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08/01/01 MDK 0.1.1 release New version of MDK. This version provides the following new functionalities:
  • mixvm provides virtual execution time statistics after each invocation of run or next.
  • mixvm can trace instructions as they are executed. tron/troff commands turn off/off instruction tracing.
  • mixvm accepts a new command, w2d, which computes the decimal value of a MIX word given as a series of bytes (e.g. - 01 00 34 32 22).
  • Symbols can be defined at the mixvm prompt with the new command ssym.
  • mixvm accepts a new command, weval, which allows the evaluation of MIXAL w-expressions.
In addition, some bugs have been fixed. The most outstanding one is that expressions containing strings of successive '*' are now correctly evaluated.
26/11/00 Documentation update The MDK documentation has been updated so that the description of MIX and MIXAL is self-contained and does not depend on TAOCP. Now, you can learn MIX/MIXAL reading the included tutorial. You can also download the HTML tarball.
18/11/00 MDK 0.1.1 release New version of MDK. This is a bug-fix release which makes MDK fully compliant with Knuth's specification. In particular, local symbols are now properly handled in special cases such as
 3H ORIG 3B 
instructions. See the the change log for details.
  last updated Sat Jan 6 15:34:16 CET 2001