Andy Wingo, Geiser's first user, has been a continuous source of
encouragement and suggestions, and keeps improving Guile and heeding
my feature requests.

Ludovic Courtès, #geiser's citizen no. 1, joined the fun after a
while, and has since then been a continuous source of encouragement,
ideas and bug reports.

Eduardo Cavazos' contagious enthusiasm has helped in many ways to keep
Geiser alive, and he's become its best evangelist in R6RS circles.

Eli Barzilay took the time to play with an early beta and make many
valuable suggestions, besides answering all my 'how do you in PLT'

Matthew Flatt, Robby Findler and the rest of the PLT team did not only
answer my inquiries, but provided almost instant fixes to the few
issues i found.

Thanks also to the PLT and Guile communities, for showing me that
Geiser was not only possible, but a pleasure to hack on.