path: root/attic/elisp/jao-maildir.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'attic/elisp/jao-maildir.el')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/attic/elisp/jao-maildir.el b/attic/elisp/jao-maildir.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18a1725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/attic/elisp/jao-maildir.el
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+;; jao-maildir.el -- Utilities for reading maildirs -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (c) 2019, 2020, 2021 jao
+;; Author: jao <>
+;; Start date: Sun Dec 01, 2019 15:48
+;; Keywords: mail
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Comentary:
+;; Inspecting the contents of maildirs and reporting it.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'seq)
+(require 'jao-minibuffer)
+(defvar jao-maildir-debug-p nil)
+(defvar jao-maildir-echo-p t)
+(defvar jao-maildir-tracked-maildirs nil)
+(defvar jao-maildir-info-string "")
+(defvar jao-maildir-home (expand-file-name "~/var/mail"))
+(defvar jao-maildir-news-home (expand-file-name "~/var/news"))
+(defgroup jao-maildir-faces nil "Faces"
+ :group 'faces)
+(defun jao-maildir--maildir-new (mbox) (expand-file-name "new" mbox))
+(defun jao-maildir--maildir-new-count (mbox)
+ (- (length (directory-files (jao-maildir--maildir-new mbox))) 2))
+(defface jao-maildir-emph '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
+ "Face used to highlihgt non-boring tracked maildirs"
+ :group 'jao-maildir-faces)
+(defvar jao-maildir--maildirs nil)
+(defvar jao-maildir--counts nil)
+(defvar jao-maildir--label-mboxes nil)
+(defvar jao-maildir--trackers nil)
+(defvar jao-maildir--track-strings ())
+(defun jao-maildir--update-counts ()
+ (dolist (mbox jao-maildir--maildirs)
+ (puthash mbox (jao-maildir--maildir-new-count mbox) jao-maildir--counts)))
+(defun jao-maildir--init-counts (maildirs)
+ (setq jao-maildir--counts (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ (setq jao-maildir--maildirs maildirs)
+ (jao-maildir--update-counts))
+(defun jao-maildir--set-trackers (maildirs tracked-maildirs)
+ (jao-maildir--init-counts maildirs)
+ (let* ((label-mboxes (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ (trackers (seq-map-indexed
+ (lambda (track idx)
+ (puthash (car track) () label-mboxes)
+ (let ((tr (seq-take track 2))
+ (l (elt track 2)))
+ (append tr
+ (cond ((eq l t) '(jao-maildir-emph))
+ ((null l) '(default))
+ (t (list l)))
+ (list (or (elt track 3) idx)))))
+ tracked-maildirs)))
+ (dolist (mbox maildirs)
+ (let ((lb (seq-find (lambda (lb) (when lb (string-match-p lb mbox)))
+ (hash-table-keys label-mboxes))))
+ (puthash lb (cons mbox (gethash lb label-mboxes)) label-mboxes)))
+ (setq jao-maildir--label-mboxes label-mboxes)
+ (setq jao-maildir--trackers trackers)))
+(defun jao-maildir--tracked-count (track)
+ (seq-reduce (lambda (c k) (+ c (gethash k jao-maildir--counts 0)))
+ (gethash (car track) jao-maildir--label-mboxes)
+ 0))
+(defun jao-maildir--update-track-string (mbox)
+ (when-let ((track (seq-find (lambda (td) (string-match-p (car td) mbox))
+ jao-maildir--trackers)))
+ (let* ((label (cadr track))
+ (other (assoc-delete-all label jao-maildir--track-strings))
+ (cnt (jao-maildir--tracked-count track)))
