path: root/custom/jao-custom-gnus.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'custom/jao-custom-gnus.el')
1 files changed, 767 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/custom/jao-custom-gnus.el b/custom/jao-custom-gnus.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7eb851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/custom/jao-custom-gnus.el
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+;; gnus configuration -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;;; features
+(defvar jao-gnus-use-local-imap nil)
+(defvar jao-gnus-use-leafnode nil)
+(defvar jao-gnus-use-gandi-imap nil)
+(defvar jao-gnus-use-pm-imap nil)
+(defvar jao-gnus-use-gmane nil)
+(defvar jao-gnus-use-nnml nil)
+(defvar jao-gnus-use-maildirs nil)
+(defvar jao-notmuch-enabled nil)
+;;; directories
+(defun jao-gnus-dir (dir)
+ (expand-file-name dir gnus-home-directory))
+(setq smtpmail-queue-dir (jao-gnus-dir "Mail/queued-mail/"))
+(setq mail-source-directory (jao-gnus-dir "Mail/")
+ message-directory (jao-gnus-dir "Mail/"))
+(setq gnus-default-directory (expand-file-name "~")
+ gnus-startup-file (jao-gnus-dir "newsrc")
+ gnus-agent-directory (jao-gnus-dir "News/agent")
+ gnus-home-score-file (jao-gnus-dir "scores")
+ gnus-article-save-directory (jao-gnus-dir "saved/")
+ nntp-authinfo-file (jao-gnus-dir "authinfo")
+ nnmail-message-id-cache-file (jao-gnus-dir "nnmail-cache")
+ nndraft-directory (jao-gnus-dir "drafts")
+ nnrss-directory (jao-gnus-dir "rss"))
+;;; looks
+;;;; verbosity
+(setq gnus-verbose 4)
+;;;; geometry
+(defvar jao-gnus-use-three-panes t)
+(defvar jao-gnus-groups-width 50)
+(defvar jao-gnus-wide-width 190)
+(setq gnus-use-trees nil
+ gnus-generate-tree-function 'gnus-generate-horizontal-tree
+ gnus-tree-minimize-window nil)
+(when jao-gnus-use-three-panes
+ ;; (dolist (m '(calendar-mode org-agenda-mode gnus-group-mode))
+ ;; (add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist `((major-mode . ,m) (dedicated t))))
+ (setq calendar-left-margin 6)
+ (let ((side-bar '(vertical 1.0
+ ("" 0.4)
+ ("*Org Agenda*" 1.0)
+ ("*Calendar*" 8)))
+ (wide-len jao-gnus-wide-width)
+ (groups-len jao-gnus-groups-width)
+ (summary-len (- jao-gnus-wide-width jao-gnus-groups-width)))
+ (gnus-add-configuration
+ `(article
+ (horizontal 1.0
+ (vertical ,groups-len (group 1.0))
+ (vertical ,summary-len
+ (summary 0.25 point)
+ (article 1.0))
+ ,side-bar)))
+ (gnus-add-configuration
+ `(group (horizontal 1.0 (group ,wide-len point) ,side-bar)))
+ (gnus-add-configuration
+ `(message (horizontal 1.0 (message ,wide-len point) ,side-bar)))
+ (gnus-add-configuration
+ `(reply-yank (horizontal 1.0 (message ,wide-len point) ,side-bar)))
+ (gnus-add-configuration
+ `(summary
+ (horizontal 1.0
+ (vertical ,groups-len (group 1.0))
+ (vertical ,summary-len (summary 1.0 point))
+ ,side-bar)))
+ (gnus-add-configuration
+ `(reply
+ (horizontal 1.0
+ (message ,(- wide-len 100) point)
+ (article 100)
+ ,side-bar)))))
+;;;; no blue icon
+(advice-add 'gnus-mode-line-buffer-identification :override #'identity)
+(setq gnus-mode-line-image-cache nil)
+;;; search
+(setq gnus-search-use-parsed-queries nil
+ gnus-search-notmuch-raw-queries-p nil
+ gnus-permanently-visible-groups "^nnselect:.*"
+ gnus-search-ignored-newsgroups "nndraft.*\\|nnselect.*")
+(with-eval-after-load "gnus-search"
+ (defclass gnus-search-recoll (gnus-search-indexed)
+ ((separator :type string :initform ".")
