;;; modules.rkt -- module metadata ;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the Modified BSD License. You should ;; have received a copy of the license along with this program. If ;; not, see <http://www.xfree86.org/3.3.6/COPYRIGHT2.html#5>. ;; Start date: Wed May 06, 2009 02:35 #lang racket (provide load-module ensure-module-spec module-spec->namespace namespace->module-name namespace->module-path-name module-path-name->name module-spec->path-name module-identifiers module-list submodules) (require srfi/13 syntax/modcode syntax/modresolve geiser/enter) (define (ensure-module-spec spec) (cond [(symbol? spec) spec] [(not (string? spec)) #f] [else `(file ,spec)])) (define (module-spec->namespace spec (lang #f) (current #t)) (define (try-lang) (and lang (with-handlers ([exn? (const #f)]) (load-module lang #f (current-namespace)) (module->namespace lang)))) (or (get-namespace spec) (try-lang) (and current (current-namespace)))) (define nowhere (open-output-nowhere)) (define (load-module spec (port #f) (ns #f)) (parameterize ([current-error-port (or port nowhere)]) (enter-module (ensure-module-spec spec)) (when (namespace? ns) (current-namespace ns)))) (define (namespace->module-path-name ns) (let ([rmp (variable-reference->resolved-module-path (eval '(#%variable-reference) (or ns (current-namespace))))]) (and (resolved-module-path? rmp) (resolved-module-path-name rmp)))) (define (module-spec->path-name spec) (and (symbol? spec) (or (get-path spec) (register-path spec (namespace->module-path-name (module-spec->namespace spec #f #f)))))) (define (module-path-name->name path) (cond [(path? path) (let* ([path (path->string path)] [cpaths (map (compose path->string path->directory-path) (current-library-collection-paths))] [prefix-len (lambda (p) (let ((pl (string-length p))) (if (= pl (string-prefix-length p path)) pl 0)))] [lens (map prefix-len cpaths)] [real-path (substring path (apply max lens))]) (if (absolute-path? real-path) (let-values ([(_ base __) (split-path path)]) (path->string base)) (regexp-replace "\\.[^./]*$" real-path "")))] ;; [(eq? path '#%kernel) "(kernel)"] [(string? path) path] [(symbol? path) (symbol->string path)] [else ""])) (define namespace->module-name (compose module-path-name->name namespace->module-path-name)) (define (module-identifiers mod) (define (extract-ids ls) (append-map (lambda (idls) (map car (cdr idls))) ls)) (let-values ([(reg syn) (module-compiled-exports (get-module-code (resolve-module-path (ensure-module-spec mod) #f)))]) (values (extract-ids reg) (extract-ids syn)))) (define (skippable-dir? path) (call-with-values (lambda () (split-path path)) (lambda (_ basename __) (member (path->string basename) '(".svn" "compiled"))))) (define path->symbol (compose string->symbol path->string)) (define (path->entry path) (let ([ext (filename-extension path)]) (and ext (or (bytes=? ext #"rkt") (bytes=? ext #"ss")) (not (bytes=? (bytes-append #"main" ext) (path->bytes path))) (let* ([path (path->string path)] [len (- (string-length path) (bytes-length ext) 1)]) (substring path 0 len))))) (define main-rkt (build-path "main.rkt")) (define main-ss (build-path "main.ss")) (define ((visit-module-path reg?) path kind acc) (define (register e p) (when reg? (register-path (string->symbol e) (build-path (current-directory) p))) (values (cons e acc) reg?)) (define (get-main path main) (and (file-exists? main) (build-path path main))) (define (find-main path) (parameterize ([current-directory path]) (or (get-main path main-rkt) (get-main path main-ss)))) (case kind [(file) (let ([entry (path->entry path)]) (if (not entry) acc (register entry path)))] [(dir) (cond [(skippable-dir? path) (values acc #f)] [(find-main path) => (curry register (path->string path))] [else (values acc reg?)])] [else acc])) (define ((find-modules reg?) path acc) (if (directory-exists? path) (parameterize ([current-directory path]) (fold-files (visit-module-path reg?) acc)) acc)) (define (take-while pred lst) (let loop ([lst lst] [acc '()]) (cond [(null? lst) (reverse acc)] [(pred (car lst)) (loop (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) acc))] [else (reverse acc)]))) (define (submodules mod) (let* ([mod-name (if (symbol? mod) mod (get-mod mod))] [mod-str (and (symbol? mod-name) (symbol->string mod-name))]) (if mod-str (let ([ms (member mod-str (module-list))]) (and ms (take-while (lambda (m) (string-prefix? mod-str m)) (cdr ms)))) (find-submodules mod)))) (define (find-submodules path) (and (path-string? path) (let-values ([(dir base ign) (split-path path)]) (and (or (equal? base main-rkt) (equal? base main-ss)) (map (lambda (m) (path->string (build-path dir m))) (remove "main" ((find-modules #f) dir '()))))))) (define (known-modules) (sort (foldl (find-modules #t) '() (current-library-collection-paths)) string<?)) (define registered (make-hash)) (define registered-paths (make-hash)) (define (get-path mod) (hash-ref registered mod #f)) (define (get-mod path) (hash-ref registered-paths path #f)) (define (register-path mod path) (hash-set! registered mod path) (hash-set! registered-paths path mod) path) (define module-cache #f) (define (update-module-cache) (when (not module-cache) (set! module-cache (known-modules)))) (define (module-list) (update-module-cache) module-cache) (define (startup) (thread update-module-cache) (void)) (startup)