving (p tab-unsel) it)
(w3m-tab-unselected-unseen (p tab-unsel))
(w3m-underline ul)
+ (warning (p warning))
(wg-brace-face nil)
(wg-command-face (p f00))
(wg-current-workgroup-face (p f11) bf)