;;; enter.rkt -- custom module loaders ;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2012 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the Modified BSD License. You should ;; have received a copy of the license along with this program. If ;; not, see <http://www.xfree86.org/3.3.6/COPYRIGHT2.html#5>. ;; Start date: Wed Mar 31, 2010 21:53 #lang racket/base (require syntax/modcode (for-syntax racket/base) racket/path) (provide get-namespace enter-module module-loader module-loaded?) (struct mod (name load-path timestamp depends)) (define loaded (make-hash)) (define (module-loaded? path) (with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (_) #f)]) (let ([rp (module-path-index-resolve (module-path-index-join path #f))]) (hash-has-key? loaded (resolved-module-path-name rp))))) (define (enter-module mod) (dynamic-require mod #f) (check-latest mod)) (define (module-loader orig) (enter-load/use-compiled orig #f)) (define (notify re? path) (when re? (fprintf (current-error-port) " [re-loading ~a]\n" path))) (define inhibit-eval (make-parameter #f)) (define (get-namespace mod) (let ([mod (cond [(symbol? mod) mod] [(string? mod) (find-module! (string->path mod) mod)] [(path? mod) (find-module! mod (path->string mod))] [else mod])]) (and mod (with-handlers ([exn? (lambda (_) #f)]) (parameterize ([inhibit-eval #t]) (module->namespace mod)))))) (define (find-module! path path-str) (let ([m (or (hash-ref loaded path #f) (let loop ([ps (remove path (resolve-paths path))] [seen '()]) (cond [(null? ps) #f] [(hash-ref loaded (car ps) #f) => (lambda (m) (add-paths! m (cdr ps)) (add-paths! m (cons path seen)) m)] [else (loop (cdr ps) (cons (car ps) seen))])))]) (list 'file (or (and m (mod-load-path m)) path-str)))) (define (add-paths! m ps) (for-each (lambda (p) (hash-set! loaded p m)) ps)) (define (resolve-paths path) (define (find root rest) (let* ([alt-root (resolve-path root)] [same? (equal? root alt-root)]) (cond [(null? rest) (cons root (if same? '() `(,alt-root)))] [else (let* ([c (car rest)] [cs (cdr rest)] [rps (find (build-path root c) cs)]) (if same? rps (append rps (find (build-path alt-root c) cs))))]))) (let ([cmps (explode-path path)]) (find (car cmps) (cdr cmps)))) (define ((enter-load/use-compiled orig re?) path name) (when (inhibit-eval) (raise (make-exn:fail "namespace not found" (current-continuation-marks)))) (if name ;; Module load: (let ([code (get-module-code path "compiled" (lambda (e) (parameterize ([compile-enforce-module-constants #f]) (compile e))) (lambda (ext loader?) (load-extension ext) #f) #:notify (lambda (chosen) (notify re? chosen)))] [path (normal-case-path (simplify-path (path->complete-path path (or (current-load-relative-directory) (current-directory)))))]) ;; Record module timestamp and dependencies: (let ([m (mod name (path->string path) (get-timestamp path) (if code (apply append (map cdr (module-compiled-imports code))) null))]) (add-paths! m (resolve-paths path))) ;; Evaluate the module: (parameterize ([current-module-declare-source path]) (eval code))) ;; Not a module: (begin (notify re? path) (orig path name)))) (define (get-timestamp path) (file-or-directory-modify-seconds path #f (lambda () -inf.0))) (define (check-latest mod) (let ([mpi (module-path-index-join mod #f)] [done (make-hash)]) (let loop ([mpi mpi]) (let* ([rpath (module-path-index-resolve mpi)] [path (resolved-module-path-name rpath)]) (when (path? path) (let ([path (normal-case-path path)]) (unless (hash-ref done path #f) (hash-set! done path #t) (let ([mod (hash-ref loaded path #f)]) (when mod (for-each loop (mod-depends mod)) (let ([ts (get-timestamp path)]) (when (ts . > . (mod-timestamp mod)) (let ([orig (current-load/use-compiled)]) (parameterize ([current-load/use-compiled (enter-load/use-compiled orig #f)] [current-module-declare-name rpath]) ((enter-load/use-compiled orig #t) path (mod-name mod)))))))))))))))