/* -*-c-*- ------------------ mix_eval_scanner.l : * scanner used by mix_eval_t * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Last change: Time-stamp: <01/02/20 00:23:58 jose> * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ %{ #include "mix.h" #include "xmix_eval.h" #define YY_DECL \ mix_eval_result_t mix_eval_expr (mix_eval_data_ *data) /* keep track of current position in buffer */ #define YY_USER_ACTION yypos += yyleng; #define RETURN_STATE(err) \ do { \ done = TRUE; \ state = err; \ BEGIN (INITIAL); \ } while (FALSE) #define CLEAN_UP() \ do { \ yy_delete_buffer (buffer); \ g_free (expr_cp); \ } while (FALSE) static mix_word_t eval_binop_ (const gchar *op, mix_word_t x, mix_word_t y); static int unput_word_ (mix_word_t word); %} %option nomain %option caseless %option pointer %option stack %option noyywrap %option noyy_top_state %option noreject %option outfile="lex.yy.c" %s EVAL %s WEVAL ws [ \t]+ digit [0-9] letter [A-Z] number [+-]?{digit}+ mixchar [0-9A-Z .,'')(+*/=$<>@;:\-] locsymbol {digit}H flocsymbol {digit}F blocsymbol {digit}B symbol {digit}*{letter}+[A-Z0-9]* binops "+"|"-"|"/"|"//"|":" binop {binops}|"*" atexpr {digit}+|{symbol}|\* expr [+-]?{atexpr}({binop}{1}{atexpr})* fpart \({expr}\) wexpr {expr}({fpart})?(,{expr}({fpart})?)* %% %{ YY_BUFFER_STATE buffer; mix_word_t expr_val = MIX_WORD_ZERO, wexpr_val = MIX_WORD_ZERO; mix_word_t wexpr_val_tmp = MIX_WORD_ZERO; mix_eval_result_t state = MIX_EVAL_OK; gchar *expr_cp; gint yypos = -22; /* to account for padding */ gboolean is_fp = FALSE, done = FALSE; g_assert (data != NULL && data->expr != NULL); /* make room enough to unput computed values */ expr_cp = g_strdup_printf ("%-20s%s"," ", data->expr); buffer = yy_scan_string (expr_cp); data->errpos = -1; %} <*><<EOF>> { CLEAN_UP (); return MIX_EVAL_INTERN; } <INITIAL>{ {ws} /* eat whitespace */ . { if (!done && state == MIX_EVAL_OK) { yypos -= yyleng; yyless (0); yy_push_state (WEVAL); } else { CLEAN_UP (); if (state == MIX_EVAL_OK) return (MIX_EVAL_SYNTAX); data->errpos = yypos; return state; } } "\n" { CLEAN_UP(); if (state == MIX_EVAL_OK) data->value = wexpr_val; else data->errpos = yypos; return state; } } <WEVAL>{ {number}"(" { is_fp = TRUE; wexpr_val_tmp = mix_word_new (atol (yytext)); } {number}")" { glong val = atol (yytext); if ( !is_fp ) { RETURN_STATE (MIX_EVAL_MIS_PAREN); } else if ( val < 0 || val > MIX_BYTE_MAX || !mix_fspec_is_valid (mix_byte_new (val)) ) { RETURN_STATE (MIX_EVAL_INV_FSPEC); } else { is_fp = FALSE; wexpr_val = mix_word_store_field (mix_byte_new (val), wexpr_val_tmp, wexpr_val); } } {number}/({ws}*\n)|[,()] { wexpr_val = mix_word_new (atol (yytext)); } {expr}/({ws}*\n)|[,()] { if (yytext[0] != '*') { yypos -= yyleng; yyless (0); } else { yypos -= yyleng - 1; expr_val = mix_short_to_word_fast (data->loc); yyless (1); } yy_push_state (EVAL); } ,/{expr} /* eat comma if followed by expression */ [\t\n ] { /* ok if not inside an f-part */ if ( is_fp ) { RETURN_STATE (MIX_EVAL_MIS_PAREN); } unput (yytext[yyleng-1]); --yypos; done = TRUE; yy_pop_state (); } . RETURN_STATE (MIX_EVAL_SYNTAX); } <EVAL>{ {binop}{digit}+ { const gchar *s = ( yytext[1] == '/' ) ? yytext+2 : yytext+1; mix_word_t value = mix_word_new (atol (s)); expr_val = eval_binop_ (yytext, expr_val, value); } {binop}{symbol} { const gchar *s = ( yytext[1] == '/' ) ? yytext+2 : yytext+1; if ( !mix_symbol_table_is_defined (data->table, s) ) { RETURN_STATE (MIX_EVAL_UNDEF_SYM); } expr_val = eval_binop_ (yytext, expr_val, mix_symbol_table_value (data->table, s)); } {binop}"*" { expr_val = eval_binop_ (yytext, expr_val, mix_short_to_word_fast (data->loc)); } "*" yypos -= unput_word_ (mix_short_to_word_fast (data->loc)); {number} expr_val = mix_word_new (atol (yytext)); {symbol} { if ( !mix_symbol_table_is_defined (data->table, yytext) ) { RETURN_STATE (MIX_EVAL_UNDEF_SYM); } expr_val = mix_symbol_table_value (data->table, yytext); } [,)(\n\t ] { unput (yytext[0]); --yypos; yypos -= unput_word_ (expr_val); yy_pop_state (); } . RETURN_STATE (MIX_EVAL_SYNTAX); } %% static mix_word_t eval_binop_ (const gchar *op, mix_word_t x, mix_word_t y) { mix_word_t result = MIX_WORD_ZERO; switch (op[0]) { case '+': result = mix_word_add (x,y); break; case '-': result = mix_word_sub (x,y); break; case '*': mix_word_mul (x, y, NULL, &result); break; case ':': { mix_word_t a; mix_word_mul (x, 8, NULL, &a); result = mix_word_add (a, y); break; } case '/': if ( strlen (op) > 1 && op[1] == '/' ) { mix_word_div (x,MIX_WORD_ZERO,y, &result, NULL); } else { mix_word_div (MIX_WORD_ZERO, x, y, &result, NULL); } break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } return result; } static int unput_word_ (mix_word_t word) { gchar *value; gint k, result; value = g_strdup_printf ("%s%ld", mix_word_is_negative (word)? "-":"+", mix_word_magnitude (word)); result = strlen (value); for (k = result - 1; k >= 0; --k) unput (value[k]); g_free (value); return result; }