+ (program :initform "recoll")
+ (raw-queries-p :initform t)))
+ (cl-defmethod gnus-search-indexed-extract ((_engine gnus-search-recoll))
+ (prog1 (and (looking-at "^file://\\(.+\\)$") (list (match-string 1) 100))
+ (forward-line 1)))
+ (cl-defmethod gnus-search-transform-expression ((_engine gnus-search-recoll)
+ expr)
+ expr)
+ (cl-defmethod gnus-search-indexed-search-command ((engine gnus-search-recoll)
+ (qstring string)
+ _query
+ &optional groups)
+ (let* ((subdir (slot-value engine 'remove-prefix))
+ (sep (slot-value engine 'separator))
+ (gdirs (mapcar (lambda (g)
+ (let ((g (gnus-group-short-name g)))
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "\\." sep g)))
+ (or groups
+ (and (not (string= "" subdir)) (list subdir)))))
+ (dirsq (and gdirs
+ (concat "("
+ (mapconcat (lambda (d) (format "dir:%s" d))
+ gdirs " OR ")
+ ")")))
+ (q (concat "mime:message " dirsq " (" qstring ")")))
+ ;; (message "query is: %s" q)
+ `("-b" "-t" "-q" ,q))))
+;; (add-to-list 'gnus-parameters '("^nnselect:.*" (nnselect-rescan . t)))
+;;; news
+(defvar jao-gnus-leafnode-spool "/var/spool/news/")
+(setq gnus-select-method
+ (cond
+ (jao-gnus-use-leafnode
+ `(nntp "localhost"
+ (gnus-search-engine gnus-search-recoll
+ (remove-prefix ,jao-gnus-leafnode-spool)
+ (separator "/"))))
+ (jao-gnus-use-gmane '(nntp ""))
+ (t '(nnnil ""))))
+(setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '())
+(setq nnheader-read-timeout 0.02
+ gnus-save-newsrc-file nil) ; .newsrc only needed by other newsreaders
+;; leafnode articles group parameters
+(defvar jao-gnus-image-groups '("xkcd"))
+(defvar jao-gnus-leafnode-group-params
+ `((,(format "gwene\\..*%s.*" (regexp-opt jao-gnus-image-groups))
+ (mm-html-inhibit-images nil)
+ (mm-html-blocked-images nil))
+ ("\\(gmane\\|gwene\\)\\..*"
+ (jao-gnus--archiving-group "nnml:feeds.trove")
+ (posting-style (address "")))))
+(when jao-gnus-use-leafnode
+ (dolist (p jao-gnus-leafnode-group-params)
+ (add-to-list 'gnus-parameters p t)))
+;;; mail
+;;;; nnmail
+(setq nnmail-treat-duplicates 'delete
+ nnmail-scan-directory-mail-source-once nil
+ nnmail-cache-accepted-message-ids t
+ nnmail-message-id-cache-length 100000
+ nnmail-split-fancy-with-parent-ignore-groups nil
+ nnmail-use-long-file-names t
+ nnmail-crosspost t
+ nnmail-resplit-incoming t
+ nnmail-mail-splitting-decodes t
+ nnmail-split-methods 'nnmail-split-fancy)
+;;;; nnml
+(setq gnus-message-archive-group nil
+ nnml-get-new-mail t
+ nnml-directory message-directory)
+(setq mail-sources
+ (let* ((pwd (auth-source-pick-first-password :host "proton-bridge"))
+ (mds (mapcar (lambda (f)
+ `(maildir :path ,(expand-file-name f "~/var/mail/")))
+ '("local/" "feeds/")))
+ (ims (mapcar (lambda (b)
+ `(imap :server "" :port 1143
+ :user "" :password ,pwd
+ :stream starttls :predicate "1:*"
+ :fetchflag "\\Deleted \\Seen"
+ :mailbox ,(concat "Labels/#" b)))
+ '("inbox" "drivel" "hacking" "bills"
+ "bigml" "prog" "words"))))
+ (append mds ims)))
+(when jao-gnus-use-nnml
+ (add-to-list
+ 'gnus-secondary-select-methods
