diff options
authorjao <>2022-04-18 15:24:28 +0100
committerjao <>2022-04-18 15:24:28 +0100
commit676c90502ac52900b60049d197846297d95026bd (patch)
parent3147ef88ac428d2e752aa5db30ef52cf580716cd (diff)
Stylistic nits for previous Batt refactoring/fix
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Batt/Linux.hs b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Batt/Linux.hs
index 9b53f65..5389be0 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Batt/Linux.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Plugins/Monitors/Batt/Linux.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- |
-- Module : Plugins.Monitors.Batt.Linux
--- Copyright : (c) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019 Jose A Ortega
+-- Copyright : (c) 2010-2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2022 Jose A Ortega
-- (c) 2010 Andrea Rossato, Petr Rockai
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
module Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Batt.Linux (readBatteries) where
-import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Batt.Common (BattOpts(..)
+import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Batt.Common ( BattOpts(..)
, Result(..)
, Status(..)
, maybeAlert)
@@ -41,27 +41,54 @@ data Files = Files
, fCurrent :: String
, fPower :: String
, fStatus :: String
+ , fBat :: String
} deriving Eq
--- the default basenames of the possibly available attributes exposed by the kernel
-defFileBasenames :: Files
-defFileBasenames = Files {
- fEFull = "energy_full"
- , fCFull = "charge_full"
- , fEFullDesign = "energy_full_design"
- , fCFullDesign = "charge_full_design"
- , fENow = "energy_now"
- , fCNow = "charge_now"
- , fVoltage = "voltage_now"
- , fVoltageMin = "voltage_min_design"
- , fCurrent = "current_now"
- , fPower = "power_now"
- , fStatus = "status" }
--- prefix all files in a Files object by a given prefix
--- I couldn't find a better way to do this
-prefixFiles :: String -> Files -> Files
-prefixFiles p (Files a b c d e f g h i j k) = Files (p </> a) (p </> b) (p </> c) (p </> d) (p </> e) (p </> f) (p </> g) (p </> h) (p </> i) (p </> j) (p </> k)
+-- the default basenames of the possibly available attributes exposed
+-- by the kernel
+defaultFiles :: Files
+defaultFiles = Files
+ { fEFull = "energy_full"
+ , fCFull = "charge_full"
+ , fEFullDesign = "energy_full_design"
+ , fCFullDesign = "charge_full_design"
+ , fENow = "energy_now"
+ , fCNow = "charge_now"
+ , fVoltage = "voltage_now"
+ , fVoltageMin = "voltage_min_design"
+ , fCurrent = "current_now"
+ , fPower = "power_now"
+ , fStatus = "status"
+ , fBat = "BAT0"
+ }
+type FilesAccessor = Files -> String
+sysDir :: FilePath
+sysDir = "/sys/class/power_supply"
+battFile :: FilesAccessor -> Files -> FilePath
+battFile accessor files = sysDir </> fBat files </> accessor files
+grabNumber :: (Num a, Read a) => FilesAccessor -> Files -> IO (Maybe a)
+grabNumber = grabFile (fmap read . hGetLine)
+grabString :: FilesAccessor -> Files -> IO (Maybe String)
+grabString = grabFile hGetLine
+-- grab file contents returning Nothing if the file doesn't exist or
+-- any other error occurs
+grabFile :: (Handle -> IO a) -> FilesAccessor -> Files -> IO (Maybe a)
+grabFile readMode accessor files =
+ handle (onFileError Nothing) (withFile f ReadMode (fmap Just . readMode))
+ where f = battFile accessor files
+onFileError :: a -> SomeException -> IO a
+onFileError returnOnError = const (return returnOnError)
+-- get the filenames for a given battery name
+batteryFiles :: String -> Files
+batteryFiles bat = defaultFiles { fBat = bat }
data Battery = Battery
{ full :: !Float
@@ -70,103 +97,79 @@ data Battery = Battery
, status :: !String
-sysDir :: FilePath
-sysDir = "/sys/class/power_supply"
--- get the filenames for a given battery name
-batteryFiles :: String -> Files
-batteryFiles bat = prefixFiles (sysDir </> bat) defFileBasenames
haveAc :: FilePath -> IO Bool
haveAc f =
- handle (onFileError False) $ withFile (sysDir </> f) ReadMode (fmap (== "1") . hGetLine)
+ handle (onFileError False) $
+ withFile (sysDir </> f) ReadMode (fmap (== "1") . hGetLine)
-- retrieve the currently drawn power in Watt
-- sc is a scaling factor which by kernel documentation must be 1e6
readBatPower :: Float -> Files -> IO (Maybe Float)
readBatPower sc f =
- do pM <- grabNumber $ fPower f
- cM <- grabNumber $ fCurrent f
- vM <- grabNumber $ fVoltage f
+ do pM <- grabNumber fPower f
+ cM <- grabNumber fCurrent f
+ vM <- grabNumber fVoltage f
return $ case (pM, cM, vM) of
(Just pVal, _, _) -> Just $ pVal / sc
(_, Just cVal, Just vVal) -> Just $ cVal * vVal / (sc * sc)
(_, _, _) -> Nothing
--- retrieve the maximum capacity in Watt hours
+-- retrieve the maximum capacity in Watt hours
-- sc is a scaling factor which by kernel documentation must be 1e6
--- on getting the voltage: using voltage_min_design will probably underestimate
+-- on getting the voltage: using voltage_min_design will probably underestimate
-- the actual energy content of the battery and using voltage_now will probably
-- overestimate it.
