path: root/Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs
diff options
authorJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <>2010-12-21 02:36:35 +0100
committerJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <>2010-12-21 02:36:35 +0100
commite3853a9cb2a9a2cffa174d1334e2ca8ba610f151 (patch)
tree13aa04faea320afe85636e23686280386c1c2910 /Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs
parent598bfe5deeff079280e8513c55dc7bda3e8cf9a0 (diff)
Haskell sources moved to src/ to unclutter toplevel
Diffstat (limited to 'Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 446 deletions
diff --git a/Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs b/Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index cc1a6a7..0000000
--- a/Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module : Plugins.Monitors.Common
--- Copyright : (c) Andrea Rossato
--- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
--- Maintainer : Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <>
--- Stability : unstable
--- Portability : unportable
--- Utilities for creating monitors for Xmobar
-module Plugins.Monitors.Common (
- -- * Monitors
- -- $monitor
- Monitor
- , MConfig (..)
- , Opts (..)
- , setConfigValue
- , getConfigValue
- , mkMConfig
- , runM
- , io
- -- * Parsers
- -- $parsers
- , runP
- , skipRestOfLine
- , getNumbers
- , getNumbersAsString
- , getAllBut
- , getAfterString
- , skipTillString
- , parseTemplate
- -- ** String Manipulation
- -- $strings
- , padString
- , showWithPadding
- , showWithColors
- , showWithColors'
- , showPercentWithColors
- , showPercentsWithColors
- , showPercentBar
- , showLogBar
- , showWithUnits
- , takeDigits
- , showDigits
- , floatToPercent
- , parseFloat
- , parseInt
- , stringParser
- -- * Threaded Actions
- -- $thread
- , doActionTwiceWithDelay
- , catRead
- ) where
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
-import Data.IORef
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.List
-import Numeric
-import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-import System.Console.GetOpt
-import Control.Exception (SomeException,handle)
-import System.Process (readProcess)
-import Plugins
--- $monitor
-type Monitor a = ReaderT MConfig IO a
-data MConfig =
- MC { normalColor :: IORef (Maybe String)
- , low :: IORef Int
- , lowColor :: IORef (Maybe String)
- , high :: IORef Int
- , highColor :: IORef (Maybe String)
- , template :: IORef String
- , export :: IORef [String]
- , ppad :: IORef Int
- , minWidth :: IORef Int
- , maxWidth :: IORef Int
- , padChars :: IORef String
- , padRight :: IORef Bool
- , barBack :: IORef String
- , barFore :: IORef String
- , barWidth :: IORef Int
- , useSuffix :: IORef Bool
- }
--- | from 'http:\/\/\/hawiki\/MonadState'
-type Selector a = MConfig -> IORef a
-sel :: Selector a -> Monitor a
-sel s =
- do hs <- ask
- liftIO $ readIORef (s hs)
-mods :: Selector a -> (a -> a) -> Monitor ()
-mods s m =
- do v <- ask
- io $ modifyIORef (s v) m
-setConfigValue :: a -> Selector a -> Monitor ()
-setConfigValue v s =
- mods s (\_ -> v)
-getConfigValue :: Selector a -> Monitor a
-getConfigValue = sel
-mkMConfig :: String
- -> [String]
- -> IO MConfig
-mkMConfig tmpl exprts =
- do lc <- newIORef Nothing
- l <- newIORef 33
- nc <- newIORef Nothing
- h <- newIORef 66
- hc <- newIORef Nothing
- t <- newIORef tmpl
- e <- newIORef exprts
- p <- newIORef 0
- mn <- newIORef 0
- mx <- newIORef 0
- pc <- newIORef " "
- pr <- newIORef False
- bb <- newIORef ":"
- bf <- newIORef "#"
- bw <- newIORef 10
- up <- newIORef False
- return $ MC nc l lc h hc t e p mn mx pc pr bb bf bw up
-data Opts = HighColor String
- | NormalColor String
- | LowColor String
- | Low String
- | High String
- | Template String
- | PercentPad String
- | MinWidth String
- | MaxWidth String
- | Width String
- | PadChars String
- | PadAlign String
- | BarBack String
- | BarFore String
- | BarWidth String
- | UseSuffix String
-options :: [OptDescr Opts]
-options =
- [ Option "H" ["High"] (ReqArg High "number" ) "The high threshold"
- , Option "L" ["Low"] (ReqArg Low "number" ) "The low threshold"
- , Option "h" ["high"] (ReqArg HighColor "color number" ) "Color for the high threshold: ex \"#FF0000\""
- , Option "n" ["normal"] (ReqArg NormalColor "color number" ) "Color for the normal threshold: ex \"#00FF00\""
- , Option "l" ["low"] (ReqArg LowColor "color number" ) "Color for the low threshold: ex \"#0000FF\""
- , Option "t" ["template"] (ReqArg Template "output template" ) "Output template."
