path: root/Plugins/Monitors
diff options
authorJose A. Ortega Ruiz <>2010-01-21 13:31:11 +0100
committerJose A. Ortega Ruiz <>2010-01-21 13:31:11 +0100
commit0241717d47595110ef80912445048710c5b997ac (patch)
tree8081251cf21bbc8c0d6950276eb850eea9fafbba /Plugins/Monitors
parentc2369d2334dbe7a66c3b7570311fcc08b16b0109 (diff)
New options in Monitors (padding and width)
Ignore-this: c49cd3f7a80073e897cddaab88143f56 Maximum/minimum field width, padding characters and padding alignment can now be specified as options (-M, -m, -c, -a). darcs-hash:20100121123111-40885-dfc41e464920fe667981ff16507dc8ace5dfa6c9.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'Plugins/Monitors')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs b/Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs
index 2538917..060a5bc 100644
--- a/Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs
+++ b/Plugins/Monitors/Common.hs
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ import Numeric
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import System.Console.GetOpt
import Control.Exception (SomeException,handle)
-import System.Process(readProcess)
+import System.Process (readProcess)
import Plugins
-- $monitor
@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ data MConfig =
, template :: IORef String
, export :: IORef [String]
, ppad :: IORef Int
+ , minWidth :: IORef Int
+ , maxWidth :: IORef Int
+ , padChars :: IORef [Char]
+ , padRight :: IORef Bool
-- | from 'http:\/\/\/hawiki\/MonadState'
@@ -110,7 +114,11 @@ mkMConfig tmpl exprts =
t <- newIORef tmpl
e <- newIORef exprts
p <- newIORef 0
- return $ MC nc l lc h hc t e p
+ mn <- newIORef 0
+ mx <- newIORef 0
+ pc <- newIORef " "
+ pr <- newIORef False
+ return $ MC nc l lc h hc t e p mn mx pc pr
data Opts = HighColor String
| NormalColor String
@@ -119,16 +127,24 @@ data Opts = HighColor String
| High String
| Template String
| PercentPad String
+ | MinWidth String
+ | MaxWidth String
+ | PadChars String
+ | PadAlign String
options :: [OptDescr Opts]
options =
- [ Option ['H'] ["High"] (ReqArg High "number" ) "The high threshold"
- , Option ['L'] ["Low"] (ReqArg Low "number" ) "The low threshold"
- , Option ['h'] ["high"] (ReqArg HighColor "color number" ) "Color for the high threshold: ex \"#FF0000\""
- , Option ['n'] ["normal"] (ReqArg NormalColor "color number" ) "Color for the normal threshold: ex \"#00FF00\""
- , Option ['l'] ["low"] (ReqArg LowColor "color number" ) "Color for the low threshold: ex \"#0000FF\""
- , Option ['t'] ["template"] (ReqArg Template "output template" ) "Output template."
+ [ Option ['H'] ["High"] (ReqArg High "number" ) "The high threshold"
+ , Option ['L'] ["Low"] (ReqArg Low "number" ) "The low threshold"
+ , Option ['h'] ["high"] (ReqArg HighColor "color number" ) "Color for the high threshold: ex \"#FF0000\""
+ , Option ['n'] ["normal"] (ReqArg NormalColor "color number" ) "Color for the normal threshold: ex \"#00FF00\""
+ , Option ['l'] ["low"] (ReqArg LowColor "color number" ) "Color for the low threshold: ex \"#0000FF\""
+ , Option ['t'] ["template"] (ReqArg Template "output template" ) "Output template."
, Option ['p'] ["ppad"] (ReqArg PercentPad "percent padding" ) "Minimum percentage width."
+ , Option ['m'] ["minwidth"] (ReqArg MinWidth "minimum width") "Minimum field width"
+ , Option ['M'] ["maxwidth"] (ReqArg MaxWidth "maximum width") "Maximum field width"
+ , Option ['c'] ["padchars"] (ReqArg PadChars "padding chars") "Characters to use for padding"
+ , Option ['a'] ["align"] (ReqArg PadAlign "padding alignment") "'l' for left padding, 'r' for right"
doArgs :: [String]
@@ -144,6 +160,7 @@ doConfigOptions :: [Opts] -> Monitor ()
doConfigOptions [] = io $ return ()
doConfigOptions (o:oo) =
do let next = doConfigOptions oo
+ nz s = let x = read s in max 0 x
case o of
High h -> setConfigValue (read h) high >> next
Low l -> setConfigValue (read l) low >> next
@@ -151,7 +168,11 @@ doConfigOptions (o:oo) =
NormalColor nc -> setConfigValue (Just nc) normalColor >> next
LowColor lc -> setConfigValue (Just lc) lowColor >> next
Template t -> setConfigValue t template >> next
- PercentPad p -> setConfigValue (read p) ppad >> next
+ PercentPad p -> setConfigValue (nz p) ppad >> next
+ MinWidth mn -> setConfigValue (nz mn) minWidth >> next
+ MaxWidth mx -> setConfigValue (nz mx) maxWidth >> next
+ PadChars pc -> setConfigValue pc padChars >> next
+ PadAlign pa -> setConfigValue (isPrefixOf "r" pa) padRight >> next
runM :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runM args conf action r cb = do go
@@ -270,13 +291,25 @@ showDigits :: Int -> Float -> String
showDigits d n =
showFFloat (Just d) n ""
+padString :: Int -> Int -> String -> Bool -> String -> String
+padString mnw mxw pad pr s =
+ let len = length s
+ rmin = if mnw == 0 then 1 else mnw
+ rmax = if mxw == 0 then max len rmin else mxw
+ (rmn, rmx) = if rmin <= rmax then (rmin, rmax) else (rmax, rmin)
+ rlen = min (max rmn len) rmx
+ in if rlen < len then
+ take rlen s
+ else let ps = take (rlen - len) (cycle pad)
+ in if pr then s ++ ps else ps ++ s
floatToPercent :: Float -> Monitor String
floatToPercent n =
do pad <- getConfigValue ppad
- let p = showDigits 0 (n * 100) ++ "%"
- plen = length p
- pstr x = if x > 0 then replicate x ' ' else ""
- return $ pstr (1 + pad - plen) ++ p
+ pc <- getConfigValue padChars
+ pr <- getConfigValue padRight
+ let p = showDigits 0 (n * 100)
+ return $ padString pad pad pc pr p ++ "%"
stringParser :: Pos -> B.ByteString -> String
stringParser (x,y) =
@@ -296,7 +329,11 @@ showWithColors :: (Num a, Ord a) => (a -> String) -> a -> Monitor String
showWithColors f x =
do h <- getConfigValue high
l <- getConfigValue low
- let col = setColor $ f x
+ mn <- getConfigValue minWidth
+ mx <- getConfigValue maxWidth
+ p <- getConfigValue padChars
+ pr <- getConfigValue padRight
+ let col = setColor $ padString mn mx p pr $ f x
[ll,hh] = map fromIntegral $ sort [l, h] -- consider high < low
head $ [col highColor | x > hh ] ++
[col normalColor | x > ll ] ++