/* -*-c-*- -------------- mixgtk_fontsel.c : * Implementation of the functions declared in mixgtk_fontsel.h * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Last change: Time-stamp: "2001-04-28 00:42:21 jao" * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include #include "mixgtk_widgets.h" #include "mixgtk_fontsel.h" static GtkWidget *fontsel_dialog_ = NULL; static mixgtk_widget_id_t widget_; static GHashTable *winfo_ = NULL; typedef struct winfo { GtkWidget *widget; GtkStyle *style; gchar *font; } winfo; static mixgtk_widget_id_t widget_ids_[] = { MIXGTK_WIDGET_MIXVM, MIXGTK_WIDGET_PROMPT, MIXGTK_WIDGET_LOG, MIXGTK_WIDGET_MIXAL, MIXGTK_WIDGET_rA, MIXGTK_WIDGET_rX, MIXGTK_WIDGET_rJ, MIXGTK_WIDGET_rI1, MIXGTK_WIDGET_rI2, MIXGTK_WIDGET_rI3, MIXGTK_WIDGET_rI4, MIXGTK_WIDGET_rI5, MIXGTK_WIDGET_rI6, MIXGTK_WIDGET_CMP_L, MIXGTK_WIDGET_CMP_E, MIXGTK_WIDGET_CMP_G, MIXGTK_WIDGET_OVER, MIXGTK_WIDGET_CELLS, MIXGTK_WIDGET_LAPTIME, MIXGTK_WIDGET_PROGTIME, MIXGTK_WIDGET_UPTIME }; #define WIDGET_NO_ (sizeof (widget_ids_) / sizeof (widget_ids_[0])) static winfo infos_[WIDGET_NO_]; void change_font_ (mixgtk_widget_id_t widget) { widget_ = widget; gtk_widget_show (fontsel_dialog_); } /* initialise the font selection dialog */ gboolean mixgtk_fontsel_init (void) { int i; fontsel_dialog_ = mixgtk_widget_factory_get (MIXGTK_WIDGET_FONTSEL_DIALOG); g_return_val_if_fail (fontsel_dialog_ != NULL, FALSE); winfo_ = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); for (i = 0; i < WIDGET_NO_; ++i) { infos_[i].widget = mixgtk_widget_factory_get (widget_ids_[i]); g_return_val_if_fail (infos_[i].widget != NULL, FALSE); infos_[i].style = gtk_style_copy (gtk_widget_get_style (infos_[i].widget)); gtk_widget_set_style (infos_[i].widget, infos_[i].style); infos_[i].font = NULL; g_hash_table_insert (winfo_, GINT_TO_POINTER (widget_ids_[i]), (gpointer)(infos_ + i)); } return TRUE; } void mixgtk_fontsel_set (mixgtk_widget_id_t widget, const gchar *font) { winfo *w = (winfo *) g_hash_table_lookup (winfo_, GINT_TO_POINTER (widget)); if (w != NULL && font != NULL) { GdkFont *f = gdk_font_load (font); if (f != NULL) { gdk_font_unref (w->style->font); w->style->font = f; if (w->font != NULL) g_free (w->font); w->font = g_strdup (font); // gtk_widget_set_style (w, style); gtk_widget_draw (w->widget, FALSE); } } if (widget == MIXGTK_WIDGET_MIXVM) { int k; for (k = MIXGTK_WIDGET_rA; k <= MIXGTK_WIDGET_UPTIME; ++k) mixgtk_fontsel_set (k, font); } } const gchar * mixgtk_fontsel_get (mixgtk_widget_id_t widget) { const gchar *result = NULL; winfo *w = (winfo *) g_hash_table_lookup (winfo_, GINT_TO_POINTER (widget)); if (w != NULL) result = w->font; return result; } /* callbacks */ void on_log_font_activate (void) { change_font_ (MIXGTK_WIDGET_LOG); } void on_mixal_font_activate (void) { change_font_ (MIXGTK_WIDGET_MIXAL); } void on_prompt_font_activate (void) { change_font_ (MIXGTK_WIDGET_PROMPT); } void on_mix_font_activate (void) { change_font_ (MIXGTK_WIDGET_MIXVM); } void on_fontsel_apply_clicked (void) { const gchar * name = gtk_font_selection_dialog_get_font_name (GTK_FONT_SELECTION_DIALOG (fontsel_dialog_)); mixgtk_fontsel_set (widget_, name); } void on_fontsel_ok_clicked (void) { on_fontsel_apply_clicked (); gtk_widget_hide (fontsel_dialog_); } void on_fontsel_cancel_clicked (void) { gtk_widget_hide (fontsel_dialog_); }