* Version 0.1.1

  New features:

    - "Manual autodoc" command; C-c C-d s.
    - Autodoc retrieval is now asynchronous, for better behaviour in
      remote connections.
    - Racket: ',enter "foo"' as a synonym of ',enter (file "foo")'.
    - New C-c C-a to switch to REPL and enter module (C-c C-Z was broken).
    - Documentation typos, and grammar and layout fixes.

  Bug fixes:

    - REPL: fixed problem with input history navigation in Racket.
    - Autodoc no longer skips non-alphanumeric identifiers.
    - Autodoc messages no longer interfere with active minibuffer.
    - Quack compatibility: avoiding problems with #f &c.
    - Avoiding *spurious* buffers in case of communication errors.

* Version 0.1 (Dec 20, 2010)

  Initial release.