;;; jao-themes.el --- a DSL for color themes  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Author: jao <mail@jao.io>
;; Keywords: themes

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Code:

(require 'ansi-color)

;;; palette
(defvar jao-themes--face-family "Inconsolata")
(defvar jao-themes--fg "black")
(defvar jao-themes--bg "white")
(defvar jao-themes--box "grey75")
(defvar jao-themes--hilite nil)
(defvar jao-themes--italic '(it))
(defvar jao-themes--button '(ul))
(defvar jao-themes--strike-through '(:strike-through t))
(defvar jao-themes--outline '((c "darkslategrey")))
(defvar jao-themes--outline-1 '((p outline)))
(defvar jao-themes--outline-2 '((p outline-1)))
(defvar jao-themes--outline-3 '((p outline-2)))
(defvar jao-themes--outline-4 '((p outline-3)))
(defvar jao-themes--outline-5 '((p outline-4)))
(defvar jao-themes--outline-6 '((p outline-5)))
(defvar jao-themes--outline-7 '((p outline-6)))
(defvar jao-themes--outline-8 '((p outline-7)))
(defvar jao-themes--link '((c "darkgoldenrod4")))
(defvar jao-themes--visited-link '((c "darkolivegreen4") nul))
(defvar jao-themes--gnus-mail '(dfg))
(defvar jao-themes--gnus-news '(dfg))
(defvar jao-themes--tab-sel '((c nil "grey90") bx))
(defvar jao-themes--tab-unsel '((c "grey30" "grey85") nbf bx))
(defvar jao-themes--comment '((c "grey30")))
(defvar jao-themes--warning '((c "indianred3") nbf))
(defvar jao-themes--error '((c "indianred3") bf))
(defvar jao-themes--constant '((c "darkolivegreen") nbf))
(defvar jao-themes--function '((c "darkolivegreen") nbf))
(defvar jao-themes--keyword '((c "darkslategrey") nbf))
(defvar jao-themes--string '((c "skyblue4")))
(defvar jao-themes--type '((c "darkslategrey")))
(defvar jao-themes--variable-name '((c "DodgerBlue4")))
(defvar jao-themes--dimm '((c "grey30") nbf))
(defvar jao-themes--f00 '((c "dodgerblue4")))
(defvar jao-themes--f01 '((c "cadetblue4")))
(defvar jao-themes--f02 '((c "darkslategrey")))
(defvar jao-themes--f10 '((c "dodgerblue4")))
(defvar jao-themes--f11 '((c "cadetblue4")))
(defvar jao-themes--f12 '((c "darkslategrey")))

(defface jao-themes-hilite '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-italic '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-button '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-strike-through '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-outline '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-outline-1 '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-outline-2 '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-outline-3 '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-outline-4 '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-outline-5 '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-outline-6 '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-outline-7 '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-outline-8 '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-link '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-visited-link '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-gnus-mail '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-gnus-news '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-tab-sel '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-tab-unsel '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-comment '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-warning '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-error '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-constant '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-function '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-keyword '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-string '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-type '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-variable-name '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-dimm '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-f00 '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-f01 '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-f02 '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-f10 '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-f11 '((t :inherit default)) "")
(defface jao-themes-f12 '((t :inherit default)) "")

(defsubst jao-themes--palette-face (face)
  (intern (format "jao-themes--%s" face)))

(defun jao-themes--normalize-body (body)
  (dolist (p '(:inverse-video :underline :inherit) body)
    (unless (member p body)
      (setq body (append body (list p nil))))))

(defun jao-themes--parse-face-body (f)
  (cond ((null f) nil)
        ((listp f)
          (apply 'append (mapcar 'jao-themes--parse-face-sym f))))))

(defvar jao-themes--default-cidxs
  '("#000000" "#cd0000" "#00cd00" "#cdcd00"
    "#0000cd" "#cd00cd" "#00cdcd" "#e5e5e5"
    "#4d4d4d" "#ff0000" "#00ff00" "#ffff00"
    "#0000ff" "#ff00ff" "#00ffff" "#ffffff"
    "#000000" "#00002a" "#000055" "#000080"
    "#0000aa" "#0000d4" "#002a00" "#002a2a"
    "#002a55" "#002a80" "#002aaa" "#002ad4"
    "#005500" "#00552a" "#005555" "#005580"
    "#0055aa" "#0055d4" "#008000" "#00802a"
    "#008055" "#008080" "#0080aa" "#0080d4"
    "#00aa00" "#00aa2a" "#00aa55" "#00aa80"
    "#00aaaa" "#00aad4" "#00d400" "#00d42a"
    "#00d455" "#00d480" "#00d4aa" "#00d4d4"
    "#2a0000" "#2a002a" "#2a0055" "#2a0080"
    "#2a00aa" "#2a00d4" "#2a2a00" "#2a2a2a"
    "#2a2a55" "#2a2a80" "#2a2aaa" "#2a2ad4"
    "#2a5500" "#2a552a" "#2a5555" "#2a5580"
    "#2a55aa" "#2a55d4" "#2a8000" "#2a802a"
    "#2a8055" "#2a8080" "#2a80aa" "#2a80d4"
    "#2aaa00" "#2aaa2a" "#2aaa55" "#2aaa80"
    "#2aaaaa" "#2aaad4" "#2ad400" "#2ad42a"
    "#2ad455" "#2ad480" "#2ad4aa" "#2ad4d4"
    "#550000" "#55002a" "#550055" "#550080"
    "#5500aa" "#5500d4" "#552a00" "#552a2a"
    "#552a55" "#552a80" "#552aaa" "#552ad4"
    "#555500" "#55552a" "#555555" "#555580"
    "#5555aa" "#5555d4" "#558000" "#55802a"
    "#558055" "#558080" "#5580aa" "#5580d4"
    "#55aa00" "#55aa2a" "#55aa55" "#55aa80"
    "#55aaaa" "#55aad4" "#55d400" "#55d42a"
    "#55d455" "#55d480" "#55d4aa" "#55d4d4"
    "#800000" "#80002a" "#800055" "#800080"
    "#8000aa" "#8000d4" "#802a00" "#802a2a"
    "#802a55" "#802a80" "#802aaa" "#802ad4"
    "#805500" "#80552a" "#805555" "#805580"
    "#8055aa" "#8055d4" "#808000" "#80802a"
    "#808055" "#808080" "#8080aa" "#8080d4"
    "#80aa00" "#80aa2a" "#80aa55" "#80aa80"
    "#80aaaa" "#80aad4" "#80d400" "#80d42a"
    "#80d455" "#80d480" "#80d4aa" "#80d4d4"
    "#aa0000" "#aa002a" "#aa0055" "#aa0080"
    "#aa00aa" "#aa00d4" "#aa2a00" "#aa2a2a"
    "#aa2a55" "#aa2a80" "#aa2aaa" "#aa2ad4"
    "#aa5500" "#aa552a" "#aa5555" "#aa5580"
    "#aa55aa" "#aa55d4" "#aa8000" "#aa802a"
    "#aa8055" "#aa8080" "#aa80aa" "#aa80d4"
    "#aaaa00" "#aaaa2a" "#aaaa55" "#aaaa80"
    "#aaaaaa" "#aaaad4" "#aad400" "#aad42a"
    "#aad455" "#aad480" "#aad4aa" "#aad4d4"
    "#d40000" "#d4002a" "#d40055" "#d40080"
    "#d400aa" "#d400d4" "#d42a00" "#d42a2a"
    "#d42a55" "#d42a80" "#d42aaa" "#d42ad4"
    "#d45500" "#d4552a" "#d45555" "#d45580"
    "#d455aa" "#d455d4" "#d48000" "#d4802a"
    "#d48055" "#d48080" "#d480aa" "#d480d4"
    "#d4aa00" "#d4aa2a" "#d4aa55" "#d4aa80"
    "#d4aaaa" "#d4aad4" "#d4d400" "#d4d42a"
    "#d4d455" "#d4d480" "#d4d4aa" "#d4d4d4"
    "#080808" "#121212" "#1c1c1c" "#262626"
    "#303030" "#3a3a3a" "#444444" "#4e4e4e"
    "#585858" "#626262" "#6c6c6c" "#767676"
    "#808080" "#8a8a8a" "#949494" "#9e9e9e"
    "#a8a8a8" "#b2b2b2" "#bcbcbc" "#c6c6c6"
    "#d0d0d0" "#dadada" "#e4e4e4" "#eeeeee"))

