path: root/Monitors/Common.hs
diff options
authorAndrea Rossato <>2007-07-11 20:04:37 +0200
committerAndrea Rossato <>2007-07-11 20:04:37 +0200
commit71ca520e48873aa3d9e87683c72c2a14b1fa7e63 (patch)
tree1cedbda03f0c1bf8b3c63ca0bfa3e666fcd47a5c /Monitors/Common.hs
parent086e753b3bf6ac5e57c6bf837d86a9914fcc4330 (diff)
more unused stuff removed
Diffstat (limited to 'Monitors/Common.hs')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/Monitors/Common.hs b/Monitors/Common.hs
index 616c8bd..06d5cd2 100644
--- a/Monitors/Common.hs
+++ b/Monitors/Common.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ module Monitors.Common (
, setConfigValue
, getConfigValue
, mkMConfig
- , runMonitor
, runM
, io
-- * Parsers
@@ -58,7 +57,6 @@ import Numeric
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import System.Console.GetOpt
-import System.Environment
-- $monitor
@@ -71,9 +69,6 @@ data MConfig =
, high :: IORef Int
, highColor :: IORef (Maybe String)
, template :: IORef String
--- , packageName :: IORef String
--- , usageTail :: IORef String
--- , addedArgs :: IORef [OptDescr Opts]
, export :: IORef [String]
@@ -108,12 +103,8 @@ mkMConfig tmpl exprts =
h <- newIORef 66
hc <- newIORef Nothing
t <- newIORef tmpl
--- p <- newIORef pkg
--- u <- newIORef usg
--- a <- newIORef args
e <- newIORef exprts
return $ MC nc l lc h hc t e
--- return $ MC nc l lc h hc t p u a e
data Opts = HighColor String
| NormalColor String
@@ -122,45 +113,24 @@ data Opts = HighColor String
| High String
| Template String
-options :: Monitor [OptDescr Opts]
+options :: [OptDescr Opts]
options =
- do t <- getConfigValue export
- tmpl <- getConfigValue template
- return $ [ Option ['H'] ["High"] (ReqArg High "number") "The high threshold"
- , Option ['L'] ["Low"] (ReqArg Low "number") "The low threshold"
- , Option ['h'] ["high"] (ReqArg HighColor "color number") "Color for the high threshold: ex \"#FF0000\""
- , Option ['n'] ["normal"] (ReqArg NormalColor "color number") "Color for the normal threshold: ex \"#00FF00\""
- , Option ['l'] ["low"] (ReqArg LowColor "color number") "Color for the low threshold: ex \"#0000FF\""
- , Option ['t'] ["template"] (ReqArg Template "output template")
- ("Output template.\nAvaliable variables: " ++ show t ++ "\nDefault template: " ++ show tmpl)
- ]
-usage :: Monitor ()
-usage =
- do pn <- io $ getProgName
- opts <- options
- io $ putStr $ usageInfo ("Usage: " ++ pn ++ " [OPTIONS...] ") opts
-version :: String
-version = "0.5"
-versinfo :: String -> String -> IO ()
-versinfo p v = putStrLn $ p ++" " ++ v
+ [ Option ['H'] ["High"] (ReqArg High "number") "The high threshold"
+ , Option ['L'] ["Low"] (ReqArg Low "number") "The low threshold"
+ , Option ['h'] ["high"] (ReqArg HighColor "color number") "Color for the high threshold: ex \"#FF0000\""
+ , Option ['n'] ["normal"] (ReqArg NormalColor "color number") "Color for the normal threshold: ex \"#00FF00\""
+ , Option ['l'] ["low"] (ReqArg LowColor "color number") "Color for the low threshold: ex \"#0000FF\""
+ , Option ['t'] ["template"] (ReqArg Template "output template") "Output template."
+ ]
doArgs :: [String]
- -> Monitor String
-> ([String] -> Monitor String)
-> Monitor String
-doArgs args actionFail action =
- do opts <- options
- case (getOpt Permute opts args) of
- (o, n, []) -> do
- doConfigOptions o
- case n of
- [] -> actionFail
- nd -> action nd
- (_, _, errs) -> io $ error (concat errs)
+doArgs args action =
+ do case (getOpt Permute options args) of
+ (o, n, []) -> do doConfigOptions o
+ action n
+ (_, _, errs) -> return (concat errs)
doConfigOptions :: [Opts] -> Monitor ()
doConfigOptions [] = io $ return ()
@@ -174,17 +144,10 @@ doConfigOptions (o:oo) =
LowColor lc -> setConfigValue (Just lc) lowColor >> next
Template t -> setConfigValue t template >> next
-runMonitor :: IO MConfig -> Monitor String -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> IO ()
-runMonitor conf actionFail action =
+runM :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> IO String
+runM args conf action =
do c <- conf
- args <- getArgs
- let ac = doArgs args actionFail action
- putStrLn =<< runReaderT ac c
-runM :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> Monitor String -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> IO String
-runM args conf actionFail action =
- do c <- conf
- let ac = doArgs args actionFail action
+ let ac = doArgs args action
runReaderT ac c
io :: IO a -> Monitor a