path: root/doc
diff options
authorslotThe <>2020-12-09 18:12:35 +0100
committerjao <>2020-12-14 15:54:38 +0000
commit6607eb04e4b438608c332ec21c68768ebacb1513 (patch)
tree35519b3a78c3b9a7d87d86530340b2e71678b8b1 /doc
parentfdad40bd1b5fd25e716b9dfa13e7ff0b85aa355a (diff)
Move plugins to doc/
This also moves Date and DateZone to the monitors section (as they are monitors themselves). A little bit of documentation was also added/updated.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
1 files changed, 1621 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4d0754
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,1621 @@
+#+OPTIONS: toc:t
+* System Monitor Plugins
+This is the description of the system monitor plugins available in
+xmobar. Some of them are only installed when an optional build option is
+set: we mention that fact, when needed, in their description.
+Each monitor has an =alias= to be used in the output template. Monitors
+have default aliases. The sections below describe every monitor in turn,
+but before we provide a list of the configuration options (or /monitor
+arguments/) they all share.
+** Icon patterns
+Some monitors allow usage of strings that depend on some integer value
+from 0 to 8 by replacing all occurrences of =%%= with it
+(i.e. =<icon=/path/to/icon_%%.xpm/>= will be interpreted as
+=<icon=/path/to/icon_3.xpm/>= when the value is =3=, also =%= is
+interpreted as =%=, =%%= as =3=, =%%%= as =3%=, =%%%%= as =33= and so
+on). Essentially it allows to replace vertical bars with custom
+icons. For example,
+#+begin_src haskell
+ Run Brightness
+ [ "-t", "<ipat>"
+ , "--"
+ , "--brightness-icon-pattern", "<icon=bright_%%.xpm/>"
+ ] 30
+Will display =bright_0.xpm= to =bright_8.xpm= depending on current
+brightness value.
+** Default Monitor Arguments
+Monitors accept a common set of arguments, described in the first
+subsection below. In addition, some monitors accept additional options
+that are specific to them. When specifying the list of arguments in your
+configuration, the common options come first, followed by =--=, followed
+by any monitor-specific options.
+These are the options available for all monitors below:
+- =-t= /string/ Output template
+ - Template for the monitor output. Field names must be enclosed
+ between pointy brackets (=<foo>=) and will be substituted by the
+ computed values. You can also specify the foreground (and
+ optionally, background) color for a region by bracketing it between
+ =<fc=fgcolor>= (or =<fc=fgcolor,bgcolor>=) and =</fc>=. The rest of
+ the template is output verbatim.
+ - Long option: =--template=
+ - Default value: per monitor (see above).
+- =-H= /number/ The high threshold.
+ - Numerical values higher than /number/ will be displayed with the
+ color specified by =-h= (see below).
+ - Long option: =--High=
+ - Default value: 66
+- =-L= /number/ The low threshold.
+ - Numerical values higher than /number/ and lower than the high
+ threshold will be displayed with the color specified by =-n= (see
+ below). Values lower than /number/ will use the =-l= color.
+ - Long option: =--Low=
+ - Default value: 33
+- =-h= /color/ High threshold color.
+ - Color for displaying values above the high threshold. /color/ can be
+ either a name (e.g. "blue") or an hexadecimal RGB (e.g. "#FF0000").
+ - Long option: =--high=
+ - Default: none (use the default foreground).
+- =-n= /color/ Color for 'normal' values
+ - Color used for values greater than the low threshold but lower than
+ the high one.
+ - Long option: =--normal=
+ - Default: none (use the default foreground).
+- =-l= /color/ The low threshold color
+ - Color for displaying values below the low threshold.
+ - Long option: =--low=
+ - Default: none (use the default foreground).
+- =-S= /boolean/ Display optional suffixes
+ - When set to a true designator ("True", "Yes" or "On"), optional
+ value suffixes such as the '%' symbol or optional units will be
+ displayed.
+ - Long option: =--suffix=
+ - Default: False.
+- =-p= /number/ Percentages padding
+ - Width, in number of digits, for quantities representing percentages.
+ For instance =-p 3= means that all percentages in the monitor will
+ be represented using 3 digits.
+ - Long option: =--ppad=
+ - Default value: 0 (don't pad)
+- =-d= /number/ Decimal digits
+ - Number of digits after the decimal period to use in float values.
