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    <title>MDK download</title>

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	    <font color="white"><b>MDK download</b></font>
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	    <a href="news.html">News</a><br>
	    <a href="index.html">MDK home</a><br>
	    <a href="mdk.html">Documentation</a><br>
	    <a href="lists.html">Mailing lists</a><br>
	    <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/mdk">
	      MDK at SourceForge</a><br>
	    <a href="http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=13897">
	      CVS repository</a><br><br>
	    <p align="center">Thanks to<br>
	      <A href="http://sourceforge.net"> 
		<IMG src="http://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=13897&type=1"
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	    <p align="right"><font color="#000069" size="+1">
	    <p>The latest stable version (0.2) source tarball, as well as the
	      HTML documentation is available for
	    <p>You can also download the
		nightly CVS tree tarball</a>, containing the
	      development version.</p>
	    <p align="right"><font color="#000069" size="+1">
		<a name="reqs">Requirements</a>
	    MDK is written in ANSI C and uses the following libraries:
	      <li>GNU readline and history
	      <li><a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/flex/flex.html">
		  GNU Flex</a>, version 2.3 or latter
	      <li><a href="http://www.gtk.org">glib</a>, version 1.2.0 or latter
	    These libraries are fairly common in any GNU/Linux distribution
	    (MDK is developed on a <a href="www.debian.org">Debian 2.3</a>
	    box). Although I haven't tested it, MDK should be also installable
	    on BSD operating systems such as FreeBSD if the above libraries
	    are installed. Please, 
	    <a href="mailto:jaortega@acm.org">drop me</a> a line if you install
	    MDK, and I'll add your platform to the list of supported ones.
	    <p align="right"><font color="#000069" size="+1">
	    MDK uses autoconf/automake, so that compilation and installation
	    should follow the typical uncompress, configure, make, install cycle.
	    First, uncompress the source tarball using:
	      tar xvfz mdk-latest.tar.gz
	    This will create a folder named mdk-X.Y (where X.Y stands for
	    the version you downloaded, e.g., 0.1). To build the MDK tools,
	    enter this folder and type
	    After the compilation finishes, you can find the MDK
	    executables, <b>mixasm</b> (the assembler) and <b>mixvm</b>
	    (the MIX virtual machine) in the subdirectory
	    <b>mixutils</b>. They can be run directly from that
	    directory, but, if you prefer to install the binaries and
	    documentation in standard locations, type, as root
	      make install
	    See the file named INSTALL in the source folder for fine tuning 
	    of build and installation options.
	    <p align="right">
	      Contact the <a href="mailto:jaortega@acm.org">author.</a>
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	    <i>last modified Sat Jan  6 00:24:39 CET 2001</i>