+ `(nnml "" (gnus-search-engine gnus-search-recoll
+ (remove-prefix ,(jao-gnus-dir "Mail/"))))))
+(defvar jao-gnus-nnml-group-params
+ `(("nnml:\\(local\\|trash\\|spam\\)"
+ (auto-expire . t)
+ (total-expire . t)
+ (expiry-wait . 1)
+ (expiry-target . delete))
+ ("nnml:jao\\..*"
+ (posting-style ("Gcc" "nnml:jao.trove")) ;; ("Bcc" "")
+ (jao-gnus--trash-group "nnml:trash")
+ (jao-gnus--spam-group "nnml:spam")
+ (jao-gnus--archiving-group "nnml:jao.trove")
+ (gcc-self . t))
+ ("nnml:jao\\.hacking"
+ (posting-style ("Gcc" "nnml:jao.hacking")
+ (address ""))) ;; ("Bcc" "")
+ ("nnml:jao\\.drivel"
+ (auto-expire . t)
+ (total-expire . t)
+ (expiry-wait . 3)
+ (expiry-target . delete))
+ ("nnml:bigml\\..*"
+ (gcc-self . nil)
+ (auto-expire . t)
+ (total-expire . t)
+ (expiry-wait . 3)
+ (expiry-target . delete)
+ (posting-style (address ""))
+ (jao-gnus--trash-group "nnml:trash")
+ (jao-gnus--spam-group "nnml:spam")
+ (jao-gnus--archiving-group "nnml:bigml.trove"))
+ ("nnml:bigml\\.inbox"
+ (gcc-self . t)
+ (auto-expire . t)
+ (total-expire . t)
+ (expiry-wait . 7)
+ (expiry-target . "nnml:bigml.trove"))
+ ("nnml:bigml\\.alba"
+ (gcc-self . t)
+ (auto-expire . nil)
+ (total-expire . nil)
+ (expiry-target . nil)
+ (expiry-wait . nil))
+ ("nnml:bigml\\.trove"
+ (auto-expire . t)
+ (total-expire . t)
+ (expiry-target . delete)
+ (expiry-wait . 365))
+ ("nnml:feeds\\.\\(.*\\)"
+ (posting-style ("Gcc" "nnml:feeds.trove")
+ (address ""))
+ (auto-expire . t)
+ (total-expire . t)
+ (expiry-wait . 7)
+ (expiry-target . delete)
+ (comment . "feeds.\\1")
+ (jao-gnus--archiving-group "nnml:feeds.trove"))
+ ("nnml:feeds\\.\\(news\\|emacs-\\(bugs\\|diffs|\\github\\)\\)$"
+ (expiry-wait . 2))
+ ("nnml:feeds\\.trove"
+ (auto-expire . nil)
+ (total-expire . nil))
+ ("nnml:feeds\\.fun"
+ (mm-html-inhibit-images nil)
+ (mm-html-blocked-images nil))))
+(when jao-gnus-use-nnml
+ (dolist (p jao-gnus-nnml-group-params)
+ (add-to-list 'gnus-parameters p t)))
+;;;; imap
+(setq nnimap-quirks nil)
+(when jao-gnus-use-local-imap
+ (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods
+ `(nnimap "" (nnimap-address "localhost"))))
+(when jao-gnus-use-pm-imap
+ (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods
+ '(nnimap "pm"
+ (nnimap-address "")
+ (nnimap-stream network)
+ (nnimap-server-port 1143))))
+(when jao-gnus-use-gandi-imap
+ (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods
+ '(nnimap "gandi" (nnimap-address ""))))
+;;; groups
+(setq gnus-group-line-format " %m%S%p%3y%P%* %~(pad-right 30)G %B\n"
+ ;; " %m%S%p%P:%~(pad-right 35)c %3y %B\n"
+ ;; " %m%S%p%3y%P%* %~(pad-right 30)C %B\n"
+ gnus-topic-line-format "%i[ %(%{%n%}%) -- %A ]%v\n"
+ gnus-group-uncollapsed-levels 2
+ gnus-auto-select-subject 'unread
+ gnus-large-newsgroup 2000)
+(add-hook 'gnus-select-group-hook 'gnus-group-set-timestamp)
+(add-hook 'gnus-group-mode-hook 'gnus-topic-mode)
+;;; summary
+;;;; configuration
+(setq gnus-summary-ignore-duplicates t
+ gnus-suppress-duplicates t
+ ;; gnus-summary-ignored-from-addresses jao-mails-regexp
+ gnus-process-mark-toggle t