(defvar jao-themes--cidxs nil)
(defvar jao-themes--x-colors nil)

(defvar *jao-themes--color-names* nil)
(defvar *jao--parsed-faces* nil)

(defun jao-themes--color (clr)
  (cond ((stringp clr) clr)
        ((numberp clr) (or (nth clr jao-themes--cidxs)
                           (nth clr jao-themes--default-cidxs)
                           (format "color-%s" clr)))
        ((and (symbolp clr) (cadr (assoc clr *jao-themes--color-names*))))
        (t 'unspecified)))

(defun jao-themes--parse-face-sym (s)
  (cond ((listp s)
         (cl-case (car s)
           (c `(:foreground ,(jao-themes--color (cadr s))
                :background ,(jao-themes--color (caddr s))))
           (p (let ((var (jao-themes--palette-face (cadr s))))
                (when (boundp var)
                  (let ((val (symbol-value var)))
                    (if (listp val)
                        (jao-themes--parse-face-body val)
           (ul `(:underline ,(jao-themes--color (cadr s))))
           (st `(:strike-through ,(jao-themes--color (cadr s))))
           (~ (cdr (assq (cadr s) *jao--parsed-faces*)))
           (t (list s))))
        ((atom s)
         (cl-case s
           (~ '(:inherit))
           (dbg `(:background ,jao-themes--bg))
           (dfg `(:foreground ,jao-themes--fg))
           (link (jao-themes--parse-face-body jao-themes--link))
           (vlink (jao-themes--parse-face-body jao-themes--visited-link))
           (bf '(:bold t :weight bold))
           (nbf '(:bold t :weight normal))
           (it '(:italic t :slant italic))
           (nit '(:italic nil :slant normal))
           (iv '(:inverse-video t))
           (niv '(:inverse-video nil))
           (ul '(:underline t))
           (nul '(:underline nil))
           (st '(:strike-through t))
           (ex '(:extend t))
           (nex '(:extend nil))
           (bx `(:box (:line-width -1 :color ,jao-themes--box)))
           (t (list s))))))

(defun jao-themes--make-faces (fs &optional cidxs)
  (let ((*jao--parsed-faces* nil)
        (jao-themes--cidxs (or cidxs jao-themes--default-cidxs))
        (result nil))
    (dolist (f (sort (jao-themes--dfs fs) 'jao--cmp-faces) (reverse result))
      (let ((body (jao-themes--parse-face-body (cdr f))))
        (push (cons (car f) body) *jao--parsed-faces*)
        (push (list (car f) body) result)))))

(defun jao-themes-parse-face (f)
  `(,(car f) ((t ,(jao-themes--parse-face-body (cdr f))))))

(defun jao-themes-parse-faces (fs)
  (let ((*jao--parsed-faces* nil))
    (mapcar (lambda (f)
              (let ((fp (jao-themes--parse-face-body (cdr f))))
                (push (cons (car f) fp) *jao--parsed-faces*)
                `(,(car f) ((t ,fp)))))

(defun jao--cmp-faces (a b)
  (let ((ai (cadr (assq '~ a)))
        (bi (cadr (assq '~ b))))
    (cond ((and ai (not bi)) nil)
          ((and bi (not ai)) t)
          ((eq (car a) bi) t)
          ((eq (car b) ai) nil)
          (t (string< (symbol-name (car a))
                      (symbol-name (car b)))))))

