;;; geiser.ss -- emacs/scheme interface ;; Copyright (c) 2022 Jose A Ortega Ruiz ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the Modified BSD License. You should ;; have received a copy of the license along with this program. If ;; not, see . ;; Start date: Tue Apr 26 22:27:26 2016 +0200 (library (geiser) (export geiser:eval geiser:ge:eval geiser:completions geiser:module-completions geiser:autodoc geiser:no-values geiser:load-file geiser:newline geiser:macroexpand geiser:symbol-location geiser:module-location geiser:add-to-load-path geiser:symbol-documentation) (import (chezscheme)) (import (geiser-data)) (define-syntax as-string (syntax-rules () ((_ b ...) (with-output-to-string (lambda () b ...))))) (define (write-to-string x) (as-string (write x))) (define (pretty-string x) (parameterize ((print-extended-identifiers #t) (print-vector-length #t)) (as-string (pretty-print x)))) (define (code-location obj) (let* ((i (inspect/object obj)) (c (and i (i 'code)))) (if c (let ((name `("name" . ,(or (c 'name) (write-to-string obj))))) (call-with-values (lambda () (c 'source-path)) (case-lambda ((path line col) `(,name ("file" . ,path) ("line" . ,line) ("column" . ,col))) ((path char) `((,name) ("file" . ,path) ("char" . ,char))) (() #f)))) #f))) (define (condition-location c) (let ((finder (make-object-finder procedure? c (collect-maximum-generation)))) (let loop ((obj (finder))) (if obj (or (code-location (car obj)) (loop (finder))) '())))) (define (call-with-result thunk) (let ((output-string (open-output-string))) (write (call/cc (lambda (k) (with-exception-handler (lambda (e) (debug-condition e) ; save the condition for the debugger (let ((loc (or (condition-location e) '())) (desc (as-string (display-condition e)))) (k `((result "") (output . ,(get-output-string output-string)) (error (key . condition) (msg . ,(cons desc loc))))))) (lambda () (call-with-values (lambda () (parameterize ((current-output-port output-string)) (thunk))) (lambda result `((result ,(write-to-string (if (null? (cdr result)) (car result) result))) (output . ,(get-output-string output-string)))))))))) (newline) (close-output-port output-string))) (define (last-index-of str-list char idx last-idx) (if (null? str-list) last-idx (last-index-of (cdr str-list) char (+ 1 idx) (if (char=? char (car str-list)) idx last-idx)))) (define (with-extension name ext) (let ((idx (last-index-of (string->list name) #\. 0 -1))) (if (= idx -1) (string-append name ext) (string-append (substring name 0 idx) ext)))) (define (obj-file-name name) (with-extension name ".so")) (define (file-directory filename) (let ((idx (last-index-of (string->list filename) #\/ 0 -1))) (if (= idx -1) filename (substring filename 0 idx)))) (define (geiser:load-file filename) (let ((output-filename (obj-file-name filename))) (call-with-result (lambda () (parameterize ([current-directory (file-directory filename)]) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (maybe-compile-file filename output-filename))) (load output-filename)))))) (define (geiser:add-to-load-path path) (let ((p (cons path path))) (library-directories (cons p (remove p (library-directories)))))) (define string-prefix? (lambda (x y) (let ([n (string-length x)]) (and (fx<= n (string-length y)) (let prefix? ([i 0]) (or (fx= i n) (and (char=? (string-ref x i) (string-ref y i)) (prefix? (fx+ i 1))))))))) (define current-library (make-parameter #f)) (define (transitive-env . lib) (let ((lib (if (null? lib) (current-library) (car lib)))) (and lib (apply environment lib (library-requirements lib))))) (define (current-libraries) (and (current-library) (cons (current-library) (library-requirements (current-library))))) (define (known-symbols) (if (current-library) (apply append (map library-exports (current-libraries))) (environment-symbols (interaction-environment)))) (define symbol-lib (case-lambda ((s) (cond ((current-libraries) => (lambda (ls) (symbol-lib s ls))) ((memq s (known-symbols)) (symbol-lib s (library-list))) (else #f))) ((s l) (cond ((null? l) #f) ((memq s (library-exports (car l))) (car l)) (else (symbol-lib s (cdr l))))))) (define not-found (gensym)) (define (try-eval sym) (call/cc (lambda (k) (with-exception-handler (lambda (e) (k not-found)) (let ((env (transitive-env))) (lambda () (if env (eval sym env) (eval sym)))))))) (define (geiser:eval lib form) (call-with-result (lambda () (let ((env (transitive-env lib))) (if env (eval form env) (eval form)))))) (define (geiser:ge:eval lib form) (parameterize ([current-library lib]) (call-with-result (lambda () (eval form))))) (define (geiser:completions prefix) (sort string-cistring (known-symbols))))) (define (geiser:module-completions prefix . rest) (define (substring? s1 s2) (let ([n1 (string-length s1)] [n2 (string-length s2)]) (let loop2 ([i2 0]) (let loop1 ([i1 0] [j i2]) (if (fx= i1 n1) i2 (and (not (fx= j n2)) (if (char=? (string-ref s1 i1) (string-ref s2 j)) (loop1 (fx+ i1 1) (fx+ j 1)) (loop2 (fx+ i2 1))))))))) (filter (lambda (el) (substring? prefix el)) (map write-to-string (library-list)))) (define (arity->parameter-list p) (define (nparams n) (map (lambda (n) (string->symbol (format "x~a" n))) (iota n))) (define (add-opt pl) (cons (append (if (null? pl) '() (car pl)) '(...)) pl)) (let* ((m (procedure-arity-mask p)) (pm (if (< m 0) (+ 1 (lognot m)) m)) (n (if (> pm 0) (/ (log pm) (log 2)) 0))) (let loop ((k 1) (pl '())) (cond ((> k n) (reverse (if (< m 0) (add-opt pl) pl))) ((logbit? k pm) (loop (+ k 1) (cons (nparams k) pl))) (else (loop (+ k 1) pl)))))) (define (source->parameter-list p) ;; same as (inspect object), then hitting c (let* ((s (((inspect/object p) 'code) 'source)) (form (and s (s 'value)))) (and (list? form) (>= (length form) 2) (case (car form) [(lambda) (list (cadr form))] [(case-lambda) (map car (cdr form))] [(record-predicate record-accessor) (list (list (record-type-name (cadr (cadr form)))))] [(record-mutator) (let ([rtd (cadr (cadr form))] [field-idx (caddr form)]) (list (list (record-type-name rtd) (vector-ref (record-type-field-names rtd) field-idx))))] [(record-constructor) (let* ([rcd (cadr (cadr form))] [rtd (((inspect/object rcd) 'ref 'rtd) 'value)]) (list (vector->list (record-type-field-names rtd))))] [else #f])))) (define (value->string x) (define max-len 80) (define sub-str "...") (define sub-len (- max-len (string-length sub-str))) (let* ((s (pretty-string x)) (l (string-length s))) (if (<= l max-len) s (string-append (substring s 0 sub-len) sub-str)))) (define (id-autodoc id) (define (procedure-parameter-list id p) (and (procedure? p) (or (source->parameter-list p) (symbol-signatures id) (arity->parameter-list p)))) (define (autodoc-arglist* args req) (cond ((null? args) (list (list* "required" (reverse req)))) ((pair? args) (autodoc-arglist* (cdr args) (cons (car args) req))) (else `(("required" . ,(reverse req)) ("optional" ,args))))) (define (autodoc-arglist arglist) (autodoc-arglist* arglist '())) (define (signature as lib) `(,id ("args" ,@(map autodoc-arglist as)) ,@(if (and (not (null? lib)) (not (equal? '(chezscheme) lib))) (list (cons "module" (write-to-string lib))) '()))) (let* ((lib (symbol-lib id)) (binding (and lib (try-eval id)))) (cond ((and binding (not (eq? binding not-found))) (let ([as (procedure-parameter-list id binding)]) (if as (signature as lib) `(,id ("value" . ,(value->string binding)))))) ((and lib (symbol-signatures id)) => (lambda (a) (signature a '()))) (else (list id))))) (define (geiser:autodoc ids) (cond ((null? ids) '()) ((not (list? ids)) (geiser:autodoc (list ids))) ((not (symbol? (car ids))) (geiser:autodoc (cdr ids))) (else (map id-autodoc ids)))) (define (geiser:symbol-location id) (let ([b (try-eval id)]) (or (and (not (eq? not-found b)) (code-location b)) '()))) (define (geiser:module-location id) (let ((obj (library-object-filename id))) (let loop ((exts (if obj (map car (library-extensions)) '()))) (cond ((null? exts) '()) ((file-exists? (with-extension obj (car exts))) `(("file" . ,(with-extension obj (car exts))))) (else (loop (cdr exts))))))) (define (docstr lib id) (format "A ~a defined in library ~a" ((or (inspect/object (try-eval id)) (lambda (x) "value")) 'type) lib)) (define (geiser:symbol-documentation id) (let ((lib (symbol-lib id))) (and lib `(("docstring" . ,(docstr lib id)) ("signature" . ,(id-autodoc id)))))) (define geiser:no-values void) (define geiser:newline newline) (define (geiser:macroexpand form . rest) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (pretty-print (syntax->datum (expand form)))))))