;;; doc.scm -- procedures providing documentation on scheme objects ;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the Modified BSD License. You should ;; have received a copy of the license along with this program. If ;; not, see <http://www.xfree86.org/3.3.6/COPYRIGHT2.html#5>. ;; Start date: Sun Feb 08, 2009 18:44 (define-module (geiser doc) #:export (autodoc symbol-documentation object-signature) #:use-module (geiser utils) #:use-module (geiser modules) #:use-module (system vm program) #:use-module (ice-9 session) #:use-module (ice-9 documentation) #:use-module (ice-9 regex) #:use-module (ice-9 format) #:use-module (oop goops) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)) (define (autodoc ids) (if (not (list? ids)) '() (map (lambda (id) (or (autodoc* id) (list id))) ids))) (define (autodoc* id) (let ((args (obj-args (symbol->object id)))) (and args `(,@(signature id args) (module . ,(symbol-module id)))))) (define (object-signature name obj) (let ((args (obj-args obj))) (and args (signature name args)))) (define (signature id args-list) (define (arglst args kind) (let ((args (assq-ref args kind))) (cond ((or (not args) (null? args)) '()) ((list? args) args) (else (list args))))) (define (mkargs as) `((required ,@(arglst as 'required)) (optional ,@(arglst as 'optional) ,@(let ((rest (assq-ref as 'rest))) (if rest (list "...") '()))) (key ,@(arglst as 'keyword)))) (let* ((args-list (map mkargs (if (list? args-list) args-list '()))) (value (if (null? args-list) (format #f "~:@y" (symbol->object id)) ""))) (list id (cons 'args args-list) (cons 'value value)))) (define default-macro-args '(((required ...)))) (define (obj-args obj) (cond ((not obj) #f) ((or (procedure? obj) (program? obj)) (arguments obj)) ((and (macro? obj) (macro-transformer obj)) => macro-args) ((macro? obj) default-macro-args) (else 'variable))) (define (arguments proc) (define (p-arguments prog) (map (lambda (a) ((@@ (system vm program) arity->arguments-alist) prog a)) (or (program-arities prog) '()))) (define (clist f) (lambda (x) (let ((y (f x))) (and y (list y))))) (cond ((is-a? proc <generic>) (generic-args proc)) ((procedure-property proc 'arglist) => (clist arglist->args)) ((procedure-source proc) => (clist source->args)) ((doc->args proc) => list) ((program? proc) (let ((a (p-arguments proc))) (and (not (null? a)) a))) ((procedure-property proc 'arity) => (clist arity->args)) (else #f))) (define (source->args src) (let ((formals (cadr src))) (cond ((list? formals) `((required . ,formals))) ((pair? formals) `((required . ,(car formals)) (rest . ,(cdr formals)))) (else #f)))) (define (macro-args tf) (define* (collect args #:optional (req '())) (cond ((null? args) (arglist->args `(,(reverse req) #f #f r #f))) ((symbol? args) (arglist->args `(,(reverse req) #f #f r ,args))) ((and (pair? args) (symbol? (car args))) (collect (cdr args) (cons (car args) req))) (else #f))) (let* ((pats (procedure-property tf 'patterns)) (args (and pats (filter-map collect pats)))) (or (and args (not (null? args)) args) default-macro-args))) (define (arity->args art) (define (gen-arg-names count) (map (lambda (x) '_) (iota (max count 0)))) (let ((req (car art)) (opt (cadr art)) (rest (caddr art))) `(,@(if (> req 0) (list (cons 'required (gen-arg-names req))) '()) ,@(if (> opt 0) (list (cons 'optional (gen-arg-names opt))) '()) ,@(if rest (list (cons 'rest 'rest)) '())))) (define (arglist->args arglist) `((required . ,(car arglist)) (optional . ,(cadr arglist)) (keyword . ,(caddr arglist)) (rest . ,(car (cddddr arglist))))) (define (doc->args proc) (define proc-rx "-- Scheme Procedure: ([^[\n]+)\n") (define proc-rx2 "-- Scheme Procedure: ([^[\n]+\\[[^\n]*(\n[^\n]+\\]+)?)") (cond ((procedure-property proc 'geiser-document-args)) ((object-documentation proc) => (lambda (doc) (let* ((match (or (string-match proc-rx doc) (string-match proc-rx2 doc))) (args (and match (parse-signature-string (match:substring match 1))))) (set-procedure-property! proc 'geiser-document-args args) args))) (else #f))) (define (parse-signature-string str) (define opt-arg-rx "\\[([^] ]+)\\]?") (define opt-arg-rx2 "([^ ])+\\]+") (let ((tokens (string-tokenize str))) (if (< (length tokens) 2) '() (let loop ((tokens (cdr tokens)) (req '()) (opt '()) (rest #f)) (cond ((null? tokens) `((required ,@(map string->symbol (reverse! req))) (optional ,@(map string->symbol (reverse! opt))) ,@(if rest (list (cons 'rest (string->symbol rest))) '()))) ((string=? "." (car tokens)) (if (not (null? (cdr tokens))) (loop (cddr tokens) req opt (cadr tokens)) (loop '() req opt "rest"))) ((or (string-match opt-arg-rx (car tokens)) (string-match opt-arg-rx2 (car tokens))) => (lambda (m) (loop (cdr tokens) req (cons (match:substring m 1) opt) rest))) (else (loop (cdr tokens) (cons (car tokens) req) opt rest))))))) (define (generic-args gen) (define (src> src1 src2) (> (length (cadr src1)) (length (cadr src2)))) (define (src m) (catch #t (lambda () (method-source m)) (lambda (k . a) #f))) (let* ((methods (generic-function-methods gen)) (srcs (filter identity (map src methods)))) (cond ((and (null? srcs) (not (null? methods)) (method-procedure (car methods))) => arguments) ((not (null? srcs)) (list (source->args (car (sort! srcs src>))))) (else '(((rest . rest))))))) (define (symbol-documentation sym) (let ((obj (symbol->object sym))) (if obj `((signature . ,(or (obj-signature sym obj) sym)) (docstring . ,(docstring sym obj)))))) (define (docstring sym obj) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (let* ((type (cond ((macro? obj) "A macro") ((procedure? obj) "A procedure") ((program? obj) "A compiled program") (else "An object"))) (modname (symbol-module sym)) (doc (object-documentation obj))) (display type) (if modname (begin (display " in module ") (display modname))) (newline) (if doc (begin (newline) (display doc))))))) (define (obj-signature sym obj) (let ((args (obj-args obj))) (and args (signature sym args)))) ;;; doc.scm ends here