(defun jao-themes--dfs (fs)
  (let ((dfs
          `((default (c nil nil))
            (jao-themes-hilite (p hilite))
            (jao-themes-italic (p italic))
            (jao-themes-button (p button))
            (jao-themes-strike-through (p strike-through))
            (jao-themes-outline (p outline))
            (jao-themes-outline-1 (p outline-1))
            (jao-themes-outline-2 (p outline-2))
            (jao-themes-outline-3 (p outline-3))
            (jao-themes-outline-4 (p outline-4))
            (jao-themes-outline-5 (p outline-5))
            (jao-themes-outline-6 (p outline-6))
            (jao-themes-outline-7 (p outline-7))
            (jao-themes-outline-8 (p outline-8))
            (jao-themes-link (p link))
            (jao-themes-visited-link (p visited-link))
            (jao-themes-gnus-mail (p gnus-mail))
            (jao-themes-gnus-news (p gnus-news))
            (jao-themes-tab-sel (p tab-sel))
            (jao-themes-tab-unsel (p tab-unsel))
            (jao-themes-comment (p comment))
            (jao-themes-warning (p warning))
            (jao-themes-error (p error))
            (jao-themes-constant (p constant))
            (jao-themes-function (p function))
            (jao-themes-keyword (p keyword))
            (jao-themes-string (p string))
            (jao-themes-type (p type))
            (jao-themes-variable-name (p variable-name))
            (jao-themes-dimm (p dimm))
            (jao-themes-f00 (p f00))
            (jao-themes-f01 (p f01))
            (jao-themes-f02 (p f02))
            (jao-themes-f10 (p f10))
            (jao-themes-f11 (p f11))
            (jao-themes-f12 (p f12)))
          `((aw-background-face (p dimm))
            (aw-leading-char-face (~ error) bf :height 3.0)
            (awesome-tray-module-awesome-tab-face (p f00))
            (awesome-tray-module-battery-face (p f00))
            (awesome-tray-module-battery-face (p f00))
            (awesome-tray-module-buffer-name-face (p f11))
            (awesome-tray-module-circe-face (p f00))
            (awesome-tray-module-date-face (p f00))
            (awesome-tray-module-date-face (p f01))
            (awesome-tray-module-evil-face (p f00))
            (awesome-tray-module-file-path-face (p f00))
            (awesome-tray-module-git-face (p f10))
            (awesome-tray-module-last-command-face (p f00))
            (awesome-tray-module-location-face (p f00))
            (awesome-tray-module-mode-name-face (p f00))
            (awesome-tray-module-parent-dir-face (p f00))
            (awesome-tray-module-rvm-face (p f00)))
            (bbdb-field-name bf)
            (bbdb-field-value (~ default))
            (bbdb-name ul)
            (bmk-mgr-bookmark-face (~ default))
            (bmk-mgr-folder-face bf)
            (bmk-mgr-sel-bookmark-face link)
            (bmk-mgr-sel-folder-face bf)
            (bold bf)
            (bold-italic bf)
            (border (c nil nil))
            (buffer-menu-buffer bf)
            (button (p button)))
          `((calendar-holiday-marker (p f00))
            (circe-highlight-nick-face (p warning))
            (circe-originator-face (p f00))
            (circe-my-message-face (p f10))
            (circe-server-face (p dimm))
            (clojure-test-failure-face (p warning) ul)
            (clojure-test-error-face (p error) ul)
            (cursor (p error)))
          `((change-log-acknowledgement (p f02))
            (change-log-conditionals (p f02))
            (change-log-date (p f01))
            (change-log-email (p f00))
            (change-log-file (p f10))
            (change-log-function (p function))
            (change-log-list (p f11))
            (change-log-name (p keyword))
            (cider-stacktrace-face (~ highlight) ex)
            (cider-test-error-face (p warning) ex)
            (cider-test-failure-face  (p error))
            (cider-test-success-face (p f01))
            (comint-highlight-input (p f01) nbf)
            (comint-highlight-prompt (p f00))
            (clojure-keyword-face (p keyword))
            (company-echo-common (p warning))
            (company-scrollbar-bg (p hilite))
            (company-scrollbar-fg (p warning))
            (company-tooltip (~ highlight))
            (company-tooltip-annotation (~ company-tooltip) it)
            (company-tooltip-annotation-selection (~ company-tooltip) it ul)
            (company-tooltip-selection (~ company-tooltip) ul)
            (company-tooltip-common (~ company-tooltip) bf)
             (~ company-tooltip-selection) bf)
            (company-preview (~ highlight))
            (company-preview-common (~ company-preview) bf)
            (compilation-column-number (p f00) nul)
            (compilation-error nbf (p error) nul)
            (compilation-info nbf (p f02) nul)
            (compilation-line-number (p f01) nul)
            (compilation-mode-line-fail (p error))
            (compilation-mode-line-exit (p f01) nbf)
            (compilation-mode-line-run (p warning))
            (compilation-warning nbf (p warning) nul)
            (completions-annotations (p f10) nit)
            (completions-common-part nbf :width normal)
            (completions-first-difference bf dfg dbg)
            (completions-group-separator (p dimm) st)
            (corfu-background (p hilite))
            (corfu-bar (p hilite))
            (corfu-border (~ corfu-bar))
            (corfu-current (~ corfu-bar) ul)
            (corfu-echo (~ default))
            (cursor dfg dbg)
            (custom-button (~ button))
            (custom-button-mouse (~ button))
            (custom-button-pressed (~ button))
            (custom-button-pressed-unraised (~ button))
            (custom-button-unraised (~ button))
            (custom-changed (p warning))
            (custom-comment (p string))
            (custom-comment-tag (p keyword))
            (custom-documentation (~ font-lock-doc-face))
            (custom-face-tag nbf)
            (custom-group-tag bf (p f00) :height 11)
            (custom-group-tag-1 bf :family ,jao-themes--face-family
                                (p f00) :height 11)
            (custom-invalid (p error))
            (custom-link link)
            (custom-modified (p f10))
            (custom-rogue (p error))
            (custom-saved ul)
            (custom-set (p f11))
            (custom-state (p f12))
            (custom-themed (p f00))
            (custom-variable-button (~ button))
            (custom-variable-tag (p variable-name) nbf)
            (custom-visibility (p dimm))
            (cvs-handled (p dimm)))
          `((darcsum-change-line-face (p warning))
            (darcsum-filename-face (p f00))
            (darcsum-header-face (p f01))
            (darcsum-marked-face (p f00) bf)
            (darcsum-need-action-face (p warning))
            (darcsum-need-action-marked-face bf (p warning))
            (diary (p error) nbf)
            (dictionary-button-face (p link))
            (dictionary-reference-face (p f11))
            (dictionary-word-definition-face (~ default))
            (dictionary-word-entry-face (p f10))
            (diff-added (p warning) ex)
            (diff-changed (p f02) nul)
            (diff-context (p dimm))
            (diff-file-header dfg dbg nbf)
            (diff-function (p function))
            (diff-header nbf dfg dbg)
            (diff-hl-change (p dimm))
            (diff-hl-insert (p dimm))
            (diff-hl-delete (p warn))
            (diff-hunk-header (~ diff-file-header))
            (diff-index bf dfg dbg)
            (diff-indicator-added (~ diff-added))
            (diff-indicator-changed (~ diff-changed))
            (diff-indicator-removed (~ diff-removed))
            (diff-nonexistent bf (p error))
            (diff-refine-added (~ diff-added))
            (diff-refine-change (~ diff-changed))
            (diff-refine-removed (~ diff-removed))
            (diff-removed (p error) ex)
            (dired-directory (p f02))
            (dired-flagged bf)
            (dired-header (p f01))
            (dired-ignored (p dimm))
            (dired-mark (p f00) bf)
            (dired-marked bf (p f00))
            (dired-symlink (p f11))
            (dired-warn-writable (p warning))
            (dired-warning (p warning))
            (diredp-number (p f11)))
          `((diredp-compressed-file-suffix (~ diredp-file-suffix))