+ gnus-auto-select-next 'almost-quietly)
+;;;; threading
+(setq gnus-face-1 'jao-gnus-face-tree
+ gnus-show-threads t
+ gnus-thread-hide-subtree t
+ gnus-build-sparse-threads nil
+ gnus-refer-thread-use-search t
+ gnus-summary-make-false-root 'adopt
+ gnus-summary-gather-subject-limit nil ;; 120
+ gnus-summary-thread-gathering-function #'gnus-gather-threads-by-subject
+ gnus-sort-gathered-threads-function 'gnus-thread-sort-by-number
+ gnus-thread-sort-functions '(gnus-thread-sort-by-number))
+(defun jao-fix-protonmail-references (header)
+ (let ((references (mail-header-references header)))
+ (setf (mail-header-references header)
+ (mapconcat #'(lambda (x)
+ (if (string-match "protonmail.internalid" x) "" x))
+ (gnus-split-references references)
+ " "))
+ header))
+(setq gnus-alter-header-function 'jao-fix-protonmail-references)
+;;;; search on enter nnselect
+(defun jao-gnus--maybe-reselect (&rest _i)
+ (when (string-match-p "^nnselect" (or (gnus-group-name-at-point) ""))
+ (save-excursion (gnus-group-get-new-news-this-group))))
+(advice-add 'gnus-group-select-group :before #'jao-gnus--maybe-reselect)
+;;;; summary line
+(setq gnus-not-empty-thread-mark ?↓) ; ↓) ?·
+(setq jao-gnus--summary-line-fmt
+ (concat "%%U %%*%%R %%uj "
+ "[ %%~(max-right 23)~(pad-right 23)uf "
+ " %%I%%~(pad-left 2)t ] %%s"
+ "%%-%s="
+ "%%~(max-right 8)~(pad-left 8)&user-date;"
+ "\n"))
+(defun jao-gnus--set-summary-line (&optional w)
+ (let* ((d (if jao-gnus-use-three-panes (+ jao-gnus-groups-width 11) 12))
+ (w (- (or w (window-width)) d)))
+ (setq gnus-summary-line-format (format jao-gnus--summary-line-fmt w))))
+(add-hook 'gnus-select-group-hook 'jao-gnus--set-summary-line)
+;; (jao-gnus--set-summary-line 187)
+(add-to-list 'nnmail-extra-headers 'Cc)
+(add-to-list 'nnmail-extra-headers 'BCc)
+(use-package gnus-sum
+ :config
+ (add-to-list 'gnus-extra-headers 'Cc)
+ (add-to-list 'gnus-extra-headers 'BCc))
+(defun gnus-user-format-function-j (headers)
+ (let ((to (gnus-extra-header 'To headers)))
+ (if (string-match jao-mails-regexp to)
+ (if (string-match "," to) "¬" "»") ;; "~" "=")
+ (if (or (string-match jao-mails-regexp
+ (gnus-extra-header 'Cc headers))
+ (string-match jao-mails-regexp
+ (gnus-extra-header 'BCc headers)))
+ "¬" ;; "~"
+ " "))))
+(defconst jao-gnus--news-rx
+ (concat (regexp-opt '(" "
+ " - "
+ "The Guardian: "
+ "Aeon | a world of ideas: "
+ "Planet Debian: "))
+ "\\|The Conversation – Articles (.+): "
+ "\\|unofficial mirror of [^:]+: "
+ "\\|[gq].+ updates on "))
+(defun gnus-user-format-function-f (headers)
+ (let* ((from (gnus-header-from headers))
+ (from (gnus-summary-extract-address-component from))
+ (from (replace-regexp-in-string jao-gnus--news-rx "" from)))
+ from))
+(setq gnus-user-date-format-alist
+ '(((gnus-seconds-today) . "%H:%M")
+ ((+ 86400 (gnus-seconds-today)) . "'%H:%M")
+ ;; (604800 . "%a %H:%M") ;; that's one week
+ ((gnus-seconds-month) . "%a %d")
+ ((gnus-seconds-year) . "%b %d")
+ (t . "%b '%y")))
+;;;; moving messages around
+(defvar-local jao-gnus--spam-group nil)