- , Option "S" ["suffix"] (ReqArg UseSuffix "True/False" ) "Use % to display percents or other suffixes."
- , Option "p" ["ppad"] (ReqArg PercentPad "percent padding") "Minimum percentage width."
- , Option "m" ["minwidth"] (ReqArg MinWidth "minimum width" ) "Minimum field width"
- , Option "M" ["maxwidth"] (ReqArg MaxWidth "maximum width" ) "Maximum field width"
- , Option "w" ["width"] (ReqArg Width "fixed width" ) "Fixed field width"
- , Option "c" ["padchars"] (ReqArg PadChars "padding chars" ) "Characters to use for padding"
- , Option "a" ["align"] (ReqArg PadAlign "padding alignment") "'l' for left padding, 'r' for right"
- , Option "b" ["bback"] (ReqArg BarBack "bar background" ) "Characters used to draw bar backgrounds"
- , Option "f" ["bfore"] (ReqArg BarFore "bar foreground" ) "Characters used to draw bar foregrounds"
- , Option "W" ["bwidth"] (ReqArg BarWidth "bar width" ) "Bar width"
- ]
-doArgs :: [String]
- -> ([String] -> Monitor String)
- -> Monitor String
-doArgs args action =
- case getOpt Permute options args of
- (o, n, []) -> do doConfigOptions o
- action n
- (_, _, errs) -> return (concat errs)
-doConfigOptions :: [Opts] -> Monitor ()
-doConfigOptions [] = io $ return ()
-doConfigOptions (o:oo) =
- do let next = doConfigOptions oo
- nz s = let x = read s in max 0 x
- bool = (`elem` ["True", "true", "Yes", "yes", "On", "on"])
- (case o of
- High h -> setConfigValue (read h) high
- Low l -> setConfigValue (read l) low
- HighColor c -> setConfigValue (Just c) highColor
- NormalColor c -> setConfigValue (Just c) normalColor
- LowColor c -> setConfigValue (Just c) lowColor
- Template t -> setConfigValue t template
- PercentPad p -> setConfigValue (nz p) ppad
- MinWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) minWidth
- MaxWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) maxWidth
- Width w -> setConfigValue (nz w) minWidth >>
- setConfigValue (nz w) maxWidth
- PadChars s -> setConfigValue s padChars
- PadAlign a -> setConfigValue ("r" `isPrefixOf` a) padRight
- BarBack s -> setConfigValue s barBack
- BarFore s -> setConfigValue s barFore
- BarWidth w -> setConfigValue (nz w) barWidth
- UseSuffix u -> setConfigValue (bool u) useSuffix) >> next
-runM :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> Int
- -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-runM args conf action r cb = handle (cb . showException) loop
- where ac = doArgs args action
- loop = conf >>= runReaderT ac >>= cb >> tenthSeconds r >> loop
-showException :: SomeException -> String
-showException = ("error: "++) . show . flip asTypeOf undefined
-io :: IO a -> Monitor a
-io = liftIO
--- $parsers
-runP :: Parser [a] -> String -> IO [a]
-runP p i =
- case parse p "" i of
- Left _ -> return []
- Right x -> return x
-getAllBut :: String -> Parser String
-getAllBut s =
- manyTill (noneOf s) (char $ head s)
-getNumbers :: Parser Float
-getNumbers = skipMany space >> many1 digit >>= \n -> return $ read n
-getNumbersAsString :: Parser String
-getNumbersAsString = skipMany space >> many1 digit >>= \n -> return n
-skipRestOfLine :: Parser Char
