path: root/media
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+#+title: consulting spotify
+#+date: <2021-01-08>
+#+filetags: emacs
+#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle yes :comments no :results silent
+We have two kinds of interaction with Spotify: via its HTTP API to
+perform operations such as search, and via our local DBUS to talk to
+client players running in our computer, such as the official client,
+[[][spotifyd]] or [[][mopidy-spotify]]. Our goal is to obtain via the former a
+track or album identifier that we can send then to the latter to play,
+with emacs completion mechanisms (consult and friends in this case)
+providing the glue between both worlds.
+Let's start with an umbrella customization group:
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ ;;; espotify.el - spotify search and play - -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+ (defgroup espotify nil
+ "Access to Spotify API and clients"
+ :group 'multimedia)
+* Access to Spotify's API: authentication
+ I am stealing most of the ideas on how to establish authenticated
+ connections to the Spotify API and performing queries from
+ [[][counsel-spotify]], with many simplifications.
+ We start defining a couple of end-points:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defvar espotify-spotify-api-url "")
+ (defvar espotify-spotify-api-authentication-url
+ "")
+ #+end_src
+ And we're going to need as well a client id and secret for our
+ application, which i am again defining as variables since i expect
+ them to be set in some secure manner instead of via customize:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defvar espotify-client-id nil "Spotify application client ID.")
+ (defvar espotify-client-secret nil "Spotify application client secret.")
+ #+end_src
+ To get valid values for them, one just needs to [[][register a Spotify
+ application]]. From them we can derive a base64-encoded credentials
+ value:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun espotify--basic-auth-credentials ()
+ (let ((credential (concat espotify-client-id ":" espotify-client-secret)))
+ (concat "Basic " (base64-encode-string credential t))))
+ #+end_src
+ The return value of the function above is to be used as the
+ "Authorization" header of our requests to the authorization
+ end-point, which is going to answer with an authorization token
+ that we can then use to further requests. Let's define a function to
+ wrap that operation:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun espotify--with-auth-token (callback)
+ (let ((url-request-method "POST")
+ (url-request-data "&grant_type=client_credentials")
+ (url-request-extra-headers
+ `(("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
+ ("Authorization" . ,(espotify--basic-auth-credentials)))))
+ (url-retrieve espotify-spotify-api-authentication-url
+ (lambda (_status)
+ (goto-char url-http-end-of-headers)
+ (funcall callback
+ (alist-get 'access_token (json-read)))))))
+ #+end_src
+ For instance:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp :load no :tangle no
+ (espotify--with-auth-token
+ (lambda (token) (message "Your token is: %s" token)))
+ #+end_src
+ obtains an auth token and prints it as a message. Note that ~body~
+ is evaluated asynchronously by ~url-retrieve~, so invocations to
+ ~espotify-with-auth-token~ evaluate to the request's buffer and are
+ usually discarded.
+* Search queries using the Spotify API
+ We are interested in performing a search for some ~term~, of items
+ of a given ~types~ (~:track~, ~:album~, ~:artist~, etc.), possibly with an
+ additional ~filter~. That's specified in a GET request's URL
+ as constructed by this function:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun espotify--make-search-url (term types &optional filter)
+ (when (null types)
+ (error "Must supply a non-empty list of types to search for"))
+ (let ((term (url-encode-url term)))
+ (format "%s/search?q=%s&type=%s"
+ espotify-spotify-api-url
+ (if filter (format "%s:%s" filter term) term)
+ (mapconcat #'symbol-name types ","))))
+ #+end_src
+ For instance:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp :load no :tangle no
+ (espotify--make-search-url "dream blue turtles" '(album))
+ #+end_src
+ :
+ If we have an [[*Access to Spotify's API: authentication][authorisation token]] and a search URL in our hands,
+ we can use them as in the following helper function, which will
+ calls the given callback with the results of the query:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun espotify--with-query-results (token url callback)
+ (let ((url-request-extra-headers
+ `(("Authorization" . ,(concat "Bearer " token)))))
+ (url-retrieve url
+ (lambda (_status)
+ (goto-char url-http-end-of-headers)
+ (funcall callback
+ (let ((json-array-type 'list))
+ (json-read)))))))
+ #+end_src
+ So we can combine this macro with ~espotify--with-auth-token~ in a
+ single search function that takes a callback that will be applied
+ to a given query, specified as a triple of term, types and filter:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun espotify-search (callback term types &optional filter)
+ (let ((query-url (espotify--make-search-url term types filter)))
+ (espotify--with-auth-token
+ (lambda (token)
+ (espotify--with-query-results token query-url callback)))))
+ #+end_src
+ For instance:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp :load no :tangle no
+ (defvar espotify-query-result nil)
+ (espotify-search (lambda (res) (setq espotify-query-result res))
+ "dream blue turtles"
+ '(album artist))
+ (sit-for 0)
+ #+end_src
+ : t
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp :load no :tangle no
+ (mapcar 'car espotify-query-result)
+ #+end_src
+ | albums | artists |
+ So Spotify is returning a results entry per type, which in turn,
+ contains an ~items~ with the list of actual results. So let's
+ provide an interface for a callback that takes as many lists of
+ items as types it asks for:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun espotify--type-items (res type)
+ (alist-get 'items (alist-get (intern (format "%ss" type)) res)))
+ (defun espotify-search* (callback term types &optional filter)
+ (let* ((types (if (listp types) types (list types)))
+ (cb (lambda (res)
+ (let ((its (mapcar (lambda (tp)
+ (espotify--type-items res tp))
+ types)))
+ (apply callback its)))))
+ (espotify-search cb term types filter)))
+ #+end_src
+ For example:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp :load no :tangle no
+ (defvar espotify-query-result nil)
+ (espotify-search* (lambda (al ar)
+ (message "Found %s albums, %s artists"
+ (length al) (length ar))
+ (setq espotify-query-result (cons al ar)))
+ "blue turtles"
+ '(album artist))
+ (sit-for 0)
+ (list (mapcar 'car (car (car espotify-query-result)))
+ (mapcar 'car (car (cdr espotify-query-result))))
+ #+end_src
+ | album_type | artists | available_markets | external_urls | href | id | images | name | release_date | release_date_precision | total_tracks | type | uri |
+ | external_urls | followers | genres | href | id | images | name | popularity | type | uri | | | |
+* Sending commands to local players
+ Once we now the URI we want to play (that ~uri~ entry in our items),
+ sending it to a local player via DBUS is fairly easy. Let's
+ define a couple of customizable variables pointing to the service
+ name and bus:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defcustom espotify-service-name "mopidy"
+ "Name of the DBUS service used by the client we talk to.