+(defvar-local jao-gnus--archiving-group nil)
+(defvar-local jao-gnus--archive-as-copy-p nil)
+(defvar jao-gnus--last-move nil)
+(defun jao-gnus-move-hook (a headers c to d)
+ (setq jao-gnus--last-move (cons to (mail-header-id headers))))
+(defun jao-gnus-goto-last-moved ()
+ (interactive)
+ (when jao-gnus--last-move
+ (when (eq major-mode 'gnus-summary-mode) (gnus-summary-exit))
+ (gnus-group-goto-group (car jao-gnus--last-move))
+ (gnus-group-select-group)
+ (gnus-summary-goto-article (cdr jao-gnus--last-move) nil t)))
+(add-hook 'gnus-summary-article-move-hook 'jao-gnus-move-hook)
+(defun jao-gnus-archive (follow)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if jao-gnus--archiving-group
+ (progn
+ (if (or jao-gnus--archive-as-copy-p
+ (not (gnus-check-backend-function
+ 'request-move-article gnus-newsgroup-name)))
+ (gnus-summary-copy-article nil jao-gnus--archiving-group)
+ (gnus-summary-move-article nil jao-gnus--archiving-group))
+ (when follow (jao-gnus-goto-last-moved)))
+ (gnus-summary-mark-as-read)
+ (gnus-summary-delete-article)))
+(defun jao-gnus-archive-tickingly ()
+ (interactive)
+ (gnus-summary-tick-article)
+ (jao-gnus-archive)
+ (when jao-gnus--archive-as-copy-p
+ (gnus-summary-mark-as-read)))
+(defun jao-gnus-show-tickled ()
+ (interactive)
+ (gnus-summary-limit-to-marks "!"))
+ (defvar jao-gnus--trash-group nil))
+(defun jao-gnus-trash ()
+ (interactive)
+ (gnus-summary-mark-as-read)
+ (if jao-gnus--trash-group
+ (gnus-summary-move-article nil jao-gnus--trash-group)
+ (gnus-summary-delete-article)))
+(defun jao-gnus-move-to-spam ()
+ (interactive)
+ (gnus-summary-mark-as-read)
+ (gnus-summary-move-article nil jao-gnus--spam-group))
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "Ba" 'jao-gnus-archive)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "BA" 'jao-gnus-archive-tickingly)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "Bl" 'jao-gnus-goto-last-moved)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd "B DEL") 'jao-gnus-trash)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd "B <backspace>") 'jao-gnus-trash)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "Bs" 'jao-gnus-move-to-spam)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "/!" 'jao-gnus-show-tickled)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map [f7] 'gnus-summary-force-verify-and-decrypt)
+;;;; saving emails
+(setq gnus-default-article-saver 'gnus-summary-save-article-mail)
+(defvar jao-gnus-file-save-directory (expand-file-name "~/tmp"))
+(defun jao-gnus-file-save (newsgroup headers &optional last-file)
+ (expand-file-name (format "%s.eml" (mail-header-subject headers))
+ jao-gnus-file-save-directory))
+(setq gnus-mail-save-name 'jao-gnus-file-save)
+;;;; arXiv capture
+(use-package org-capture
+ :config
+ (add-to-list 'org-capture-templates
+ '("X" "arXiv" entry (file "notes/physics/")
+ "* %:subject\n %i" :immediate-finish t)
+ t)
+ (org-capture-upgrade-templates org-capture-templates))
+(defun jao-gnus-arXiv-capture ()
+ (interactive)
