;; geiser-autodoc.el -- autodoc mode ;; Copyright (C) 2009 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz ;; Author: Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <jao@gnu.org> ;; Start date: Sun Feb 08, 2009 19:44 ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ;;; Comentary: ;; A minor mode that echoes information about procedures and variables ;; near point at the minibuffer. ;;; Code: (require 'geiser-eval) (require 'geiser-syntax) (require 'geiser-custom) (require 'geiser-base) (require 'eldoc) ;;; Customization: (defgroup geiser-autodoc nil "Options for displaying autodoc strings in the echo area." :group 'geiser) (geiser-custom--defface autodoc-current-arg 'bold geiser-autodoc "highlighting current argument in autodoc messages") (geiser-custom--defface autodoc-procedure-name 'font-lock-function-name-face geiser-autodoc "highlighting procedure name in autodoc messages") (defcustom geiser-autodoc-delay 0.3 "Delay before autodoc messages are fetched and displayed, in seconds." :type 'number :group 'geiser-autodoc) (defcustom geiser-autodoc-display-module-p t "Whether to display procedure module in autodoc strings." :type 'boolean :group 'geiser-autodoc) (defcustom geiser-autodoc-procedure-name-format "%s:%s" "Format for displaying module and procedure name, in that order, when `geiser-autodoc-display-module-p' is on." :type 'string :group 'geiser-autodoc) ;;; Procedure arguments: (make-variable-buffer-local (defvar geiser-autodoc--cached-signatures nil)) (defun geiser-autodoc--get-signatures (funs) (when funs (let ((missing) (cached)) (if (not geiser-autodoc--cached-signatures) (setq missing funs) (dolist (f funs) (let ((cf (assq f geiser-autodoc--cached-signatures))) (if cf (push cf cached) (push f missing))))) (unless cached (setq geiser-autodoc--cached-signatures nil)) (if (not missing) geiser-autodoc--cached-signatures (let ((res (geiser-eval--send/result `(:eval ((:ge autodoc) (quote ,missing))) 500))) (when res (setq geiser-autodoc--cached-signatures (append cached res)))))))) (defun geiser-autodoc--insert-args (args current &optional pos) (dolist (a args) (let ((p (point))) (insert (format "%s" a)) (when (or (and (numberp pos) (numberp current) (setq current (1+ current)) (= (1+ pos) current)) (and (symbolp current) (listp a) (eq current (car a)))) (put-text-property p (point) 'face 'geiser-font-lock-autodoc-current-arg) (setq pos nil current nil))) (insert " ")) (when args (backward-char)) current) (defsubst geiser-autodoc--proc-name (proc module) (let ((str (if module (format geiser-autodoc-procedure-name-format module proc) proc))) (propertize str 'face 'geiser-font-lock-autodoc-procedure-name))) (defun geiser-autodoc--str (proc desc signature) (let ((args (cdr (assoc 'args signature))) (module (cdr (assoc 'module signature)))) (if (not args) (geiser-autodoc--proc-name proc module) (let ((cpos 1) (pos (or (second desc) 0)) (prev (third desc)) (reqs (cdr (assoc 'required args))) (opts (cdr (assoc 'optional args))) (keys (cdr (assoc 'key args)))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (geiser-syntax--font-lock-buffer)) (erase-buffer) (insert (format "(%s " (geiser-autodoc--proc-name proc module))) (setq cpos (geiser-autodoc--insert-args reqs cpos (and (not (zerop pos)) pos))) (when opts (insert " [") (setq cpos (geiser-autodoc--insert-args opts cpos pos)) (when keys (insert " [") (geiser-autodoc--insert-args keys prev nil) (insert "]")) (insert "]")) (insert ")") (buffer-string)))))) (defun geiser-autodoc--autodoc (path) (let* ((funs (mapcar 'car path)) (signs (geiser-autodoc--get-signatures funs))) (when signs (catch 'signature (dolist (f funs) (let ((signature (cdr (assq f signs)))) (when signature (throw 'signature (geiser-autodoc--str f (assq f path) signature))))))))) ;;; Autodoc function: (defun geiser-autodoc--eldoc-function () (condition-case e (geiser-autodoc--autodoc (geiser-syntax--scan-sexps)) (error (format "Autodoc not available (%s)" (error-message-string e))))) ;;; Autodoc mode: (make-variable-buffer-local (defvar geiser-autodoc-mode-string " A" "Modeline indicator for geiser-autodoc-mode")) (define-minor-mode geiser-autodoc-mode "Toggle Geiser's Autodoc mode. With no argument, this command toggles the mode. Non-null prefix argument turns on the mode. Null prefix argument turns off the mode. When Autodoc mode is enabled, a synopsis of the word at point is displayed in the minibuffer." :init-value nil :lighter geiser-autodoc-mode-string :group 'geiser-autodoc (set (make-local-variable 'eldoc-documentation-function) (when geiser-autodoc-mode 'geiser-autodoc--eldoc-function)) (set (make-local-variable 'eldoc-minor-mode-string) nil) (set (make-local-variable 'eldoc-idle-delay) geiser-autodoc-delay) (eldoc-mode geiser-autodoc-mode) (message "Geiser Autodoc %s" (if geiser-autodoc-mode "enabled" "disabled"))) (provide 'geiser-autodoc) ;;; geiser-autodoc.el ends here