/*----------------------- mix_types_t.c ----------------------------- * Tests for mix_types.h * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * ** Copyright (C) 1999, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ** */ #include #include /* Define VERBOSE_TEST if you want to get prints of the test */ /* #define VERBOSE_TEST */ #include "test.h" /* compare two words */ static gboolean word_compare_(mix_word_t w1, mix_word_t w2) { if ( mix_word_magnitude(w1) == 0 ) return ( mix_word_magnitude(w2) == 0 ); else return ( w1 == w2 ); } /* create a word from an array of bytes and check the result */ static void test_word_from_bytes_(mix_word_t *word, mix_byte_t *bytes, unsigned byteno, const char *message) { mix_byte_t r; unsigned int k; *word = mix_bytes_to_word(bytes,byteno); mix_word_print(*word,message); g_print("\n"); for ( k = 5-byteno; k < 5; ++k ) { PRINT_BYTE(r = mix_word_get_byte(*word,k+1)); g_print(" (k = %d)\n",k); g_assert( r == bytes[k-5+byteno] ); } } /* test field access */ static void test_field_access_(mix_fspec_t l, mix_fspec_t r, mix_word_t from, mix_word_t to) { mix_fspec_t f = mix_fspec_new(l,r); mix_word_t result; PRINT_BYTE(l); g_print(", "); PRINT_BYTE(r); g_print(", "); PRINT_BYTE(f); g_print("\n "); mix_word_print(from, "from: "); mix_word_print(to, " to: "); g_assert( mix_fspec_left(f) == l ); g_assert( mix_fspec_right(f) == r ); result = mix_word_set_field(f,from,to); mix_word_print(result,"\n\tresult: "); g_assert( mix_word_get_field(f,from) == mix_word_get_field(f,result) ); g_print("\n"); } /* test word addition */ static void test_word_add_(mix_word_t w1, mix_word_t w2) { mix_word_t r; r = mix_word_add(w1,w2); mix_word_print(w1,"\n"); mix_word_print(w2,NULL); mix_word_print(r," = "); g_assert( word_compare_(mix_word_sub(r,w1), w2) ); g_assert( word_compare_(mix_word_sub(r,w2), w1) ); /* while asserting the following, take into account that 0 != -0 for mix words, although they are logically equivalent */ g_assert( word_compare_(mix_word_sub(w1,r), mix_word_negative(w2)) ); g_assert( word_compare_(mix_word_sub(w2,r), mix_word_negative(w1)) ); g_assert( word_compare_(mix_word_add(w2,w1), r) ); } /* test word multiplication */ static void test_word_mul_(mix_word_t w1, mix_word_t w2) { mix_word_t h, l, q, r = 0; mix_word_mul(w1,w2,&h,&l); mix_word_print(w1,"\n"); mix_word_print(w2,"*"); mix_word_print(h,"\n ="); mix_word_print(l,NULL); if ( w1 != 0 ) { g_assert( mix_word_div(h,l,w1,&q,&r) == FALSE ); g_assert( mix_word_magnitude(r) == 0 ); g_assert( q == w2 ); } else { g_assert( mix_word_magnitude(l) == 0 && mix_word_magnitude(h) == 0 ); } if ( w2 != 0 ) { g_assert( mix_word_div(h,l,w2,&q,&r) == FALSE ); g_assert( mix_word_magnitude(r) == 0 ); g_assert( q == w1 ); } else { g_assert( mix_word_magnitude(l) == 0 && mix_word_magnitude(h) == 0 ); } } /* test word division */ static void test_word_div_(mix_word_t h, mix_word_t l, mix_word_t by) { mix_word_t q,r; gboolean overflow; overflow = mix_word_div(h,l,by,&q,&r); mix_word_print(h,"\n\n"); mix_word_print(l,NULL); mix_word_print(by,"\n div by "); if ( !overflow ) { mix_word_t h1, l1, h2; mix_word_print(q,"\n q = "); mix_word_print(r," r = "); mix_word_mul(by,q,&h1,&l1); mix_word_add_and_carry(l1,r,&h2,&l1); h1 = mix_word_add(h1,h2); g_assert( mix_word_magnitude(r) < mix_word_magnitude(by) ); g_assert( word_compare_(h1,h) ); g_assert( mix_word_magnitude(l1) == mix_word_magnitude(l) ); } else g_print("\n\t = overflow"); } static void test_mix_char_(void) { mix_char_t mchar; guchar achar; guint k; g_print("\nTesting mix_char_t. Table of mix_chars:\n"); for (k = 0; k < MIX_CHAR_MAX + 1; ++k) { mchar = k; achar = mix_char_to_ascii(mchar); g_print("%02d: %c, ", k, achar); if ( (k+1)%5 == 0 ) g_print("\n"); g_assert( mchar == mix_ascii_to_char(achar) ); } g_print("\nchar <-> byte conversions...