path: root/Monitors/Cpu.hs
diff options
authorAndrea Rossato <>2007-07-05 15:19:15 +0200
committerAndrea Rossato <>2007-07-05 15:19:15 +0200
commita293fb98a6627215181e6ddeaebb94e612bfd3c9 (patch)
tree97bd3c82aa43af9ac064365608906f2c88ccaf80 /Monitors/Cpu.hs
parent5b91b77970bcc3bda0e38313bf079a75737ec753 (diff)
updated Cpu.hs to work with the new Common.hs
Diffstat (limited to 'Monitors/Cpu.hs')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/Monitors/Cpu.hs b/Monitors/Cpu.hs
index e712c98..ed5c11e 100644
--- a/Monitors/Cpu.hs
+++ b/Monitors/Cpu.hs
@@ -14,51 +14,27 @@
module Main where
-import Numeric
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Monitors.Common
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
+import Data.IORef
-data Config =
- Config { intervall :: Int
- , cpuNormal :: Integer
- , cpuNormalColor :: String
- , cpuCritical :: Integer
- , cpuCriticalColor :: String
- } deriving (Show)
-defaultConfig :: Config
-defaultConfig =
- Config { intervall = 500000
- , cpuNormal = 2
- , cpuNormalColor = "#00FF00"
- , cpuCritical = 60
- , cpuCriticalColor = "#FF0000"
- }
-config :: Config
-config = defaultConfig
+monitorConfig :: IO MConfig
+monitorConfig =
+ do lc <- newIORef "#BFBFBF"
+ l <- newIORef 2
+ nc <- newIORef "#00FF00"
+ h <- newIORef 60
+ hc <- newIORef "#FF0000"
+ t <- newIORef "Cpu: <total>"
+ p <- newIORef package
+ u <- newIORef ""
+ a <- newIORef []
+ e <- newIORef ["total","user","nice","system","idle"]
+ return $ MC nc l lc h hc t p u a e
--- Utilities
-floatToPercent :: Float -> String
-floatToPercent n =
- showFFloat (Just 2) (n*100) "%"
-setColor :: Show a => String -> a -> (a -> String) -> String
-setColor str conf ty =
- "<fc=" ++ ty conf ++ ">" ++
- str ++ "</fc>"
-fileCPU :: IO B.ByteString
-fileCPU = B.readFile "/proc/stat"
-getData :: MVar [Float] -> Int -> IO ()
-getData var d =
- do threadDelay d
- s <- fileCPU
- modifyMVar_ var (\_ -> return $! cpuParser s)
+cpuData :: IO [Float]
+cpuData = do s <- B.readFile "/proc/stat"
+ return $ cpuParser s
cpuParser :: B.ByteString -> [Float]
cpuParser =
@@ -66,30 +42,30 @@ cpuParser =
parseCPU :: IO [Float]
parseCPU =
- do v1 <- newMVar []
- forkIO $! getData v1 0
- v2 <- newMVar []
- forkIO $! getData v2 500000
- threadDelay 750000
- a <- readMVar v1
- b <- readMVar v2
+ do (a,b) <- doActionTwiceWithDelay 750000 cpuData
let dif = zipWith (-) b a
tot = foldr (+) 0 dif
percent = map (/ tot) dif
return percent
-formatCpu :: [Float] -> String
-formatCpu (us:ni:sy:_)
- | x >= c = setColor y config cpuCriticalColor
- | x >= n = setColor y config cpuNormalColor
- | otherwise = y
- where x = (us * 100) + (sy * 100) + (ni * 100)
- y = floatToPercent $ us + sy + ni
- c = fromInteger (cpuCritical config)
- n = fromInteger (cpuNormal config)
-formatCpu _ = ""
+formatCpu :: [Float] -> Monitor [String]
+formatCpu [] = return [""]
+formatCpu x =
+ do let f s = floatToPercent (s / 100)
+ t = foldr (+) 0 $ take 3 x
+ list = t:x
+ mapM (showWithColors f) . map (* 100) $ list
+package :: String
+package = "xmb-cpu"
+runCpu :: [String] -> Monitor String
+runCpu _ =
+ do c <- io $ parseCPU
+ l <- formatCpu c
+ parseTemplate l
main :: IO ()
main =
- do s <- parseCPU
- putStrLn $ "Cpu: " ++ formatCpu s
+ do let af = runCpu []
+ runMonitor monitorConfig af runCpu