;; autodoc.ss -- support for autodoc ;; Copyright (C) 2009 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz ;; Author: Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz ;; Start date: Sun May 03, 2009 14:45 ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Code: #lang scheme (provide autodoc update-module-cache) (require geiser/utils geiser/modules geiser/locations) (define (autodoc form) (cond ((null? form) #f) ((symbol? form) (describe-application (list form))) ((not (pair? form)) #f) ((not (list? form)) (autodoc (pair->list form))) ((define-head? form) => autodoc) (else (autodoc/list form)))) (define (autodoc/list form) (let ((lst (last form))) (cond ((and (symbol? lst) (describe-application (list lst)))) ((and (pair? lst) (not (memq (car lst) '(quote))) (autodoc lst))) (else (describe-application form))))) (define (define-head? form) (define defforms '(-define define define-values define-method define-class define-generic define-struct define-syntax define-syntaxes -define-syntax)) (and (= 2 (length form)) (memq (car form) defforms) (car form))) (define (describe-application form) (let* ((fun (car form)) (loc (symbol-location* fun)) (name (car loc)) (path (cdr loc)) (sgn (and path (find-signature path name fun)))) (and sgn (list (cons 'signature (format-signature fun sgn)) (cons 'position (find-position sgn form)) (cons 'module (module-path-name->name path)))))) (define signatures (make-hash)) (define-struct signature (required optional keys rest)) (define (find-signature path name local-name) (let ((path (if (path? path) (path->string path) path))) (hash-ref! (hash-ref! signatures path (lambda () (parse-signatures path))) name (lambda () (infer-signature local-name))))) (define (parse-signatures path) (let ((result (make-hasheq))) (with-handlers ((exn? (lambda (e) result))) (with-input-from-file path (lambda () (parameterize ((read-accept-reader #t)) (let loop ((stx (read-syntax path))) (cond ((eof-object? stx) void) ((syntax->datum stx) => (lambda (datum) (parse-datum! datum result) (loop (read-syntax path)))) (else void))))))) result)) (define (parse-datum! datum store) (match datum ((list 'module name lang forms ...) (for-each (lambda (f) (parse-datum! f store)) forms)) ((list 'define (list name formals ...) body ...) (add-signature! name formals store)) ((list 'define name (list 'lambda formals body ...)) (add-signature! name formals store)) ((list 'define-syntax-rule (list name formals ...) body ...) (add-signature! name formals store)) (_ void))) (define (add-signature! name formals store) (hash-set! store name (parse-formals formals))) (define (parse-formals formals) (let loop ((formals formals) (req '()) (opt '()) (keys '())) (cond ((null? formals) (make-signature (reverse req) (reverse opt) (reverse keys) #f)) ((symbol? formals) (make-signature (reverse req) (reverse opt) (reverse keys) formals)) ((pair? (car formals)) (loop (cdr formals) req (cons (car formals) opt) keys)) ((keyword? (car formals)) (let* ((kname (keyword->symbol (car formals))) (arg-id (cadr formals)) (name (if (pair? arg-id) (list kname (cadr arg-id)) kname))) (loop (cddr formals) req opt (cons name keys)))) (else (loop (cdr formals) (cons (car formals) req) opt keys))))) (define (infer-signature name) (define syntax-tag (cons 1 0)) (define error-tag (cons 1 1)) (define generic-signature (make-signature '(...) '() '() #f)) (let ((value (with-handlers ((exn:fail:syntax? (lambda (_) syntax-tag)) (exn:fail:contract:variable? (lambda (_) error-tag))) (namespace-variable-value name)))) (cond ((procedure? value) (arity->signature (procedure-arity value))) ((eq? value syntax-tag) generic-signature) ((eq? value error-tag) #f) (else 'variable)))) (define (arity->signature arity) (define (args fst count) (let* ((letts (list->vector '(#\x #\y #\z #\u #\v #\w #\r #\s))) (len (vector-length letts)) (lett (lambda (n) (vector-ref letts (modulo n len))))) (map (lambda (n) (string->symbol (format "~a" (lett n)))) (build-list count (lambda (n) (+ n fst)))))) (cond ((number? arity) (make-signature (args 0 arity) '() '() #f)) ((arity-at-least? arity) (make-signature (args 0 (arity-at-least-value arity)) '() '() 'rest)) (else (let* ((arg-nos (map (lambda (a) (if (number? a) a (arity-at-least-value a))) arity)) (min-val (apply min arg-nos)) (max-val (apply max arg-nos)) (opt-no (- max-val min-val))) (make-signature (args 0 min-val) (args min-val opt-no) '() #f))))) (define (format-signature fun sign) (cond ((symbol? sign) (cons fun sign)) ((signature? sign) (let ((req (signature-required sign)) (opt (signature-optional sign)) (keys (signature-keys sign)) (rest (signature-rest sign))) `(,fun ,@req ,@(if (null? opt) opt (cons '#:opt opt)) ,@(if (null? keys) keys (cons '#:key keys)) ,@(if rest (list '#:rest rest) '())))) (else #f))) (define (find-position sign form) (if (signature? sign) (let* ((lf (length form)) (lf-1 (- lf 1))) (if (= 1 lf) 0 (let ((req (length (signature-required sign))) (opt (length (signature-optional sign))) (keys (map (lambda (k) (symbol->keyword (if (list? k) (car k) k))) (signature-keys sign))) (rest (signature-rest sign))) (cond ((<= lf (+ 1 req)) lf-1) ((<= lf (+ 1 req opt)) (if (> opt 0) lf lf-1)) ((or (memq (last form) keys) (memq (car (take-right form 2)) keys)) => (lambda (sl) (+ 2 req (if (> opt 0) (+ 1 opt) 0) (- (length keys) (length sl))))) (else (+ 1 req (if (> opt 0) (+ 1 opt) 0) (if (null? keys) 0 (+ 1 (length keys))) (if rest 2 0))))))) 0)) (define (update-module-cache path . form) (when (and (string? path) (or (null? form) (and (list? (car form)) (not (null? (car form))) (memq (caar form) '(define-syntax-rule define-syntax define set! define-struct))))) (hash-remove! signatures path))) ;;; autodoc.ss ends here