readBatCapacityFull :: Float -> Files -> IO (Maybe Float)
readBatCapacityFull sc f =
- do cM <- grabNumber $ fCFull f
- eM <- grabNumber $ fEFull f
- cdM <- grabNumber $ fCFullDesign f
- edM <- grabNumber $ fEFullDesign f
- vM <- grabNumber $ fVoltageMin f -- not sure if Voltage or VoltageMin is more accurate and if both are always available
- return $ case (eM, cM, edM, cdM, vM) of
+ do cM <- grabNumber fCFull f
+ eM <- grabNumber fEFull f
+ cdM <- grabNumber fCFullDesign f
+ edM <- grabNumber fEFullDesign f
+ -- not sure if Voltage or VoltageMin is more accurate and if both
+ -- are always available
+ vM <- grabNumber fVoltageMin f
+ return $ case (eM, cM, edM, cdM, vM) of
(Just eVal, _, _, _, _) -> Just $ eVal / sc
(_, Just cVal, _, _, Just vVal) -> Just $ cVal * vVal / (sc * sc)
(_, _, Just eVal, _, _) -> Just $ eVal / sc
(_, _, _, Just cVal, Just vVal) -> Just $ cVal * vVal / (sc * sc)
(_, _, _, _, _) -> Nothing
--- retrieve the current capacity in Watt hours
+-- retrieve the current capacity in Watt hours
-- sc is a scaling factor which by kernel documentation must be 1e6
--- on getting the voltage: using voltage_min_design will probably underestimate
+-- on getting the voltage: using voltage_min_design will probably underestimate
-- the actual energy content of the battery and using voltage_now will probably
-- overestimate it.
readBatCapacityNow :: Float -> Files -> IO (Maybe Float)
readBatCapacityNow sc f =
- do cM <- grabNumber $ fCNow f
- eM <- grabNumber $ fENow f
- vM <- grabNumber $ fVoltageMin f -- not sure if Voltage or VoltageMin is more accurate and if both are always available
+ do cM <- grabNumber fCNow f
+ eM <- grabNumber fENow f
+ vM <- grabNumber fVoltageMin f -- not sure if Voltage or
+ -- VoltageMin is more accurate
+ -- and if both are always
+ -- available
return $ case (eM, cM, vM) of
(Just eVal, _, _) -> Just $ eVal / sc
(_, Just cVal, Just vVal) -> Just $ cVal * vVal / (sc * sc)
(_, _, _) -> Nothing
readBatStatus :: Files -> IO (Maybe String)
-readBatStatus f = grabString $ fStatus f
--- "resolve" a Maybe to a given default value if it is Nothing
-setDefault :: a -> IO (Maybe a) -> IO a
-setDefault def ioval =
- do m <- ioval
- return $ case m of (Just v) -> v
- Nothing -> def
+readBatStatus = grabString fStatus
-- collect all relevant battery values with defaults of not available
readBattery :: Float -> Files -> IO Battery
readBattery sc files =
- do cFull <- setDefault 0 $ readBatCapacityFull sc files
- cNow <- setDefault 0 $ readBatCapacityNow sc files
- pwr <- setDefault 0 $ readBatPower sc files
- s <- setDefault "Unknown" $ readBatStatus files
- let cFull' = max cFull cNow -- sometimes the reported max charge is lower than
+ do cFull <- withDef 0 readBatCapacityFull
+ cNow <- withDef 0 readBatCapacityNow
+ pwr <- withDef 0 readBatPower
+ s <- withDef "Unknown" (const readBatStatus)
+ let cFull' = max cFull cNow -- sometimes the reported max
+ -- charge is lower than
return $ Battery (3600 * cFull') -- wattseconds
(3600 * cNow) -- wattseconds
(abs pwr) -- watts
s -- string: Discharging/Charging/Full
-grabNumber :: (Num a, Read a) => FilePath -> IO (Maybe a)
-grabNumber = grabFile (fmap read . hGetLine)
-grabString :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe String)
-grabString = grabFile hGetLine
--- grab file contents returning Nothing if the file doesn't exist or any other error occurs
-grabFile :: (Handle -> IO a) -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe a)
-grabFile readMode f = handle (onFileError Nothing) (withFile f ReadMode (doJust . readMode))
-onFileError :: a -> SomeException -> IO a
-onFileError returnOnError = const (return returnOnError)
-doJust :: IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
-doJust a =
- do v <- a
- return $ Just v
+ where withDef d reader = fromMaybe d `fmap` reader sc files
-- sortOn is only available starting at ghc 7.10
sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]