/* -*-c-*- ---------------- mix_vm_command.h : * declarations for mix_vm_command_t, describing commands issued to a vm * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Last change: Time-stamp: <01/03/15 15:57:36 jose> * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #ifndef MIX_VM_COMMAND_H #define MIX_VM_COMMAND_H #include <stdio.h> #include "mix.h" #include "mix_vm.h" #include "mix_config.h" /* mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher encapsulates a virtual machine and helper objects, providing a command driven interface with output to provided files (in the posix sense). */ typedef struct mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t; /* mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher understands the commands of this type */ typedef enum { MIX_CMD_HELP = 0, /* echo help message */ MIX_CMD_LOAD, /* load a mix program */ MIX_CMD_EDIT, /* edit mixal source */ MIX_CMD_PEDIT, /* print editor command */ MIX_CMD_SEDIT, /* set editor command*/ MIX_CMD_COMPILE, /* compile mixal source */ MIX_CMD_PASM, /* print compiler command */ MIX_CMD_SASM, /* set assembler command */ MIX_CMD_RUN, /* run a loaded program */ MIX_CMD_NEXT, /* run next instruction */ MIX_CMD_LOC, /* print location pointer */ MIX_CMD_PSYM, /* print symbol */ MIX_CMD_PREG, /* print registry */ MIX_CMD_PFLAGS, /* print comp and overf flags */ MIX_CMD_PALL, /* print all registers and flags */ MIX_CMD_PMEM, /* print memory cells */ MIX_CMD_SREG, /* set register value */ MIX_CMD_SCMP, /* set comparison flag value */ MIX_CMD_SOVER, /* set overflow toggle value */ MIX_CMD_SMEM, /* set memory cell value */ MIX_CMD_SSYM, /* set symbol value */ MIX_CMD_SBP, /* set breakpoint at lineno */ MIX_CMD_CBP, /* clear breakpoint at lineno */ MIX_CMD_SBPA, /* set breakpoint at address */ MIX_CMD_CBPA, /* clear breakpoint at address */ MIX_CMD_SBPR, /* set breakpoint on register changed */ MIX_CMD_CBPR, /* clear breakpoint on register changed */ MIX_CMD_SBPM, /* set breakpoint on mem cell changed */ MIX_CMD_CBPM, /* clear breakpoint on mem cell changed */ MIX_CMD_SBPC, /* set breakpoint on comp flag changed */ MIX_CMD_CBPC, /* clear breakpoint on comp flag changed */ MIX_CMD_SBPO, /* set breakpoint on overflow toggled */ MIX_CMD_CBPO, /* clear breakpoint on overflow toggled */ MIX_CMD_CABP, /* clear all breakpoints */ MIX_CMD_WEVAL, /* evaluate a w-expression */ MIX_CMD_W2D, /* print word in decimal notation */ MIX_CMD_TRACING, /* enable/disable instruction traces */ MIX_CMD_PBT, /* print backtrace */ MIX_CMD_TIMING, /* enable/disable timing statistics */ MIX_CMD_DEVDIR, /* print/set device directory */ MIX_CMD_INVALID, /* invalid command identifier */ } mix_vm_command_t; /* hook functions, to be invoked before and/or after command execution */ typedef void (*mix_vm_cmd_hook_t)(mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg, gpointer data); /* global hook functions */ typedef void (*mix_vm_cmd_global_hook_t)(mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, mix_vm_command_t cmd, const gchar *arg, gpointer data); /* conversion from/to commands to strings */ extern const gchar * mix_vm_command_to_string (mix_vm_command_t cmd); extern mix_vm_command_t mix_vm_command_from_string (const gchar *name); /* get help string about a command */ extern const gchar * mix_vm_command_help (mix_vm_command_t cmd); extern const gchar * mix_vm_command_usage (mix_vm_command_t cmd); /* create a new command dispatcher */ extern mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t * mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_new (FILE *out, /* output messages file */ FILE *err /* error messages file */); extern mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t * mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_new_with_config (FILE *out, FILE *err, mix_config_t *config); /* delete (does not close the fds in the constructor) */ extern void mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_delete (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis); /* set editor and compiler templates */ extern void mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_set_editor (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *edit_tplt); extern void mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_set_assembler (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *asm_tplt); extern const gchar * mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_src_file_path (const mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis); extern const gchar * mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_editor (const mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis); extern const gchar * mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_assembler (const mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis); /* dispatch a command */ extern gboolean /* TRUE if success, FALSE otherwise */ mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_dispatch (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, mix_vm_command_t cmd, const gchar *arg); /* dispatch a command in text format */ extern gboolean mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_dispatch_text (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *text); /* get the last dispatch's result */ extern gboolean mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_last_result (const mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis); /* get total uptime */ extern mix_time_t mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_uptime (const mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis); /* get program total time */ extern mix_time_t mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_progtime (const mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis); /* get time lapse */ extern mix_time_t mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_laptime (const mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis); /* toggle time printing */ extern void mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_print_time (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t * dis, gboolean print); /* install hooks */ extern void mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_pre_hook (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, mix_vm_command_t cmd, mix_vm_cmd_hook_t hook, gpointer data); extern void mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_post_hook (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, mix_vm_command_t cmd, mix_vm_cmd_hook_t hook, gpointer data); extern void mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_global_pre_hook (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, mix_vm_cmd_global_hook_t hook, gpointer data); extern void mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_global_post_hook (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, mix_vm_cmd_global_hook_t hook, gpointer data); /* get the mix vm */ extern const mix_vm_t * mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_vm (const mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis); #endif /* MIX_VM_COMMAND_H */