diff options
authorOlivier Schneider <>2018-03-03 15:50:02 +0100
committerOlivier Schneider <>2018-03-07 20:39:21 +0100
commitae37e13986b45150f69d7cfa2555cf6b22ccc3c9 (patch)
parent2e28ddc842efeb7835ebfc04bb346c2faae54873 (diff)
Add ellipsis option for Monitor's fields and total text
7 files changed, 126 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e1bb15b..625eb87 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -13,3 +13,7 @@
diff --git a/ b/
index ae2edf1..116404c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -642,6 +642,11 @@ These are the options available for all monitors below:
than this value will be truncated.
- Long option: `--maxwidth`
- Default: 0 (no maximum width)
+- `-e` _string_ Maximum width ellipsis
+ - Ellipsis to be added to the field when it has reached its
+ max width.
+ - Long option: `--maxwidthellipsis`
+ - Default: "" (no ellipsis)
- `-w` _number_ Fixed field width
- All fields will be set to this width, padding or truncating as
@@ -651,6 +656,11 @@ These are the options available for all monitors below:
- Maximum total width of the text.
- Long option: `--maxtwidth`
- Default: 0 (no limit)
+- `-E` _string_ Maximum total width ellipsis
+ - Ellipsis to be added to the total text when it has reached
+ its max width.
+ - Long option: `--maxtwidthellipsis`
+ - Default: "" (no ellipsis)
- `-c` _string_
- Characters used for padding. The characters of _string_ are used
cyclically. E.g., with `-P +- -w 6`, a field with value "foo"
diff --git a/src/Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs b/src/Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs
index 55f67d7..91d491e 100644
--- a/src/Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs
+++ b/src/Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ data MConfig =
, decDigits :: IORef Int
, minWidth :: IORef Int
, maxWidth :: IORef Int
+ , maxWidthEllipsis :: IORef String
, padChars :: IORef String
, padRight :: IORef Bool
, barBack :: IORef String
@@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ data MConfig =
, useSuffix :: IORef Bool
, naString :: IORef String
, maxTotalWidth :: IORef Int
+ , maxTotalWidthEllipsis :: IORef String
-- | from 'http:\/\/\/hawiki\/MonadState'
@@ -138,6 +140,7 @@ mkMConfig tmpl exprts =
d <- newIORef 0
mn <- newIORef 0
mx <- newIORef 0
+ mel <- newIORef ""
pc <- newIORef " "
pr <- newIORef False
bb <- newIORef ":"
@@ -146,7 +149,8 @@ mkMConfig tmpl exprts =
up <- newIORef False
na <- newIORef "N/A"
mt <- newIORef 0
- return $ MC nc l lc h hc t e p d mn mx pc pr bb bf bw up na mt
+ mtel <- newIORef ""
+ return $ MC nc l lc h hc t e p d mn mx mel pc pr bb bf bw up na mt mtel
data Opts = HighColor String
| NormalColor String
@@ -159,6 +163,7 @@ data Opts = HighColor String
| MinWidth String
| MaxWidth String
| Width String
+ | WidthEllipsis String
| PadChars String
| PadAlign String
| BarBack String
@@ -167,6 +172,7 @@ data Opts = HighColor String
| UseSuffix String
| NAString String
| MaxTotalWidth String
+ | MaxTotalWidthEllipsis String
options :: [OptDescr Opts]
options =
@@ -183,6 +189,7 @@ options =
, Option "m" ["minwidth"] (ReqArg MinWidth "minimum width") "Minimum field width"
, Option "M" ["maxwidth"] (ReqArg MaxWidth "maximum width") "Maximum field width"
, Option "w" ["width"] (ReqArg Width "fixed width") "Fixed field width"
+ , Option "e" ["maxwidthellipsis"] (ReqArg WidthEllipsis "Maximum width ellipsis") "Ellipsis to be added to the field when it has reached its max width."
, Option "c" ["padchars"] (ReqArg PadChars "padding chars") "Characters to use for padding"
, Option "a" ["align"] (ReqArg PadAlign "padding alignment") "'l' for left padding, 'r' for right"
, Option "b" ["bback"] (ReqArg BarBack "bar background") "Characters used to draw bar backgrounds"
@@ -190,6 +197,7 @@ options =
, Option "W" ["bwidth"] (ReqArg BarWidth "bar width") "Bar width"
, Option "x" ["nastring"] (ReqArg NAString "N/A string") "String used when the monitor is not available"
, Option "T" ["maxtwidth"] (ReqArg MaxTotalWidth "Maximum total width") "Maximum total width"
+ , Option "E" ["maxtwidthellipsis"] (ReqArg MaxTotalWidthEllipsis "Maximum total width ellipsis") "Ellipsis to be added to the total text when it has reached its max width."
doArgs :: [String] -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> ([String] -> Monitor Bool) -> Monitor String
@@ -209,26 +217,28 @@ doConfigOptions (o:oo) =
nz s = let x = read s in max 0 x
bool = (`elem` ["True", "true", "Yes", "yes", "On", "on"])
(case o of
- High h -> setConfigValue (read h) high
- Low l -> setConfigValue (read l) low
- HighColor c -> setConfigValue (Just c) highColor
- NormalColor c -> setConfigValue (Just c) normalColor
- LowColor c -> setConfigValue (Just c) lowColor
- Template t -> setConfigValue t template
- PercentPad p -> setConfigValue (nz p) ppad
- DecDigits d -> setConfigValue (nz d) decDigits
- MinWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) minWidth
- MaxWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) maxWidth
- Width w -> setConfigValue (nz w) minWidth >>
- setConfigValue (nz w) maxWidth
- PadChars s -> setConfigValue s padChars
- PadAlign a -> setConfigValue ("r" `isPrefixOf` a) padRight
- BarBack s -> setConfigValue s barBack
- BarFore s -> setConfigValue s barFore
- BarWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) barWidth
- UseSuffix u -> setConfigValue (bool u) useSuffix
- NAString s -> setConfigValue s naString
- MaxTotalWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) maxTotalWidth) >> next
+ High h -> setConfigValue (read h) high
+ Low l -> setConfigValue (read l) low
+ HighColor c -> setConfigValue (Just c) highColor
+ NormalColor c -> setConfigValue (Just c) normalColor
+ LowColor c -> setConfigValue (Just c) lowColor
+ Template t -> setConfigValue t template
+ PercentPad p -> setConfigValue (nz p) ppad
+ DecDigits d -> setConfigValue (nz d) decDigits
+ MinWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) minWidth
+ MaxWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) maxWidth
+ Width w -> setConfigValue (nz w) minWidth >>
+ setConfigValue (nz w) maxWidth
+ WidthEllipsis e -> setConfigValue e maxWidthEllipsis
+ PadChars s -> setConfigValue s padChars
+ PadAlign a -> setConfigValue ("r" `isPrefixOf` a) padRight
+ BarBack s -> setConfigValue s barBack
+ BarFore s -> setConfigValue s barFore
+ BarWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) barWidth
+ UseSuffix u -> setConfigValue (bool u) useSuffix
+ NAString s -> setConfigValue s naString
+ MaxTotalWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) maxTotalWidth
+ MaxTotalWidthEllipsis e -> setConfigValue e maxTotalWidthEllipsis) >> next
runM :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> Int
-> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
@@ -336,9 +346,10 @@ parseTemplate l =
do t <- getConfigValue template
e <- getConfigValue export
w <- getConfigValue maxTotalWidth
+ ellipsis <- getConfigValue maxTotalWidthEllipsis
let m = Map.fromList . zip e $ l
s <- parseTemplate' t m
- return $ if w > 0 && length s > w then take w s else s
+ return $ if w > 0 && length s > w then take w s ++ ellipsis else s
-- | Parses the template given to it with a map of export values and combines
-- them
@@ -390,15 +401,15 @@ showWithUnits d n x
| otherwise = showWithUnits d (n+1) (x/1024)
where units = (!!) ["B", "K", "M", "G", "T"]
-padString :: Int -> Int -> String -> Bool -> String -> String
-padString mnw mxw pad pr s =
+padString :: Int -> Int -> String -> Bool -> String -> String -> String
+padString mnw mxw pad pr ellipsis s =
let len = length s
rmin = if mnw <= 0 then 1 else mnw