            (diredp-date-time (p f01))
            (diredp-deletion (p error))
            (diredp-deletion-file-name (~ diredp-deletion))
            (diredp-dir-heading bf dfg dbg)
            (diredp-dir-name (p f10))
            (diredp-dir-priv dfg dbg bf)
            (diredp-display-msg (p f00))
            (diredp-exec-priv dfg dbg bf)
            (diredp-executable-tag (p error))
            (diredp-file-name dfg dbg)
            (diredp-file-suffix (~ diredp-file-name))
            (diredp-flag-mark (p f00) bf)
            (diredp-flag-mark-line (p hilite))
            (diredp-ignored-file-name (p dimm))
            (diredp-link-priv (~ diredp-symlink))
            (diredp-no-priv (~ diredp-read-priv))
            (diredp-other-priv dfg dbg)
            (diredp-rare-priv dfg dfg)
            (diredp-read-priv dfg dbg bf)
            (diredp-symlink (p warning))
            (diredp-write-priv dfg dbg bf))
          `((ediff-current-diff-A (~ diff-added) ex)
            (ediff-current-diff-Ancestor (c nil ,jao-themes--box))
            (ediff-current-diff-B (~ ediff-current-diff-A) ex)
            (ediff-current-diff-C (~ ediff-current-diff-A) ex)
            (ediff-even-diff-A (~ diff-added) bf ex)
            (ediff-even-diff-Ancestor (c nil ,jao-themes--box) ex)
            (ediff-even-diff-B (~ ediff-even-diff-A))
            (ediff-even-diff-C (~ ediff-even-diff-A))
            (ediff-fine-diff-A (~ ediff-current-diff-A) nbf ul)
            (ediff-fine-diff-Ancestor (c nil ,jao-themes--box) ex)
            (ediff-fine-diff-B (~ ediff-fine-diff-A))
            (ediff-fine-diff-C (~ ediff-fine-diff-A))
            (ediff-odd-diff-A (~ ediff-even-diff-A))
            (ediff-odd-diff-Ancestor (~ ediff-odd-diff-A) nbf)
            (ediff-odd-diff-B (~ ediff-odd-diff-A))
            (ediff-odd-diff-C (~ ediff-odd-diff-A))
            (elpher-gemini-heading1 (p outline-1))
            (elpher-gemini-heading2 (p outline-2))
            (elpher-gemini-heading3 (p outline-3))
            (elpher-gemini-preformatted (~ font-lock-doc-face))
            (elpher-other-url (p link) it)
            (embark-verbose-indicator-documentation it)
            (embark-verbose-indicator-title (p f00))
            (embark-verbose-indicator-shadowed (p dimm))
            (emms-browser-album-face (p f00) :height 1.0)
            (emms-browser-artist-face (p f01) :height 1.0)
            (emms-browser-composer-face (p f02) :height 1.0)
            (emms-browser-track-face (p f10) :height 1.0)
            (emms-browser-year/genre-face (p f11) :height 1.0)
            (emms-metaplaylist-mode-current-face (p f00) bf)
            (emms-metaplaylist-mode-face (p f00))
            (emms-playlist-selected-face (p f00) bf)
            (emms-playlist-track-face (p f00) nbf)
            (emms-stream-name-face (p f00))
            (emms-stream-url-face link)
            (enwc-connected (p warning))
            (epa-field-name bf)
            (epa-mark bf (p f00))
            (epa-string (p f01))
            (epa-validity-high bf)
            (erc-action-face (p f02))
            (erc-button (p link))
            (erc-current-nick-face (p error))
            (erc-direct-msg-face (p warning))
            (erc-error-face (p error))
            (erc-header-line (~ header))
            (erc-input-face (p f01))
            (erc-my-nick-face (p warning))
            (erc-nick-default-face (p f00))
            (erc-nick-msg-face (p warning))
            (erc-notice-face (p dimm))
            (erc-pal-face (p warning))
            (erc-prompt-face (f 01))
            (erc-timestamp-face (p dimm))
            (error (p error))
            (escape-glyph (p dimm))
            (eshell-ls-archive (p f12))
            (eshell-ls-backup (p dimm))
            (eshell-ls-clutter (p dimm))
            (eshell-ls-directory (p f02))
            (eshell-ls-executable (p warning))
            (eshell-ls-missing (p dimm))
            (eshell-ls-product (p f01))
            (eshell-ls-readonly (p f01) bf)
            (eshell-ls-special bf (p f10))
            (eshell-ls-symlink bf (p f11))
            (eshell-ls-unreadable (p dimm))
            (eshell-prompt (p f00))
            (eww-form-checkbox (p f01) bx)
            (eww-form-file (p f00) bx)
            (eww-invalid-certificate (p error))
            (eww-lnum-number (p error))
            (eww-valid-certificate (~ success))
            (eww-form-select bx)
            (eww-form-text bx (p f11))
            (eww-form-textarea bx)
            (eww-form-submit (~ button)))
          `((factor-font-lock-comment (~ font-lock-comment-face))
            (factor-font-lock-constructor (~ font-lock-function-name-face))
            (factor-font-lock-declaration (~ font-lock-type-face))
            (factor-font-lock-getter-word (~ font-lock-function-name-face))
            (factor-font-lock-parsing-word (~ font-lock-keyword-face))
            (factor-font-lock-setter-word (~ font-lock-function-name-face))
            (factor-font-lock-stack-effect (~ font-lock-comment-face))
            (factor-font-lock-string (~ font-lock-string-face))
            (factor-font-lock-symbol (~ font-lock-keyword-face))
            (factor-font-lock-symbol-definition (~ font-lock-builtin-face))
            (factor-font-lock-type-definition (~ font-lock-type-face))
            (factor-font-lock-type-name (~ font-lock-type-face))
            (factor-font-lock-vocabulary-name (~ font-lock-constant-face))
            (factor-font-lock-word (~ font-lock-function-name-face))
            (file-name-shadow (p dimm))
            (fill-column-indicator (p dimm))
            (fixed-pitch :family ,jao-themes--face-family)
            (flyspell-duplicate nbf (p warning))
            (flyspell-incorrect nbf (p error))
            (font-latex-sectioning-1-face (~ outline-1))
            (font-latex-sectioning-2-face (~ outline-2))
            (font-latex-sectioning-3-face (~ outline-3))
            (font-latex-sectioning-4-face (~ outline-4))
            (font-latex-sectioning-5-face (~ outline-5))
            (font-latex-slide-title-face (p f11))
            (font-latex-warning-face (p warning))
            (font-lock-builtin-face (p keyword))
            (font-lock-comment-delimiter-face (p comment))
            (font-lock-comment-face (p comment))
            (font-lock-constant-face (p constant))
            (font-lock-doc-face (p comment))
            (font-lock-function-name-face (p function))
            (font-lock-keyword-face (p keyword))
            (font-lock-negation-char-face (~ default))
            (font-lock-preprocessor-face (p constant))
            (font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash bf)
            (font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct bf)
            (font-lock-string-face (p string))
            (font-lock-type-face (p type))
            (font-lock-variable-name-face (p variable-name))
            (font-lock-warning-face (p warning))
            (forge-topic-label bx)
            (fringe (p dimm))
            (fuel-font-lock-debug-error (p error) nul)
            (fuel-font-lock-debug-info (p f01) nul)
            (fuel-font-lock-stack-region (p hilite))
            (fuel-font-lock-xref-link link nul)
            (fuel-font-lock-xref-vocab italic nul)
            (fuel-font-lock-markup-link link)
            (fuel-font-lock-markup-title (~ outline-1))
            (fuel-font-lock-markup-emphasis (~ italic))
            (fuel-font-lock-markup-heading (~ outline-1))
            (fuel-font-lock-markup-strong (~ bold)))
          `((geiser-font-lock-autodoc-current-arg (~ highlight))
             (~ font-lock-function-name-face))
            (geiser-font-lock-doc-button (~ button))
            (geiser-font-lock-doc-link link)
            (geiser-font-lock-repl-input (~ default) bf)
            (geiser-font-lock-repl-output (~ default))
            (geiser-font-lock-doc-title bf)
            (geiser-font-lock-xref-header bf)
            (geiser-font-lock-xref-link link nul)
            (git-commit-summary-face (p f10))
            (git-gutter-fr:added (~ fringe) nbf)
            (git-gutter-fr:deleted (~ fringe) nbf)
            (git-gutter-fr:modified (~ fringe) nbf)
            (gnus-button (p link) nul)
            (gnus-cite-attribution (~ default))
            (gnus-cite-1 (p f10))
