-*- mode: org -*- * Overview Geiser is a generic Emacs/Scheme interaction mode, featuring an enhanced REPL and a set of minor modes improving Emacs' basic scheme major mode. The main functionalities provided are: - Evaluation of forms in the namespace of the current module. - Macro expansion. - File/module loading. - Namespace-aware identifier completion (including local bindings, names visible in the current module, and module names). - Autodoc: the echo area shows information about the signature of the procedure/macro around point automatically. - Jump to definition of identifier at point. - Access to documentation (including docstrings when the implementation provides it). - Listings of identifiers exported by a given module. - Listings of callers/callees of procedures. - Rudimentary support for debugging (list of evaluation/compilation error in an Emacs' compilation-mode buffer). - Support for inline images in schemes, such as Racket, that treat them as first order values. NOTE: if you're not in a hurry, Geiser's website (http://www.nongnu.org/geiser/) contains a nicer manual, also included in Geiser tarballs as a texinfo file (doc/geiser.info). * Requirements Geiser needs Emacs 23.2 or better, and at least one of the supported scheme implementations: - Guile 2.2 or better. - PLT Racket 6.0 or better. - Chicken 4.8.0 or better. - MIT/GNU Scheme 9.1.1 or better. - Chibi 0.7.3 or better. - Chez 9.4 or better. * Installation The easiest way is to use MELPA, and just type =M-x package-install RET geiser= inside emacs. Geiser can be used either directly from its uninstalled source tree or byte-compiled and installed after performing the standard configure/make/make install dance. See the INSTALL file for more details. ** Chicken Addendum These steps are necessary to fully support Chicken Scheme, but are not required for any other scheme. - Install the necessary support eggs: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ chicken-install -s apropos chicken-doc #+END_EXAMPLE - Update the Chicken documentation database: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ cd `csi -p '(chicken-home)'` $ curl http://3e8.org/pub/chicken-doc/chicken-doc-repo.tgz | sudo tar zx #+END_EXAMPLE * Basic configuration The loading invocations above install all supported Scheme implementations. You can list explicitly the ones that you want by setting the variable =geiser-active-implementations= *before* loading geiser.el. For instance: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (setq geiser-active-implementations '(chicken guile)) #+END_SRC On opening a scheme file, Geiser will try to guess its Scheme, defaulting to the first in the list. Use =C-c C-s= to select the implementation by hand (on a per file basis). Check the geiser customization group for some options with: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE M-x customize-group RET geiser RET #+END_EXAMPLE In particular, customize =geiser-<impl>-binary=, which should point to an executable in your path. To start a REPL, =M-x geiser=. ** Completion with company-mode Geiser offers identifier and module name completion, bound to =M-TAB= and =M-`= respectively. Only names visible in the current module are offered. While that is cool and all, things are even better: if you have [[http://company-mode.github.io/][company mode]] installed, Geiser's completion will use it. Just require company-mode and, from then on, any new scheme buffer or REPL will use it. * Quick key reference ** In Scheme buffers: |---------------+--------------------------------------------------| | =C-c C-s= | Specify Scheme implementation for buffer | | =C-c C-z= | Switch to REPL | | =C-c C-a= | Switch to REPL and current module | |---------------+--------------------------------------------------| | =M-.= | Go to definition of identifier at point | | =M-,= | Go back to where M-. was last invoked | | =C-c C-e m= | Ask for a module and open its file | | =C-c C-e C-l= | Add a given directory to Scheme's load path | | =C-c C-e [= | Toggle between () and [] for current form | |---------------+--------------------------------------------------| | =C-M-x= | Eval definition around point | | =C-c C-c= | Eval definition around point | | =C-c M-e= | Eval definition around point and switch to REPL | | =C-x C-e= | Eval sexp before point | | =C-c C-r= | Eval region | | =C-c M-r= | Eval region and switch to REPL | | =C-c C-b= | Eval buffer | | =C-c M-b= | Eval buffer and switch to REPL | |---------------+--------------------------------------------------| | =C-c C-m x= | Macro-expand definition around point | | =C-c C-m e= | Macro-expand sexp before point | | =C-c C-m r= | Macro-expand region | |---------------+--------------------------------------------------| | =C-c C-k= | Compile and load current buffer | | =C-c C-l= | Load scheme file | | =C-u C-c C-k= | Compile and load current buffer, restarting REPL | |---------------+--------------------------------------------------| | =C-c C-d d= | See documentation for identifier at point | | =C-c C-d s= | See short documentation for identifier at point | | =C-c C-d i= | Look up manual for identifier at point | | =C-c C-d m= | See a list of a module's exported identifiers | | =C-c C-d a= | Toggle autodoc mode | |---------------+--------------------------------------------------| | =C-c <= | Show callers of procedure at point | | =C-c >= | Show callees of procedure at point | |---------------+--------------------------------------------------| | =M-TAB= | Complete identifier at point | | =M-`=, =C-.= | Complete module name at point | | =TAB= | Complete identifier at point or indent | | | (If =geiser-mode-smart-tab-p= is t) | |---------------+--------------------------------------------------| ** In the REPL |----------------+----------------------------------------------------| | =C-c C-z= | Start Scheme REPL, or jump to previous buffer | | =C-c M-o= | Clear scheme output | | =C-c C-q= | Kill Scheme process | | =C-c C-l= | Load scheme file | | =C-c C-k= | Nuke REPL: use it if the REPL becomes unresponsive | |----------------+----------------------------------------------------| | =M-.= | Edit identifier at point | | =TAB=, =M-TAB= | Complete identifier at point | | =M-`=, =C-.= | Complete module name at point | | =M-p=, =M-n= | Prompt history, matching current prefix | |----------------+----------------------------------------------------| | =C-c C-m= | Set current module | | =C-c C-i= | Import module into current namespace | | =C-c C-r= | Add a given directory to scheme's load path | |----------------+----------------------------------------------------| | =C-c C-d C-d= | See documentation for symbol at point | | =C-c C-d C-m= | See documentation for module | | =C-c C-d C-a= | Toggle autodoc mode | |----------------+----------------------------------------------------| ** In the documentation browser: |--------------+----------------------------------------------| | =f= | Next page | | =b= | Previous page | |--------------+----------------------------------------------| | =TAB=, =n= | Next link | | =S-TAB=, =p= | Previous link | | =N= | Next section | | =P= | Previous section | |--------------+----------------------------------------------| | =k= | Kill current page and go to previous or next | | =g=, =r= | Refresh page | | =c= | Clear browsing history | |--------------+----------------------------------------------| | =.=, =M-.= | Edit identifier at point | | =z= | Switch to REPL | |--------------+----------------------------------------------| | =q= | Bury buffer | |--------------+----------------------------------------------| ** In backtrace (evaluation/compile result) buffers: - =M-g n=, =M-g p=, =C-x `= for error navigation. - =q= to bury buffer.