-skipRestOfLine =
- do many $ noneOf "\n\r"
- newline
-getAfterString :: String -> Parser String
-getAfterString s =
- do { try $ manyTill skipRestOfLine $ string s
- ; manyTill anyChar newline
- } <|> return ""
-skipTillString :: String -> Parser String
-skipTillString s =
- manyTill skipRestOfLine $ string s
--- | Parses the output template string
-templateStringParser :: Parser (String,String,String)
-templateStringParser =
- do { s <- nonPlaceHolder
- ; com <- templateCommandParser
- ; ss <- nonPlaceHolder
- ; return (s, com, ss)
- }
- where
- nonPlaceHolder = liftM concat . many $
- many1 (noneOf "<") <|> colorSpec
--- | Recognizes color specification and returns it unchanged
-colorSpec :: Parser String
-colorSpec = try (string "</fc>") <|> try (
- do string "<fc="
- s <- many1 (alphaNum <|> char ',' <|> char '#')
- char '>'
- return $ "<fc=" ++ s ++ ">")
--- | Parses the command part of the template string
-templateCommandParser :: Parser String
-templateCommandParser =
- do { char '<'
- ; com <- many $ noneOf ">"
- ; char '>'
- ; return com
- }
--- | Combines the template parsers
-templateParser :: Parser [(String,String,String)]
-templateParser = many templateStringParser --"%")
--- | Takes a list of strings that represent the values of the exported
--- keys. The strings are joined with the exported keys to form a map
--- to be combined with 'combine' to the parsed template. Returns the
--- final output of the monitor.
-parseTemplate :: [String] -> Monitor String
-parseTemplate l =
- do t <- getConfigValue template
- s <- io $ runP templateParser t
- e <- getConfigValue export
- let m = Map.fromList . zip e $ l
- return $ combine m s
--- | Given a finite "Map" and a parsed templatet produces the
--- | resulting output string.
-combine :: Map.Map String String -> [(String, String, String)] -> String
-combine _ [] = []
-combine m ((s,ts,ss):xs) =
- s ++ str ++ ss ++ combine m xs
- where str = Map.findWithDefault err ts m
- err = "<" ++ ts ++ " not found!>"
--- $strings
-type Pos = (Int, Int)
-takeDigits :: Int -> Float -> Float
-takeDigits d n =
- fromIntegral (round (n * fact) :: Int) / fact
- where fact = 10 ^ d
-showDigits :: (RealFloat a) => Int -> a -> String
-showDigits d n = showFFloat (Just d) n ""
-showWithUnits :: Int -> Int -> Float -> String
-showWithUnits d n x
- | x < 0 = '-' : showWithUnits d n (-x)
- | n > 3 || x < 10^(d + 1) = show (round x :: Int) ++ units n
- | x <= 1024 = showDigits d (x/1024) ++ units (n+1)
- | otherwise = showWithUnits d (n+1) (x/1024)
- where units = (!!) ["B", "K", "M", "G", "T"]
-padString :: Int -> Int -> String -> Bool -> String -> String
-padString mnw mxw pad pr s =
- let len = length s
- rmin = if mnw <= 0 then 1 else mnw
- rmax = if mxw <= 0 then max len rmin else mxw
- (rmn, rmx) = if rmin <= rmax then (rmin, rmax) else (rmax, rmin)
- rlen = min (max rmn len) rmx
- in if rlen < len then
- take rlen s
- else let ps = take (rlen - len) (cycle pad)
- in if pr then s ++ ps else ps ++ s
-parseFloat :: String -> Float
-parseFloat s = case readFloat s of
- (v, _):_ -> v
- _ -> 0
-parseInt :: String -> Int