            (gnus-cite-2 (p f11))
            (gnus-cite-3 (p f12))
            (gnus-cite-4 (p dimm))
            (gnus-cite-5 (p dimm))
            (gnus-cite-6 (p dimm))
            (gnus-cite-7 (p dimm))
            (gnus-cite-8 (p dimm))
            (gnus-cite-9 (p dimm))
            (gnus-cite-10 (p dimm))
            (gnus-cite-11 (p dimm))
            (gnus-emphasis-bold bf)
            (gnus-emphasis-bold-italic bf)
            (gnus-emphasis-highlight-words (p hilite))
            (gnus-emphasis-italic (~ default))
            (gnus-emphasis-strikethru st)
            (gnus-emphasis-underline ul)
            (gnus-emphasis-underline-bold bf ul)
            (gnus-emphasis-underline-bold-italic bf ul)
            (gnus-emphasis-underline-italic ul)
            (gnus-group-mail-1 (p gnus-mail) bf)
            (gnus-group-mail-1-empty (p gnus-mail) nbf)
            (gnus-group-mail-2 (~ gnus-group-mail-1))
            (gnus-group-mail-2-empty (~ gnus-group-mail-1-empty))
            (gnus-group-mail-3 (~ gnus-group-mail-1))
            (gnus-group-mail-3-empty (~ gnus-group-mail-1-empty))
            (gnus-group-mail-4 (~ gnus-group-mail-1))
            (gnus-group-mail-4-empty (~ gnus-group-mail-1-empty))
            (gnus-group-mail-5 (p f00) bf)
            (gnus-group-mail-5-empty (p f00))
            (gnus-group-mail-6 (p dimm) bf)
            (gnus-group-mail-6-empty (p dimm))
            (gnus-group-mail-low bf (p dimm))
            (gnus-group-mail-low-empty (p dimm))
            (gnus-group-news-low bf (p dimm))
            (gnus-group-news-low-empty (p dimm))
            (gnus-group-news-1 (p gnus-news) bf)
            (gnus-group-news-1-empty (p gnus-news) nbf)
            (gnus-group-news-2 (~ gnus-group-news-1))
            (gnus-group-news-2-empty (~ gnus-group-news-1-empty))
            (gnus-group-news-3 (~ gnus-group-news-1))
            (gnus-group-news-3-empty (~ gnus-group-news-1-empty))
            (gnus-group-news-4 (~ gnus-group-news-1))
            (gnus-group-news-4-empty (~ gnus-group-news-1-empty))
            (gnus-group-news-5 (p f00) bf)
            (gnus-group-news-5-empty (p f00))
            (gnus-group-news-6 (p dimm) bf)
            (gnus-group-news-6-empty (p dimm))
            (gnus-header (~ default))
            (gnus-header-content (p f02))
            (gnus-header-from (p f01))
            (gnus-header-name nbf (p f02))
            (gnus-header-newsgroups (p dimm))
            (gnus-header-subject (p f00) nbf)
            (gnus-mouse-face (~ default))
            (gnus-server-agent nbf)
            (gnus-server-closed (p warning))
            (gnus-server-denied bf (p error))
            (gnus-server-offline (p dimm))
            (gnus-server-opened bf)
            (gnus-signature nit (p f10))
            (gnus-splash dfg dbg)
            (gnus-summary-high-undownloaded bf nit dfg dbg)
            (gnus-summary-cancelled (p strike-through))
            (gnus-summary-high-unread bf nit)
            (gnus-summary-normal-ancient (p dimm))
            (gnus-summary-normal-read (p dimm))
            (gnus-summary-high-ticked bf nit dfg dbg)
            (gnus-summary-low-ancient (p dimm))
            (gnus-summary-low-read (p dimm) st)
            (gnus-summary-low-ticked (p dimm))
            (gnus-summary-low-unread (p dimm))
            (gnus-summary-low-undownloaded (p dimm))
            (gnus-summary-normal-ancient (p dimm))
            (gnus-summary-normal-read (p dimm))
            (gnus-summary-normal-ticked (p f10) nbf)
            (gnus-summary-normal-undownloaded bf dfg dbg)
            (gnus-summary-normal-unread dfg dbg)
            (gnus-summary-selected (p hilite))
            (google-translate-listen-button-face (~ button))
            (google-translate-phonetic-face (~ default))
            (google-translate-suggestion-face (p f00))
            (google-translate-suggestion-label-face (p f01))
            (google-translate-text-face (~ default))
            (google-translate-translation-face bf)
            (gui-button-face (~ button))
            (gui-element (~ gui-button-face)))
          `((haskell-constructor-face (~ haskell-type-face))
            (haskell-type-face (p f12))
            (header-line (~ mode-line-inactive))
            (help-argument-name (p f10))
            (help-key-binding (p f00))
            (helm-selection (p hilite))
            (helm-separator (p dimm))
            (helm-source-header (~ outline-1))
            (helm-ls-git-added-copied-face dfg dbg)
            (helm-ls-git-conflict-face (p error))
            (helm-ls-git-deleted-and-staged-face (p dimm))
            (helm-ls-git-deleted-not-staged-face dfg dbg)
            (helm-ls-git-modified-and-staged-face (p f10))
            (helm-ls-git-modified-not-staged-face (p warning))
            (helm-ls-git-renamed-modified-face (p warning))
            (helm-ls-git-untracked-face (p error))
            (highlight (p hilite))
            (hydra-face-blue (p f00))
            (hydra-face-red (p error)))
          `((ido-first-match (p warning))
            (ido-first-match-face (p warning))
            (ido-incomplete-regexp (p error))
            (ido-indicator (p error) nbf)
            (ido-only-match (p error))
            (ido-subdir (p f01))
            (info-header-node bf dfg)
            (info-header-xref dfg)
            (info-menu-header bf)
            (info-menu-star bf dfg)
            (info-node (p f00))
            (info-title-1 (~ outline-1) bf)
            (info-title-2 (~ outline-2) bf)
            (info-title-3 (~ outline-3) bf)
            (info-title-4 (~ outline-4) bf)
            (Info-quoted (p f01))
            (info-xref link)
            (info-xref-visited vlink)
            (inform-color link)
            (isearch bf (p hilite))
            (isearch-fail (p error))
            (italic (p italic))
            (ivy-confirm (p f01))
            (ivy-current-match (p hilite) ex)
            (ivy-grep-info (p f00))
            (ivy-highlight-face (p hilite))
            (ivy-match-required-face (p warning))
            (ivy-minibuffer-match-highlight (c nil nil) ul)
            (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 (p f00))
            (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 (p f10))
            (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3 (p f01))
            (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4 (p f01))
            (ivy-modified-buffer it)
            (ivy-subdir (p f02))
            (ivy-virtual (~ default) it))
          `((jabber-activity-face dbg dfg nbf)
            (jabber-activity-personal-face (p warning) nbf)
            (jabber-chat-error (p error))
            (jabber-chat-prompt-foreign (p f00) nbf)
            (jabber-chat-prompt-local (p f01) nbf)
            (jabber-chat-prompt-system (p f02) nbf)
            (jabber-rare-time-face (p dimm))
            (jabber-roster-user-away (p dimm))
            (jabber-roster-user-dnd (p dimm))
            (jabber-roster-user-chatty (p warning) nbf)
            (jabber-roster-user-offline (p dimm))
            (jabber-roster-user-online (p f01) nbf)
            (jabber-roster-user-xa (p dimm))
            (jabber-title-large (~ default) bf)
            (jabber-title-medium bf)
            (jabber-title-roster bf (p warning))
            (jao-emms-font-lock-album (p f01))
            (jao-emms-font-lock-artist (p f02))
            (jao-emms-font-lock-title (p f01))
            (jao-emms-font-lock-track dfg dbg)
            (jao-frm-from-face (p f00))
            (jao-frm-mailbox-face bf)
            (jao-frm-subject-face (p f01))
            (jao-frm-mailno-face bf)
            (jao-gnus-face-tree (p dimm))
            (jde-java-font-lock-constant-face (~ font-lock-constant-face))
            (jde-java-font-lock-doc-tag-face (p f02))
            (jde-java-font-lock-package-face (p f02))
            (jde-java-font-lock-link-face (p link))
            (jde-java-font-lock-number-face (~ font-lock-constant-face))
            (jde-java-font-lock-public-face (~ font-lock-keyword-face))
            (jde-java-font-lock-private-face (~ font-lock-keyword-face))
            (jde-java-font-lock-protected-face (~ font-lock-keyword-face))
            (jde-java-font-lock-modifier-face (~ font-lock-keyword-face)))
          `((lazy-highlight (p hilite))
            (line-number (p dimm))