\n"); for (k = 0; k < MIX_CHAR_MAX + 1; ++k) { mix_byte_t c = mix_byte_new (k); g_assert (c == mix_byte_to_char (mix_char_to_byte (c))); } g_print("\n"); } /* main test driver for mix_types.h/c */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned int j,k; mix_byte_t bytes[5] = { 0, 3, 20, 30, 40 }; mix_byte_t r; mix_short_t ss[6]; mix_word_t words[6]; INIT_TEST; g_print("Testing mix_byte_t arithmetics...\n"); PRINT_BYTE(bytes[0]); g_print(", "); PRINT_BYTE(bytes[1]); g_print(", "); PRINT_BYTE(bytes[2]); g_print(", "); PRINT_BYTE(bytes[3]); g_print(", "); PRINT_BYTE(bytes[4]); g_print("\n"); PRINT_BYTE(r = mix_byte_add(bytes[1],bytes[2])); g_print("\n"); g_assert(r == 23); PRINT_BYTE(r = mix_byte_add(bytes[3],bytes[4])); g_print("\n"); g_assert(r == 6); PRINT_BYTE(r = mix_byte_sub(bytes[0],bytes[1])); g_print("\n"); g_assert(r == 61); PRINT_BYTE(r = mix_byte_sub(bytes[4],bytes[3])); g_print("\n"); g_assert(r == 10); PRINT_BYTE(r = mix_byte_sub(bytes[1],bytes[4])); g_print("\n"); g_assert(r == 27); PRINT_BYTE(r = mix_byte_mul(bytes[0],bytes[1])); g_print("\n"); g_assert(r == 0); PRINT_BYTE(r = mix_byte_mul(bytes[1],bytes[2])); g_print("\n"); g_assert(r == 60); PRINT_BYTE(r = mix_byte_mul(bytes[1],bytes[4])); g_print("\n"); g_assert(r == 56); PRINT_BYTE(r = mix_byte_mul(bytes[4],bytes[1])); g_print("\n"); g_assert(r == 56); PRINT_BYTE(r = mix_byte_div(bytes[4],bytes[2])); g_print("\n"); g_assert(r == 2); PRINT_BYTE(r = mix_byte_div(bytes[3],bytes[2])); g_print("\n"); g_assert(r == 1); test_mix_char_(); g_print("\nTesting word<->short conversions..."); words[0] = mix_bytes_to_word(bytes+1,5); words[1] = mix_word_negative(words[0]); ss[0] = mix_word_to_short(words[0]); ss[1] = mix_word_to_short(words[1]); mix_word_print(words[0],"\nwords[0]="); mix_word_print(words[1],"\nwords[1]="); mix_short_print(ss[0],"\nss[0]="); mix_short_print(ss[1],"\nss[1]="); g_assert(mix_short_is_positive(ss[0])); g_assert(mix_short_is_negative(ss[1])); words[2] = mix_short_to_word(ss[0]); words[3] = mix_short_to_word(ss[1]); mix_word_print(words[2],"\nwords[2]="); mix_word_print(words[3],"\nwords[3]="); g_assert(mix_word_sign(words[0]) == mix_word_sign(words[2])); g_assert(mix_word_sign(words[1]) == mix_word_sign(words[3])); g_assert(mix_short_magnitude(ss[0]) == mix_word_magnitude(words[2])); g_assert(mix_short_magnitude(ss[1]) == mix_word_magnitude(words[3])); g_assert(mix_word_get_byte(words[0],4) == mix_word_get_byte(words[2],4)); g_assert(mix_word_get_byte(words[0],5) == mix_word_get_byte(words[2],5)); g_assert(mix_word_get_byte(words[1],4) == mix_word_get_byte(words[3],4)); g_assert(mix_word_get_byte(words[1],5) == mix_word_get_byte(words[3],5)); words[4] = mix_word_extract_field(mix_fspec_new(4,5),words[0]); words[5] = mix_word_extract_field(mix_fspec_new(4,5),words[1]); mix_word_reverse_sign(words[5]); g_assert(words[4] == words[2]); g_assert(words[5] == words[3]); g_print("Testing mix_word_t creation and byte access...