+ (gnus-summary-select-article-buffer)
+ (gnus-article-goto-part 0)
+ (forward-paragraph)
+ (setq-local transient-mark-mode 'lambda)
+ (set-mark (point))
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (org-capture nil "X"))
+;;; article
+;;;; config, headers
+(setq mail-source-delete-incoming t)
+(setq gnus-gcc-mark-as-read t)
+(setq gnus-treat-display-smileys nil)
+(setq gnus-treat-fill-long-lines nil)
+(setq gnus-treat-fill-article 120)
+(setq gnus-treat-fold-headers nil)
+(setq gnus-treat-strip-leading-blank-lines t)
+(setq gnus-article-auto-eval-lisp-snippets nil)
+(setq gnus-posting-styles '((".*" (name "Jose A. Ortega Ruiz"))))
+(setq gnus-single-article-buffer nil)
+(setq gnus-article-update-lapsed-header 60)
+(setq gnus-article-update-date-headers 60)
+(with-eval-after-load "gnus-art"
+ (setq gnus-visible-headers
+ (concat
+ gnus-visible-headers
+ "\\|^List-[iI][Dd]:\\|^X-Newsreader:\\|^X-Mailer:"
+ "\\|^User-Agent:\\|^X-User-Agent:\\|^X-RSS-Feed:")))
+;;;; html and images
+(setq gnus-button-url 'browse-url-generic
+ gnus-inhibit-images t
+ mm-discouraged-alternatives nil ;; '("text/html" "text/richtext")
+ mm-inline-large-images 'resize)
+(defvar-local jao-gnus--images nil)
+(defun jao-gnus--init-images ()
+ (with-current-buffer gnus-article-buffer
+ (setq jao-gnus--images nil)))
+(add-hook 'gnus-select-article-hook #'jao-gnus--init-images)
+(defun jao-gnus-browse-html ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((browse-url-browser-function jao-browse-url-external-function)
+ (browse-url-handlers nil)
+ (browse-url-default-handlers nil))
+ (gnus-article-browse-html-article)))
+(defun jao-gnus-show-images ()
+ (interactive)
+ (if window-system
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (gnus-summary-select-article-buffer)
+ (save-excursion
+ (if (and jao-afio-use-w3m (fboundp 'w3m-toggle-inline-images))
+ (w3m-toggle-inline-images)
+ (setq jao-gnus--images (not jao-gnus--images))
+ (if jao-gnus--images
+ (gnus-article-show-images)
+ (gnus-article-remove-images)))))
+ (jao-gnus-browse-html)))
+;;;; format from:
+(defvar jao-gnus--from-rx
+ (concat "From: \\\"?\\( *" jao-gnus--news-rx "\\)"))
+(defun jao-gnus-format-from ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (re-search-forward jao-gnus--from-rx nil t)
+ (replace-match "" nil nil nil 1))))
+(add-hook 'gnus-part-display-hook 'jao-gnus-format-from)
+;;;; follow links and enclosures
+(defun jao-gnus-follow-link (&optional external)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (when (eq major-mode 'gnus-summary-mode)
+ (gnus-summary-select-article-buffer))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (or (search-forward-regexp "^Via: h" nil t)
+ (search-forward-regexp "^URL: h" nil t)
+ (and (search-forward-regexp "^Link$" nil t)
+ (not (beginning-of-line))))
+ (if external
+ (jao-browse-with-external-browser)
+ (browse-url (jao-url-around-point))))))
+(defun jao-gnus-open-enclosure ()
+ (interactive)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (gnus-summary-select-article-buffer)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((offset (or (and (search-forward-regexp "^Enclosure: " nil t) 2)
