diff options
authorJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <>2010-12-09 02:56:01 +0100
committerJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <>2010-12-09 02:56:01 +0100
commitab7ed89ffcb4abc7cc42bfa599d7e15791c6e541 (patch)
parent9b688ee9a5cd2147c9d755d5d7410170197054ad (diff)
parent0054cc5beec8fe7673443f3a4a6a7a878a7f400d (diff)
Merge branch 'dev/auto-per-core-cpu-usage' of into mathstuf-dev/auto-per-core-cpu-usage
2 files changed, 25 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/Plugins/Monitors/MultiCpu.hs b/Plugins/Monitors/MultiCpu.hs
index 069199b..17620d5 100644
--- a/Plugins/Monitors/MultiCpu.hs
+++ b/Plugins/Monitors/MultiCpu.hs
@@ -16,13 +16,15 @@ module Plugins.Monitors.MultiCpu(multiCpuConfig, runMultiCpu) where
import Plugins.Monitors.Common
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
-import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
+import Data.List (isPrefixOf,intersperse,transpose)
multiCpuConfig :: IO MConfig
multiCpuConfig =
- mkMConfig "Cpu: <total>%"
- [ k ++ n | n <- "" : map show [0 :: Int ..]
- , k <- ["bar","total","user","nice","system","idle"]]
+ mkMConfig "Cpu: <total>%" $
+ map ("auto" ++) monitors
+ ++ [ k ++ n | n <- "" : map show [0 :: Int ..]
+ , k <- monitors]
+ where monitors = ["bar","total","user","nice","system","idle"]
cpuData :: IO [[Float]]
@@ -59,8 +61,20 @@ formatCpu xs
ps <- showPercentsWithColors (t:xs)
return (b:ps)
+splitEvery :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
+splitEvery _ [] = []
+splitEvery n l = (take n l) : splitEvery n (drop n l)
+groupData :: [String] -> [[String]]
+groupData = transpose . tail . splitEvery 6
+formatAutoCpus :: [String] -> Monitor [String]
+formatAutoCpus [] = return $ replicate 6 ""
+formatAutoCpus xs = return $ map concat . map (intersperse " ") $ groupData xs
runMultiCpu :: [String] -> Monitor String
runMultiCpu _ =
do c <- io parseCpuData
l <- formatMultiCpus c
- parseTemplate l
+ a <- formatAutoCpus l
+ parseTemplate (a ++ l)
diff --git a/README b/README
index a1f206d..7750569 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -374,8 +374,12 @@ Monitors have default aliases.
- aliases to `multicpu`
- Args: default monitor arguments (see below)
- Variables that can be used with the `-t`/`--template` argument:
- `total`, `bar`, `user`, `nice`, `system`, `idle`,
- `total0`, `bar0`, `user0`, `nice0`, `system0`, `idle0`, ...
+ `autototal`, `autobar`, `autouser`, `autonice`,
+ `autosystem`, `autoidle`, `total`, `bar`, `user`, `nice`,
+ `system`, `idle`, `total0`, `bar0`, `user0`, `nice0`,
+ `system0`, `idle0`, ...
+- The auto* variables automatically detect the number of CPUs on the system
+ and displays one entry for each.
- Default template: `Cpu: <total>%`
`Battery Args RefreshRate`