diff options
authorjao <>2022-09-30 06:50:53 +0100
committerjao <>2022-09-30 06:50:53 +0100
commitef380c045957413948d390c152f6401869526285 (patch)
parente9a86329d40f82f7710ac5be294e908d221e00bc (diff)
Run.Parsers -> Config.Template
-rw-r--r--src/Xmobar/Config/Template.hs (renamed from src/Xmobar/Run/Parsers.hs)188
11 files changed, 182 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Config/Parse.hs b/src/Xmobar/Config/Parse.hs
index 16af3db..23de4db 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Config/Parse.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Config/Parse.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
module Xmobar.Config.Parse(readConfig
, parseConfig
, indexedFont
- , indexedOffset) where
+ , indexedOffset
+ , colorComponents) where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Number (int)
@@ -31,6 +32,14 @@ import Xmobar.Config.Types
import qualified System.IO as S (readFile)
+-- | Splits a colors string into its two components
+colorComponents :: Config -> String -> (String, String)
+colorComponents conf c =
+ case break (==',') c of
+ (f,',':b) -> (f, b)
+ (f, _) -> (f, bgColor conf)
stripComments :: String -> String
stripComments =
unlines . map (drop 5 . strip False . (replicate 5 ' '++)) . lines
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Run/Parsers.hs b/src/Xmobar/Config/Template.hs
index 9b36786..28ccbe1 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Run/Parsers.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Config/Template.hs
@@ -1,75 +1,38 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- |
--- Module : Xmobar.Run.Parsers
--- Copyright : (c) Andrea Rossato
--- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
+-- Module: Xmobar.Config.Template
+-- Copyright: (c) 2022 jao
+-- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
--- Maintainer : Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <>
--- Stability : unstable
--- Portability : portable
+-- Maintainer:
+-- Stability: unstable
+-- Portability: portable
+-- Created: Fri Sep 30, 2022 06:33
--- Parsing for template substrings
-module Xmobar.Run.Parsers ( parseString
- , colorComponents
- , Segment
- , FontIndex
- , Box(..)
- , BoxBorder(..)
- , BoxOffset(..)
- , BoxMargins(..)
- , TextRenderInfo(..)
- , Widget(..)) where
-import Control.Monad (guard, mzero)
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-import Data.Int (Int32)
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import Text.Read (readMaybe)
-import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)
-import Xmobar.Config.Types
-import Xmobar.Run.Actions
-data Widget = Icon String | Text String | Hspace Int32 deriving Show
+-- Parsing template strings
-data BoxOffset = BoxOffset Align Int32 deriving (Eq, Show)
--- margins: Top, Right, Bottom, Left
-data BoxMargins = BoxMargins Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 deriving (Eq, Show)
+module Xmobar.Config.Template (parseString) where
-data BoxBorder = BBTop
- | BBBottom
- | BBVBoth
- | BBLeft
- | BBRight
- | BBHBoth
- | BBFull
- deriving (Read, Eq, Show)
+import Control.Monad (guard, mzero)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-data Box = Box { bBorder :: BoxBorder
- , bOffset :: BoxOffset
- , bWidth :: CInt
- , bColor :: String
- , bMargins :: BoxMargins
- } deriving (Eq, Show)
+import Text.Parsec ((<|>))
+import qualified Text.Parsec as P
