path: root/Parsers.hs
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authorJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <>2010-12-21 02:36:35 +0100
committerJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <>2010-12-21 02:36:35 +0100
commite3853a9cb2a9a2cffa174d1334e2ca8ba610f151 (patch)
tree13aa04faea320afe85636e23686280386c1c2910 /Parsers.hs
parent598bfe5deeff079280e8513c55dc7bda3e8cf9a0 (diff)
Haskell sources moved to src/ to unclutter toplevel
Diffstat (limited to 'Parsers.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/Parsers.hs b/Parsers.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1450a0e..0000000
--- a/Parsers.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
--- |
--- Module : Xmobar.Parsers
--- Copyright : (c) Andrea Rossato
--- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
--- Maintainer : Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <>
--- Stability : unstable
--- Portability : unportable
--- Parsers needed for Xmobar, a text based status bar
-module Parsers
- ( parseString
- , parseTemplate
- , parseConfig
- ) where
-import Config
-import Runnable
-import Commands
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Perm
--- | Runs the string parser
-parseString :: Config -> String -> IO [(String, String)]
-parseString c s =
- case parse (stringParser (fgColor c)) "" s of
- Left _ -> return [("Could not parse string: " ++ s, fgColor c)]
- Right x -> return (concat x)
--- | Gets the string and combines the needed parsers
-stringParser :: String -> Parser [[(String, String)]]
-stringParser c = manyTill (textParser c <|> colorParser) eof
--- | Parses a maximal string without color markup.
-textParser :: String -> Parser [(String, String)]
-textParser c = do s <- many1 $
- noneOf "<" <|>
- ( try $ notFollowedBy' (char '<')
- (string "fc=" <|> string "/fc>" ) )
- return [(s, c)]
--- | Wrapper for notFollowedBy that returns the result of the first parser.
--- Also works around the issue that, at least in Parsec 3.0.0, notFollowedBy
--- accepts only parsers with return type Char.
-notFollowedBy' :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser a
-notFollowedBy' p e = do x <- p
- notFollowedBy $ try (e >> return '*')
- return x
--- | Parsers a string wrapped in a color specification.
-colorParser :: Parser [(String, String)]
-colorParser = do
- c <- between (string "<fc=") (string ">") colors
- s <- manyTill (textParser c <|> colorParser) (try $ string "</fc>")
- return (concat s)
--- | Parses a color specification (hex or named)
-colors :: Parser String
-colors = many1 (alphaNum <|> char ',' <|> char '#')
--- | Parses the output template string
-templateStringParser :: Config -> Parser (String,String,String)
-templateStringParser c = do
- s <- allTillSep c
- com <- templateCommandParser c
- ss <- allTillSep c
- return (com, s, ss)
--- | Parses the command part of the template string
-templateCommandParser :: Config -> Parser String
-templateCommandParser c =
- let chr = char . head . sepChar
- in between (chr c) (chr c) (allTillSep c)
--- | Combines the template parsers
-templateParser :: Config -> Parser [(String,String,String)]
-templateParser = many . templateStringParser
--- | Actually runs the template parsers
-parseTemplate :: Config -> String -> IO [(Runnable,String,String)]
-parseTemplate c s =
- do str <- case parse (templateParser c) "" s of
- Left _ -> return [("","","")]
- Right x -> return x
- let cl = map alias (commands c)
- m = Map.fromList $ zip cl (commands c)
- return $ combine c m str
--- | Given a finite "Map" and a parsed template produce the resulting
--- output string.
-combine :: Config -> Map.Map String Runnable -> [(String, String, String)] -> [(Runnable,String,String)]
-combine _ _ [] = []
-combine c m ((ts,s,ss):xs) = (com, s, ss) : combine c m xs
- where com = Map.findWithDefault dflt ts m
- dflt = Run $ Com ts [] [] 10
-allTillSep :: Config -> Parser String
-allTillSep = many . noneOf . sepChar
-stripComments :: String -> String
-stripComments = unlines . map (drop 5 . strip False . (replicate 5 ' '++)) . lines
- where strip m ('-':'-':xs) = if m then "--" ++ strip m xs else ""
- strip m ('\\':xss) = case xss of
- '\\':xs -> '\\' : strip m xs
- _ -> strip m $ drop 1 xss
- strip m ('"':xs) = '"': strip (not m) xs
- strip m (x:xs) = x : strip m xs
- strip _ [] = []
--- | Parse the config, logging a list of fields that were missing and replaced
--- by the default definition.
-parseConfig :: String -> Either ParseError (Config,[String])
-parseConfig = runParser parseConf fields "Config" . stripComments
- where
- parseConf = do
- many space
- sepEndSpc ["Config","{"]
- x <- perms
- eof
- s <- getState
- return (x,s)
- perms = permute $ Config
- <$?> pFont <|?> pBgColor
- <|?> pFgColor <|?> pPosition
- <|?> pBorder <|?> pBdColor
- <|?> pLowerOnStart <|?> pCommands
- <|?> pSepChar <|?> pAlignSep
- <|?> pTemplate
- fields = [ "font", "bgColor", "fgColor", "sepChar", "alignSep"
- , "border", "borderColor" ,"template", "position"
- , "lowerOnStart", "commands"]
- pFont = strField font "font"
- pBgColor = strField bgColor "bgColor"
- pFgColor = strField fgColor "fgColor"
- pBdColor = strField borderColor "borderColor"
- pSepChar = strField sepChar "sepChar"
- pAlignSep = strField alignSep "alignSep"
- pTemplate = strField template "template"
- pPosition = field position "position" $ tillFieldEnd >>= read' "position"
- pLowerOnStart = field lowerOnStart "lowerOnStart" $ tillFieldEnd >>= read' "lowerOnStart"
- pBorder = field border "border" $ tillFieldEnd >>= read' "border"
- pCommands = field commands "commands" $ readCommands
- staticPos = do string "Static"
- wrapSkip (string "{")
- p <- many (noneOf "}")
- wrapSkip (string "}")
- string ","
- return ("Static {" ++ p ++ "}")
- tillFieldEnd = staticPos <|> many (noneOf ",}\n\r")
- commandsEnd = wrapSkip (string "]") >> oneOf "},"
- readCommands = manyTill anyChar (try commandsEnd) >>= read' commandsErr . flip (++) "]"
- strField e n = field e n . between (strDel "start" n) (strDel "end" n) . many $ noneOf "\"\n\r"
- strDel t n = char '"' <?> strErr t n
- strErr t n = "the " ++ t ++ " of the string field " ++ n ++ " - a double quote (\")."
- wrapSkip x = many space >> x >>= \r -> many space >> return r
- sepEndSpc = mapM_ (wrapSkip . try . string)
- fieldEnd = many $ space <|> oneOf ",}"
- field e n c = (,) (e defaultConfig) $
- updateState (filter (/= n)) >> sepEndSpc [n,"="] >>
- wrapSkip c >>= \r -> fieldEnd >> return r
- read' d s = case reads s of
- [(x, _)] -> return x
- _ -> fail $ "error reading the " ++ d ++ " field: " ++ s
-commandsErr :: String
-commandsErr = "commands: this usually means that a command could not be parsed.\n" ++
- "The error could be located at the begining of the command which follows the offending one."