/* -*-c-*- -------------- xmix_vm_handlers.c : * Implementation of the functions declared in xmix_vm_handlers.h * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * $Id: xmix_vm_handlers.c,v 1.8 2004/06/06 19:54:11 jao Exp $ * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include "xmix_vm_handlers.h" /* available commands (in the same order as the type enum) */ mix_vm_command_info_t commands_[] = { { "help", cmd_help_, N_("Display this text"), "help [COMMAND]"}, { "load", cmd_load_, N_("Load a MIX code file"), "load FILENAME"}, { "edit", cmd_edit_, N_("Edit a MIXAL source file"), "edit [FILENAME]"}, { "pedit", cmd_pedit_, N_("Print the external editor command"), "pedit"}, { "sedit", cmd_sedit_, N_("Set the external editor command"), "sedit COMMAND (e.g. emacs %s)"}, { "compile", cmd_compile_, N_("Compile a MIXAL source file"), "compile [FILENAME]"}, { "pasm", cmd_pasm_, N_("Print the compile command"), "pasm"}, { "sasm", cmd_sasm_, N_("Set the compile command"), "sasm COMMAND (e.g. mixasm -g -l %s)"}, { "run", cmd_run_, N_("Run loaded or given MIX code file"), "run [FILENAME]"}, { "next", cmd_next_, N_("Execute next instruction(s)"), "next [NO_OF_INS]"}, { "pstat", cmd_pstat_, N_("Print current vm status"), "pstat"}, { "pc", cmd_pc_, N_("Print program counter value"), "pc" }, { "psym", cmd_psym_, N_("Print symbol value"), "psym [SYMBOLNAME]"}, { "preg", cmd_preg_, N_("Print register value"), "preg [A | X | J | I[1-6]]"}, { "pflags", cmd_pflags_, N_("Print comparison and overflow flags"), "pflags"}, { "pall", cmd_pall_, N_("Print all registers and flags"), "pall"}, { "pmem", cmd_pmem_, N_("Print memory contents in address range"), "pmem FROM[-TO]"}, { "sreg", cmd_sreg_, N_("Set register value"), "sreg A | X | J | I[1-6] VALUE"}, { "scmp", cmd_scmp_, N_("Set comparison flag value"), "scmp L | E | G"}, { "sover", cmd_sover_, N_("Set overflow flag value"), "sover T | F" }, { "smem", cmd_smem_, N_("Set memory contents in given address"), "smem ADDRESS VALUE"}, { "ssym", cmd_ssym_, N_("Set a symbol\'s value"), "ssym SYMBOL WEXPR"}, { "sbp", cmd_sbp_, N_("Set break point at given line"), "sbp LINENO"}, { "cbp", cmd_cbp_, N_("Clear break point at given line"), "cbp LINENO"}, { "sbpa", cmd_sbpa_, N_("Set break point at given address"), "sbpa ADDRESS"}, { "cbpa", cmd_cbpa_, N_("Clear break point at given address"), "cbpa ADDRESS"}, { "sbpr", cmd_sbpr_, N_("Set conditional breakpoint on register change"), "sbpr A | X | J | I[1-6]"}, { "cbpr", cmd_cbpr_, N_("Clear conditional breakpoint on register change"), "sbpr A | X | J | I[1-6]"}, { "sbpm", cmd_sbpm_, N_("Set conditional breakpoint on mem cell change"), "sbpm ADDRESS"}, { "cbpm", cmd_cbpm_, N_("Clear conditional breakpoint on mem cell change"), "cbpm ADDRESS"}, { "sbpc", cmd_sbpc_, N_("Set conditional breakpoint on comparison flag change"), "sbpc"}, { "cbpc", cmd_cbpc_, N_("Clear conditional breakpoint on comparison flag change"), "cbpc"}, { "sbpo", cmd_sbpo_, N_("Set conditional breakpoint on overflow toggled"), "sbpo"}, { "cbpo", cmd_cbpo_, N_("Set conditional breakpoint on overflow toggled"), "cbpo"}, { "cabp", cmd_cabp_, N_("Clear all breakpoints"), "cabp"}, { "weval", cmd_weval_, N_("Evaluate a given W-expression"), "weval WEXPR"}, { "w2d", cmd_w2d_, N_("Convert a MIX word to its decimal value"), "w2d WORD"}, { "strace", cmd_strace_, N_("Turn on/off instruction tracing"), "strace on|off"}, { "pbt", cmd_pbt_, N_("Print backtrace of executed instructions"), "pbt [INS_NO] (e.g pbt 5)"}, { "stime", cmd_stime_, N_("Turn on/off timing statistics"), "stime on|off"}, { "ptime", cmd_ptime_, N_("Print current time statistics"), "ptime"}, { "sddir", cmd_sddir_, N_("Set devices directory"),"sddir NEWDIR"}, { "pddir", cmd_pddir_, N_("Print current devices directory"),"pddir"}, { "slog", cmd_slog_, N_("Turn on/off message logging"), "slog on|off"}, { "pprog", cmd_pprog_, N_("Print the current program path"), "pprog"}, { "psrc", cmd_psrc_, N_("Print the current program source path"), "psrc"}, { "pline", cmd_pline_, N_("Print the current (or a given) program source line"), "pline [LINENO]"}, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, }; /* trace current instruction */ static void do_trace_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, gboolean error) { enum {BUFFER_LEN = 128}; static gchar STRINS[BUFFER_LEN]; const mix_src_file_t *file = mix_vm_get_src_file (dis->vm); const gchar *line = "\n"; mix_address_t loc = mix_vm_get_prog_count (dis->vm); mix_word_t ins = mix_vm_get_addr_contents (dis->vm, loc); mix_ins_t fins; mix_word_to_ins_uncheck (ins, fins); mix_ins_to_string_in_buffer (&fins, STRINS, BUFFER_LEN); if (file != NULL) { gulong b = mix_vm_get_break_lineno (dis->vm); if (b > 0) line = mix_src_file_get_line (file, b); } if (!error) log_message_ (dis, "%d: [%-15s]\t%s", (gint)loc, STRINS, line); else log_error_ (dis, "%d: [%-15s]\t%s", (gint)loc, STRINS, line); } static void trace_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis) { if (wants_logs_ (dis)) { do_trace_ (dis, FALSE); } } #define trace_error_(dis) do_trace_ (dis, TRUE) /* run a program tracing executed instructions */ static int run_and_trace_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis) { int k = MIX_VM_RUNNING; if (!dis->trace) return mix_vm_run (dis->vm); else while (k == MIX_VM_RUNNING) { trace_ (dis); k = mix_vm_exec_next (dis->vm); } return k; } /* print time statistics */ static void print_time_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis) { dis->laptime = mix_vm_get_uptime (dis->vm) - dis->uptime; dis->uptime += dis->laptime; dis->progtime += dis->laptime; if (dis->printtime) fprintf (dis->out, _("Elapsed time: %ld /Total program time: %ld (Total uptime: %ld)\n"), dis->laptime, dis->progtime, dis->uptime); } /* commands */ static void print_help_ (gpointer key, gpointer val, gpointer data) { mix_vm_command_info_t *info = (mix_vm_command_info_t *)val; if (info) fprintf ((FILE *)data, "%-15s%s\n", info->name, info->doc); } gboolean cmd_help_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if (arg && strlen (arg) > 0) { int i; mix_vm_command_info_t *info = (mix_vm_command_info_t *)g_hash_table_lookup (dis->commands, (gpointer)arg); for (i = 0; info == NULL && commands_[i].name; i++) if (!strcmp (commands_[i].name, arg)) info = commands_ + i; if (info) { fprintf (dis->out , _("%-15s%s.\n%-15sUsage: %s\n"), info->name, info->doc, "", info->usage); return TRUE; } fprintf (dis->out, _("No commands match `%s'\n"), arg); return FALSE; } else { int i = 0; fprintf (dis->out, _("Possible commands are:\n")); for (i = 0; commands_[i].name; ++i) fprintf (dis->out, "%-15s%s\n", commands_[i].name, commands_[i].doc); g_hash_table_foreach (dis->commands, print_help_, (gpointer)dis->out); return TRUE; } } gboolean cmd_load_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { errno = 0; if (arg == NULL || *arg == '\0') { log_error_ (dis, _("Missing file name")); return FALSE; } mix_eval_remove_symbols_from_table (dis->eval, mix_vm_get_symbol_table (dis->vm)); if (!mix_vm_load_file (dis->vm, arg) ) { log_error_ (dis, _("Cannot load %s: "), arg); if ( errno == 0 ) log_error_ (dis, _("Wrong file format")); else log_error_ (dis, "%s", strerror (errno)); return FALSE; } if (dis->program != arg) { if (dis->program) g_free (dis->program); dis->program = mix_file_complete_name (arg, MIX_CODE_DEFEXT); } mix_eval_set_symbols_from_table (dis->eval, mix_vm_get_symbol_table (dis->vm)); if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Program loaded. Start address: %d"), mix_vm_get_prog_count (dis->vm)); dis->laptime = dis->progtime = 0; return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_edit_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if (dis->editor == NULL) { log_error_ (dis, _("Editor not specified (use sedit)")); return FALSE; } if (!arg || *arg == '\0') arg = mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_src_file_path (dis); if (!arg) { log_error_ (dis, _("MIXAL source file path not found")); return FALSE; } else { gchar *cmd = g_strdup_printf (dis->editor, arg); if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, cmd); system (cmd); if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _(" ...done")); g_free (cmd); return TRUE; } } gboolean cmd_compile_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if (dis->assembler == NULL) { log_error_ (dis, _("MIX assembler not specified (use sasm)")); return FALSE; } if (!arg || *arg == '\0') arg = mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_src_file_path (dis); if (!arg) { log_error_ (dis, _("MIXAL source file path not found")); return FALSE; } else { gchar *cmd = g_strdup_printf (dis->assembler, arg); if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, cmd); if (system (cmd) == EXIT_SUCCESS && wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Successful compilation")); g_free (cmd); return TRUE; } } gboolean cmd_run_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if (arg != NULL && *arg != '\0' && cmd_load_ (dis, arg) != TRUE) return FALSE; if (mix_vm_is_halted (dis->vm)) cmd_load_ (dis, dis->program); if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Running ...")); switch (run_and_trace_ (dis)) { case MIX_VM_HALT: if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("... done")); break; case MIX_VM_BREAK: if (wants_logs_ (dis)) { gulong line = mix_vm_get_break_lineno (dis->vm); if (line != 0) log_message_ (dis, _("... stopped: breakpoint at line %ld (address %d)"), line, mix_vm_get_prog_count (dis->vm)); else log_message_ (dis, _("... stopped: breakpoint at address %d"), mix_vm_get_prog_count (dis->vm)); } break; case MIX_VM_COND_BREAK: if (wants_logs_ (dis)) { gulong line = mix_vm_get_break_lineno (dis->vm); if (line != 0) log_message_ (dis, _("... stopped: %s (line %ld, address %d)"), mix_vm_get_last_breakpoint_message (dis->vm), line, mix_vm_get_prog_count (dis->vm)); else log_message_ (dis, _("... stopped: %s (address %d)"), mix_vm_get_last_breakpoint_message (dis->vm), mix_vm_get_prog_count (dis->vm)); } break; case MIX_VM_ERROR: log_error_ (dis, _("%s:"), mix_vm_get_last_error_string (dis->vm)); trace_error_ (dis); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } if (wants_logs_ (dis)) print_time_ (dis); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_next_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { int ins_no = 1; int k; if ( strlen (arg) != 0 ) { int k = 0; while (isdigit (arg[k])) k++; if (arg[k] != '\0') { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument: %s"), arg); return FALSE; } ins_no = atoi (arg); } if (mix_vm_is_halted (dis->vm)) cmd_load_ (dis, dis->program); while ( ins_no-- > 0 ) { if (dis->trace) trace_ (dis); k = mix_vm_exec_next (dis->vm); if (k == MIX_VM_HALT) { if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_(dis, _("End of program reached at address %d"), mix_vm_get_prog_count (dis->vm)); break; } else if (k == MIX_VM_ERROR) { log_error_ (dis, _("%s:"), mix_vm_get_last_error_string (dis->vm)); trace_error_ (dis); break; } } if (wants_logs_ (dis)) print_time_ (dis); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_pc_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { fprintf (dis->out, "Current address: %d\n", mix_vm_get_prog_count (dis->vm)); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_psym_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { gboolean result = FALSE; const mix_symbol_table_t *table = mix_eval_symbol_table (dis->eval); if ( table == NULL ) log_error_ (dis, _("Symbol table not available")); else if (arg != NULL && *arg != '\0') { if ( mix_symbol_table_is_defined (table, arg) ) { mix_word_print_to_file (mix_symbol_table_value (table, arg), NULL, dis->out); putc ('\n', dis->out); result = TRUE; } else fprintf (dis->out, _("%s: symbol not defined\n"), arg); } else { mix_symbol_table_print (table, MIX_SYM_ROWS, dis->out, TRUE); result = TRUE; } return result; } gboolean cmd_preg_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { mix_dump_context_set_opt (dis->dump, MIX_DUMP_NONE); if ( strlen (arg) == 0 ) mix_dump_context_add_opt (dis->dump, MIX_DUMP_rALL); else switch (*arg) { case 'A': mix_dump_context_add_opt (dis->dump, MIX_DUMP_rA); break; case 'X': mix_dump_context_add_opt (dis->dump, MIX_DUMP_rX); break; case 'J': mix_dump_context_add_opt (dis->dump, MIX_DUMP_rJ); break; case 'I': { if ( strlen (arg) == 1 ) mix_dump_context_add_opt (dis->dump, MIX_DUMP_rIa); else { static gint32 opt[] = { MIX_DUMP_rI1, MIX_DUMP_rI2, MIX_DUMP_rI3, MIX_DUMP_rI4, MIX_DUMP_rI5, MIX_DUMP_rI6 }; int i = arg[1] - '1'; if ( i < 0 || i > 5 ) { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid I index: %d"), i); return FALSE; } mix_dump_context_add_opt (dis->dump, opt[i]); } } break; default: log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument: %s"), arg); return FALSE; } mix_vm_dump (dis->vm, dis->dump); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_pflags_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { mix_dump_context_set_opt (dis->dump, MIX_DUMP_CMP | MIX_DUMP_OVER); mix_vm_dump (dis->vm, dis->dump); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_pall_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { mix_dump_context_set_opt (dis->dump, MIX_DUMP_ALL_NOMEM); mix_vm_dump (dis->vm, dis->dump); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_pmem_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *carg) { glong begin = MIX_SHORT_ZERO, end = MIX_SHORT_ZERO; int i = 0; gboolean error = FALSE; gchar *arg = NULL; if ( strlen (carg) == 0 ) { log_error_ (dis, _("Missing memory address")); return FALSE; } arg = g_strdup (carg); while (isdigit (arg[i])) i++; while (isspace (arg[i])) i++; if (arg[i] == '\0') begin = end = atol (arg); else if (arg[i] == '-') { gchar *narg; arg[i++] = '\0'; begin = atol (arg); narg = arg + i; i = 0; while (isdigit (narg[i])) i++; while (isspace (narg[i])) i++; if (narg[i] != '\0') error = TRUE; else end = atol (narg); } else error = TRUE; if (error) { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument: %s"), arg); } else if ( end < begin || end > MIX_VM_CELL_NO - 1 ) { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid range: %ld-%ld"), begin, end); error = TRUE; } else { mix_dump_context_set_opt (dis->dump, MIX_DUMP_CELLS); mix_dump_context_range (dis->dump, mix_short_new (begin), mix_short_new (end + 1)); mix_vm_dump (dis->vm, dis->dump); } g_free (arg); return !error; } gboolean cmd_sreg_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { int i = 0; char reg = arg[0]; gboolean ok = TRUE; long value; i = (reg == 'I') ? 2 : 1; ok = strlen (arg) > 2 && isspace (arg[i]); if (ok) { while (isspace (arg[i])) i++; ok = isdigit (arg[i]) || arg[i] == '+' || arg[i] == '-'; if (ok) { value = atol (arg + i); if (arg[i] == '+' || arg[i] == '-') i++; while (isdigit (arg[i])) i++; ok = (arg[i] == '\0'); if (ok) switch (reg) { case 'A': mix_vm_set_rA (dis->vm, mix_word_new (value)); break; case 'X': mix_vm_set_rX (dis->vm, mix_word_new (value)); break; case 'J': if ( value >= 0 ) mix_vm_set_rJ (dis->vm, mix_short_new (value)); else ok = FALSE; break; case 'I': { guint k = arg[1] - '0'; if ( k < 7 ) mix_vm_set_rI (dis->vm, k, mix_short_new (value)); else ok = FALSE; } break; default: ok = FALSE; } } } if (!ok) { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument: %s"), arg); } return ok; } gboolean cmd_scmp_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { gboolean ok = (strlen (arg) == 1); if (ok) switch (arg[0]) { case 'L': mix_vm_set_cmpflag (dis->vm, mix_LESS); break; case 'E': mix_vm_set_cmpflag (dis->vm, mix_EQ); break; case 'G': mix_vm_set_cmpflag (dis->vm, mix_GREAT); break; default: ok = FALSE; } if (!ok) { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument: %s"), arg); } return ok; } gboolean cmd_sover_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { gboolean ok = (strlen (arg) == 1); if (ok) switch (arg[0]) { case 'T': mix_vm_set_overflow (dis->vm, TRUE); break; case 'F': mix_vm_set_overflow (dis->vm, FALSE); break; default: ok = FALSE; } if (!ok) { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument: %s"), arg); } return ok; } gboolean cmd_smem_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *carg) { gboolean ok = (strlen (carg) > 2 && isdigit (carg[0])); glong addr = -1; glong value = 0; int k = 0; gchar *arg = NULL; if (ok) { arg = g_strdup (carg); while (isdigit (arg[k])) k++; ok = isspace (arg[k]); if (ok) { arg[k++] = '\0'; addr = atol (arg); ok = addr < MIX_VM_CELL_NO; } if (ok) { while (isspace (arg[k])) k++; value = atol (arg + k); if ( arg[k] == '+' || arg[k] == '-' ) k++; while (isdigit (arg[k])) k++; ok = arg[k] == '\0'; } } if (ok) mix_vm_set_addr_contents (dis->vm, mix_short_new (addr), mix_word_new (value)); else { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument: %s"), arg); } if (arg) g_free (arg); return ok; } gboolean cmd_ssym_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { gboolean result = FALSE; if (arg == NULL || strlen(arg) == 0) { log_error_ (dis, _("Missing arguments")); } else { gchar *a = g_strdup (arg); gchar *s = strtok (a, " \t"); gchar *w = strtok (NULL, " \t"); if (w != NULL && strtok (NULL, " \t") == NULL) { cmd_weval_ (dis, w); if (mix_eval_last_error (dis->eval) == MIX_EVAL_OK) { mix_eval_set_symbol (dis->eval, s, mix_eval_value (dis->eval)); result = TRUE; } } else { log_error_ (dis, _("Wrong argument number")); } g_free (a); } return result; } gboolean cmd_sbp_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { glong lineno; glong k = 0; while (isdigit (arg[k])) k++; if (arg[k] != '\0') { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument: %s"), arg); return FALSE; } lineno = atol (arg); switch (k = mix_vm_set_breakpoint (dis->vm, lineno)) { case MIX_VM_BP_INV_LINE: log_error_ (dis, _("Line number %ld too high"), lineno); break; case MIX_VM_BP_ERROR: log_error_ (dis, _("Could not set breakpoint: internal error")); break; case MIX_VM_BP_NDEBUG: log_error_ (dis, _("Could not set breakpoint: no debug info available"), dis->err); break; default: if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Breakpoint set at line %ld"), k); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean cmd_sbpa_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { glong address; glong k = 0; while (isdigit (arg[k])) k++; if (arg[k] != '\0') { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument: %s"), arg); return FALSE; } address = atol (arg); switch (mix_vm_set_breakpoint_address (dis->vm, address)) { case MIX_VM_BP_INV_ADDRESS: log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid address %ld"), address); break; case MIX_VM_BP_ERROR: log_error_ (dis, _("Could not set breakpoint: internal error")); break; default: if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Breakpoint set at address %ld"), address); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean cmd_cbp_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { glong lineno; int k = 0; while (isdigit (arg[k])) k++; if (arg[k] != '\0') { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument: %s"), arg); return FALSE; } lineno = atol (arg); switch (mix_vm_clear_breakpoint (dis->vm, lineno)) { case MIX_VM_BP_INV_LINE: log_error_ (dis, _("No breakpoint set at line %ld"), lineno); break; case MIX_VM_BP_ERROR: log_error_ (dis, _("Could not set breakpoint: internal error")); break; case MIX_VM_BP_NDEBUG: log_error_ (dis, _("No debug info available")); break; case MIX_VM_BP_OK: if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Breakpoint cleared at line %ld"), lineno); return TRUE; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } return FALSE; } gboolean cmd_cbpa_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { glong address; glong k = 0; while (isdigit (arg[k])) k++; if (arg[k] != '\0') { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument: %s"), arg); return FALSE; } address = atol (arg); switch (mix_vm_clear_breakpoint_address (dis->vm, address)) { case MIX_VM_BP_INV_ADDRESS: log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid address %ld"), address); break; case MIX_VM_BP_ERROR: log_error_ (dis, _("Could not clear breakpoint: internal error")); break; default: if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Breakpoint cleared at address %ld"), address); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean cmd_cabp_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if (strlen (arg) != 0) { log_error_ (dis, _("Unexpected argument: %s"), arg); return