diff options
authorAndrea Rossato <>2008-04-29 14:36:03 +0200
committerAndrea Rossato <>2008-04-29 14:36:03 +0200
commit661ba1eaf6f10dad7dcff79a326ebb5d22d012c6 (patch)
parent4da04b7a691574ebaa2e4bd88586728a086c241a (diff)
Parsers: code and comment cleanup
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/Parsers.hs b/Parsers.hs
index 1a01723..4c9cc8e 100644
--- a/Parsers.hs
+++ b/Parsers.hs
@@ -12,18 +12,16 @@
-module Parsers (
- -- * Parsing
- -- $parser
- parseString
- , stringParser
- , defaultColors
- , colorsAndText
- , templateStringParser
- , templateCommandParser
- , templateParser
- , parseTemplate
- ) where
+module Parsers
+ ( parseString
+ , stringParser
+ , colorParser
+ , colorsAndText
+ , templateStringParser
+ , templateCommandParser
+ , templateParser
+ , parseTemplate
+ ) where
import Config
import Commands
@@ -31,28 +29,20 @@ import Runnable
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-{- $parser
-These are the neede parsers. Don't trust them too much.
-There are parsers for the commands output and parsers for the
-formatting template.
- -}
--- | Runs the actual string parsers
+-- | Runs the string parser
parseString :: Config -> String -> IO [(String, String)]
parseString c s =
- case (parse (stringParser c) "" s) of
+ case parse (stringParser c) "" s of
Left _ -> return [("Could not parse string: " ++ s, fgColor c)]
Right x -> return (concat x)
-- | Gets the string and combines the needed parsers
stringParser :: Config -> Parser [[(String, String)]]
-stringParser c = manyTill (defaultColors c) eof
+stringParser = flip manyTill eof . colorParser
-- | Parses a string with the default color (no color set)
-defaultColors :: Config -> Parser [(String, String)]
-defaultColors c = do
+colorParser :: Config -> Parser [(String, String)]
+colorParser c = do
s <- manyTill anyChar (tryString "<fc" <|> endOfLine "")
n <- colorsAndText <|> endOfLine ("","")
return [(s,fgColor c),n]
@@ -60,58 +50,58 @@ defaultColors c = do
-- | Parses a string with a color set
colorsAndText :: Parser (String, String)
colorsAndText = do
- string "="
- c <- colorSpec
- string ">"
+ c <- inside (string "=") colors (string ">")
s <- manyTill anyChar (tryString "</fc>")
return (s,c)
-endOfLine :: a -> Parser a
-endOfLine r = eof >> return r
-tryString :: String -> Parser String
-tryString = try . string
-- | Parses a color specification (hex or named)
-colorSpec :: Parser String
-colorSpec = many1 (alphaNum <|> char ',' <|> char '#')
+colors :: Parser String
+colors = many1 (alphaNum <|> char ',' <|> char '#')
-- | Parses the output template string
templateStringParser :: Config -> Parser (String,String,String)
templateStringParser c = do
- s <- many $ noneOf (sepChar c)
- (com,_,_) <- templateCommandParser c
- ss <- many $ noneOf (sepChar c)
+ s <- allTillSep c
+ com <- templateCommandParser c
+ ss <- allTillSep c
return (com, s, ss)
-- | Parses the command part of the template string
-templateCommandParser :: Config -> Parser (String,String,String)
-templateCommandParser c = do
- let chr = head $ sepChar c
- char chr
- com <- many $ noneOf (sepChar c)
- char chr
- return $ (com,"","")
+templateCommandParser :: Config -> Parser String
+templateCommandParser c =
+ let chr = char . head . sepChar
+ in inside (chr c) (allTillSep c) (chr c)
-- | Combines the template parsers
templateParser :: Config -> Parser [(String,String,String)]
-templateParser c = many (templateStringParser c)
+templateParser = many . templateStringParser
-- | Actually runs the template parsers
parseTemplate :: Config -> String -> IO [(Runnable,String,String)]
-parseTemplate config s =
- do str <- case (parse (templateParser config) "" s) of
+parseTemplate c s =
+ do str <- case (parse (templateParser c) "" s) of
Left _ -> return [("","","")]
Right x -> return x
- let comList = map alias (commands config)
- m = Map.fromList $ zip comList (commands config)
- return $ combine config m str
+ let cl = map alias (commands c)
+ m = Map.fromList $ zip cl (commands c)
+ return $ combine c m str
-- | Given a finite "Map" and a parsed templatet produces the
-- | resulting output string.
combine :: Config -> Map.Map String Runnable -> [(String, String, String)] -> [(Runnable,String,String)]
combine _ _ [] = []
-combine config m ((ts,s,ss):xs) =
- [(com, s, ss)] ++ combine config m xs
- where com = Map.findWithDefault dflt ts m
- dflt = Run $ Com ts [] [] 10
+combine c m ((ts,s,ss):xs) = (com, s, ss) : combine c m xs
+ where com = Map.findWithDefault dflt ts m
+ dflt = Run $ Com ts [] [] 10
+endOfLine :: a -> Parser a
+endOfLine r = eof >> return r
+tryString :: String -> Parser String
+tryString = try . string
+allTillSep :: Config -> Parser String
+allTillSep = many . noneOf . sepChar
+inside :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c -> Parser b
+inside pa pb pc = pa >> pb >>= \r -> pc >> return r