            (line-number-current-line (p hilite))
            (link link nul)
            (link-visited vlink nul)
            (lui-button-face (p link))
            (lui-highlight-face (p warning))
            (lui-time-stamp-face (p dimm))
            (lui-track-bar (p dimm) :height 0.2 nul nil ex))
          `((magit-branch (p f00))
            (magit-cherry-equivalent (p warning))
            (magit-diff-add (~ diff-added))
            (magit-diff-context-highlight (p hilite) ex)
            (magit-diff-del (~ diff-removed))
            (magit-diff-file-heading (p keyword))
            (magit-diff-file-header (~ diff-file-header))
            (magit-diff-hunk-header (~ diff-hunk-header))
            (magit-diff-none (p dimm))
            (magit-hash (p f12))
            (magit-item-highlight (~ mm-uu-extract) ex)
            (magit-item-mark (p warning))
            (magit-log-head-label (p keyword) bf)
            (magit-log-head-label-head (p keyword) nbf ul)
            (magit-log-head-label-default (p keyword) nbf)
            (magit-log-head-label-local (p keyword) nbf)
            (magit-log-head-label-remote (p function) bf)
            (magit-log-head-label-tags (p warning) nbf)
            (magit-log-graph (p f11))
            (magit-log-tag-label (p keyword))
            (magit-section-highlight (p hilite) ex)
            (magit-section-heading (~ outline-2))
            (magit-section-title (~ outline-2))
            (Man-underline ul)
            (match (p hilite))
            (markdown-pre-face (~ font-lock-constant-face))
            (markdown-code-face (p keyword))
            (markdown-inline-code-face (p function))
            (markdown-italic-face (~ italic))
            (mct-highlight-candidate (p hilite) ex)
            (mct-line-number (p hilite))
            (mct-line-number-current (~ mct-line-number) bf)
            (mct-stripe (p dimm) ex)
            (menu (~ default))
            (message-cited-text-1 (p f10))
            (message-cited-text-2 (p f11))
            (message-cited-text-3 (p f12))
            (message-cited-text-4 (p dimm))
            (message-header-cc (p f00) nbf)
            (message-header-name (p f01) nbf)
            (message-header-newsgroups (p dimm) nbf)
            (message-header-other (p f00) nbf)
            (message-header-subject (p f00) bf)
            (message-header-to (p f00) nbf)
            (message-header-xheader (p f00) nbf)
            (message-mml (p dimm) nbf)
            (message-separator (p warning) nbf)
            (mm-uu-extract (p hilite) ex)
            (minibuffer-line (p f00))
            (minibuffer-prompt (p f00))
            (mode-line-buffer-id nbf (c nil nil))
            (mode-line-emphasis (p warning))
            (mode-line-highlight (~ mode-line))
            ;; (modeline-mousable (~ mode-line-active))
            ;; (modeline-mousable-minor-mode (~ modeline-mousable))
            (moinmoin-table-pi (p f02))
            (mouse dfg dbg ul)
            (mpdel-playlist-current-song-face (p hilite) ex)
            (mpdel-tablist-song-name-face (p f00))
            (mpdel-tablist-track-face (~ default))
            (mpdel-tablist-album-face (p f01))
            (mpdel-tablist-disk-face (~ default))
            (mpdel-tablist-date-face (~ default))
            (mpdel-tablist-artist-face (p f01))
            (muse-bad-link (p warning))
            (muse-header-1 (~ outline-1))
            (muse-header-2 (~ outline-2))
            (muse-header-3 (~ outline-3))
            (muse-header-4 (~ outline-4))
            (muse-header-5 (~ outline-5))
            (muse-link link)
            (muse-verbatim (p f02)))
          `((next-error (p hilite))
            (nobreak-space dbg dfg ul)
            (nrepl-error-face (p error))
            (nrepl-input-face (p f01))
            (nrepl-output-face (p f02))
            (nrepl-prompt-face (p f00))
            (nrepl-result-face (~ default))
            (notmuch-crypto-decryption (~ success))
            (notmuch-crypto-part-header (p f11))
            (notmuch-crypto-signature-bad (p error) ul)
            (notmuch-crypto-signature-good (~ success))
            (notmuch-crypto-signature-unknown (p error) ul)
            (notmuch-crypto-signature-good-key (~ success))
            (notmuch-hello-logo-background (~ default))
            (notmuch-message-summary-face (p f00))
            (notmuch-search-count (p f00))
            (notmuch-search-date (p f01))
            (notmuch-search-flagged-face (p warn))
            (notmuch-search-matching-authors (p f02))
            (notmuch-search-subject (~ default))
            (notmuch-tag-added bf)
            (notmuch-tag-deleted (p dimm) st)
            (notmuch-tag-face (p f00) it)
            (notmuch-tag-unread (p warn))
            (notmuch-tree-match-author-face (p f00))
            (notmuch-tree-match-tag-face (~ default))
            (notmuch-tree-no-match-face (p dimm))
            (notmuch-tree-no-match-date-face (p dimm))
            (notmuch-tree-no-match-subject-face (p dimm))
            (notmuch-tree-no-match-tag-face (p dimm))
            (notmuch-wash-cited-text (~ gnus-cite-1)))
          `((orderless-match-face-0 ul)
            (orderless-match-face-1 ul)
            (orderless-match-face-2 ul)
            (orderless-match-face-3 ul)
            (org-agenda-date-today (p hilite) nul)
            (org-agenda-date-weekend (p dimm))
            (org-agenda-done (p dimm))
            (org-agenda-restriction-lock (~ default))
            (org-agenda-structure (p f00))
            (org-archived (p dimm))
            (org-block (~ default))
            (org-block-begin-line (p dimm))
            (org-block-end-line (p dimm))
            (org-code (p f11))
            (org-column dfg dbg :height 1.0)
            (org-date (p f02) nul)
            (org-document-info nul)
            (org-document-title bf)
            (org-done (p dimm) nbf niv)
            (org-drawer (p f02))
            (org-ellipsis (p dimm))
            (org-formula (p f02))
            (org-headline-done (p dimm))
            (org-hide (c dbg dfg))
            (org-latex-and-export-specials (~ default))
            (org-level-1 (~ outline-1))
            (org-level-2 (~ outline-2))
            (org-level-3 (~ outline-3))
            (org-level-4 (~ outline-4))
            (org-level-5 (~ outline-5))
            (org-level-6 (~ outline-6))
            (org-level-7 (~ outline-7))
            (org-level-8 (~ outline-8))
            (org-link link)
            (org-meta-line (p dimm))
            (org-noter-notes-exist-face it)
            (org-property-value (~ default))
            (org-roam-link (~ org-link) it)
            (org-scheduled (p f01))
            (org-scheduled-previously (p f00) nbf)
            (org-scheduled-today (p f01))
            (org-sexp-date (p f01))
            (org-special-keyword (p keyword))
            (org-table (p f01))
            (org-tag (p dimm) nbf)
            (org-target ul)
            (org-time-grid dfg dbg)
            (org-todo nbf niv (p error))
            (org-upcoming-deadline (p f02))
            (org-verbatim  (p hilite))
            (org-warning bf (p warning))
            (outline-1 bf (p outline-1))
            (outline-2 bf (p outline-2))
            (outline-3 bf (p outline-3))
            (outline-4 bf (p outline-4))
            (outline-5 nbf ul (p outline-5))
            (outline-6 nbf ul (p outline-6))
            (outline-7 nbf ul (p outline-7))
            (outline-8 nbf ul (p outline-8))
            (outline-minor-1 bf (~ outline-1) (c nil "grey95") ex)
            (outline-minor-2 bf (~ outline-2) (c nil "grey95") ex)
            (outline-minor-3 bf (~ outline-3) (c nil "grey95") ex)
            (outline-minor-4 bf (~ outline-4) (c nil "grey95") ex)
            (outline-minor-5 bf (~ outline-5) (c nil "grey95") ex)
            (outline-minor-6 bf (~ outline-6) (c nil "grey95") ex)
            (outline-minor-7 bf (~ outline-7) (c nil "grey95") ex)
            (outline-minor-8 bf (~ outline-8) (c nil "grey95") ex))
          `((powerline-active1 (~ mode-line))
            (powerline-active2 (~ mode-line-inactive))
            (powerline-inactive1 (~ mode-line-inactive))
            (powerline-inactive2 (~ mode-line)))
          `((query-replace bf (p hilite)))
          `((rcirc-bright-nick (p hilite))