+import qualified Text.Parsec.Combinator as C
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (Parser)
-data TextRenderInfo = TextRenderInfo { tColorsString :: String
- , tBgTopOffset :: Int32
- , tBgBottomOffset :: Int32
- , tBoxes :: [Box]
- } deriving Show
+import Text.Read (readMaybe)
-type Segment = (Widget, TextRenderInfo, FontIndex, Maybe [Action])
+import Xmobar.Config.Types
--- | Runs the string parser
+-- | Runs the template string parser
parseString :: Config -> String -> IO [Segment]
parseString c s =
- case parse (stringParser ci 0 Nothing) "" s of
+ case P.parse (stringParser ci 0 Nothing) "" s of
Left _ -> return [(Text $ "Could not parse string: " ++ s
, ci
, 0
@@ -77,43 +40,36 @@ parseString c s =
Right x -> return (concat x)
where ci = TextRenderInfo (fgColor c) 0 0 []
--- | Splits a colors string into its two components
-colorComponents :: Config -> String -> (String, String)
-colorComponents conf c =
- case break (==',') c of
- (f,',':b) -> (f, b)
- (f, _) -> (f, bgColor conf)
allParsers :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [Segment]
allParsers c f a = textParser c f a
- <|> try (iconParser c f a)
- <|> try (hspaceParser c f a)
- <|> try (rawParser c f a)
- <|> try (actionParser c f a)
- <|> try (fontParser c a)
- <|> try (boxParser c f a)
+ <|> P.try (iconParser c f a)
+ <|> P.try (hspaceParser c f a)
+ <|> P.try (rawParser c f a)
+ <|> P.try (actionParser c f a)
+ <|> P.try (fontParser c a)
+ <|> P.try (boxParser c f a)
<|> colorParser c f a
-- | Gets the string and combines the needed parsers
stringParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [[Segment]]
-stringParser c f a = manyTill (allParsers c f a) eof
+stringParser c f a = C.manyTill (allParsers c f a) C.eof
-- | Parses a maximal string without markup.
textParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [Segment]
-textParser c f a = do s <- many1 $
- noneOf "<" <|>
- try (notFollowedBy' (char '<')
- (try (string "fc=") <|>
- try (string "box") <|>
- try (string "fn=") <|>
- try (string "action=") <|>
- try (string "/action>") <|>
- try (string "icon=") <|>
- try (string "hspace=") <|>
- try (string "raw=") <|>
- try (string "/fn>") <|>
- try (string "/box>") <|>
- string "/fc>"))
+textParser c f a = do s <- C.many1 $
+ P.noneOf "<" <|>
+ P.try (notFollowedBy' (P.char '<')
+ (P.try (P.string "fc=") <|>
+ P.try (P.string "box") <|>
+ P.try (P.string "fn=") <|>
+ P.try (P.string "action=") <|>
+ P.try (P.string "/action>") <|>
+ P.try (P.string "icon=") <|>
+ P.try (P.string "hspace=") <|>
+ P.try (P.string "raw=") <|>
+ P.try (P.string "/fn>") <|>
+ P.try (P.string "/box>") <|>
+ P.string "/fc>"))
return [(Text s, c, f, a)]
-- | Parse a "raw" tag, which we use to prevent other tags from creeping in.
@@ -123,14 +79,14 @@ textParser c f a = do s <- many1 $
-- then a literal "/>".
rawParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [Segment]
rawParser c f a = do
- string "<raw="
- lenstr <- many1 digit
- char ':'
+ P.string "<raw="
+ lenstr <- C.many1 P.digit
+ P.char ':'
case reads lenstr of
[(len,[])] -> do
guard ((len :: Integer) <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int))
- s <- count (fromIntegral len) anyChar
- string "/>"
+ s <- C.count (fromIntegral len) P.anyChar
+ P.string "/>"
return [(Text s, c, f, a)]
_ -> mzero
@@ -139,33 +95,33 @@ rawParser c f a = do
-- accepts only parsers with return type Char.
