%define name mdk %define docname mdk-doc %define version 0.4.2 %define release 1 %define serial 2 #%define prefix /opt/mdk-0.3.1/usr %define prefix /usr #%define infodirdir %{prefix}/etc/ %define infodirdir /etc Summary: MIX Development Kit Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release} Serial: %{serial} Copyright: GPL Group: Development/Languages Url: http://www.gnu.org/software/mdk/mdk.html Vendor: Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <jao@gnu.org> Source0: http://download.sourcegorge.net/mdk/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: http://download.sourcegorge.net/mdk/%{docname}-%{version}.tar.gz #Patch0: patch-mdk-0.3 Packager: Agustin Navarro <anp@cantv.net> BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version}-root #DocDir: %{prefix}/share/doc/mdk-0.3.1 %description MDK stands for MIX Development Kit, and provides tools for developing and executing, in a MIX virtual machine, MIXAL programs. The MIX is Donald Knuth's mythical computer, described in the first volume of The Art of Computer Programming, which is programmed using MIXAL, the MIX assembly language. MDK includes a MIXAL assembler (mixasm) and a MIX virtual machine (mixvm) with a command line interface. In case you are an Emacs guy, you can try doc/mixvm.el, which allows running mixvm inside an Emacs GUD buffer. Using these interfaces, you can debug your MIXAL programs at source code level, and read/modify the contents of all the components of the MIX computer (including block devices, which are simultated using the file system). %package gtk Summary: MIX Development Kit GTK GUI Interface to mixvm Group: Development/Languages %description gtk MDK stands for MIX Development Kit, and provides tools for developing and executing, in a MIX virtual machine, MIXAL programs. The MIX is Donald Knuth's mythical computer, described in the first volume of The Art of Computer Programming, which is programmed using MIXAL, the MIX assembly language. A GTK+ GUI to mixvm, called gmixvm, is provided Using these interfaces, you can debug your MIXAL programs at source code level, and read/modify the contents of all the components of the MIX computer (including block devices, which are simultated using the file system). %package doc Summary: MIX Development Kit HTML Documentation Group: Development/Languages %description doc MDK stands for MIX Development Kit, and provides tools for developing and executing, in a MIX virtual machine, MIXAL programs. This pakage includes the HTML Documentation %prep %setup -q %setup -D -T -b 1 #%patch0 -p1 CFLAGS=$RPM_OPT_FLAGS \ ./configure --prefix=%{prefix} --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' %build make #make html %install [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT; make -e prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix} install %clean [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT; %post /sbin/install-info %{prefix}/share/info/mdk.info.gz %{infodirdir}/info-dir %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING README NEWS TODO THANKS INSTALL %doc samples %doc misc/mixvm.el %{prefix}/bin/mixasm %{prefix}/bin/mixvm %{prefix}/share/info/* %files gtk %defattr(-,root,root) %{prefix}/share/mdk %{prefix}/bin/gmixvm %files doc %defattr(-,root,root) %doc ../%{docname}-%{version}/img ../%{docname}-%{version}/manual %changelog * Sun Aug 19 2001 Agustin Navarro <anp@cantv.net> - Upgrade to mdk-0.4 * Sun Jul 22 2001 Agustin Navarro <anp@cantv.net> - Upgrade to mdk-0.4 * Thu Jun 21 2001 Agustin Navarro <anp@cantv.net> - Upgrade to mdk-0.3.5 * Tue Jun 12 2001 Agustin Navarro <anp@cantv.net> - Upgrade to mdk-0.3.4 * Sat Jun 09 2001 Agustin Navarro <anp@cantv.net> - Upgrade to mdk-0.3.3 * Thu May 16 2001 Agustin Navarro <anp@cantv.net> - Upgrade to 0.3.2 * Fri Mar 30 2001 Agustin Navarro <anp@cantv.net> - Initial Rpm Release