path: root/Plugins/Mail.hs
diff options
authorJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <>2010-12-21 02:36:35 +0100
committerJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <>2010-12-21 02:36:35 +0100
commite3853a9cb2a9a2cffa174d1334e2ca8ba610f151 (patch)
tree13aa04faea320afe85636e23686280386c1c2910 /Plugins/Mail.hs
parent598bfe5deeff079280e8513c55dc7bda3e8cf9a0 (diff)
Haskell sources moved to src/ to unclutter toplevel
Diffstat (limited to 'Plugins/Mail.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/Plugins/Mail.hs b/Plugins/Mail.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 38cdaae..0000000
--- a/Plugins/Mail.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module : Plugins.Mail
--- Copyright : (c) Spencer Janssen
--- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
--- Maintainer : Spencer Janssen <>
--- Stability : unstable
--- Portability : unportable
--- A plugin for checking mail.
-module Plugins.Mail where
-import Prelude hiding (catch)
-import Plugins
-import Plugins.Utils (expandHome, changeLoop)
-import Control.Monad
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import System.Directory
-import System.FilePath
-import System.INotify
-import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
-import Data.Set (Set)
-import qualified Data.Set as S
--- | A list of mail box names and paths to maildirs.
-data Mail = Mail [(String, FilePath)]
- deriving (Read, Show)
-instance Exec Mail where
- start (Mail ms) cb = do
- vs <- mapM (const $ newTVarIO S.empty) ms
- let ts = map fst ms
- rs = map ((</> "new") . snd) ms
- ev = [Move, MoveIn, MoveOut, Create, Delete]
- ds <- mapM expandHome rs
- i <- initINotify
- zipWithM_ (\d v -> addWatch i ev d (handle v)) ds vs
- forM_ (zip ds vs) $ \(d, v) -> do
- s <- fmap (S.fromList . filter (not . isPrefixOf "."))
- $ getDirectoryContents d
- atomically $ modifyTVar v (S.union s)
- changeLoop (mapM (fmap S.size . readTVar) vs) $ \ns ->
- cb . unwords $ [m ++ ":" ++ show n
- | (m, n) <- zip ts ns
- , n /= 0 ]
-modifyTVar :: TVar a -> (a -> a) -> STM ()
-modifyTVar v f = readTVar v >>= writeTVar v . f
-handle :: TVar (Set String) -> Event -> IO ()
-handle v e = atomically $ modifyTVar v $ case e of
- Created {} -> create
- MovedIn {} -> create
- Deleted {} -> delete
- MovedOut {} -> delete
- _ -> id
- where
- delete = S.delete (filePath e)
- create = S.insert (filePath e)