\input texinfo @c %**start of header @setfilename mdk.info @settitle GNU MIX Development Kit (mdk) @finalout @setchapternewpage odd @c %**end of header @dircategory GNU programming tools @direntry * MDK: (mdk). The GNU MIX Development Kit. @end direntry @set UPDATED April, 2002 @set EDITION 1.0 @set VERSION 1.0 @set JAO Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz @set PHILIP Philip E. King @footnotestyle separate @ifinfo This file documents the the GNU @sc{mdk} utilities for developing programs using Donald Knuth's MIX language. Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". @ignore Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the results, provided the printed document carries copying permission notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph (this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual). @end ignore Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation. @end ifinfo @titlepage @title GNU MDK @subtitle GNU MIX Development Kit @subtitle Edition @value{EDITION}, for GNU @sc{mdk} Version @value{VERSION} @subtitle @value{UPDATED} @author by @value{JAO} @page @vskip 0pt plus 1filll Copyright @copyright{} 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation. @end titlepage @node Top, Introduction, (dir), (dir) @ifinfo This file documents the GNU @sc{mdk} utilities to develop, run and debug programs written in the MIXAL programming language. MIXAL is an assembler-like language for programming a virtual computer called MIX. They were created by Donald Knuth in the first volume of @cite{The Art of Computer Programming} (Addison Wesley, 1997). GNU @sc{mdk} is an official GNU package. GNU @sc{mdk} was written by @value{JAO} and is released under the GNU General Public license (@pxref{Copying}), so that users are free to share and improve it. @value{PHILIP} has contributed to this package development with many helpful discussions, as well as actual code (@pxref{mixvm.el}). @end ifinfo @menu * Introduction:: * Acknowledgments:: * Installing MDK:: Installing GNU MDK from the source tarball. * MIX and MIXAL tutorial:: Learn the innards of MIX and MIXAL. * Getting started:: Basic usage of the @sc{mdk} tools. * mixvm.el:: Using @code{mixvm} within Emacs. * mixasm:: Invoking the MIXAL assembler. * mixvm:: Invoking and using the MIX virtual machine. * gmixvm:: Invoking and using the GTK+ virtual machine. * mixguile:: Invoking and using the Scheme virtual machine. * Problems:: Reporting bugs. * Copying:: @sc{mdk} licensing terms. * Concept Index:: Index of concepts. * Instructions and commands:: Index of MIXAL instructions and MIXVM commands. @detailmenu --- The Detailed Node Listing --- Installing @sc{mdk} * Download:: * Requirements:: * Basic installation:: * Emacs support:: * Special configure flags:: * Supported platforms:: MIX and MIXAL tutorial * The MIX computer:: Architecture and instruction set of the MIX computer. * MIXAL:: The MIX assembly language. The MIX computer * MIX architecture:: * MIX instruction set:: MIX instruction set * Instruction structure:: * Loading operators:: * Storing operators:: * Arithmetic operators:: * Address transfer operators:: * Comparison operators:: * Jump operators:: * Input-output operators:: * Conversion operators:: * Shift operators:: * Miscellaneous operators:: * Execution times:: MIXAL * Basic structure:: Writing basic MIXAL programs. * MIXAL directives:: Assembler directives. * Expressions:: Evaluation of expressions. * W-expressions:: Evaluation of w-expressions. * Local symbols:: Special symbol table entries. * Literal constants:: Specifying an immediate operand. Getting started * Writing a source file:: A sample MIXAL source file. * Compiling:: Using @code{mixasm} to compile source files into binary format. * Running the program:: Running and debugging your programs. * Using mixguile:: Using the Scheme interpreter to run and debug your programs. * Using Scheme in mixvm and gmixvm:: Running the program * Non-interactive mode:: Running your programs non-interactively. * Interactive mode:: Running programs interactively. * Debugging:: Commands for debugging your programs. Using @code{mixguile} * The mixguile shell:: Using the Scheme MIX virtual machine. * Additional functions:: Scheme functions accessing the VM. * Defining new functions:: Defining your own Scheme functions. * Hook functions:: Using command and break hook functions. * Scheme scripts:: Hook functions * Command hooks:: * Break hooks:: @code{mixasm}, the MIXAL assembler * Invoking @code{mixasm}:: @code{mixasm} options @code{mixvm}, the MIX computer simulator * Invocation:: Options when invoking @code{mixvm}. * Commands:: Commands available in interactive mode. * Devices:: MIX block devices implementation. Interactive commands * File commands:: Loading and executing programs. * Debug commands:: Debugging programs. * State commands:: Inspecting the virtual machine state. * Configuration commands:: Storing mixvm settings. * Scheme commands:: @code{gmixvm}, the GTK virtual machine * Invoking @code{gmixvm}:: Invoking the GTK+ interface. * MIXVM console:: Using @code{mixvm} commands. * MIX virtual machine:: The MIX virtual machine window. * MIXAL source view:: Viewing the MIXAL source code. * MIX devices view:: Device output. * Menu and status bars:: Available menu commands. @code{mixguile}, the Scheme virtual machine * Invoking mixguile:: Command line options. * Scheme functions reference:: Scheme functions accessing the VM. Scheme functions reference * mixvm wrappers:: Functions invoking mixvm commands. * Hooks:: Adding hooks to mixvm commands. * Additional VM functions:: Functions accessing the MIX virtual machine. Copying * GNU General Public License:: * GNU Free Documentation License:: @end detailmenu @end menu @include mdk_intro.texi @include mdk_ack.texi @include mdk_install.texi @include mdk_tut.texi @include mdk_gstart.texi @include mdk_emixvm.texi @include mdk_mixasm.texi @include mdk_mixvm.texi @include mdk_gmixvm.texi @include mdk_mixguile.texi @include mdk_bugs.texi @include mdk_copying.texi @include mdk_index.texi @include mdk_findex.texi @shortcontents @contents @bye $Id: mdk.texi,v 1.18 2002/04/08 00:26:38 jao Exp $