; -*- geiser-scheme-implementation:chibi; -*- (define (all-environment-exports environment prefix) (if environment (append (filter (lambda (identifier) (if (string=? prefix "") #t (string-contains identifier prefix))) (map symbol->string (env-exports environment))) (all-environment-exports (env-parent environment) prefix)) '())) (define (geiser:completions prefix . rest) rest (sort (all-environment-exports (current-environment) prefix) string-ci Evaluate a \var{form} in the namespace of the \var{module}. ;;> The meaning of \var{rest} is unknown. ;;> Return the alist with the first field, \scheme{result}, holds ;;> the result of evaluation \scheme{(write)}'d and the second ;;> field, \scheme{output}, contains everyting that the evaluation ;;> would print to the standard output. (define (geiser:eval module form . rest) rest (guard (err (else (write `((result ,(show #f err)))))) (let* ((output (open-output-string)) (result (parameterize ((current-output-port output)) (if module (let ((mod (module-env (find-module module)))) (eval form mod)) (eval form)) ) )) (write `((result ,(write-to-string result)) (output . ,(get-output-string output)))))) (values)) ; (display "debug:Hello\n") (define (geiser:module-completions prefix . rest) ;; (available-modules) walks the directory tree and is too slow (let ((modules (map car *modules*))) (map write-to-string (delete-duplicates (filter (lambda (module) (if (string=? "" prefix) #t (string-contains prefix (write-to-string module)))) modules))))) (define (procedure-arglist id fun) (let ((arglist (lambda-params (procedure-analysis fun)))) (if (pair? arglist) (let loop ((arglist arglist) (optionals? #f) (required '()) (optional '())) (cond ((null? arglist) `(,id ("args" (("required" ,@(reverse required)) ("optional" ,@(reverse optional)) ("key") ("module" ,(let ((mod (containing-module fun))) (if mod (car mod) #f))))))) ((symbol? arglist) (loop '() #t required (cons "..." (cons arglist optional)))) (else (loop (cdr arglist) optionals? (if optionals? required (cons (car arglist) required)) (if optionals? (cons (car arglist) optional) optional))))) '()))) (define (geiser:operator-arglist id) (let ((binding (eval id))) (cond ((procedure? binding) (if (opcode? binding) '() (procedure-arglist id binding))) (else '())))) (define (geiser:autodoc ids . rest) rest (cond ((null? ids) '()) ((not (list? ids)) (geiser:autodoc (list ids))) ((not (symbol? (car ids))) (geiser:autodoc (cdr ids))) (else (map (lambda (id) (geiser:operator-arglist id)) ids)))) (define (geiser:no-values) #f) (define (geiser:newline) #f) ;;> A chibi implementation of the standard geiser's location-making ;;> subroutine. \var{file} is a string representing file name with path, ;;> \var{line} is the line number starting from 0 (scheme way). (define (make-location file line) (list (cons "file" (if (string? file) (path-resolve file (current-directory)) '())) (cons "line" (if (number? line) (+ 1 line) '()))) ) ;TODO: (define (geiser:symbol-location) ; implement this method in order to make ; xref work better in Chibi. For reference, see [[geiser:module-location]] ; (analyze-module (caar (modules-exporting-identifier 'symbol-in-question))) ;(module-ast (analyze-module (caar (modules-exporting-identifier 'ckind)))) (define (geiser:symbol-location symbol-in-question . rest) (let* ( (result (tree-walker (module-ast (analyze-module (caar (modules-exporting-identifier symbol-in-question)))) symbol-in-question)) (location (make-location (car result) (- (cdr result) 1))) ; Ehh... line numbering in 'make-location starts from 0 ) location ) ) (define (tree-walker node . symbol-in-question) ; The reason this function used a (let), not a (begin) is that (begin) ; for some reason does not allow (display)s inside. It ; works in xfce4-terminal, but not here. I decided not to ; debug it, since (do) "just worked". TODO. (if (pair? node) (let ((result (tree-walker (car node) (car symbol-in-question))) ) (if result result (tree-walker (cdr node) (car symbol-in-question)) ) ) (let () ; we have leaf (if (set? node) (if (equal? (ref-name (set-var node)) (car symbol-in-question)) (let ((thingy (set-value node))) (if (lambda? thingy) (lambda->lcons thingy) (set-node->lcons/dirty-trick node) ) ) #f ) #f ) ) ) ) (define (lambda->lcons thingy) (let* ((l-source (lambda-source thingy)) (l-location (cons (car l-source) (cdr l-source)))) l-location )) (define (set-node->lcons/dirty-trick node) (let* ((exam2 (geiser:write/ss-to-string node)) (strl (string-length exam2)) (l-matches (regexp-search '(: "(\"" (-> filename (*? graphic) ) "\" . " (-> lineno (+ num) ) ")}") exam2 )) (l-filename (regexp-match-submatch l-matches 'filename)) (l-lineno (string->number (regexp-match-submatch l-matches 'lineno))) (l-location (cons l-filename l-lineno))) l-location)) ;(geiser:symbol-location 'run-application) ;;> A function to find the file where the symbol ;;> \var{symbol-representing-module} is defined. (define (geiser:module-location symbol-representing-module) (make-location (find-module-file (module-name->file (module-name (find-module symbol-representing-module)))) 0 ) )