notFollowedBy' :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser a
notFollowedBy' p e = do x <- p
- notFollowedBy $ try (e >> return '*')
+ C.notFollowedBy $ P.try (e >> return '*')
return x
iconParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [Segment]
iconParser c f a = do
- string "<icon="
- i <- manyTill (noneOf ">") (try (string "/>"))
+ P.string "<icon="
+ i <- C.manyTill (P.noneOf ">") (P.try (P.string "/>"))
return [(Icon i, c, f, a)]
hspaceParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [Segment]
hspaceParser c f a = do
- string "<hspace="
- pVal <- manyTill digit (try (string "/>"))
+ P.string "<hspace="
+ pVal <- C.manyTill P.digit (P.try (P.string "/>"))
return [(Hspace (fromMaybe 0 $ readMaybe pVal), c, f, a)]
actionParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [Segment]
actionParser c f act = do
- string "<action="
- command <- choice [between (char '`') (char '`') (many1 (noneOf "`")),
- many1 (noneOf ">")]
- buttons <- (char '>' >> return "1") <|> (space >> spaces >>
- between (string "button=") (string ">") (many1 (oneOf "12345")))
+ P.string "<action="
+ command <- C.choice [C.between (P.char '`') (P.char '`') (C.many1 (P.noneOf "`")),
+ C.many1 (P.noneOf ">")]
+ buttons <- (P.char '>' >> return "1") <|> ( >> P.spaces >>
+ C.between (P.string "button=") (P.string ">") (C.many1 (P.oneOf "12345")))
let a = Spawn (toButtons buttons) command
a' = case act of
Nothing -> Just [a]
Just act' -> Just $ a : act'
- s <- manyTill (allParsers c f a') (try $ string "</action>")
+ s <- C.manyTill (allParsers c f a') (P.try $ P.string "</action>")
return (concat s)
toButtons :: String -> [Button]
@@ -174,7 +130,7 @@ toButtons = map (\x -> read [x])
-- | Parsers a string wrapped in a color specification.
colorParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [Segment]
colorParser (TextRenderInfo _ _ _ bs) fidx a = do
- c <- between (string "<fc=") (string ">") colors
+ c <- C.between (P.string "<fc=") (P.string ">") colors
let colorParts = break (==':') c
let (ot,ob) = case break (==',') (Prelude.drop 1 $ snd colorParts) of
(top,',':btm) -> (top, btm)
@@ -183,23 +139,23 @@ colorParser (TextRenderInfo _ _ _ bs) fidx a = do
(fromMaybe (-1) $ readMaybe ot)
(fromMaybe (-1) $ readMaybe ob)
- s <- manyTill (allParsers tri fidx a) (try $ string "</fc>")
+ s <- C.manyTill (allParsers tri fidx a) (P.try $ P.string "</fc>")
return (concat s)
-- | Parses a string wrapped in a box specification.
boxParser :: TextRenderInfo -> FontIndex -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [Segment]
boxParser (TextRenderInfo cs ot ob bs) f a = do
- c <- between (string "<box") (string ">")
- (option "" (many1 (alphaNum
- <|> char '='
- <|> char ' '
- <|> char '#'
- <|> char ',')))
+ c <- C.between (P.string "<box") (P.string ">")
+ (C.option "" (C.many1 (P.alphaNum
+ <|> P.char '='
+ <|> P.char ' '
+ <|> P.char '#'
+ <|> P.char ',')))
let b = Box BBFull (BoxOffset C 0) 1 cs (BoxMargins 0 0 0 0)
let g = boxReader b (words c)
- s <- manyTill
+ s <- C.manyTill
(allParsers (TextRenderInfo cs ot ob (g : bs)) f a)
- (try $ string "</box>")
+ (P.try $ P.string "</box>")
return (concat s)
boxReader :: Box -> [String] -> Box
@@ -235,10 +191,10 @@ boxParamReader b _ _ = b
-- | Parsers a string wrapped in a font specification.
fontParser :: TextRenderInfo -> Maybe [Action] -> Parser [Segment]
fontParser c a = do
- f <- between (string "<fn=") (string ">") colors
- s <- manyTill (allParsers c (fromMaybe 0 $ readMaybe f) a) (try $ string "</fn>")
+ f <- C.between (P.string "<fn=") (P.string ">") colors
+ s <- C.manyTill (allParsers c (fromMaybe 0 $ readMaybe f) a) (P.try $ P.string "</fn>")
return (concat s)
-- | Parses a color specification (hex or named)
colors :: Parser String
-colors = many1 (alphaNum <|> char ',' <|> char ':' <|> char '#')
+colors = C.many1 (P.alphaNum <|> P.char ',' <|> P.char ':' <|> P.char '#')
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Config/Types.hs b/src/Xmobar/Config/Types.hs
index 4959aa1..df39f6d 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Config/Types.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Config/Types.hs
@@ -15,14 +15,28 @@
module Xmobar.Config.Types
( Config (..)