FALSE; } mix_vm_clear_all_breakpoints (dis->vm); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_weval_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if ( strlen (arg) == 0 ) { log_error_ (dis, _("Missing expression")); return FALSE; } if (mix_eval_expression_with_loc (dis->eval, arg, mix_vm_get_prog_count (dis->vm)) == MIX_EVAL_OK) { mix_word_print_to_file (mix_eval_value (dis->eval), NULL, dis->out); putc ('\n', dis->out); return TRUE; } else { gint pos = mix_eval_last_error_pos (dis->eval); gint k, len = strlen (arg); g_assert(pos > -1 && pos <= len); for (k = 0; kerr); fputc ('\n', dis->err); for (k = 0; kerr); for (k = pos; k < len; ++k) fputc (arg[k], dis->err); fprintf (dis->err, _("\nEvaluation error: %s\n"), mix_eval_last_error_string (dis->eval)); return FALSE; } } gboolean cmd_w2d_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if ( strlen (arg) == 0 ) { log_error_ (dis, _("Missing expression")); return FALSE; } else { gchar *cp = g_strdup (arg), *a = cp; mix_byte_t bytes[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; gchar *b; guint k = 0; gboolean is_n = (a[0] == '-'), success = TRUE; if (a[0] == '+' || a[0] == '-') ++a; b = strtok (a, " \t"); while (b != NULL && k < 5) { if (strlen (b) != 2 || !isdigit(b[0]) || !isdigit(b[1])) { log_error_ (dis, _("Incorrect byte specification: %s"), b); success = FALSE; b = NULL; } else { bytes[k++] = mix_byte_new (atoi (b)); b = strtok (NULL, " \t"); } } if (success) { if (strtok (NULL, "\t") != NULL) { log_error_ (dis, _("The expression %s does not fit in a word"), arg); success = FALSE; } else { mix_word_t w = mix_bytes_to_word (bytes, k); fprintf (dis->out, "%s%ld\n", is_n? "-":"+", mix_word_magnitude (w)); } } g_free (cp); return success; } } gboolean cmd_strace_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { static const gchar *ON = "on"; static const gchar *OFF = "off"; if (!arg || !strlen (arg)) { log_error_ (dis, _("Missing argument")); } else if (!strcmp (arg, ON)) { dis->trace = TRUE; if (dis->config) mix_config_update (dis->config, TRACING_KEY_, ON); } else if (!strcmp (arg, OFF)) { dis->trace = FALSE; if (dis->config) mix_config_update (dis->config, TRACING_KEY_, OFF); } else log_error_ (dis, _("Wrong argument: "), arg); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_stime_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { static const gchar *ON = "on"; static const gchar *OFF = "off"; if (!arg || !strlen (arg)) { log_error_ (dis, _("Missing argument")); } else if (!strcmp (arg, ON)) { dis->printtime = TRUE; if (dis->config) mix_config_update (dis->config, TIMING_KEY_, ON); } else if (!strcmp (arg, OFF)) { dis->printtime = FALSE; if (dis->config) mix_config_update (dis->config, TIMING_KEY_, OFF); } else log_error_ (dis, _("Wrong argument: "), arg); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_ptime_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { print_time_ (dis); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_pedit_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { const gchar *ed = mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_editor (dis); if (dis) fprintf (dis->out, _("Edit command: %s\n"), ed); else fprintf (dis->out, _("Edit command not set (use sedit)\n")); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_sedit_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if (!arg || !strlen (arg)) { log_error_ (dis, _("Missing argument")); return FALSE; } mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_set_editor (dis, arg); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_pasm_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { const gchar *ed = mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_assembler (dis); if (dis) fprintf (dis->out, _("Compile command: %s\n"), ed); else fprintf (dis->out, _("Compile command not set (use sasm)\n")); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_sasm_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if (!arg || !strlen (arg)) { log_error_ (dis, _("Missing argument")); return FALSE; } mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_set_assembler (dis, arg); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_sddir_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if (!arg || !strlen (arg)) log_error_ (dis, _("Missing argument")); else if (mix_device_set_dir (arg) && dis->config) mix_config_set_devices_dir (dis->config, arg); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_pddir_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { fprintf (dis->out, _("Device directory: %s\n"), mix_device_get_dir ()); return TRUE; } static const gint INVALID_REG_ = -2; static mix_predicate_type_t get_reg_pred_ (const gchar *arg) { mix_predicate_type_t pred = INVALID_REG_; switch (*arg) { case 'A': pred = MIX_PRED_REG_A; break; case 'X': pred = MIX_PRED_REG_X; break; case 'J': pred = MIX_PRED_REG_J; break; case 'I': { if ( strlen (arg) == 2 ) { int i = arg[1] - '1'; if (i >= 0 && i < 6) pred = MIX_PRED_REG_I1 - 1 + i; } } break; default: break; } return pred; } gboolean cmd_sbpr_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { mix_predicate_type_t pred = get_reg_pred_ (arg); if (pred != INVALID_REG_) { mix_vm_set_conditional_breakpoint (dis->vm, dis->preds[pred]); if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Conditional breakpoint on r%s change set"), arg); return TRUE; } else { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument %s"), arg); return FALSE; } } gboolean cmd_cbpr_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { mix_predicate_type_t pred = get_reg_pred_ (arg); if (pred != INVALID_REG_) { if (mix_vm_clear_conditional_breakpoint (dis->vm, dis->preds[pred])) { if (wants_logs_(dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Conditional breakpoint on r%s change removed"), arg); } else log_error_ (dis, _("No breakpoint set on r%s change"), arg); return TRUE; } else { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument %s"), arg); return FALSE; } } gboolean cmd_sbpm_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { gint add = atoi (arg); gpointer key, value; if (add < 0 || add > MIX_VM_CELL_NO) { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid memory address: %s"), arg); return FALSE; } if (!g_hash_table_lookup_extended (dis->mem_preds, GINT_TO_POINTER (add), &key, &value)) { mix_predicate_t *new_pred = mix_predicate_new (MIX_PRED_MEM); mix_predicate_set_mem_address (new_pred, add); g_hash_table_insert (dis->mem_preds, GINT_TO_POINTER (add), (gpointer)new_pred); mix_vm_set_conditional_breakpoint (dis->vm, new_pred); } if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Conditional breakpoint on mem cell no. %d set"), add); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_cbpm_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { gint add = atoi (arg); gpointer key, value; if (add < 0 || add > MIX_VM_CELL_NO) { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid memory address: %s"), arg); return FALSE; } if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (dis->mem_preds, GINT_TO_POINTER (add), &key, &value)) { g_hash_table_remove (dis->mem_preds, key); mix_vm_clear_conditional_breakpoint (dis->vm, (mix_predicate_t *)value); mix_predicate_delete ((mix_predicate_t *)value); if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Conditional breakpoint on mem cell no. %d removed"), add); } else { log_error_ (dis, _("No conditional breakpoint set at address %d"), add); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_sbpo_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if (arg && strlen (arg)) log_error_ (dis, _("Unexpected argument: %s"), arg); else { mix_vm_set_conditional_breakpoint (dis->vm, dis->preds[MIX_PRED_OVER]); if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Conditional breakpoint on overflow toggled set")); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_cbpo_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if (arg && strlen (arg)) log_error_ (dis, _("Unexpected argument: %s"), arg); else { if (mix_vm_clear_conditional_breakpoint (dis->vm, dis->preds[MIX_PRED_OVER])) { if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Conditional breakpoint on