path: root/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs
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authorJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <>2010-02-12 21:45:20 +0100
committerJose Antonio Ortega Ruiz <>2010-02-12 21:45:20 +0100
commit9670c0b9e835965717486ed815db993244df9cea (patch)
tree727a984e626060f7fb68ec33992188728c097f88 /Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs
parent8db46dec89195aa0ad4f29122793514daf4a7598 (diff)
Using plain IORef instead of MVar in TopCpu
Ignore-this: cb81e0c1b5ba9b3837924199f731b20f darcs-hash:20100212204520-1d908-2b1e352c3fb7499373e6e362157b795750e511cc.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs b/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs
index 3473785..2e235d8 100644
--- a/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs
+++ b/Plugins/Monitors/Top.hs
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ module Plugins.Monitors.Top (startTopCpu, topMemConfig, runTopMem) where
import Plugins.Monitors.Common
import Control.Exception (SomeException, handle, evaluate)
-import Control.Concurrent
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.Posix.Unistd (getSysVar, SysVar(ClockTick))
import Foreign.C.Types
import Data.List (sortBy, foldl')
import Data.Ord (comparing)
+import Data.IORef
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ type Pid = Int
type TimeInfo = (String, Float)
type TimeEntry = (Pid, TimeInfo)
type Times = IntMap TimeInfo
-type TIVar = MVar Times
+type TimesRef = IORef Times
timeinfo :: FilePath -> IO TimeEntry
timeinfo = handlePidFile (0, ("", 0)) $ \fs ->
@@ -130,28 +130,29 @@ combineTimeInfos :: Times -> Times -> Times
combineTimeInfos !t0 !t1 = M.intersectionWith timeDiff t1 t0
where timeDiff (n, x1) (_, x0) = (n, (x1 - x0))
-topTimeProcesses :: Int -> TIVar -> Float -> IO [TimeInfo]
-topTimeProcesses n tivar lapse = do
- modifyMVar tivar $ \t0 ->
- timeinfos >>= (\t1 ->
- let !ts = M.elems $ combineTimeInfos t0 t1
- !sts = take n $ sortBy (flip (comparing snd)) ts
- !nts = map norm sts
- norm (nm, t) = (nm, 100 * t / lapse)
- in return $ (t1, nts))
+topTimeProcesses :: Int -> TimesRef -> Float -> IO [TimeInfo]
+topTimeProcesses n tref lapse = do
+ t1 <- timeinfos
+ t0 <- readIORef tref
+ writeIORef tref $! t1
+ let !ts = M.elems $ combineTimeInfos t0 t1
+ !sts = take n $ sortBy (flip (comparing snd)) ts
+ !nts = map norm sts
+ norm (nm, t) = (nm, 100 * t / lapse)
+ return nts
showTimeInfo :: TimeInfo -> Monitor [String]
showTimeInfo (n, t) = showInfo n (showDigits 1 t) t
-runTopCpu :: TIVar -> Float -> [String] -> Monitor String
-runTopCpu tivar lapse _ = do
- ps <- io $ topTimeProcesses maxProc tivar lapse
+runTopCpu :: TimesRef -> Float -> [String] -> Monitor String
+runTopCpu tref lapse _ = do
+ ps <- io $ topTimeProcesses maxProc tref lapse
pstr <- mapM showTimeInfo ps
parseTemplate $ concat pstr
startTopCpu :: [String] -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
startTopCpu a r cb = do
t <- getSysVar ClockTick
- tivar <- newMVar M.empty
+ tref <- newIORef M.empty
let lapse = (fromIntegral r * fromIntegral t) / 10
- runM a topCpuConfig (runTopCpu tivar lapse) r cb
+ runM a topCpuConfig (runTopCpu tref lapse) r cb