            (rcirc-my-nick (p warning))
            (rcirc-nick-in-message (p warning))
            (rcirc-nick-in-message-full-line (~ rcirc-nick-in-message))
            (rcirc-other-nick (p keyword))
            (rcirc-prompt bf)
            (rcirc-server (p dimm))
            (rcirc-timestamp (p dimm))
            (rcirc-track-keyword (p warning))
            (rcirc-track-nick (~ rcirc-my-nick) niv)
            (rcirc-url nbf link)
            (reb-match-0 (p hilite))
            (reb-match-1 (~ secondary-selection))
            (reb-match-2 (~ secondary-selection) bf)
            (reb-match-3 (~ secondary-selection) ul)
            (region (p hilite) ex)
            (rst-level-1-face (~ outline-1))
            (rst-level-2-face (~ outline-2))
            (rst-level-3-face (~ outline-3))
            (rst-level-4-face (~ outline-4))
            (rst-level-5-face (~ outline-5))
            (rst-level-6-face (~ outline-6))
            (rst-level-7-face (~ outline-7))
            (rst-level-8-face (~ outline-8)))
          `((secondary-selection (p hilite) ex)
            (separator-line (~ default) (st "grey85"))
            (sh-quoted-exec (p f00))
            (shortdoc-heading (p outline-1) nul)
            (shortdoc-section (p outline-2))
            (shortdoc-separator (p dimm) st ex)
            (shr-h1 (p outline-1))
            (shr-h2 (p outline-2))
            (shr-h3 (p outline-3))
            (shr-h4 (p outline-4))
            (shr-h5 (p outline-5))
            (shr-h6 (p outline-6))
            (shr-link (p link))
            (show-paren-match (p hilite))
            (show-paren-mismatch (p error))
            (sieve-control-commands (~ font-lock-builtin-face))
            (sieve-tagged-arguments (~ font-lock-constant-face))
            (sieve-test-commands (~ font-lock-keyword-face))
            (sieve-action-commands (~ font-lock-keyword-face))
            (signel-contact-face (p f11))
            (signel-notice (p dimm))
            (signel-notification (p warning))
            (signel-prompt it)
            (signel-timestamp (p dimm))
            (signel-user (p f00))
            (slack-channel-button-face (~ link))
            (slack-message-action-face (~ link))
            (slack-message-mention-face (p f01))
            (slack-message-mention-keyword-face (p f01))
            (slack-message-mention-me-face (p error))
            (slack-message-output-header (p f00) it)
            (slack-message-output-text (~ default))
            (slack-new-message-marker-face (p warning))
            (slack-preview-face (p f11))
            (slack-search-result-message-header-face it)
            (slack-user-profile-header-face (p f01))
            (slack-user-profile-property-name-face bf)
            (sldb-frame-line-face (p f00))
            (sldb-frame-label-face (p f01))
            (sldb-condition-face (p f02))
            (selectrum-group-separator (p dimm) :strike-through "grey80")
            (selectrum-group-title (p dimm))
            (slime-repl-prompt-face (p f00))
            (slime-repl-input-face (p f00) bf)
            (slime-repl-inputed-output-face (p f02))
            (slime-repl-output-face (p string))
            (sp-show-pair-enclosing (~ default))
            (sp-show-pair-match-face (p hilite))
            (sp-show-pair-mismatch-face (p error))
            (spaceline-highlight-face-default (p f00))
            (spaceline-highlight-face-modified (p f01))
            (spaceline-highlight-face (p f02))
            (spaceline-modified (p f10) iv)
            (spaceline-unmodified (p f11) iv)
            (spaceline-read-only (p f12) iv)
            (speedbar-directory-face (~ diredp-dir-heading))
            (speedbar-file-face (~ diredp-file-name))
            (speedbar-highlight-face (p hilite))
            (speedbar-selected-face ul)
            (speedbar-separator-face (p f00))
            (shadow (p dimm))
            (success (p success))
            (sunshine-forecast-date-face (~ default))
            (sunshine-forecast-day-divider-face (p dimm))
            (sunshine-forecast-headline-face (~ header-line)))
          `((telega-button (~ button))
            (telega-button-active (~ button))
            (telega-msg-heading (p f00))
            (telega-msg-self-title (p f01))
            (telega-root-heading (p hilite))
            (term (~ default))
            (tool-bar (~ default))
            (tooltip :family ,jao-themes--face-family (c nil "lightyellow")
                     :height 0.9)
            (trailing-whitespace (p error))
            (treemacs-root-face nul bf :scale 1.1)
            (twittering-timeline-footer-face (~ header-line))
            (twittering-timeline-header-face (~ header-line))
            (twittering-uri-face (~ link))
            (twittering-username-face (p f01)))
          `((underline ul))
          `((variable-pitch :family ,jao-themes--face-family)
            (variable-pitch-text (~ variable-pitch))
            (vertical-border (c ,jao-themes--box nil) :inherit default)
            (vertico-current (p hilite))
            (vertico-group-title (p dimm))
            (vertico-group-separator (p dimm) :strike-through "grey80")
            (vertico-truncation (~ shadow))
            (vterm-color-green (c "darkseagreen4"))
            (vterm-color-blue (c "steelblue4"))
            (vterm-color-cyan (c "cadetblue4"))
            (vterm-color-red (c "orangered4"))
            (vterm-color-magenta (c "dark orange"))
            (vterm-color-yellow (c "lemon chiffon")))
          `((w3m-anchor link)
            (w3m-arrived-anchor vlink)
            (w3m-bold bf dbg dfg)
            (w3m-current-anchor nbf ul)
            (w3m-form dfg dbg ul)
            (w3m-form-button (~ button))
            (w3m-form-button-mouse (~ custom-button-mouse))
            (w3m-form-button-pressed (~ custom-button-pressed))
             :box (:line-width 3 :color ,jao-themes--bg) dfg dbg)
             :box (:line-width 3 :color ,jao-themes--bg) dfg dbg)
             :box (:line-width 3 :color ,jao-themes--bg) dfg dbg)
             :box (:line-width 3 :color ,jao-themes--bg) dfg dbg)
            (w3m-history-current-url (c nil nil) ul)
            (w3m-image (p f10))
            (w3m-image-anchor (c nil nil))
            (w3m-insert (p f12))
            (w3m-italic (~ italic))
            (w3m-linknum-match (p warning))
            (w3m-linknum-minibuffer-prompt (~ minibuffer-prompt))
            (w3m-session-select (p f10))
            (w3m-session-selected bf nul (p f10))
            (w3m-strike-through st)
            (w3m-tab-background nul (c nil nil))
            (w3m-tab-mouse (~ default))
            (w3m-tab-selected (p tab-sel))
            (w3m-tab-selected-background (~ default))
            (w3m-tab-selected-retrieving (p tab-sel) it)
            (w3m-tab-unselected (p tab-unsel))
            (w3m-tab-unselected-retrieving (p tab-unsel) it)
            (w3m-tab-unselected-unseen (p tab-unsel))
            (w3m-underline ul)
            (warning (p warning))
            (wg-brace-face (~ default))
            (wg-command-face (p f00))
            (wg-current-workgroup-face (p f11) bf)
            (wg-divider-face (~ default))
            (wg-filename-face (~ default))
            (wg-frame-face (~ default))
            (wg-message-face (p string))
            (wg-mode-line-face (~ default))
            (wg-previous-workgroup-face (p f00))
            (wgrep-delete-face st)
            (wgrep-done-face (p f00))
            (wgrep-face (p f10) ul)
            (wgrep-file-face (p f01))
            (wgrep-reject-face (p error) ul)
            (widget-button (~ button))
            (widget-button-pressed nbf (~ custom-button-pressed))
            (widget-button-face (~ button))
            (widget-button-pressed-face (~ button))
            (widget-documentation (p dimm))
            (widget-field (p hilite) bx)
            (widget-inactive (p dimm))
            (Widget-single-line-field (~ widget-field))
            (window-divider (~ vertical-border))
            (window-divider-first-pixel (~ window-divider))
            (window-divider-last-pixel (~ window-divider))
            (woman-bold (p f00) bf)
            (woman-italic (p f01) nul nit)
            (woman-italic-no-ul (p f01) nul nit)))))
    (dolist (df dfs fs)
      (when (not (assq (car df) fs))
        (push df fs)))))

