;;; jao-wayland.el --- interacting with wayland compositors  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2022  jao

;; Author: jao <mail@jao.io>
;; Keywords: convenience

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

(require 'jao-shell)
(require 'jao-pdf)
(require 'jao-tracking)

;;; wayland
(defvar jao-wayland-enabled
  (string= "wayland" (or (getenv "XDG_SESSION_TYPE") "")))

(defsubst jao-wayland-type (&rest args)
  (apply #'jao-shell-exec* t "wtype" args))

;;; river
(defvar jao-river-enabled (jao-shell-running-p "river"))
(defun jao-river-enabled-p () jao-river-enabled)

(defsubst jao-river-to-ws (n)
  (jao-wayland-type "-M" "win" (format "%s" n)))

(defsubst jao-river-window-list ()
  (jao-shell-output "lswt -j" (lambda () (let ((json-false nil)) (json-read)))))

(defun jao-river-focused ()
  (seq-some (lambda (w) (and (alist-get 'activated w) w))

(defsubst jao-river-get-focused-title ()
  (alist-get 'title (jao-river-focused)))

(defsubst jao-river-get-focused-app-id ()
  (alist-get 'app_id (jao-river-focused)))

(defun jao-river-focus-window (title &optional rx)
  (let* ((ws (jao-river-window-list))
         (fltr (if rx #'string-match-p #'string=) )
         (w (seq-find (lambda (w)
                        (or (funcall fltr title (alist-get 'title w ""))
                            (funcall fltr title (alist-get 'app_id w ""))))
    (or (alist-get 'activated w)
        (seq-some (lambda (_ignored)
                    (jao-shell-exec "riverctl focus-view next" t)
                    (or (funcall fltr title (jao-river-get-focused-app-id))
                        (funcall fltr title (jao-river-get-focused-title))))
                  (and w ws)))))

(defun jao-river-zathura-to-org ()
  (let ((title (jao-river-get-focused-title)))
    (jao-river-to-ws 1)
    (jao-org-open-from-zathura title t)))

(defun jao-river-zathura-kill-link ()
  (when-let* ((title (jao-river-get-focused-title))
              (lnk (jao-pdf-zathura-org-link title)))
    (jao-river-to-ws 1)
    (kill-new lnk)
    (message "Link to %s killed" title)))

(defun jao-river-find-zathura-window (file)
  (let ((frx (regexp-quote (file-name-nondirectory file))))
    (seq-some (lambda (w)
                (and (string-suffix-p ".zathura" (alist-get 'app_id w ""))
                     (string-match-p frx (alist-get 'title w ""))

(defun jao-river-open-with-zathura (file page)
  (let ((wd (jao-river-find-zathura-window file)))
    (jao-river-to-ws 3)
    (or (and wd (jao-river-focus-window (alist-get 'title wd)))
        (jao-shell-exec* "riverctl" "spawn" (jao-pdf-zathura-open-cmd file page)))
    (when page (sit-for 0.2) (jao-wayland-type (format "%dg" page)))))

(defun jao-river-set-wallpaper (f)
  (jao-shell-exec (concat "swaybg -m fill -i " f " &")))

(defun jao-river-restart-i3bar ()
  (jao-shell-kill-p "i3bar-river")
  (jao-shell-exec "riverctl spawn i3bar-river")
  (sit-for 0.2)
  (jao-tracking-set-log ""))

(defun jao-river-toggle-emacs ()
  (if (or (member (jao-river-get-focused-app-id) '("emacs" "pemacs"))
          (member (jao-river-get-focused-title) '("emacsclient" "emacs")))
      (jao-shell-exec "riverctl focus-previous-tags")
    (jao-river-to-ws 1)
    (unless (jao-river-focus-window "^p?emacs\\(client\\)?" t)
      (jao-shell-exec* "riverctl" "spawn" "efoot"))))

;;; sway
(defun jao-sway-msg (msg)
  (shell-command (format "swaymsg '%s' >/dev/null" msg)))

(defmacro jao-def-swaymsg (name msg)
  `(defun ,(intern (format "jao-sway-%s" name)) ()
     (jao-sway-msg ,msg)))

(jao-def-swaymsg firefox "[app_id=Firefox] focus")

(defvar jao-sway-enabled (jao-shell-running-p "sway"))

(defconst jao-sway-get-active-title
  "swaymsg -t get_tree | jq '.. | select(.type?) | select(.focused==true).name'")

(defun jao-sway-get-active-title ()
  (let ((tl (jao-shell-string jao-sway-get-active-title)))
    (and (string-match "\"\\(.+\\)\"" tl) (match-string 1 tl))))

(defun jao-sway-zathura-org ()
  (jao-org-open-from-zathura (jao-sway-get-active-title) t))

(defun jao-sway-open-with-zathura (file page)
  (let* ((n (file-name-nondirectory file))
         (m (format "[title=\"%s\" app_id=\".*zathura\"] focus" n)))
    (jao-sway-msg "workspace number 3")
    (unless (= 0 (jao-sway-msg m))
      (jao-shell-exec (jao-pdf-zathura-open-cmd file page)))
    (when page (sit-for 0.2) (jao-wayland-type (format "%dg" page)))))

(defun jao-sway-set-wallpaper (f)
  (jao-sway-msg (format "output * bg %s fill" f)))

(defun jao-sway-run-or-focus (cmd &optional ws)
  (if (jao-shell-running-p "firefox")
      (jao-sway-msg (format "[app_id=%s] focus" cmd))
    (jao-sway-msg (format "workspace %s" (or ws 2)))
    (start-process-shell-command cmd nil cmd)))

(defun jao-sway-run-or-focus-firefox ()
  (jao-sway-run-or-focus "firefox"))

(provide 'jao-wayland)
;;; jao-wayland.el ends here