+ - Long option: =--ddigits=
+ - Default value: 0 (display only integer part)
+- =-m= /number/ Minimum field width
+ - Minimum width, in number of characters, of the fields in the monitor
+ template. Values whose printed representation is shorter than this
+ value will be padded using the padding characters given by the =-c=
+ option with the alignment specified by =-a= (see below).
+ - Long option: =--minwidth=
+ - Default: 0
+- =-M= /number/ Maximum field width
+ - Maximum width, in number of characters, of the fields in the monitor
+ template. Values whose printed representation is longer than this
+ value will be truncated.
+ - Long option: =--maxwidth=
+ - Default: 0 (no maximum width)
+- =-e= /string/ Maximum width ellipsis
+ - Ellipsis to be added to the field when it has reached its max width.
+ - Long option: =--maxwidthellipsis=
+ - Default: "" (no ellipsis)
+- =-w= /number/ Fixed field width
+ - All fields will be set to this width, padding or truncating as
+ needed.
+ - Long option: =--width=
+ - Default: 0 (variable width)
+- =-T= /number/ Maximum total width
+ - Maximum total width of the text.
+ - Long option: =--maxtwidth=
+ - Default: 0 (no limit)
+- =-E= /string/ Maximum total width ellipsis
+ - Ellipsis to be added to the total text when it has reached its max
+ width.
+ - Long option: =--maxtwidthellipsis=
+ - Default: "" (no ellipsis)
+- =-c= /string/
+ - Characters used for padding. The characters of /string/ are used
+ cyclically. E.g., with =-P +- -w 6=, a field with value "foo" will
+ be represented as "+-+foo".
+ - Long option: =--padchars=
+ - Default value: " "
+- =-a= r|l Field alignment
+ - Whether to use right (r) or left (l) alignment of field values when
+ padding.
+ - Long option: =--align=
+ - Default value: r (padding to the left)
+- =-b= /string/ Bar background
+ - Characters used, cyclically, to draw the background of bars. For
+ instance, if you set this option to "·.", an empty bar will look
+ like this: =·.·.·.·.·.=
+ - Long option: =--bback=
+ - Default value: ":"
+- =-f= /string/ Bar foreground
+ - Characters used, cyclically, to draw the foreground of bars.
+ - Long option: =--bfore=
+ - Default value: "#"
+- =-W= /number/ Bar width
+ - Total number of characters used to draw bars.
+ - Long option: =--bwidth=
+ - Default value: 10
+ - Special value: 0. When this parameter is 0, the percentage to
+ display is interpreted as a position in the bar foreground string
+ (given by =-f=), and the character at that position is displayed.
+- =-x= /string/ N/A string
+ - String to be used when the monitor is not available
+ - Long option: =--nastring=
+ - Default value: "N/A"
+Commands' arguments must be set as a list. E.g.:
+#+begin_src haskell
+ Run Weather "EGPF" ["-t", "<station>: <tempC>C"] 36000
+In this case xmobar will run the weather monitor, getting information
+for the weather station ID EGPF (Glasgow Airport, as a homage to GHC)
+every hour (36000 tenth of seconds), with a template that will output
+something like:
+#+begin_src shell
+ Glasgow Airport: 16.0C
+** =Uptime Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =uptime=
+- Args: default monitor arguments. The low and high thresholds refer to
+ the number of days.
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument: =days=,
+ =hours=, =minutes=, =seconds=. The total uptime is the sum of all
+ those fields. You can set the =-S= argument to =True= to add units to
+ the display of those numeric fields.
+- Default template: =Up: <days>d <hours>h <minutes>m=
+** =Weather StationID Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to the Station ID: so =Weather "LIPB" []= can be used in
+ template as =%LIPB%=
+- Thresholds refer to temperature in the selected units
+- Args: default monitor arguments, plus:
+ - =--weathers= /string/ : display a default string when the =weather=
+ variable is not reported.
+ - short option: =-w=
+ - Default: ""
+ - =--useManager= /bool/ : Whether to use one single manager per
+ monitor for managing network connections or create a new one every
+ time a connection is made.
