path: root/XUtil.hsc
diff options
authorAndrea Rossato <>2010-02-10 13:29:27 +0100
committerAndrea Rossato <>2010-02-10 13:29:27 +0100
commit5d8f8d2014fd164ca73ec2c43daa9276352dc63b (patch)
tree38d117f9b6388da68ad040b9322f55080de9baba /XUtil.hsc
parentc9ca8953c6f4099e5c0504ce0e31b016d878989c (diff)
fix ghc-6.12.1 warnings andd fix issue 17
Ignore-this: 868a877e7a107ddc8bc4085f3eb7fc8ae64597ee ghc-6.12.1 has native support for locales (very cool indeed!!), which simplify the code - unless for the compatibility layer with past ghc versions. xmobar has now support for every locale supported by ghc. The rest of the patch are just redundant import warnings and some xmobar.cabal updates. darcs-hash:20100210122927-d6583-e131c86cf89ce26adea9aa2ae06467bfdc40e14b.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'XUtil.hsc')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/XUtil.hsc b/XUtil.hsc
index 2a61283..afdc782 100644
--- a/XUtil.hsc
+++ b/XUtil.hsc
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module XUtil
, initFont
, initCoreFont
, initUtf8Font
- , releaseFont
, textExtents
, textWidth
, printString
@@ -32,19 +31,18 @@ module XUtil
) where
import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.IORef
import Foreign
import Graphics.X11.Xlib hiding (textExtents, textWidth)
import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib as Xlib (textExtents, textWidth)
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
+import System.Mem.Weak ( addFinalizer )
import System.Posix.Types (Fd(..))
import System.IO
-import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
#if defined XFT || defined UTF8
-import Foreign.C
# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 612
+import Foreign.C
import qualified System.IO.UTF8 as UTF8 (readFile,hGetLine)
# else
import qualified System.IO as UTF8 (readFile,hGetLine)
@@ -82,49 +80,46 @@ data XFont =Core FontStruct
initFont :: Display ->String -> IO XFont
initFont d s =
#ifdef XFT
- if xftPrefix `isPrefixOf` s then
- do setupLocale
- xftdraw <- xftFontOpen d (defaultScreenOfDisplay d) (drop (length xftPrefix) s)
- return (Xft xftdraw)
- else
+ let xftPrefix = "xft:" in
+ if xftPrefix `isPrefixOf` s then
+ fmap Xft $ initXftFont d s
+ else
-#ifdef UTF8
- (setupLocale >> initUtf8Font d s >>= return . Utf8)
+#if defined UTF8 || __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 612
+ fmap Utf8 $ initUtf8Font d s
- (initCoreFont d s >>= return . Core)
-#ifdef XFT
- where xftPrefix = "xft:"
-releaseFont :: Display -> XFont -> IO ()
-#ifdef XFT
-releaseFont d (Xft xftfont) = xftFontClose d xftfont
+ fmap Core $ initCoreFont d s
-releaseFont d (Utf8 fs) = releaseUtf8Font d fs
-releaseFont d (Core fs) = releaseCoreFont d fs
-- | Given a fontname returns the font structure. If the font name is
-- not valid the default font will be loaded and returned.
initCoreFont :: Display -> String -> IO FontStruct
-initCoreFont dpy s = catch (getIt dpy) (fallBack dpy)
- where getIt d = loadQueryFont d s
- fallBack d = const $ loadQueryFont d "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-releaseCoreFont :: Display -> FontStruct -> IO ()
-releaseCoreFont d = freeFont d
+initCoreFont d s = do
+ f <- catch getIt fallBack
+ addFinalizer f (freeFont d f)
+ return f
+ where getIt = loadQueryFont d s
+ fallBack = const $ loadQueryFont d "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-- | Given a fontname returns the font structure. If the font name is
-- not valid the default font will be loaded and returned.
initUtf8Font :: Display -> String -> IO FontSet
-initUtf8Font dpy s = do
- (_,_,fs) <- catch (getIt dpy) (fallBack dpy)
- return fs
- where getIt d = createFontSet d s
- fallBack d = const $ createFontSet d "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+initUtf8Font d s = do
+ setupLocale
+ (_,_,f) <- catch getIt fallBack
+ addFinalizer f (freeFontSet d f)
+ return f
+ where getIt = createFontSet d s
+ fallBack = const $ createFontSet d "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
-releaseUtf8Font :: Display -> FontSet -> IO ()
-releaseUtf8Font d = freeFontSet d
+#ifdef XFT
+initXftFont :: Display -> String -> IO XftFont
+initXftFont d s = do
+ setupLocale
+ f <- xftFontOpen d (defaultScreenOfDisplay d) (drop 4 s)
+ addFinalizer f (xftFontClose d f)
+ return f
textWidth :: Display -> XFont -> String -> IO Int
textWidth _ (Utf8 fs) s = return $ fi $ wcTextEscapement fs s
@@ -251,11 +246,14 @@ io = liftIO
fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fi = fromIntegral
-#if defined XFT || defined UTF8
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 612 && (defined XFT || defined UTF8)
#include <locale.h>
foreign import ccall unsafe "locale.h setlocale"
setlocale :: CInt -> CString -> IO CString
-setupLocale :: IO CString
-setupLocale = withCString "" $ setlocale (#const LC_ALL)
+setupLocale :: IO ()
+setupLocale = withCString "" (setlocale $ #const LC_ALL) >> return ()
+# else
+setupLocale :: IO ()
+setupLocale = return ()