-parseInt s = case readDec s of
- (v, _):_ -> v
- _ -> 0
-floatToPercent :: Float -> Monitor String
-floatToPercent n =
- do pad <- getConfigValue ppad
- pc <- getConfigValue padChars
- pr <- getConfigValue padRight
- up <- getConfigValue useSuffix
- let p = showDigits 0 (n * 100)
- ps = if up then "%" else ""
- return $ padString pad pad pc pr p ++ ps
-stringParser :: Pos -> B.ByteString -> String
-stringParser (x,y) =
- B.unpack . li x . B.words . li y . B.lines
- where li i l | length l > i = l !! i
- | otherwise = B.empty
-setColor :: String -> Selector (Maybe String) -> Monitor String
-setColor str s =
- do a <- getConfigValue s
- case a of
- Nothing -> return str
- Just c -> return $
- "<fc=" ++ c ++ ">" ++ str ++ "</fc>"
-showWithPadding :: String -> Monitor String
-showWithPadding s =
- do mn <- getConfigValue minWidth
- mx <- getConfigValue maxWidth
- p <- getConfigValue padChars
- pr <- getConfigValue padRight
- return $ padString mn mx p pr s
-colorizeString :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> String -> Monitor String
-colorizeString x s = do
- h <- getConfigValue high
- l <- getConfigValue low
- let col = setColor s
- [ll,hh] = map fromIntegral $ sort [l, h] -- consider high < low
- head $ [col highColor | x > hh ] ++
- [col normalColor | x > ll ] ++
- [col lowColor | True]
-showWithColors :: (Num a, Ord a) => (a -> String) -> a -> Monitor String
-showWithColors f x = showWithPadding (f x) >>= colorizeString x
-showWithColors' :: (Num a, Ord a) => String -> a -> Monitor String
-showWithColors' str = showWithColors (const str)
-showPercentsWithColors :: [Float] -> Monitor [String]
-showPercentsWithColors fs =
- do fstrs <- mapM floatToPercent fs
- zipWithM (showWithColors . const) fstrs (map (*100) fs)
-showPercentWithColors :: Float -> Monitor String
-showPercentWithColors f = liftM head $ showPercentsWithColors [f]
-showPercentBar :: Float -> Float -> Monitor String
-showPercentBar v x = do
- bb <- getConfigValue barBack
- bf <- getConfigValue barFore
- bw <- getConfigValue barWidth
- let len = min bw $ round (fromIntegral bw * x)
- s <- colorizeString v (take len $ cycle bf)
- return $ s ++ take (bw - len) (cycle bb)
-showLogBar :: Float -> Float -> Monitor String
-showLogBar f v = do
- h <- fromIntegral `fmap` getConfigValue high
- l <- fromIntegral `fmap` getConfigValue low
- bw <- fromIntegral `fmap` getConfigValue barWidth
- let [ll, hh] = sort [l, h]
- choose x | x == 0.0 = 0
- | x <= ll = 1 / bw
- | otherwise = f + logBase 2 (x / hh) / bw
- showPercentBar v $ choose v
--- $threads
-doActionTwiceWithDelay :: Int -> IO [a] -> IO ([a], [a])
-doActionTwiceWithDelay delay action =
- do v1 <- newMVar []
- forkIO $! getData action v1 0
- v2 <- newMVar []
- forkIO $! getData action v2 delay
- threadDelay (delay `div` 3 * 4)
- a <- readMVar v1
- b <- readMVar v2
- return (a,b)
-getData :: IO a -> MVar a -> Int -> IO ()
-getData action var d =
- do threadDelay d
- s <- action
- modifyMVar_ var (\_ -> return $! s)
-catRead :: FilePath -> IO B.ByteString
-catRead file = B.pack `fmap` readProcess "/bin/cat" [file] ""