#+title: Elisp libraries * Literate Libraries - [[file:net/signel.org][signel]] a simplistic Signal client, using the signal-cli java lib. - [[file:media/espotify.org][espotify]] searching and playing Spotify using consult. * Sections - [[./eos][eos]] generic utilities for the emacs operating system - [[./themes][themes]] color themes based on Emacs builtin custom themes - [[org][org]] utilities for org-mode - [[./doc][doc]] opening documents (pdfs, mostly) - [[./media][media]] utilities for music players and the like - [[./prog][prog]] utilities for compilation and programming modes - [[./net][net]] utilities for networking (w3m, weather &c.) - [[./bmk][bmk]] a web bookmark manager See also my [[../][emacs custom files]].