;;; jao-mpris.el --- mpris players control           -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024  jao

;; Author: jao <mail@jao.io>
;; Keywords: multimedia

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:

;; controlling and showing info on mpris players

;;; Code:

(require 'dbus)
(require 'jao-themes)
(require 'jao-minibuffer)

(defvar jao-mpris-player "playerctld")

(defun jao-mpris--playerctl (&rest args)
  (shell-command-to-string (format "playerctl -p %s %s"
                                   (mapconcat #'shell-quote-argument args " "))))

(defmacro jao-playerctl--def (name &rest args)
  `(defun ,name () (interactive) (jao-mpris--playerctl ,@args)))

(jao-playerctl--def jao-mpris-play-pause "play-pause")
(jao-playerctl--def jao-mpris-next "next")
(jao-playerctl--def jao-mpris-previous "previous")

(defun jao-mpris-seek (secs)
  (interactive "p")
  (let ((secs (if (zerop secs) 10 secs)))
    (jao-mpris--playerctl "position" (format "%d" secs))))

(defun jao-mpris-seek-back (secs)
  (interactive "p")
  (jao-mpris-seek (- secs)))

(defun jao-mpris-vol (n)
  (interactive "p")
  (let ((secs (if (zerop n) 10 n)))
    (jao-mpris--playerctl "volume" (format "%d" n))))

(defun jao-mpris-vol-down (n)
  (interactive "p")
  (jao-mpris-vol (- n)))

(defun jao-playerctl--status (&optional sep)
  (let* ((sep (or sep " ||| "))
         (fmt (mapconcat 'identity
         (m (jao-mpris--playerctl "metadata" "--format" fmt))
         (e (split-string (car (split-string m "\n")) sep)))
    `((status . ,(car e))
      (track . ,(cadr e))
      (title . ,(caddr e))
      (artist . ,(cadddr e))
      (album . ,(elt e 4))
      (duration . ,(last e)))))

(defun jao-mpris-status-times ()
  (let ((m (jao-mpris--playerctl "metadata" "--format"
                                 (concat "{{duration(position)}}/"
    (jao-notify (string-trim m) "Playing")))

(defvar jao-mpris--current nil)
(defvar jao-mpris-track-string "")

(defun jao-mpris-reset ()
  (setq jao-mpris-track-string ""
        jao-mpris--current nil))

(defun jao-mpris--get (k &optional l)
  (when-let (v (alist-get k (or l jao-mpris--current)))
    (if (consp v) (car v) v)))

(defun jao-mpris--set-current (k v)
  (when v (setf (alist-get k jao-mpris--current "" t) v)))

(defun jao-mpris--del-current (k)
  (setf (alist-get k jao-mpris--current "" t) ""))

(defun jao-mpris--fmt-time (x suffix)
  (if x (format "%02d:%02d%s" (/ x 60) (mod x 60) (or suffix "")) ""))

(defun jao-mpris--format (&optional info)
  (let* ((artist (jao-mpris--get 'artist info))
         (title (jao-mpris--get 'title info))
         (track (jao-mpris--get 'track info))
         (album (jao-mpris--get 'album info))
         (len (jao-mpris--get 'length info))
         (duration (jao-mpris--get 'duration info))
         (duration (cond (duration duration)
                         ((stringp len) len)
                         ((numberp len) (jao-mpris--fmt-time (/ len 1e6) "")))))
    (format "%s %s %s%s%s"
            (jao--put-face (format "%s" (or track "")) 'jao-themes-f00)
            (jao--put-face (or title "") 'jao-themes-f01)
            (jao--put-face (or artist "") 'jao-themes-f11)
            (jao--put-face (if (and album (not (string-blank-p album)))
                               (format " (%s)" album) "")
            (if duration (format " - %s" duration) ""))))

(defun jao-mpris--track (&optional info)
  (let ((info (or info (jao-playerctl--status))))
    (setq jao-mpris--current info)
    (if (string= "Playing" (jao-mpris--get 'status info))
        (setq jao-mpris-track-string (jao-mpris--format info))
      (setq jao-mpris-track-string "")))

(defun jao-mpris-artist-title ()
  (when jao-mpris--current
    (cons (jao-mpris--get 'artist) (jao-mpris--get 'title))))

(defun jao-mpris-show-osd (&optional refresh)
  (interactive "P")
  (when refresh (jao-mpris--track))
  (when jao-mpris--current
    (jao-notify (format "%s%s" (if-let (s (jao-mpris--get 'status))
                                   (format "%s: " s)

(defun jao-mpris-minibuffer-order (order)
  (if (< order 0)
      (jao-minibuffer-add-msg-variable 'jao-mpris-track-string (- order))
    (jao-minibuffer-add-variable 'jao-mpris-track-string order)))

(defun jao-mpris--handler (iname properties &rest _args)
  (let ((inhibit-message t))
    (message "Received properties: %S from %s" properties iname))
  (when-let (md (caadr (assoc "Metadata" properties)))
    (let ((tno (caadr (assoc "xesam:trackNumber" md)))
          (tlt (caadr (assoc "xesam:title" md)))
          (art (caadr (assoc "xesam:artist" md)))
          (alb (caadr (assoc "xesam:album" md)))
          (len (caadr (assoc "mpris:length" md))))
      (if (string= (or tlt "") "TIDAL")
        (jao-mpris--set-current 'track tno)
        (jao-mpris--set-current 'title tlt)
        (jao-mpris--set-current 'artist art)
        (jao-mpris--set-current 'album alb)
        (jao-mpris--set-current 'length len))))
  (when-let (st (caadr (assoc "PlaybackStatus" properties)))
    (jao-mpris--set-current 'status st)
    (when (string= st "Stopped")
      (dolist (k '(track title artist album length))
        (jao-mpris--del-current k))))
  (jao-mpris--track jao-mpris--current))

(defun jao-mpris-register (name &optional bus order)
  (setq jao-mpris-player name)
  (dbus-register-signal (or bus :session)
  (when order (jao-mpris-minibuffer-order order)))

(provide 'jao-mpris)
;;; jao-mpris.el ends here