, XPosition (..), Align (..), Border (..), TextOutputFormat (..)
+ , Segment
, FontIndex
+ , Box(..)
+ , BoxBorder(..)
+ , BoxOffset(..)
+ , BoxMargins(..)
+ , TextRenderInfo(..)
+ , Widget(..)
, SignalChan (..)
+ , Action (..)
+ , Button
) where
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import qualified Xmobar.Run.Runnable as R
import qualified Xmobar.System.Signal as S
+import Data.Int (Int32)
+import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)
+import Xmobar.Run.Actions (Action (..), Button)
-- $config
-- Configuration data type
@@ -110,3 +124,34 @@ instance Read SignalChan where
instance Show SignalChan where
show (SignalChan (Just _)) = "SignalChan (Just <tmvar>)"
show (SignalChan Nothing) = "SignalChan Nothing"
+data Widget = Icon String | Text String | Hspace Int32 deriving Show
+data BoxOffset = BoxOffset Align Int32 deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- margins: Top, Right, Bottom, Left
+data BoxMargins = BoxMargins Int32 Int32 Int32 Int32 deriving (Eq, Show)
+data BoxBorder = BBTop
+ | BBBottom
+ | BBVBoth
+ | BBLeft
+ | BBRight
+ | BBHBoth
+ | BBFull
+ deriving (Read, Eq, Show)
+data Box = Box { bBorder :: BoxBorder
+ , bOffset :: BoxOffset
+ , bWidth :: CInt
+ , bColor :: String
+ , bMargins :: BoxMargins
+ } deriving (Eq, Show)
+data TextRenderInfo = TextRenderInfo { tColorsString :: String
+ , tBgTopOffset :: Int32
+ , tBgBottomOffset :: Int32
+ , tBoxes :: [Box]
+ } deriving Show
+type Segment = (Widget, TextRenderInfo, FontIndex, Maybe [Action])
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Draw/Boxes.hs b/src/Xmobar/Draw/Boxes.hs
index 1358805..692e232 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Draw/Boxes.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Draw/Boxes.hs
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
module Xmobar.Draw.Boxes (Line, boxLines, BoxRect, borderRect) where
import qualified Xmobar.Config.Types as T
-import qualified Xmobar.Run.Parsers as P
type Line = (Double, Double, Double, Double)
type BoxRect = (Double, Double, Double, Double)
@@ -25,19 +24,19 @@ type BoxRect = (Double, Double, Double, Double)
-- The Box is to be positioned between x0 and x1, with height ht, and drawn
-- with line width lw. The returned lists are coordinates of the beginning
-- and end of each line.
