;;; eval.rkt -- evaluation ;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the Modified BSD License. You should ;; have received a copy of the license along with this program. If ;; not, see <http://www.xfree86.org/3.3.6/COPYRIGHT2.html#5>. ;; Start date: Sun Apr 26, 2009 00:44 #lang racket (provide eval-in compile-in load-file compile-file macroexpand make-repl-reader) (require scheme/enter geiser/modules geiser/autodoc) (define last-result (void)) (define namespace->module-name (compose module-path-name->name namespace->module-path-name)) (define last-namespace (make-parameter (current-namespace))) (define (exn-key e) (vector-ref (struct->vector e) 0)) (define current-marks (make-parameter (current-continuation-marks))) (define (get-real-context e) (let ((ec (continuation-mark-set->context (exn-continuation-marks e))) (cc (continuation-mark-set->context (current-marks)))) (filter-not (lambda (c) (member c cc)) ec))) (define (display-exn-context c) (define (maybe-display p x) (when x (display p) (display x)) x) (when (and (pair? c) (cdr c)) (let ((sloc (cdr c))) (and (maybe-display "" (srcloc-source sloc)) (maybe-display ":" (srcloc-line sloc)) (maybe-display ":" (srcloc-column sloc))) (maybe-display ": " (car c)) (newline)))) (define (set-last-error e) (set! last-result `((error (key . ,(exn-key e))))) (display (exn-message e)) (newline) (newline) (for-each display-exn-context (get-real-context e))) (define (write-value v) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write v)))) (define (set-last-result . vs) (set! last-result `((result ,@(map write-value vs))))) (define (call-with-result thunk) (set-last-result (void)) (let ((output (with-output-to-string (lambda () (parameterize ((current-marks (current-continuation-marks))) (with-handlers ((exn? set-last-error)) (call-with-values thunk set-last-result))))))) (append last-result `((output . ,output))))) (define (eval-in form spec lang) (call-with-result (lambda () (update-signature-cache spec form) (eval form (module-spec->namespace spec lang))))) (define compile-in eval-in) (define (load-file file) (call-with-result (lambda () (load-module file (current-output-port) (last-namespace)) (update-signature-cache file)))) (define compile-file load-file) (define (macroexpand form . all) (let ((all (and (not (null? all)) (car all)))) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (pretty-print (syntax->datum ((if all expand expand-once) form))))))) (define (make-repl-reader builtin-reader) (lambda (ns) (last-namespace ns) (printf "racket@~a" (namespace->module-name ns)) (builtin-reader))) ;;; eval.rkt ends here