+ - Short option: =-m=
+ - Default: True
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument:
+ =station=, =stationState=, =year=, =month=, =day=, =hour=,
+ =windCardinal=, =windAzimuth=, =windMph=, =windKnots=, =windMs=,
+ =windKmh= =visibility=, =skyCondition=, =weather=, =tempC=, =tempF=,
+ =dewPointC=, =dewPointF=, =rh=, =pressure=
+- Default template: =<station>: <tempC>C, rh <rh>% (<hour>)=
+- Retrieves weather information from Here is
+ an [[][example]], also showcasing the kind of information that may be
+ extracted.
+** =WeatherX StationID SkyConditions Args RefreshRate=
+- Works in the same way as =Weather=, but takes an additional argument,
+ a list of pairs from sky conditions to their replacement (typically a
+ unicode string or an icon specification).
+- Use the variable =skyConditionS= to display the replacement of the
+ corresponding sky condition. All other =Weather= template variables
+ are available as well.
+For example:
+#+begin_src haskell
+ WeatherX "LEBL"
+ [ ("clear", "🌣")
+ , ("sunny", "🌣")
+ , ("mostly clear", "🌤")
+ , ("mostly sunny", "🌤")
+ , ("partly sunny", "⛅")
+ , ("fair", "🌑")
+ , ("cloudy","☁")
+ , ("overcast","☁")
+ , ("partly cloudy", "⛅")
+ , ("mostly cloudy", "🌧")
+ , ("considerable cloudiness", "⛈")]
+ ["-t", "<fn=2><skyConditionS></fn> <tempC>° <rh>% <windKmh> (<hour>)"
+ , "-L","10", "-H", "25", "--normal", "black"
+ , "--high", "lightgoldenrod4", "--low", "darkseagreen4"]
+ 18000
+As mentioned, the replacement string can also be an icon specification,
+such as =("clear", "<icon=weather-clear.xbm/>")=.
+** =Network Interface Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to the interface name: so =Network "eth0" []= can be used as
+ =%eth0%=
+- Thresholds refer to velocities expressed in Kb/s
+- Args: default monitor arguments, plus:
+ - =--rx-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for reception rate in =rxipat=.
+ - =--tx-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for transmission rate in
+ =txipat=.
+ - =--up=: string used for the =up= variable value when the interface
+ is up.
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t=/=--template= argument: =dev=,
+ =rx=, =tx=, =rxbar=, =rxvbar=, =rxipat=, =txbar=, =txvbar=, =txipat=,
+ =up=. Reception and transmission rates (=rx= and =tx=) are displayed
+ by default as Kb/s, without any suffixes, but you can set the =-S= to
+ "True" to make them displayed with adaptive units (Kb/s, Mb/s, etc.).
+- Default template: =<dev>: <rx>KB|<tx>KB=
+** =DynNetwork Args RefreshRate=
+- Active interface is detected automatically
+- Aliases to "dynnetwork"
+- Thresholds are expressed in Kb/s
+- Args: default monitor arguments, plus:
+- =--rx-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for reception rate in =rxipat=.
+- =--tx-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for transmission rate in =txipat=
+- =--devices=: comma-separated list of devices to show.
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t=/=--template= argument:
+ =dev=, =rx=, =tx=, =rxbar=, =rxvbar=, =rxipat=, =txbar=, =txvbar=,
+ =txipat=.
+Reception and transmission rates (=rx= and =tx=) are displayed in Kbytes
+per second, and you can set the =-S= to "True" to make them displayed
+with units (the string "Kb/s").
+- Default template: =<dev>: <rx>KB|<tx>KB=
+- Example of usage of =--devices= option:
+ =["--", "--devices", "wlp2s0,enp0s20f41"]=
+** =Wireless Interface Args RefreshRate=
+- If set to "", first suitable wireless interface is used.
+- Aliases to the interface name with the suffix "wi": thus,
+ =Wireless "wlan0" []= can be used as =%wlan0wi%=, and
+ =Wireless "" []= as =%wi%=.
+- Args: default monitor arguments, plus:
+ - =--quality-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for connection quality in
+ =qualityipat=.
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t=/=--template= argument:
+ =ssid=, =signal=, =quality=, =qualitybar=, =qualityvbar=,
+ =qualityipat=
+- Thresholds refer to link quality on a =[0, 100]= scale. Note that
+ =quality= is calculated from =signal= (in dBm) by a possibly lossy
+ conversion. It is also not taking into account many factors such as
+ noise level, air busy time, transcievers' capabilities and the others
+ which can have drastic impact on the link performance.
