* Overview Geiser is a generic Emacs/Scheme interaction mode, featuring an enhanced REPL and a set of minor modes improving Emacs' basic scheme major mode. The main functionalities provided are: - Evaluation of forms in the namespace of the current module. - Macro expansion. - File/module loading. - Namespace-aware symbol completion (including local bindings, names visible in the current module, and module names). - Autodoc: the echo area shows information about the signature of the procedure/macro around point automatically. - Jump to definition of symbol at point. - Access to documentation (including docstrings when the implementation provides it). - Listings of callers/callees of procedures. - Rudimentary support for debugging (list of evaluation/compilation error in an Emacs' compilation-mode buffer). Currently supported implementations are Guile and PLT. * Installation - In your .emacs: (load-file "<path-to-geiser>/elisp/geiser.el") (geiser-setup) This installs all supported Scheme implementations. You can list explicitly the ones that you want, e.g.: (geiser-setup 'plt 'guile) On opening a scheme file, Geiser will try to guess its Scheme, defaulting to the first in the list. - Check the geiser customization group for some options with: M-x customize-group RET geiser RET In particular, customize `geiser-repl-<impl>-binary' (in geiser-repl), which should point to an executable in your path. - To start a REPL, M-x geiser. *** Implementation caveats - Guile works only with the development, vm-based binary. Be sure to customize `geiser-repl-guile-binary' to point to a correct vm binary. - PLT Scheme or better required. Listing of callers/callees is not available. * Quick key reference *** In Scheme buffers: |------------------+-------------------------------------------------| | C-cC-z | Switch to REPL | | C-cC-s | Specify Scheme implementation for buffer | |------------------+-------------------------------------------------| | M-. | Edit symbol at point | | M-, | Go back to where M-. was last invoked | | C-cC-em | Ask for a module and open its file | |------------------+-------------------------------------------------| | C-M-x | Eval definition around point | | C-cM-e | Eval definition around point and switch to REPL | | C-xC-e | Eval sexp before point | | C-cC-r | Eval region | | C-cM-r | Eval region and switch to REPL | |------------------+-------------------------------------------------| | C-cC-mx | Macro-expand definition around point | | C-cC-me | Macro-expand sexp before point | | C-cC-mr | Marcro-expand region | | C-uC-cC-m[x,e,r] | (With prefix, macro expansions are recursive) | |------------------+-------------------------------------------------| | C-cC-k | Compile and load current file | | C-cC-l | Load current file | |------------------+-------------------------------------------------| | C-cC-dd | See documentation for symbol at point | | C-cC-dm | See list of module symbols | | C-cC-da | Toggle autodoc mode | |------------------+-------------------------------------------------| | C-c< | Show callers of procedure at point | | C-c> | Show callees of procedure at point | | C-cC-xf | See a generic's methods signatures | |------------------+-------------------------------------------------| | M-TAB | Complete symbol at point | | M-`, C-. | Complete module name at point | | TAB | Complete symbol at point or indent | | | (If `geiser-mode-smart-tab-p' is t) | |------------------+-------------------------------------------------| *** In the REPL |--------------+-----------------------------------------| | C-cC-z, C-cz | Start Scheme REPL (if it's not running) | |--------------+-----------------------------------------| | M-. | Edit symbol at point | | TAB, M-TAB | Complete symbol at point | | M-`, C-. | Complete module name at point | |--------------+-----------------------------------------| | M-p, M-n | Prompt history, matching current prefix | |--------------+-----------------------------------------| | C-ck | Compile and load scheme file | | C-cl | Load scheme file | |--------------+-----------------------------------------| | C-cd | See documentation for symbol at point | | C-cm | See module documentation | | C-ca | Toggle autodoc mode | |--------------+-----------------------------------------| *** In the documentation browser: |-----------+----------------------------------------------| | n/p | next/previous page | | l | previous page | | SPC/S-SPC | scroll up/down | | TAB/S-TAB | next/previous link | | k | kill current page and go to previous or next | | r | refresh page | | c | clean browsing history | | M-. | edit symbol at point | | C-cz | switch to REPL | | q | bury buffer | |-----------+----------------------------------------------| *** In backtrace (evaluation/compile result) buffers: - Default error navigation keys used by Emacs' compilation mode (e.g. M-gn, M-gp for next/previous error). - q to bury buffer.