-boxLines :: P.Box -> Double -> Double -> Double -> [Line]
-boxLines (P.Box bd offset lw _ margins) ht x0 x1 =
+boxLines :: T.Box -> Double -> Double -> Double -> [Line]
+boxLines (T.Box bd offset lw _ margins) ht x0 x1 =
case bd of
- P.BBTop -> [rtop]
- P.BBBottom -> [rbot]
- P.BBVBoth -> [rtop, rbot]
- P.BBLeft -> [rleft]
- P.BBRight -> [rright]
- P.BBHBoth -> [rleft, rright]
- P.BBFull -> [rtop, rbot, rleft, rright]
+ T.BBTop -> [rtop]
+ T.BBBottom -> [rbot]
+ T.BBVBoth -> [rtop, rbot]
+ T.BBLeft -> [rleft]
+ T.BBRight -> [rright]
+ T.BBHBoth -> [rleft, rright]
+ T.BBFull -> [rtop, rbot, rleft, rright]
- (P.BoxMargins top right bot left) = margins
- (P.BoxOffset align m) = offset
+ (T.BoxMargins top right bot left) = margins
+ (T.BoxOffset align m) = offset
ma = fromIntegral m
(p0, p1) = case align of
T.L -> (0, -ma)
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Draw/Cairo.hs b/src/Xmobar/Draw/Cairo.hs
index 7e22df4..cd85580 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Draw/Cairo.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Draw/Cairo.hs
@@ -29,14 +29,13 @@ import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Types(Surface)
import qualified Xmobar.Config.Types as C
import qualified Xmobar.Config.Parse as ConfigParse
-import qualified Xmobar.Run.Parsers as P
import qualified Xmobar.Text.Pango as TextPango
import qualified Xmobar.Draw.Boxes as Boxes
import qualified Xmobar.Draw.Types as T
-type Renderinfo = (P.Segment, Surface -> Double -> Double -> IO (), Double)
-type BoundedBox = (Double, Double, [P.Box])
+type Renderinfo = (C.Segment, Surface -> Double -> Double -> IO (), Double)
+type BoundedBox = (Double, Double, [C.Box])
type Acc = (Double, T.Actions, [BoundedBox])
readColourName :: String -> (SRGB.Colour Double, Double)
@@ -63,10 +62,10 @@ renderLines color wd lns = do
mapM_ (\(x0, y0, x1, y1) ->
Cairo.moveTo x0 y0 >> Cairo.lineTo x1 y1 >> Cairo.stroke) lns
-segmentMarkup :: C.Config -> P.Segment -> String
-segmentMarkup conf (P.Text txt, info, idx, _actions) =
+segmentMarkup :: C.Config -> C.Segment -> String
+segmentMarkup conf (C.Text txt, info, idx, _actions) =
let fnt = TextPango.fixXft $ ConfigParse.indexedFont conf idx
- (fg, bg) = P.colorComponents conf (P.tColorsString info)
+ (fg, bg) = ConfigParse.colorComponents conf (C.tColorsString info)
attrs = [Pango.FontDescr fnt, Pango.FontForeground fg]
attrs' = if bg == C.bgColor conf
then attrs
@@ -74,8 +73,8 @@ segmentMarkup conf (P.Text txt, info, idx, _actions) =
in Pango.markSpan attrs' $ Pango.escapeMarkup txt
segmentMarkup _ _ = ""
-withRenderinfo :: Pango.PangoContext -> T.DrawContext -> P.Segment -> IO Renderinfo
-withRenderinfo ctx dctx seg@(P.Text _, inf, idx, a) = do
+withRenderinfo :: Pango.PangoContext -> T.DrawContext -> C.Segment -> IO Renderinfo
+withRenderinfo ctx dctx seg@(C.Text _, inf, idx, a) = do
let conf = T.dcConfig dctx
lyt <- Pango.layoutEmpty ctx
mk <- Pango.layoutSetMarkup lyt (segmentMarkup conf seg) :: IO String
@@ -88,25 +87,25 @@ withRenderinfo ctx dctx seg@(P.Text _, inf, idx, a) = do
Pango.layoutSetEllipsize lyt Pango.EllipsizeEnd
Pango.layoutSetWidth lyt (Just $ mx - off)
Cairo.renderWith s $ Cairo.moveTo off voff >> Pango.showLayout lyt
- return ((P.Text mk, inf, idx, a), slyt, wd)