+- Default template: =<ssid> <quality>=
+- To activate this plugin you must pass the =with_nl80211= or the
+ =with_iwlib= flag during compilation.
+** =Memory Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =memory=
+- Args: default monitor arguments, plus:
+ - =--used-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for used memory ratio in
+ =usedipat=.
+ - =--free-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for free memory ratio in
+ =freeipat=.
+ - =--available-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for available memory
+ ratio in =availableipat=.
+- Thresholds refer to percentage of used memory
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument:
+ =total=, =free=, =buffer=, =cache=, =available=, =used=, =usedratio=,
+ =usedbar=, =usedvbar=, =usedipat=, =freeratio=, =freebar=, =freevbar=,
+ =freeipat=, =availableratio=, =availablebar=, =availablevbar=,
+ =availableipat=
+- Default template: =Mem: <usedratio>% (<cache>M)=
+** =Swap Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =swap=
+- Args: default monitor arguments
+- Thresholds refer to percentage of used swap
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument:
+ =total=, =used=, =free=, =usedratio=
+- Default template: =Swap: <usedratio>%=
+** =Cpu Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =cpu=
+- Args: default monitor arguments, plus:
+ - =--load-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for cpu load in =ipat=
+- Thresholds refer to percentage of CPU load
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument:
+ =total=, =bar=, =vbar=, =ipat=, =user=, =nice=, =system=, =idle=,
+ =iowait=
+- Default template: =Cpu: <total>%=
+** =MultiCpu Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =multicpu=
+- Args: default monitor arguments, plus:
+ - =--load-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for overall cpu load in
+ =ipat=.
+ - =--load-icon-patterns=: dynamic string for each cpu load in
+ =autoipat=, =ipat{i}=. This option can be specified several times.
+ nth option corresponds to nth cpu.
+ - =--fallback-icon-pattern=: dynamic string used by =autoipat= and
+ =ipat{i}= when no =--load-icon-patterns= has been provided for
+ =cpu{i}=
+ - =--contiguous-icons=: flag (no value needs to be provided) that
+ causes the load icons to be drawn without padding.
+- Thresholds refer to percentage of CPU load
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument:
+ =autototal=, =autobar=, =autovbar=, =autoipat=, =autouser=,
+ =autonice=, =autosystem=, =autoidle=, =total=, =bar=, =vbar=, =ipat=,
+ =user=, =nice=, =system=, =idle=, =total0=, =bar0=, =vbar0=, =ipat0=,
+ =user0=, =nice0=, =system0=, =idle0=, ... The auto* variables
+ automatically detect the number of CPUs on the system and display one
+ entry for each.
+- Default template: =Cpu: <total>%=
+** =Battery Args RefreshRate=
+- Same as
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ BatteryP ["BAT", "BAT0", "BAT1", "BAT2"] Args RefreshRate
+ #+end_src
+** =BatteryP Dirs Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =battery=
+- Dirs: list of directories in =/sys/class/power_supply/= where to look
+ for the ACPI files of each battery. Example: =["BAT0","BAT1","BAT2"]=.
+ Only up to 3 existing directories will be searched.
+- Args: default monitor arguments, plus the following specific ones
+ (these options, being specific to the monitor, are to be specified
+ after a =--= in the argument list):
+ - =-O=: string for AC "on" status (default: "On")
+ - =-i=: string for AC "idle" status (default: "On")
+ - =-o=: string for AC "off" status (default: "Off")
+ - =-L=: low power (=watts=) threshold (default: 10)
+ - =-H=: high power threshold (default: 12)
+ - =-l=: color to display power lower than the =-L= threshold
+ - =-m=: color to display power lower than the =-H= threshold
+ - =-h=: color to display power higher than the =-H= threshold
+ - =-p=: color to display positive power (battery charging)
+ - =-f=: file in =/sys/class/power_supply= with AC info (default:
+ "AC/online")
+ - =-A=: a number between 0 and 100, threshold below which the action
+ given by =-a=, if any, is performed (default: 5)
+ - =-a=: a string with a system command that is run when the percentage
+ left in the battery is less or equal than the threshold given by the
+ =-A= option. If not present, no action is undertaken.
