Installing Geiser. ------------------ Geiser is usable from its source tree, with no configuration whatsoever, or can be installed from ELPA with `M-x install-package' is Marmalade is in your list of archives. You can also (byte) compile and install it with the usual configure/make/make install dance. * From ELPA Add Marmalade to your `package-archives' list: (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("marmalade" . "")) (package-initialize) and run `M-x install-package RET geiser`. You can also use as a repo, or download directly the package from there and use M-x package-install-file. * In place - Extract the tarball or clone the git repository anywhere in your file system. Let's call that place <path-to-geiser>. - In your .emacs: (load-file "<path-to-geiser>/elisp/geiser.el") * Byte-compiled - Create a build directory, `build', say: $ cd <path-to-geiser> $ mkdir build; cd build - Configure and make: $ ../configure && make Now, you can use the byte-compiled Geiser in place by adding to your .emacs: (load "<path-to-geiser>/build/elisp/geiser-load") or, alternatively, install it with: $ make install (you might need to get root access, depending on your installation directory) and, instead of the above load forms, require 'geiser-install (not 'geiser, mind you) in your emacs initialization file: (require 'geiser-install) * Chicken Addendum These steps are necessary to fully support Chicken Scheme, but are not required for any other scheme. - Install the necessary support eggs: $ chicken-install -s apropos chicken-doc - Update the Chicken documentation database: $ cd `csi -p '(chicken-home)'` $ curl | sudo tar zx You're ready to go! * Gambit Addendum These steps are necessary to fully support all Gambit Scheme functionnalities, but are not required for any other scheme. # SETUP : 1 - clone the last version of gambit and of this repo 2 - configure gambit using --enable-rtlib-debug-source to activate autodoc ``` bash $ cd ~/ $ git clone "the gambit repo address" $ cd gambit $ ./configure --enable-single-host --enable-debug --enable-rtlib-debug-source $ make bootstrap $ make bootclean $ make -j $ make install ``` 3 - put a link to geiser/elisp/geiser.el in your init file in your init file paste : ``` elisp (load-file "~/geiser/elisp/geiser.el") ``` (the path is your path to geiser.el.) # setup REMOTE CONNECT TO A GAMBIT REPL 1 - you need to enable the gambit/geiser module ( if you can't, substitute the command below with the PS: at the end of the readme ) ``` bash $ mkdir ~/gambit/lib/gambit/geiser $ cp ~/geiser/geiser-module/* ~/gambit/lib/geiser/ ``` 2 - now that you have the module you start gsi with it and using the -:d@ ``` bash $ gsi -:d gambit/geiser - ``` 3 - you can now open emacs and write ``` M-x geiser-connect gambit ``` Enjoy ! By the way, if you are unable to use gambit modules, open gsi with the gambit.scm file located in geiser/scheme/gambit/geiser/gambit.scm something like : gsi -:d@ ~/geiser/scheme/gambit/geiser/gambit.scm - Geiser's makefile accepts also all those other standard autotools targets that you've come to know and love and that are documented in virtually all boilerplate INSTALL files out there.