path: root/mixgtk/mixgtk.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2002-03-29missing standard headers includedJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-07-09history fileJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-06-30split improvedJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-06-27hot split swapJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-06-25hot split/unsplitJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-06-24split windows modeJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-05-24deferred dialog creationJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-05-03(mixgtk_init) check for the existence of glade xml file(s) before using itJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-04-29config file handling addedJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-04-28initialisation, clean-up and main functionality splitJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-04-27font customization addedJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-04-22color custumozation addedJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
2001-03-14gmixvm (v 0.3) completedjaortega
2001-03-13first functional GUIjaortega
2001-03-10gui updatejaortega
2001-03-09partial functionality implementedjaortega
2001-02-27missing mixlib initialisation addedjaortega
2001-02-26gtk front-end filesjaortega