diff options
authorSibi Prabakaran <>2020-06-14 16:44:49 +0530
committerjao <>2020-06-23 16:38:20 +0100
commit2be4a584f29c3c9c105b56fcd83fa3f532caa4a0 (patch)
parent34c5473dcff2e583591e2713400947aaa59f752f (diff)
Some formatting of code
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Cpu.hs b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Cpu.hs
index 82940b0..22cd6bb 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Cpu.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Cpu.hs
@@ -114,17 +114,17 @@ data CpuData = CpuData {
convertToCpuData :: [Float] -> CpuData
-convertToCpuData (u:n:s:ie:iw:_) = CpuData {
- cpuUser = u,
- cpuNice = n,
- cpuSystem = s,
- cpuIdle = ie,
- cpuIowait = iw,
- cpuTotal = sum [u,n,s]
- }
+convertToCpuData (u:n:s:ie:iw:_) =
+ CpuData
+ { cpuUser = u
+ , cpuNice = n
+ , cpuSystem = s
+ , cpuIdle = ie
+ , cpuIowait = iw
+ , cpuTotal = sum [u, n, s]
+ }
convertToCpuData args = error $ "convertToCpuData: Unexpected list" <> show args
parseCpu :: CpuDataRef -> IO CpuData
parseCpu cref =
do a <- readIORef cref
@@ -146,19 +146,23 @@ data Field = Field {
data ShouldCompute = Compute | Skip deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
formatField :: PureConfig -> CpuOpts -> CpuData -> Field -> IO String
-formatField cpuParams cpuOpts cpuInfo@CpuData{..} Field{..}
- | fieldName == barField = if fieldCompute == Compute
- then pShowPercentBar cpuParams (100 * cpuTotal) cpuTotal
- else pure []
- | fieldName == vbarField = if fieldCompute == Compute
- then pShowVerticalBar cpuParams (100 * cpuTotal) cpuTotal
- else pure []
- | fieldName == ipatField = if fieldCompute == Compute
- then pShowIconPattern (loadIconPattern cpuOpts) cpuTotal
- else pure []
- | otherwise = if fieldCompute == Compute
- then pShowPercentWithColors cpuParams (getFieldValue fieldName cpuInfo)
- else pure []
+formatField cpuParams cpuOpts cpuInfo@CpuData {..} Field {..}
+ | fieldName == barField =
+ if fieldCompute == Compute
+ then pShowPercentBar cpuParams (100 * cpuTotal) cpuTotal
+ else pure []
+ | fieldName == vbarField =
+ if fieldCompute == Compute
+ then pShowVerticalBar cpuParams (100 * cpuTotal) cpuTotal
+ else pure []
+ | fieldName == ipatField =
+ if fieldCompute == Compute
+ then pShowIconPattern (loadIconPattern cpuOpts) cpuTotal
+ else pure []
+ | otherwise =
+ if fieldCompute == Compute
+ then pShowPercentWithColors cpuParams (getFieldValue fieldName cpuInfo)
+ else pure []
getFieldValue :: String -> CpuData -> Float
getFieldValue field CpuData{..}
@@ -178,7 +182,8 @@ computeFields (x:xs) inputFields =
if x `elem` inputFields
then (Field {fieldName = x, fieldCompute = Compute}) :
(computeFields xs inputFields)
- else (Field {fieldName = x, fieldCompute = Skip}) : (computeFields xs inputFields)
+ else (Field {fieldName = x, fieldCompute = Skip}) :
+ (computeFields xs inputFields)
formatCpu :: CpuArguments -> CpuData -> IO [String]
formatCpu CpuArguments{..} cpuInfo = do
@@ -189,21 +194,24 @@ getInputFields :: CpuArguments -> [String]
getInputFields CpuArguments{..} = map (\(_,f,_) -> f) cpuInputTemplate
optimizeAllTemplate :: CpuArguments -> CpuArguments
-optimizeAllTemplate args@CpuArguments{..} =
+optimizeAllTemplate args@CpuArguments {..} =
let inputFields = getInputFields args
- allTemplates = filter (\(field, _) -> field `elem` inputFields) cpuAllTemplate
- in args { cpuAllTemplate = allTemplates }
-data CpuArguments = CpuArguments {
- cpuDataRef :: !CpuDataRef,
- cpuParams :: !PureConfig,
- cpuArgs :: ![String],
- cpuOpts :: !CpuOpts,
- cpuInputTemplate :: ![(String, String, String)], -- [("Cpu: ","total","% "),("","user","%")]
- cpuAllTemplate :: ![(String, [(String, String, String)])], -- [("bar",[]),("vbar",[]),("ipat",[]),("total",[]),...]
- cpuFields :: ![Field]
+ allTemplates =
+ filter (\(field, _) -> field `elem` inputFields) cpuAllTemplate
+ in args {cpuAllTemplate = allTemplates}
+data CpuArguments =
+ CpuArguments
+ { cpuDataRef :: !CpuDataRef
+ , cpuParams :: !PureConfig
+ , cpuArgs :: ![String]
+ , cpuOpts :: !CpuOpts
+ , cpuInputTemplate :: ![(String, String, String)] -- [("Cpu: ","total","% "),("","user","%")]
+ , cpuAllTemplate :: ![(String, [(String, String, String)])] -- [("bar",[]),("vbar",[]),("ipat",[]),("total",[]),...]
+ , cpuFields :: ![Field]
getArguments :: [String] -> IO CpuArguments
getArguments cpuArgs = do
initCpuData <- cpuData
@@ -212,20 +220,31 @@ getArguments cpuArgs = do
cpuParams <- computePureConfig cpuArgs cpuConfig
cpuInputTemplate <- runTemplateParser cpuParams
cpuAllTemplate <- runExportParser (pExport cpuParams)
- nonOptions <- case getOpt Permute pluginOptions cpuArgs of
- (_, n, []) -> pure n
- (_,_,errs) -> error $ "getArguments: " <> show errs
- cpuOpts <- case getOpt Permute options nonOptions of
- (o, _, []) -> pure $ foldr id defaultOpts o
- (_,_,errs) -> error $ "getArguments options: " <> show errs
- let cpuFields = computeFields (map fst cpuAllTemplate) (map (\(_,f,_) -> f) cpuInputTemplate)
- pure $ optimizeAllTemplate CpuArguments{..}
+ nonOptions <-
+ case getOpt Permute pluginOptions cpuArgs of
+ (_, n, []) -> pure n
+ (_, _, errs) -> error $ "getArguments: " <> show errs
+ cpuOpts <-
+ case getOpt Permute options nonOptions of
+ (o, _, []) -> pure $ foldr id defaultOpts o
+ (_, _, errs) -> error $ "getArguments options: " <> show errs
+ let cpuFields =
+ computeFields
+ (map fst cpuAllTemplate)
+ (map (\(_, f, _) -> f) cpuInputTemplate)
+ pure $ optimizeAllTemplate CpuArguments {..}
runCpu :: CpuArguments -> IO String
-runCpu args@CpuArguments{..} = do
+runCpu args@CpuArguments {..} = do
cpuValue <- parseCpu cpuDataRef
temMonitorValues <- formatCpu args cpuValue
- let templateInput = TemplateInput { temInputTemplate = cpuInputTemplate, temAllTemplate = cpuAllTemplate, ..}
+ let templateInput =
+ TemplateInput
+ { temInputTemplate = cpuInputTemplate
+ , temAllTemplate = cpuAllTemplate
+ , ..
+ }
pureParseTemplate cpuParams templateInput
startCpu :: [String] -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()