+ return ((C.Text mk, inf, idx, a), slyt, wd)
-withRenderinfo _ _ seg@(P.Hspace w, _, _, _) =
+withRenderinfo _ _ seg@(C.Hspace w, _, _, _) =
return (seg, \_ _ _ -> return (), fromIntegral w)
-withRenderinfo _ dctx seg@(P.Icon p, _, _, _) = do
+withRenderinfo _ dctx seg@(C.Icon p, _, _, _) = do
let (wd, _) = T.dcIconLookup dctx p
ioff = C.iconOffset (T.dcConfig dctx)
vpos = T.dcHeight dctx / 2 + fromIntegral ioff
render _ off mx = when (off + wd <= mx) $ T.dcIconDrawer dctx off vpos p
return (seg, render, wd)
-drawBox :: T.DrawContext -> Surface -> Double -> Double -> P.Box -> IO ()
-drawBox dctx surf x0 x1 box@(P.Box _ _ w color _) =
+drawBox :: T.DrawContext -> Surface -> Double -> Double -> C.Box -> IO ()
+drawBox dctx surf x0 x1 box@(C.Box _ _ w color _) =
Cairo.renderWith surf $
renderLines color (fromIntegral w) (Boxes.boxLines box (T.dcHeight dctx) x0 x1)
drawSegmentBackground ::
- T.DrawContext -> Surface -> P.TextRenderInfo -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
+ T.DrawContext -> Surface -> C.TextRenderInfo -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
drawSegmentBackground dctx surf info x0 x1 =
when (bg /= C.bgColor conf && (top >= 0 || bot >= 0)) $
Cairo.renderWith surf $ do
@@ -114,16 +113,16 @@ drawSegmentBackground dctx surf info x0 x1 =
Cairo.rectangle x0 top (x1 - x0) (T.dcHeight dctx - bot - top)
where conf = T.dcConfig dctx
- (_, bg) = P.colorComponents conf (P.tColorsString info)
- top = fromIntegral $ P.tBgTopOffset info
- bot = fromIntegral $ P.tBgBottomOffset info
+ (_, bg) = ConfigParse.colorComponents conf (C.tColorsString info)
+ top = fromIntegral $ C.tBgTopOffset info
+ bot = fromIntegral $ C.tBgBottomOffset info
drawSegment :: T.DrawContext -> Surface -> Double -> Acc -> Renderinfo -> IO Acc
drawSegment dctx surface maxoff (off, acts, boxs) (segment, render, lwidth) = do
let end = min maxoff (off + lwidth)
(_, info, _, a) = segment
acts' = case a of Just as -> (as, off, end):acts; _ -> acts
- bs = P.tBoxes info
+ bs = C.tBoxes info
boxs' = if null bs then boxs else (off, end, bs):boxs
drawSegmentBackground dctx surface info off end
render surface off maxoff
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Draw/Types.hs b/src/Xmobar/Draw/Types.hs
index 75dd714..9853c38 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Draw/Types.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Draw/Types.hs
@@ -17,9 +17,8 @@
module Xmobar.Draw.Types where
-import Xmobar.Config.Types (Config)
+import Xmobar.Config.Types (Config, Segment)
import Xmobar.Run.Actions (Action)
-import Xmobar.Run.Parsers (Segment)
type Position = Double
type ActionPos = ([Action], Position, Position)
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Text/Output.hs b/src/Xmobar/Text/Output.hs
index 783a5bb..6e5b0f1 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Text/Output.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Text/Output.hs
@@ -15,13 +15,15 @@
module Xmobar.Text.Output (initLoop, format) where
-import Xmobar.Config.Types (Config(textOutputFormat, additionalFonts, font)
- , TextOutputFormat(..))
-import Xmobar.Run.Parsers ( Segment
- , Widget(..)
- , parseString
- , tColorsString
- , colorComponents)
+import Xmobar.Config.Types ( Config (..)
+ , TextOutputFormat (..)
+ , Segment
+ , Widget (..)