+ (if (> cnt 0)
+ (let* ((face (car (last (butlast track))))
+ (order (car (last track)))
+ (str (propertize (format "%s%s" label cnt) 'face face))
+ (str (cons label (cons order str))))
+ (setq jao-maildir--track-strings (cons str other)))
+ (setq jao-maildir--track-strings other)))))
+(defun jao-maildir-update-info-string (&optional mbox)
+ (cond ((eq mbox t)
+ (seq-do 'jao-maildir--update-track-string jao-maildir--maildirs))
+ ((stringp mbox)
+ (puthash mbox (jao-maildir--maildir-new-count mbox) jao-maildir--counts)
+ (jao-maildir--update-track-string mbox)))
+ (let* ((s (seq-sort-by #'cadr #'< jao-maildir--track-strings))
+ (s (mapconcat 'identity (mapcar 'cddr s) " ")))
+ (setq jao-maildir-info-string (if (string-blank-p s) "" (concat s " "))))
+ (when jao-maildir-echo-p (jao-minibuffer-refresh)))
+(defvar jao-maildir--watches nil)
+(defun jao-maildir-cancel-watchers ()
+ (dolist (w jao-maildir--watches) (file-notify-rm-watch w))
+ (setq jao-maildir--watches nil))
+(defun jao-maildir--log-watch (mbox e)
+ (when jao-maildir-debug-p
+ (message "[%s] watch: %s: %s" (current-time-string) mbox e)))
+(defun jao-maildir--watcher (mbox cb)
+ (lambda (e)
+ (jao-maildir--log-watch e mbox)
+ (when (memq (cadr e) '(created deleted))
+ (jao-maildir-update-info-string mbox)
+ (when cb (funcall cb mbox)))))
+(defun jao-maildir--setup-watches (cb)
+ (jao-maildir-cancel-watchers)
+ (setq jao-maildir--watches
+ (mapcar (lambda (mbox)
+ (file-notify-add-watch (jao-maildir--maildir-new mbox)
+ '(change)
+ (jao-maildir--watcher mbox cb)))
+ jao-maildir--maildirs)))
+(defun jao-maildir-setup (maildirs trackers mode-line &optional cb)
+ (jao-maildir--set-trackers maildirs trackers)
+ (cond ((eq 'mode-line mode-line)
+ (add-to-list 'global-mode-string 'jao-maildir-info-string t))
+ ((numberp mode-line)
+ (jao-minibuffer-add-variable 'jao-maildir-info-string mode-line)
+ (jao-maildir-update-info-string t))
+ (t (error "Invalid mode-line value")))
+ (jao-maildir--setup-watches cb))
+(defun jao-maildir-file-to-group (file &optional maildir newsdir)
+ "Calculate the Gnus group name from the given file name.
+ IN: /home/jao/var/mail/jao/foo/cur/1259184569.M4818P3384.localhost,W=6921:2,S
+ OUT:
+ IN: /home/jao/.emacs.d/gnus/Mail/jao.trove/32570, /home/jao/.emacs.d/gnus/Mail/
+ OUT: nnml:jao.trove
+ IN: /home/jao/var/mail/gmane/foo/bar/100
+ OUT:
+ IN: /home/jao/var/mail/bigml/cur/1259176906.M17483P24679.localhost,W=2488:2,S
+ OUT:nnimap:bigml/inbox"
+ (let* ((g (directory-file-name (file-name-directory file)))
+ (g (replace-regexp-in-string
+ (file-name-as-directory (or maildir jao-maildir-home)) "" g))
+ (g (replace-regexp-in-string
+ (file-name-as-directory (or newsdir jao-maildir-news-home)) "" g))
+ (nntp (string-match-p "^\\(gmane\\|gwene\\)/" g))
+ (g (cond (nntp (concat "nntp:" g))
+ ((file-name-directory g)
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\([^/]+\\)/" "nnml:\\1/"
+ (file-name-directory g) t))
+ (t (concat "nnml:" g))))
+ (g (replace-regexp-in-string "/" "." g))
+ (g (replace-regexp-in-string "[/.]$" "" g)))
+ (cond ((string-match ":$" g) (concat g "inbox"))
+ (nntp g)
+ (t (replace-regexp-in-string ":\\." ":" g)))))
+(provide 'jao-maildir)
+;;; jao-maildir.el ends here