(defun jao-themes--adjust-palette (p s)
  (if-let (v (alist-get s p)) (cons (cons s (car v)) (assoc-delete-all s p)) p))

(defun jao-themes--let-palette (palette)
  (let ((palette (seq-reduce #'jao-themes--adjust-palette '(fg bg box) palette)))
    (mapcar (lambda (f) `(,(jao-themes--palette-face (car f)) ',(cdr f)))

(defun jao-themes--extract-faces (t-faces x-faces)
  (let ((result))
    (dolist (f t-faces (reverse result))
      (let ((xfb (cdr (assq (car f) x-faces))))
        (push `(,(car f) ((((type x pgtk ns)) ,@xfb)
                          (t ,@(cdr f))))

(defun jao-themes--set-fbg (kind)
  (let* ((kvs (cdr (assoc kind window-system-default-frame-alist)))
         (f-alist (assq-delete-all 'background-color kvs))
         (f-alist (assq-delete-all 'foreground-color f-alist)))
    (when jao-themes--fg
      (push (cons 'foreground-color jao-themes--fg) f-alist)
      (when (stringp jao-themes--fg)
	(set-frame-parameter nil 'foreground-color jao-themes--fg)))
    (when jao-themes--bg
      (push (cons 'background-color jao-themes--bg) f-alist)
      (when (stringp jao-themes--bg)
	(set-frame-parameter nil 'background-color jao-themes--bg)))
    (setq window-system-default-frame-alist
           (cons kind f-alist)
           (assq-delete-all kind window-system-default-frame-alist)))))

(defmacro jao-define-custom-theme (name &rest args)
  (let ((palette (cdr (assoc :palette args)))
        (x-faces (cdr (assoc :x-faces args)))
        (x-colors (cdr (assoc :x-colors args)))
        (family (cadr (assoc :face-family args))))
       (custom-make-theme-feature ',name)
       (deftheme ,name)
       (custom-theme-set-variables ',name '(jao-themes--face-family ,family))
       (let ((*jao-themes--color-names* ',(cdr (assoc :names args)))
             (jao-themes--face-family ,family))
         (let* ,(jao-themes--let-palette palette)
           (jao-themes--set-fbg 'x)
           (jao-themes--set-fbg 'pgtk)
           (let* ((xfaces (jao-themes--make-faces ',x-faces ',x-colors))
                  (tx-faces (jao-themes--extract-faces xfaces xfaces)))
             (apply 'custom-theme-set-faces (cons ',name tx-faces))))))))

(put 'jao-define-custom-theme 'lisp-indent-function 1)

(when load-file-name
  (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path (file-name-directory load-file-name)))

(provide 'jao-themes)