diff options
authorjao <>2022-09-15 15:34:00 +0100
committerjao <>2022-09-15 15:34:00 +0100
commite39f66aac6805d832e8a5bc765ba9b385a20cd16 (patch)
parent123fbce476fdc8deee41785c0c20c09f0a05da8e (diff)
new flag: with_xrender
4 files changed, 31 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index b967292..6c707e5 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ them to =stack= directly:
- =with_threaded= Uses GHC's threaded runtime. Use this option if xmobar
enters a high-CPU regime right after starting.
- - =with_cairo= Antialiased fonts via Cairo/Pango. Requires the [[][X11-xft]]
- package. To use XFT fonts you can use their fontconfig name, e.g
+ - =with_cairo= Antialiased fonts via Cairo/Pango. For fonts, you can use
+ their fontconfig name, e.g
#+begin_src haskell
font = "Iosevka Medium 10"
@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ them to =stack= directly:
font = "xft:DejaVu Sans Mono-10"
+ - =with_xrender= Enables the main bar background alpha parameter. Requires
+ the [[][X11-xft]] package.
- =with_mpd= Enables support for the [[][MPD]] daemon. Requires the [[][libmpd]]
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/X11/CairoDraw.hs b/src/Xmobar/X11/CairoDraw.hs
index e93e5ae..df6f1e4 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/X11/CairoDraw.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/X11/CairoDraw.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
-- |
-- Module: Xmobar.X11.CairoDraw
@@ -43,7 +44,9 @@ import Xmobar.Config.Types
import Xmobar.Text.Pango (fixXft)
import Xmobar.X11.Types
import qualified Xmobar.X11.Bitmap as B
+#ifdef XRENDER
import Xmobar.X11.XRender (drawBackground)
import Xmobar.X11.CairoSurface
type Renderinfo = (Segment, Surface -> Double -> Double -> IO (), Double)
@@ -78,7 +81,9 @@ drawInPixmap gc p s = do
conf = config xconf
dc = DC (drawXBitmap xconf gc p) (lookupXBitmap xconf) conf dw dh s
render = drawSegments dc
+#ifdef XRENDER
liftIO $ drawBackground disp p (bgColor conf) (alpha conf) (Rectangle 0 0 w h)
liftIO $ withXlibSurface disp p vis (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) render
lookupXBitmap :: XConf -> String -> Maybe B.Bitmap
@@ -193,7 +198,7 @@ drawSegment dctx surface maxoff (off, acts, boxs) (segment, render, lwidth) = do
setSourceColor :: (SRGB.Colour Double, Double) -> C.Render ()
setSourceColor (colour, alph) =
- C.setSourceRGBA r g b alph
+ if alph < 1 then C.setSourceRGBA r g b alph else C.setSourceRGB r g b
where rgb = SRGB.toSRGB colour
r = SRGB.channelRed rgb
g = SRGB.channelGreen rgb
@@ -235,6 +240,13 @@ drawBoxes dctx surf [bi] = drawBoxes' dctx surf bi
drawBoxes _ _ [] = return ()
+#ifndef XRENDER
+drawCairoBackground :: DrawContext -> Surface -> IO ()
+drawCairoBackground dctx surf = do
+ let (c, _) = readColourName (bgColor (dcConfig dctx))
+ C.renderWith surf $ setSourceColor (c, 1.0) >> C.paint
drawSegments :: DrawContext -> Surface -> IO Actions
drawSegments dctx surf = do
let [left, center, right] = take 3 $ dcSegments dctx
@@ -245,6 +257,9 @@ drawSegments dctx surf = do
llyts <- mapM (withRenderinfo ctx dctx) left
rlyts <- mapM (withRenderinfo ctx dctx) right
clyts <- mapM (withRenderinfo ctx dctx) center
+#ifndef XRENDER
+ drawCairoBackground dctx surf
(lend, as, bx) <- foldM (drawSegment dctx surf dw) (0, [], []) llyts
let rw = layoutsWidth rlyts
rstart = max (lend + 1) (dw - rw - 1)
@@ -253,7 +268,6 @@ drawSegments dctx surf = do
cstart = lend + 1 + max 0 (dw - rw - lend - cw) / 2.0
(_, as', bx') <- foldM (drawSegment dctx surf cmax) (cstart, as, bx) clyts
(_, as'', bx'') <- foldM (drawSegment dctx surf dw) (rstart, as', bx') rlyts
- -- putStrLn $ show (reverse bx'')
drawBoxes dctx surf (reverse bx'')
when (borderWidth conf > 0) (drawBorder conf dw dh surf)
return as''
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/X11/Loop.hs b/src/Xmobar/X11/Loop.hs
index ea1c309..aeaf38a 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/X11/Loop.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/X11/Loop.hs
@@ -58,10 +58,6 @@ import Xmobar.Run.Loop (loop)
import Xmobar.X11.Events(nextEvent')
-#ifdef CAIRO
-import Graphics.X11.Xft
runX :: XConf -> X a -> IO a
runX xc f = runReaderT f xc
@@ -72,9 +68,6 @@ x11Loop conf = do
d <- openDisplay ""
fs <- initFont d (font conf)
fl <- mapM (initFont d) (additionalFonts conf)
-#ifdef CAIRO
- xftInitFtLibrary
(r,w) <- createWin d fs conf
loop conf (startLoop (XConf d r w (fs :| fl) Map.empty conf))
diff --git a/xmobar.cabal b/xmobar.cabal
index a2958ad..3bf1dd6 100644
--- a/xmobar.cabal
+++ b/xmobar.cabal
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ source-repository head
location: git://
branch: master
+flag with_xrender
+ description: Use XRender for alpha background pseudo-transparency.
flag with_cairo
description: Use Cairo and Pango to render anti-aliased text.
@@ -224,14 +227,17 @@ library
if flag(with_rtsopts)
cpp-options: -DRTSOPTS
+ if flag(with_xrender)
+ build-depends: X11-xft >= 0.2
+ other-modules: Xmobar.X11.XRender
+ cpp-options: -DXRENDER
if flag(with_cairo)
build-depends: cairo >= 0.13,
pango >= 0.13,
- colour >= 2.3.6,
- X11-xft >= 0.2
+ colour >= 2.3.6
other-modules: Xmobar.X11.CairoSurface,
- Xmobar.X11.CairoDraw,
- Xmobar.X11.XRender
+ Xmobar.X11.CairoDraw
cpp-options: -DCAIRO
other-modules: Xmobar.X11.XlibDraw