\n"); test_word_from_bytes_(words,bytes,5,"word[0] created from bytes[0-4]"); test_word_from_bytes_(words+1,bytes,4,"\nword[1] created from bytes[0-3]"); test_word_from_bytes_(words+2,bytes,3,"\nword[2] created from bytes[0-2]"); words[3] = mix_word_negative(words[2]); g_assert( mix_word_negative(words[3]) == words[2] ); g_assert( mix_word_is_negative(words[3]) && !mix_word_is_negative(words[2])); mix_word_print(words[3],"\nword[3] created from -word[2]"); test_word_from_bytes_(words+4,bytes+2,2,"\nword[2] created from bytes[2-3]"); g_print("\nTesting mix_word_t field access...\n"); mix_word_set_byte(words+3,1,12); mix_word_set_byte(words+3,2,58); g_assert( mix_word_get_byte(words[3],1) == 12 ); g_assert( mix_word_get_byte(words[3],2) == 58 ); test_field_access_(0,5,words[3],words[4]); test_field_access_(1,5,words[3],words[4]); test_field_access_(2,5,words[3],words[4]); test_field_access_(3,5,words[3],words[4]); test_field_access_(4,5,words[3],words[4]); test_field_access_(5,5,words[3],words[4]); test_field_access_(0,0,words[3],words[4]); g_print("\n\nTesting mix_word_t arithmetics...\n"); words[0] = MIX_WORD_MAX; words[1] = mix_word_negative(words[0]); for ( k = 1; k < 6; ++k ) { mix_word_set_byte(words+2,k,5*k); mix_word_set_byte(words+4,k,10*(5-k)); mix_word_set_byte(words+3,k,21 + 3*k); } words[5] = 0; g_print("\n***addition***"); for ( k = 0; k < 6; ++k ) for ( j = 0; j <= k; ++j ) { test_word_add_(words[k],mix_word_negative(words[j])); test_word_add_(words[k],words[j]); } g_print("\n***product***"); for ( k = 0; k < 6; ++k ) for ( j = 0; j <= k; ++j ) { test_word_mul_(words[k],words[j]); } g_print("\n***division***"); for ( k = 0; k < 6; ++k ) { test_word_div_(words[k],0,words[0]); for ( j = 0; j <= k; ++j ) { test_word_div_(k,words[j],words[j]); test_word_div_(0,mix_word_add(mix_word_magnitude(words[j]),j),words[j]); test_word_div_(mix_word_negative(k),words[j],words[j]); } } g_print("\nTesting shift operations...\n"); for ( k = 0; k < 10; ++k ) mix_word_set_byte(words+(k/5),1+(k%5),k+1); mix_word_print(words[0],"A = "); mix_word_print(words[1],"X = "); for ( k = 0; k < 11; ++k ) { mix_word_t A, X; unsigned int m; mix_word_shift_left(words[0],words[1],k,&A,&X); g_print("\nShift left %d:\n",k); mix_word_print(A,"A "); mix_word_print(X,"X "); for ( m = 0; m < 10 - k; ++m ) g_assert( mix_word_get_byte( m < 5 ? A:X, (m%5)+1 ) == mix_word_get_byte(words[(m+k)/5], ((m+k)%5)+1) ); for ( ; m < 10; ++m ) g_assert( mix_word_get_byte( m < 5 ? A:X, (m%5)+1 ) == 0 ); mix_word_shift_right(words[0],words[1],k,&A,&X); g_print("\nShift right %d:\n",k); mix_word_print(A,"A "); mix_word_print(X,"X "); for ( m = 0; m < k; ++m ) g_assert( mix_word_get_byte( m < 5 ? A:X, (m%5)+1 ) == 0 ); for ( ; m < 10; ++m ) g_assert( mix_word_get_byte( m < 5 ? A:X, (m%5)+1 ) == mix_word_get_byte(words[(m-k)/5], ((m-k)%5)+1) ); mix_word_shift_left_circular(words[0],words[1],k,&A,&X); g_print("\nShift left circular %d:\n",k); mix_word_print(A,"A "); mix_word_print(X,"X "); for ( m = 0; m < 10 - k; ++m ) g_assert( mix_word_get_byte( m < 5 ? A:X, (m%5)+1 ) == mix_word_get_byte(words[(m+k)/5], ((m+k)%5)+1) ); for ( ; m < 10; ++m ) g_assert( mix_word_get_byte( m < 5 ? A:X, (m%5)+1 ) == mix_word_get_byte(words[(m-10+k)/5], 1+((m-10+k)%5)) ); mix_word_shift_right_circular(A, X, k, &A, &X); g_print("\nRe-shiftting right...\n"); mix_word_print(A, "A "); mix_word_print(X, "X "); g_assert(A == words[0]); g_assert(X == words[1]); } g_print("\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }