diff options
authorjao <>2018-11-25 15:12:29 +0000
committerjao <>2018-11-25 15:12:29 +0000
commitb12fe3ebdaf3a4a539b85f742a582925d7e811f1 (patch)
parent77df1ac30fa7af5948f7ff64f5fee9aed64552b3 (diff)
The app dir
2 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/Configuration.hs b/app/Configuration.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf3ebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/Configuration.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, CPP #-}
+-- |
+-- Module: Configuration
+-- Copyright: (c) 2018 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
+-- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer:
+-- Stability: unstable
+-- Portability: portable
+-- Created: Wed Nov 21, 2018 23:13
+-- Parsing configuration files
+module Configuration (readConfig, readDefaultConfig) where
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Number (int)
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Perm ((<|?>), (<$?>), permute)
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
+import System.Environment
+import System.Posix.Files (fileExist)
+import qualified Xmobar.Config as C
+#if defined XFT || defined UTF8
+import qualified System.IO as S (readFile,hGetLine)
+readFileSafe :: FilePath -> IO String
+#if defined XFT || defined UTF8
+readFileSafe = S.readFile
+readFileSafe = readFile
+stripComments :: String -> String
+stripComments =
+ unlines . map (drop 5 . strip False . (replicate 5 ' '++)) . lines
+ where strip m ('-':'-':xs) = if m then "--" ++ strip m xs else ""
+ strip m ('"':xs) = '"': strip (not m) xs
+ strip m (x:xs) = x : strip m xs
+ strip _ [] = []
+-- | Parse the config, logging a list of fields that were missing and replaced
+-- by the default definition.
+parseConfig :: String -> Either ParseError (C.Config,[String])
+parseConfig = runParser parseConf fields "Config" . stripComments
+ where
+ parseConf = do
+ many space
+ sepEndSpc ["Config","{"]
+ x <- perms
+ eof
+ s <- getState
+ return (x,s)
+ perms = permute $ C.Config
+ <$?> pFont <|?> pFontList <|?> pWmClass <|?> pWmName
+ <|?> pBgColor <|?> pFgColor
+ <|?> pPosition <|?> pTextOffset <|?> pTextOffsets
+ <|?> pIconOffset <|?> pBorder
+ <|?> pBdColor <|?> pBdWidth <|?> pAlpha <|?> pHideOnStart
+ <|?> pAllDesktops <|?> pOverrideRedirect <|?> pPickBroadest
+ <|?> pLowerOnStart <|?> pPersistent <|?> pIconRoot
+ <|?> pCommands <|?> pSepChar <|?> pAlignSep <|?> pTemplate
+ fields = [ "font", "additionalFonts","bgColor", "fgColor"
+ , "wmClass", "wmName", "sepChar"
+ , "alignSep" , "border", "borderColor" ,"template"
+ , "position" , "textOffset", "textOffsets", "iconOffset"
+ , "allDesktops", "overrideRedirect", "pickBroadest"
+ , "hideOnStart", "lowerOnStart", "persistent", "iconRoot"
+ , "alpha", "commands"
+ ]
+ pFont = strField C.font "font"
+ pFontList = strListField C.additionalFonts "additionalFonts"
+ pWmClass = strField C.wmClass "wmClass"
+ pWmName = strField C.wmName "wmName"
+ pBgColor = strField C.bgColor "bgColor"
+ pFgColor = strField C.fgColor "fgColor"
+ pBdColor = strField C.borderColor "borderColor"
+ pSepChar = strField C.sepChar "sepChar"
+ pAlignSep = strField C.alignSep "alignSep"
+ pTemplate = strField C.template "template"
+ pTextOffset = readField C.textOffset "textOffset"
+ pTextOffsets = readIntList C.textOffsets "textOffsets"
+ pIconOffset = readField C.iconOffset "iconOffset"
+ pPosition = readField C.position "position"
+ pHideOnStart = readField C.hideOnStart "hideOnStart"
+ pLowerOnStart = readField C.lowerOnStart "lowerOnStart"
+ pPersistent = readField C.persistent "persistent"
+ pBorder = readField C.border "border"
+ pBdWidth = readField C.borderWidth "borderWidth"
+ pAllDesktops = readField C.allDesktops "allDesktops"
+ pOverrideRedirect = readField C.overrideRedirect "overrideRedirect"
+ pPickBroadest = readField C.pickBroadest "pickBroadest"
+ pIconRoot = readField C.iconRoot "iconRoot"
+ pAlpha = readField C.alpha "alpha"
+ pCommands = field C.commands "commands" readCommands
+ staticPos = do string "Static"
+ wrapSkip (string "{")
+ p <- many (noneOf "}")
+ wrapSkip (string "}")
+ string ","
+ return ("Static {" ++ p ++ "}")
+ tillFieldEnd = staticPos <|> many (noneOf ",}\n\r")
+ commandsEnd = wrapSkip (string "]") >> (string "}" <|> notNextRun)
+ notNextRun = do {string ","
+ ; notFollowedBy $ wrapSkip $ string "Run"
+ ; return ","
+ }
+ readCommands = manyTill anyChar (try commandsEnd) >>=
+ read' commandsErr . flip (++) "]"
+ strField e n = field e n strMulti
+ strMulti = scan '"'
+ where
+ scan lead = do
+ spaces
+ char lead
+ s <- manyTill anyChar (rowCont <|> unescQuote)
+ (char '"' >> return s) <|> fmap (s ++) (scan '\\')
+ rowCont = try $ char '\\' >> string "\n"
+ unescQuote = lookAhead (noneOf "\\") >> lookAhead (string "\"")
+ strListField e n = field e n strList
+ strList = do
+ spaces
+ char '['
+ list <- sepBy (strMulti >>= \x -> spaces >> return x) (char ',')
+ spaces
+ char ']'
+ return list
+ wrapSkip x = many space >> x >>= \r -> many space >> return r
+ sepEndSpc = mapM_ (wrapSkip . try . string)
+ fieldEnd = many $ space <|> oneOf ",}"
+ field e n c = (,) (e C.defaultConfig) $
+ updateState (filter (/= n)) >> sepEndSpc [n,"="] >>
+ wrapSkip c >>= \r -> fieldEnd >> return r
+ readField a n = field a n $ tillFieldEnd >>= read' n
+ readIntList d n = field d n intList
+ intList = do
+ spaces
+ char '['
+ list <- sepBy (spaces >> int >>= \x-> spaces >> return x) (char ',')
+ spaces
+ char ']'
+ return list
+ read' d s = case reads s of
+ [(x, _)] -> return x
+ _ -> fail $ "error reading the " ++ d ++ " field: " ++ s
+commandsErr :: String
+commandsErr = "commands: this usually means that a command could not" ++
+ "\nbe parsed." ++
+ "\nThe error could be located at the begining of the command" ++
+ "\nwhich follows the offending one."
+-- | Reads the configuration files or quits with an error
+readConfig :: FilePath -> String -> IO (C.Config,[String])
+readConfig f usage = do
+ file <- liftIO $ fileExist f
+ s <- liftIO $ if file then readFileSafe f else error $
+ f ++ ": file not found!\n" ++ usage
+ either (\err -> error $ f ++
+ ": configuration file contains errors at:\n" ++ show err)
+ return $ parseConfig s
+-- | Read default configuration file or load the default config
+readDefaultConfig :: String -> IO (C.Config,[String])
+readDefaultConfig usage = do
+ xdgConfigFile <- C.getXdgConfigFile
+ xdgConfigFileExists <- liftIO $ fileExist xdgConfigFile
+ home <- liftIO $ getEnv "HOME"
+ let defaultConfigFile = home ++ "/.xmobarrc"
+ defaultConfigFileExists <- liftIO $ fileExist defaultConfigFile
+ if xdgConfigFileExists
+ then readConfig xdgConfigFile usage
+ else if defaultConfigFileExists
+ then readConfig defaultConfigFile usage
+ else return (C.defaultConfig,[])
diff --git a/app/Main.hs b/app/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0760d16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : Xmobar.Main
+-- Copyright : (c) Andrea Rossato
+-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <>
+-- Stability : unstable
+-- Portability : unportable
+-- The main module of Xmobar, a text based status bar
+module Main (main) where
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Version (showVersion)
+import System.Console.GetOpt
+import System.Exit
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
+import Control.Monad (unless)
+import Text.Read (readMaybe)
+import Xmobar (xmobar)
+import Xmobar.Config
+import Paths_xmobar (version)
+import Configuration (readConfig, readDefaultConfig)
+-- $main
+-- | The main entry point
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ (o,file) <- getArgs >>= getOpts
+ (c,defaultings) <- case file of
+ [cfgfile] -> readConfig cfgfile usage
+ _ -> readDefaultConfig usage
+ unless (null defaultings) $ putStrLn $
+ "Fields missing from config defaulted: " ++ intercalate "," defaultings
+ doOpts c o >>= xmobar
+data Opts = Help
+ | Version
+ | Font String
+ | BgColor String
+ | FgColor String
+ | Alpha String
+ | T
+ | B
+ | D
+ | AlignSep String
+ | Commands String
+ | AddCommand String
+ | SepChar String
+ | Template String
+ | OnScr String
+ | IconRoot String
+ | Position String
+ | WmClass String
+ | WmName String
+ deriving Show
+options :: [OptDescr Opts]
+options =
+ [ Option "h?" ["help"] (NoArg Help) "This help"
+ , Option "V" ["version"] (NoArg Version) "Show version information"
+ , Option "f" ["font"] (ReqArg Font "font name") "The font name"
+ , Option "w" ["wmclass"] (ReqArg WmClass "class") "X11 WM_CLASS property"
+ , Option "n" ["wmname"] (ReqArg WmName "name") "X11 WM_NAME property"
+ , Option "B" ["bgcolor"] (ReqArg BgColor "bg color" )
+ "The background color. Default black"
+ , Option "F" ["fgcolor"] (ReqArg FgColor "fg color")
+ "The foreground color. Default grey"
+ , Option "i" ["iconroot"] (ReqArg IconRoot "path")
+ "Root directory for icon pattern paths. Default '.'"
+ , Option "A" ["alpha"] (ReqArg Alpha "alpha")
+ "The transparency: 0 is transparent, 255 is opaque. Default: 255"
+ , Option "o" ["top"] (NoArg T) "Place xmobar at the top of the screen"
+ , Option "b" ["bottom"] (NoArg B)
+ "Place xmobar at the bottom of the screen"
+ , Option "d" ["dock"] (NoArg D)
+ "Don't override redirect from WM and function as a dock"
+ , Option "a" ["alignsep"] (ReqArg AlignSep "alignsep")
+ "Separators for left, center and right text\nalignment. Default: '}{'"
+ , Option "s" ["sepchar"] (ReqArg SepChar "char")
+ ("The character used to separate commands in" ++
+ "\nthe output template. Default '%'")
+ , Option "t" ["template"] (ReqArg Template "template")
+ "The output template"
+ , Option "c" ["commands"] (ReqArg Commands "commands")
+ "The list of commands to be executed"
+ , Option "C" ["add-command"] (ReqArg AddCommand "command")
+ "Add to the list of commands to be executed"
+ , Option "x" ["screen"] (ReqArg OnScr "screen")
+ "On which X screen number to start"
+ , Option "p" ["position"] (ReqArg Position "position")
+ "Specify position of xmobar. Same syntax as in config file"
+ ]
+getOpts :: [String] -> IO ([Opts], [String])
+getOpts argv =
+ case getOpt Permute options argv of
+ (o,n,[]) -> return (o,n)
+ (_,_,errs) -> error (concat errs ++ usage)
+usage :: String
+usage = usageInfo header options ++ footer
+ where header = "Usage: xmobar [OPTION...] [FILE]\nOptions:"
+ footer = "\nMail bug reports and suggestions to " ++ mail ++ "\n"
+info :: String
+info = "xmobar " ++ showVersion version
+ ++ "\n (C) 2007 - 2010 Andrea Rossato "
+ ++ "\n (C) 2010 - 2018 Jose A Ortega Ruiz\n "
+ ++ mail ++ "\n" ++ license
+mail :: String
+mail = "<>"
+license :: String
+license = "\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," ++
+ "\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" ++
+ "\nSee the License for more details."
+doOpts :: Config -> [Opts] -> IO Config
+doOpts conf [] =
+ return (conf {lowerOnStart = lowerOnStart conf && overrideRedirect conf})
+doOpts conf (o:oo) =
+ case o of
+ Help -> putStr usage >> exitSuccess
+ Version -> putStrLn info >> exitSuccess
+ Font s -> doOpts' (conf {font = s})
+ WmClass s -> doOpts' (conf {wmClass = s})
+ WmName s -> doOpts' (conf {wmName = s})
+ BgColor s -> doOpts' (conf {bgColor = s})
+ FgColor s -> doOpts' (conf {fgColor = s})
+ Alpha n -> doOpts' (conf {alpha = read n})
+ T -> doOpts' (conf {position = Top})
+ B -> doOpts' (conf {position = Bottom})
+ D -> doOpts' (conf {overrideRedirect = False})
+ AlignSep s -> doOpts' (conf {alignSep = s})
+ SepChar s -> doOpts' (conf {sepChar = s})
+ Template s -> doOpts' (conf {template = s})
+ IconRoot s -> doOpts' (conf {iconRoot = s})
+ OnScr n -> doOpts' (conf {position = OnScreen (read n) $ position conf})
+ Commands s -> case readCom 'c' s of
+ Right x -> doOpts' (conf {commands = x})
+ Left e -> putStr (e ++ usage) >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+ AddCommand s -> case readCom 'C' s of
+ Right x -> doOpts' (conf {commands = commands conf ++ x})
+ Left e -> putStr (e ++ usage) >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+ Position s -> readPosition s
+ where readCom c str =
+ case readStr str of
+ [x] -> Right x
+ _ -> Left ("xmobar: cannot read list of commands " ++
+ "specified with the -" ++ c:" option\n")
+ readStr str = [x | (x,t) <- reads str, ("","") <- lex t]
+ doOpts' opts = doOpts opts oo
+ readPosition string =
+ case readMaybe string of
+ Just x -> doOpts' (conf { position = x })
+ Nothing -> do
+ putStrLn "Can't parse position option, ignoring"
+ doOpts' conf