+ The official Spotify client uses `spotify', but one can also use
+ alternative clients such as mopidy or spotifyd."
+ :type 'string)
+ (defcustom espotify-use-system-bus-p t
+ "Whether to access the spotify client using the system DBUS.")
+ #+end_src
+ and then using the Emacs DBUS API to send methods to it is a
+ breeze:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun espotify-call-spotify-via-dbus (method &rest args)
+ "Tell Spotify to execute METHOD with ARGS through DBUS."
+ (apply #'dbus-call-method `(,(if espotify-use-system-bus-p :system :session)
+ ,(format "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.%s"
+ espotify-service-name)
+ "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2"
+ "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player"
+ ,method
+ ,@args)))
+ (defun espotify-play-uri (uri)
+ (espotify-call-spotify-via-dbus "OpenUri" uri))
+ #+end_src
+* Search front-end using consult
+ I am exploring [[][consult.el]] (and friends) to replace ivy/counsel,
+ inspired in part by [[][Protesilaos Stavrou's musings]], and liking a
+ lot what i see. Up till now, everything i had with counsel is
+ supported, often in better ways, with one exception: completing
+ search of spotify albums using [[][counsel-spotify]]. So let's fix that
+ by defining an asynchronous consult function that does precisely
+ that!
+ The top-level command will have this form:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun consult-spotify-by (type &optional filter)
+ (consult--read (format "Search %ss: " type)
+ (espotify--search-generator type filter)
+ :lookup 'espotify--consult-lookup
+ :category 'spotify-query-result
+ :require-match t))
+ #+end_src
+ where we can write an asynchronous generator of search results
+ with the helper function:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun espotify--search-generator (type filter)
+ (thread-first (consult--async-sink)
+ (consult--async-refresh-timer)
+ (espotify--async-search type filter)
+ (consult--async-throttle)
+ (consult--async-split)))
+ #+end_src
+ The above follows a generic consult pattern, where all functions
+ are pre-defined for us except ~espotify--async-search~, an
+ asynchronous dispatcher closure that must generate and handle a
+ list of candidates, responding to a set of action messages (init,
+ reset, get, flush, etc.) [fn:1] Here's its definition in our
+ case:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun espotify--async-search (next type filter)
+ (let (candidates)
+ (lambda (action)
+ (pcase action
+ ((or 'setup 'refresh) (funcall next action))
+ ('destroy (setq candidates nil) (funcall next 'destroy))
+ ((pred stringp)
+ (espotify-search*
+ (lambda (x)
+ (setq candidates (mapcar 'espotify--format-item x))
+ (funcall next candidates))
+ action ;; when we receive a string as the action,
+ ;; it's the user input
+ type
+ filter))
+ ('get candidates)
+ (_ (funcall next action))))))
+ #+end_src
+ When processing the results, we format them as a displayable
+ string, while hiding in a property the URI that will allow us to
+ play the item:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun espotify--format-item (x)
+ (propertize (format "%s (%s%s%s)"
+ (alist-get 'name x)
+ (or (alist-get 'name (car (alist-get 'artists x))) "")
+ (if-let (d (alist-get 'total_tracks x))
+ (format ", %s tracks" d) "")
+ (if-let (d (alist-get 'release_date x))
+ (format ", %s" d)
+ ""))
+ 'espotify-uri (alist-get 'uri x)))
+ #+end_src
+ and then we make sure that we access that original string when
+ consult looks up for it using the ~:lookup~ function, which we can
+ simply define as:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (require 'seq)
+ (defun espotify--consult-lookup (_input cands cand)
+ (seq-find (lambda (x) (string= cand x)) cands))
+ #+end_src
+ With that, when we receive the final result from ~consult--read~,
+ we can play the selected URI right away:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun espotify--maybe-play (x)
+ (when-let (uri (get-text-property 0 'espotify-uri x))
+ (espotify-play-uri uri)))
+ #+end_src
+ And here, finally, are our interactive command to search and play
+ albums using consult:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defun consult-spotify-album (&optional filter)
+ (interactive)
+ (espotify--maybe-play (consult-spotify-by 'album filter)))
+ #+end_src
+* Exercises for the reader
+ - Defining new interactive commands for other types and queries,
+ as well as standard filters.
+ - Pagination when we receive more than the standard 20 results.
+ - Metadata set for Marginalia.
+* Footnotes
+[fn:1] This is an elegant strategy i first learnt about in SICP, many,
+many years ago, and i must say that it is very charming to find it
+around in the wild!