rmax = if mxw <= 0 then max len rmin else mxw
(rmn, rmx) = if rmin <= rmax then (rmin, rmax) else (rmax, rmin)
rlen = min (max rmn len) rmx
in if rlen < len then
- take rlen s
+ take rlen s ++ ellipsis
else let ps = take (rlen - len) (cycle pad)
in if pr then s ++ ps else ps ++ s
@@ -420,7 +431,7 @@ floatToPercent n =
up <- getConfigValue useSuffix
let p = showDigits 0 (n * 100)
ps = if up then "%" else ""
- return $ padString pad pad pc pr p ++ ps
+ return $ padString pad pad pc pr "" p ++ ps
stringParser :: Pos -> B.ByteString -> String
stringParser (x,y) =
@@ -442,7 +453,8 @@ showWithPadding s =
mx <- getConfigValue maxWidth
p <- getConfigValue padChars
pr <- getConfigValue padRight
- return $ padString mn mx p pr s
+ ellipsis <- getConfigValue maxWidthEllipsis
+ return $ padString mn mx p pr ellipsis s
colorizeString :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> String -> Monitor String
colorizeString x s = do
diff --git a/src/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs b/src/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs
index 3d246ff..d60897d 100644
--- a/src/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs
+++ b/src/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ showInfo nm sms mms = do
let lsms = length sms
nmw = mnw - lsms - 1
nmx = mxw - lsms - 1
- rnm = if nmw > 0 then padString nmw nmx " " True nm else nm
+ rnm = if nmw > 0 then padString nmw nmx " " True "" nm else nm
mstr <- showWithColors' sms mms
both <- showWithColors' (rnm ++ " " ++ sms) mms
return [nm, mstr, both]
diff --git a/test/Plugins/Monitors/CommonSpec.hs b/test/Plugins/Monitors/CommonSpec.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..847368c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Plugins/Monitors/CommonSpec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+module Plugins.Monitors.CommonSpec
+ ( main
+ , spec
+ ) where
+import Test.Hspec
+import Plugins.Monitors.Common
+main :: IO ()
+main = hspec spec
+spec :: Spec
+spec =
+ describe "Common.padString" $ do
+ it "returns given string when called with default values" $
+ do padString 0 0 "" False "" "test" `shouldBe` "test"
+ it "truncates to max width" $ do
+ let maxw = 3
+ givenStr = "mylongstr"
+ expectedStr = take maxw givenStr
+ padString 0 maxw "" False "" givenStr `shouldBe` expectedStr
+ it "truncates to max width and concatenate with ellipsis" $ do
+ let maxw = 3
+ givenStr = "mylongstr"
+ ellipsis = "..."
+ expectedStr = (++ ellipsis) . take 3 $ givenStr
+ padString 0 maxw "" False ellipsis givenStr `shouldBe` expectedStr
diff --git a/test/Spec.hs b/test/Spec.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52ef578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Spec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xmobar.cabal b/xmobar.cabal
index e95e9f3..4d6bafd 100644
--- a/xmobar.cabal
+++ b/xmobar.cabal
@@ -21,6 +21,48 @@ extra-source-files:,,
+test-suite XmobarTest
+ type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+ hs-source-dirs:
+ src,
+ test
+ main-is: Spec.hs
+ other-modules:
+ Xmobar, Actions, Bitmap, Config, Parsers, Commands, Localize,
+ XUtil, StatFS, Runnable, ColorCache, Window, Signal,
+ Environment,
+ Plugins, Plugins.BufferedPipeReader,
+ Plugins.CommandReader, Plugins.Date, Plugins.EWMH,
+ Plugins.PipeReader, Plugins.MarqueePipeReader,
+ Plugins.StdinReader, Plugins.XMonadLog,
+ Plugins.Utils, Plugins.Kbd, Plugins.Locks, Plugins.Monitors,
+ Plugins.Monitors.Batt, Plugins.Monitors.Common,
+ Plugins.Monitors.CoreCommon, Plugins.Monitors.CoreTemp,
+ Plugins.Monitors.CpuFreq, Plugins.Monitors.Cpu,
+ Plugins.Monitors.Disk, Plugins.Monitors.Mem,
+ Plugins.Monitors.MultiCpu, Plugins.Monitors.Net,
+ Plugins.Monitors.Swap, Plugins.Monitors.Thermal,
+ Plugins.Monitors.ThermalZone, Plugins.Monitors.Top,
+ Plugins.Monitors.Uptime,
+ Plugins.Monitors.Bright, Plugins.Monitors.CatInt
+ build-depends:
+ base == 4.*,
+ hspec == 2.*,
+ containers,
+ regex-compat,
+ process,
+ old-locale,
+ bytestring,
+ directory,
+ unix,
+ time,
+ filepath,
+ transformers,
+ X11 >= 1.6.1,
+ mtl >= 2.1 && < 2.3,
+ parsec == 3.1.*,
+ stm >= 2.3 && < 2.5
source-repository head
type: git
location: git://