overflow toggled removed.")); } else log_error_ (dis, _("No breakpoint set on overflow toggle")); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_sbpc_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if (arg && strlen (arg)) log_error_ (dis, _("Unexpected argument: %s"), arg); else { mix_vm_set_conditional_breakpoint (dis->vm, dis->preds[MIX_PRED_CMP]); if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Conditional breakpoint on comparison flag changed set")); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_cbpc_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { if (arg && strlen (arg)) log_error_ (dis, _("Unexpected argument: %s"), arg); else { if (mix_vm_clear_conditional_breakpoint (dis->vm, dis->preds[MIX_PRED_CMP])) { if (wants_logs_ (dis)) log_message_ (dis, _("Conditional breakpoint on comparison flag changed removed.")); } else log_error_ (dis, _("No breakpoint set on comparison flag change")); } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_pbt_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { enum {SIZE = 256}; static gchar BUFFER[SIZE]; gint no = atoi (arg); gint k = 0, address; guint line; const mix_src_file_t *file = mix_vm_get_src_file (dis->vm); char *name = file ? g_basename (mix_src_file_get_path (file)) : NULL; const GSList *add = mix_vm_get_backtrace (dis->vm); while (add && (no == 0 || k < no)) { BUFFER[0] = '\0'; address = GPOINTER_TO_INT (add->data); line = mix_vm_get_address_lineno (dis->vm, address); if (line && file) { int j = 0; g_snprintf (BUFFER, SIZE, "%s", mix_src_file_get_line (file, line)); while (!isspace (BUFFER[j])) j++; BUFFER[j] = '\0'; } if (strlen (BUFFER) == 0) g_snprintf (BUFFER, SIZE, "%d", address); fprintf (dis->out, "#%d\t%s\tin %s%s:%d\n", k, BUFFER, name, MIX_SRC_DEFEXT, line); ++k; add = add->next; } return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_slog_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { static const gchar *ON = "on"; static const gchar *OFF = "off"; if (arg && !strcmp (arg, ON)) { dis->log_msg = TRUE; if (dis->config) mix_config_update (dis->config, LOGGING_KEY_, ON); } else if (arg && !strcmp (arg, OFF)) { dis->log_msg = FALSE; if (dis->config) mix_config_update (dis->config, LOGGING_KEY_, OFF); } else log_error_ (dis, _("Wrong argument: "), arg); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_pprog_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { const gchar *path = mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_program_path (dis); fprintf (dis->out, path? path : _("No program currently loaded")); fprintf (dis->out, "\n"); return (path != NULL); } gboolean cmd_psrc_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { const gchar *path = mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_src_file_path (dis); fprintf (dis->out, path? path : _("No program currently loaded\n")); fprintf (dis->out, "\n"); return (path != NULL); } gboolean cmd_pline_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { gulong line = 0; const gchar *txt; if (arg && strlen (arg)) line = atoi (arg); if (line < 0) { log_error_ (dis, _("Invalid argument")); return FALSE; } if (line == 0) line = mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_src_file_lineno (dis); if (line == 0) txt = "No such line (debug info not available)\n"; else txt = mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_src_file_line (dis, line, FALSE); if (txt == NULL || strlen (txt) == 0) txt = "No such line\n"; fprintf (dis->out, "Line %ld: %s\n", line, txt); return TRUE; } gboolean cmd_pstat_ (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_t *dis, const gchar *arg) { static const gchar *MSGS[MIX_VM_EMPTY + 1] = { N_("Error loading or executing file"), N_("Execution stopped: breakpoint encountered"), N_("Execution stopped: conditional breakpoint encountered"), N_("Program successfully terminated"), N_("Execution stopped"), N_("Program successfully loaded"), N_("No program loaded") }; mix_vm_status_t status = mix_vm_get_run_status (mix_vm_cmd_dispatcher_get_vm (dis)); fprintf (dis->out, "VM status: %s\n", MSGS[status]); return TRUE; }