+ , tColorsString)
+import Xmobar.Config.Parse (colorComponents)
+import Xmobar.Config.Template (parseString)
import Xmobar.Text.Ansi (withAnsiColor)
import Xmobar.Text.Pango (withPangoMarkup)
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/Text/Swaybar.hs b/src/Xmobar/Text/Swaybar.hs
index a2fc585..355de06 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/Text/Swaybar.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/Text/Swaybar.hs
@@ -24,16 +24,16 @@ import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (toString)
import GHC.Generics
-import Xmobar.Config.Types (Config (additionalFonts))
-import Xmobar.Run.Parsers ( Segment
- , Widget(..)
- , Box(..)
- , BoxBorder(..)
- , FontIndex
- , tBoxes
- , tColorsString
- , colorComponents)
+import Xmobar.Config.Types ( Config (additionalFonts)
+ , Segment
+ , Widget(..)
+ , Box(..)
+ , BoxBorder(..)
+ , FontIndex
+ , tBoxes
+ , tColorsString)
+import Xmobar.Config.Parse (colorComponents)
import Xmobar.Text.SwaybarClicks (startHandler)
import Xmobar.Text.Pango (withPangoFont)
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/X11/Draw.hs b/src/Xmobar/X11/Draw.hs
index a056136..b380497 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/X11/Draw.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/X11/Draw.hs
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import Foreign.C.Types as FT
import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib as X11
import qualified Xmobar.Config.Types as C
-import qualified Xmobar.Run.Parsers as P
import qualified Xmobar.Draw.Types as D
import qualified Xmobar.Draw.Cairo as DC
@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ withPixmap disp win (X11.Rectangle _ _ w h) depth action = do
X11.sync disp True
return res
-draw :: [[P.Segment]] -> T.X [D.ActionPos]
+draw :: [[C.Segment]] -> T.X [D.ActionPos]
draw segments = do
xconf <- ask
let disp = T.display xconf
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/X11/Loop.hs b/src/Xmobar/X11/Loop.hs
index 599e680..721a35b 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/X11/Loop.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/X11/Loop.hs
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ import qualified Graphics.X11.Xinerama as Xinerama
import qualified Graphics.X11.Xrandr as Xrandr
import qualified Xmobar.Config.Types as C
+import qualified Xmobar.Config.Template as CT
import qualified Xmobar.Run.Actions as A
import qualified Xmobar.Run.Loop as L
-import qualified Xmobar.Run.Parsers as P
import qualified Xmobar.System.Utils as U
import qualified Xmobar.System.Signal as S
@@ -145,15 +145,15 @@ signalLoop xc@(T.XConf d r w fs is cfg) actions signalv strs = do
r' <- W.repositionWin d w (NE.head fs) rcfg
signalLoop (T.XConf d r' w fs is rcfg) actions signalv strs
-parseSegments :: C.Config -> STM.TVar [String] -> IO [[P.Segment]]
+parseSegments :: C.Config -> STM.TVar [String] -> IO [[C.Segment]]
parseSegments conf v = do
s <- STM.readTVarIO v
let l:c:r:_ = s ++ repeat ""
- MR.liftIO $ mapM (P.parseString conf) [l, c, r]
+ MR.liftIO $ mapM (CT.parseString conf) [l, c, r]
-updateIconCache :: T.XConf -> [[P.Segment]] -> IO T.XConf
+updateIconCache :: T.XConf -> [[C.Segment]] -> IO T.XConf
updateIconCache xc@(T.XConf d _ w _ c cfg) segs = do
- let paths = [p | (P.Icon p, _, _, _) <- concat segs]
+ let paths = [p | (C.Icon p, _, _, _) <- concat segs]
c' <- Bitmap.updateCache d w c (C.iconRoot cfg) paths
return $ xc {T.iconCache = c'}
diff --git a/xmobar.cabal b/xmobar.cabal
index 8b331f5..4d17849 100644
--- a/xmobar.cabal
+++ b/xmobar.cabal
@@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ library
other-modules: Paths_xmobar,
+ Xmobar.Config.Template,
- Xmobar.Run.Parsers,