+ (and (search-forward-regexp "^Enclosure$" nil t) -2))))
+ (when offset (forward-char offset))
+ (if-let ((url (jao-url-around-point)))
+ (jao-mpc-add-or-play-url url)
+ (error "No enclosure found"))))))
+;;;; delayed messages
+(require 'gnus-util)
+(setq gnus-delay-default-delay "3h")
+(eval-after-load "message"
+ '(setq message-draft-headers (remove 'Date message-draft-headers)))
+;;; daemon and exit
+(setq gnus-interactive-exit t)
+(defun jao-quit-gnus () (gnus-group-exit) t)
+(add-hook 'kill-emacs-query-functions #'jao-quit-gnus)
+;; daemon config
+(setq mail-user-agent 'gnus-user-agent)
+(setq gnus-asynchronous t)
+(setq gnus-use-article-prefetch nil)
+(setq gnus-save-killed-list nil)
+(setq gnus-check-new-newsgroups nil)
+(require 'gnus-demon)
+(defun jao-gnus--scan ()
+ (let ((inhibit-message t))
+ (gnus-demon-scan-news)
+ (jao-gnus--notify)))
+(gnus-demon-add-handler 'jao-gnus--scan 5 1)
+;;; add-ons
+;;;; notifications
+;;;;; minibuffer
+(defvar jao-gnus-tracked-groups
+ (let ((feeds (thread-first
+ (directory-files mail-source-directory nil "feeds\\.[^e]")
+ (seq-difference '("feeds.trove")))))
+ `(("nnml:bigml\\.inbox" "B" jao-themes-f00)
+ ("nnml:bigml\\.alba" "A" jao-themes-f00)
+ ("nnml:bigml\\.bugs" "b" jao-themes-error)
+ ("nnml:bigml\\.support" "S" default)
+ ("nnml:jao\\.\\(inbox\\|trove\\)" "I" jao-themes-f01)
+ ("nnml:bigml\\.[^ibs]" "W" jao-themes-dimm)
+ ("nnml:jao.hacking" "H" jao-themes-dimm)
+ ("nnml:jao.[^isth]" "J" jao-themes-dimm)
+ (,(format "^nnml:%s" (regexp-opt feeds)) "F" jao-themes-dimm)
+ ("feeds\\.e" "E" jao-themes-dimm)
+ ("nnml:local" "l" jao-themes-dimm))))
+(defun jao-gnus--unread-counts ()
+ (seq-reduce (lambda (r g)
+ (let ((n (gnus-group-unread (car g))))
+ (if (and (numberp n) (> n 0))
+ (prog1 (cons (cons (car g) n) r)
+ (gnus-message 7 "%s in %s" n g))
+ r)))
+ gnus-newsrc-alist
+ ()))
+(defun jao-gnus--unread-label (counts rx label face)
+ (let ((n (seq-reduce (lambda (n c)
+ (if (string-match-p rx (car c)) (+ n (cdr c)) n))
+ counts
+ 0)))
+ (when (> n 0) `(:propertize ,(format "%s%d " label n) face ,face))))
+(defvar jao-gnus--notify-strs ())
+(defun jao-gnus--notify-strs ()
+ (let ((counts (jao-gnus--unread-counts)))
+ (seq-filter #'identity
+ (seq-map (lambda (args)
+ (apply 'jao-gnus--unread-label counts args))
+ jao-gnus-tracked-groups))))
+(defun jao-gnus--notify ()
+ (setq jao-gnus--notify-strs (jao-gnus--notify-strs))
+ (jao-minibuffer-refresh))
+(with-eval-after-load "jao-minibuffer"
+ (jao-minibuffer-add-variable 'jao-gnus--notify-strs -20))
+(add-hook 'gnus-started-hook #'jao-gnus--notify)
+(add-hook 'gnus-summary-exit-hook #'jao-gnus--notify)
+(add-hook 'gnus-after-getting-new-news-hook #'jao-gnus--notify)
+;;;;; agenda updates
+(add-hook 'gnus-summary-exit-hook #'jao-org-agenda)
+;;;; open mail file in gnus
+(defun jao-gnus-file-to-group (file &optional maildir newsdir m-server n-server)
+ "Compute the Gnus group name from the given file name.
+ IN: /home/jao/.emacs.d/gnus/Mail/jao.trove/32, /home/jao/.emacs.d/gnus/Mail/
+ OUT: nnml:jao.trove "
+ (let* ((maildir (or maildir message-directory))
+ (newsdir (or newsdir jao-gnus-leafnode-spool))
+ (m-server (or m-server "nnml"))
+ (n-server (or n-server "nntp+localhost"))
+ (nntp (and newsdir (string-match-p newsdir file)))
+ (g (directory-file-name (file-name-directory file)))
+ (g (replace-regexp-in-string (file-name-as-directory maildir) "" g))
+ (g (replace-regexp-in-string (file-name-as-directory newsdir) "" g))
+ (g (cond (nntp (concat n-server ":" g))
+ ((file-name-directory g)
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\([^/]+\\)/"
+ (concat m-server ":\\1/")
+ (file-name-directory g) t))
+ (t (concat m-server ":" g))))
+ (g (replace-regexp-in-string "/" "." g))
+ (g (replace-regexp-in-string "[/.]$" "" g)))
+ (cond ((string-match ":$" g) (concat g "inbox"))
+ (nntp g)
+ (t (replace-regexp-in-string ":\\." ":" g)))))
+(defun jao-gnus-goto-file (filename &optional _page)
+ (let ((group (jao-gnus-file-to-group filename))
+ (id (file-name-nondirectory filename)))
+ (if (and group id)
+ (org-gnus-follow-link group id)
+ (message "Couldn't get relevant info for switching to Gnus."))))
+;;;; afio
+(defun jao-gnus--on-afio-switch ()
+ (when (derived-mode-p 'gnus-group-mode)
+ (let ((no (or (gnus-group-unread (gnus-group-group-name)) 0)))
+ (unless (> no 0) (gnus-group-first-unread-group)))))
+(add-hook 'jao-afio-switch-hook #'jao-gnus--on-afio-switch)
+(defun jao-gnus-refresh-workspace ()
+ (interactive)
+ (save-window-excursion (calendar) (jao-org-agenda)))
+;;;; gnus-icalendar
+(require 'ol-gnus)
+(use-package gnus-icalendar
+ :demand t
+ :init (setq gnus-icalendar-org-capture-file
+ (expand-file-name "" org-directory)
+ gnus-icalendar-org-capture-headline '("Appointments"))
+ :config (gnus-icalendar-org-setup))
+;;;; bbdb
+(with-eval-after-load "bbdb"
+ ;; (bbdb-initialize 'gnus 'message 'pgp)
+ (bbdb-mua-auto-update-init 'gnus)
+ (with-eval-after-load "gnus-sum"
+ (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map ":" 'bbdb-mua-annotate-sender)
+ (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map ";" 'bbdb-mua-annotate-recipients)))
+;;;; randomsig
+(with-eval-after-load "randomsig"
+ (with-eval-after-load "gnus-sum"
+ (define-key gnus-summary-save-map "-" 'gnus/randomsig-summary-read-sig)))
+;;;; recoll
+(unless jao-notmuch-enabled
+ (with-eval-after-load "org"
+ (org-link-set-parameters "message" :follow #'jao-gnus-goto-file))
+ (with-eval-after-load "consult-recoll"
+ (add-to-list 'consult-recoll-open-fns
+ '("message/rfc822" . jao-gnus-goto-file))))
+;;; keyboard shortcuts
+(define-key gnus-article-mode-map "i" 'jao-gnus-show-images)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "i" 'jao-gnus-show-images)
+(define-key gnus-article-mode-map "\M-g" 'jao-gnus-follow-link)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "\M-g" 'jao-gnus-follow-link)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "v" 'scroll-other-window)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "V" 'scroll-other-window-down)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "X" 'jao-gnus-arXiv-capture)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "e" 'jao-gnus-open-enclosure)
+(define-key gnus-summary-mode-map "\C-l" nil)
+(define-key gnus-group-mode-map "a" 'jao-gnus-refresh-workspace)