+ - =-P=: to include a percentage symbol in =left=.
+ - =--on-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for current battery charge when
+ AC is "on" in =leftipat=.
+ - =--off-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for current battery charge when
+ AC is "off" in =leftipat=.
+ - =--idle-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for current battery charge
+ when AC is "idle" in =leftipat=.
+ - =--lows=: string for AC "off" status and power lower than the =-L=
+ threshold (default: "")
+ - =--mediums=: string for AC "off" status and power lower than the
+ =-H= threshold (default: "")
+ - =--highs=: string for AC "off" status and power higher than the =-H=
+ threshold (default: "")
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument:
+ =left=, =leftbar=, =leftvbar=, =leftipat=, =timeleft=, =watts=,
+ =acstatus=
+- Default template: =Batt: <watts>, <left>% / <timeleft>=
+- Example (note that you need "--" to separate regular monitor options
+ from Battery's specific ones):
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run BatteryP ["BAT0"]
+ ["-t", "<acstatus><watts> (<left>%)",
+ "-L", "10", "-H", "80", "-p", "3",
+ "--", "-O", "<fc=green>On</fc> - ", "-i", "",
+ "-L", "-15", "-H", "-5",
+ "-l", "red", "-m", "blue", "-h", "green"
+ "-a", "notify-send -u critical 'Battery running out!!'",
+ "-A", "3"]
+ 600
+ #+end_src
+ In the above example, the thresholds before the =--= separator affect
+ only the =<left>= and =<leftbar>= fields, while those after the
+ separator affect how =<watts>= is displayed. For this monitor, neither
+ the generic nor the specific options have any effect on =<timeleft>=.
+ We are also telling the monitor to execute the unix command
+ =notify-send= when the percentage left in the battery reaches 6%.
+ It is also possible to specify template variables in the =-O= and =-o=
+ switches, as in the following example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run BatteryP ["BAT0"]
+ ["-t", "<acstatus>"
+ , "-L", "10", "-H", "80"
+ , "-l", "red", "-h", "green"
+ , "--", "-O", "Charging", "-o", "Battery: <left>%"
+ ] 10
+ #+end_src
+- The "idle" AC state is selected whenever the AC power entering the
+ battery is zero.
+** =BatteryN Dirs Args RefreshRate Alias=
+Works like =BatteryP=, but lets you specify an alias for the monitor
+other than "battery". Useful in case you one separate monitors for more
+than one battery.
+** =TopProc Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =top=
+- Args: default monitor arguments. The low and high thresholds (=-L= and
+ =-H=) denote, for memory entries, the percent of the process memory
+ over the total amount of memory currently in use and, for cpu entries,
+ the activity percentage (i.e., the value of =cpuN=, which takes values
+ between 0 and 100).
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument: =no=,
+ =name1=, =cpu1=, =both1=, =mname1=, =mem1=, =mboth1=, =name2=, =cpu2=,
+ =both2=, =mname2=, =mem2=, =mboth2=, ...
+- Default template: =<both1>=
+- Displays the name and cpu/mem usage of running processes (=bothn= and
+ =mboth= display both, and is useful to specify an overall maximum
+ and/or minimum width, using the =-m/-M= arguments. =no= gives the
+ total number of processes.
+** =TopMem Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =topmem=
+- Args: default monitor arguments. The low and high thresholds (=-L= and
+ =-H=) denote the percent of the process memory over the total amount
+ of memory currently in use.
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument:
+ =name1=, =mem1=, =both1=, =name2=, =mem2=, =both2=, ...
+- Default template: =<both1>=
+- Displays the name and RSS (resident memory size) of running processes
+ (=bothn= displays both, and is useful to specify an overall maximum
+ and/or minimum width, using the =-m/-M= arguments.
+** =Date Format Alias RefreshRate=
+- Format is a time format string, as accepted by the standard ISO C
+ =strftime= function (or Haskell's =formatCalendarTime=). Basically,
+ if =date +"my-string"= works with your command then =Date= will handle
+ it correctly.
+- Timezone changes are picked up automatically every minute.
+- Sample usage:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run Date "%a %b %_d %Y <fc=#ee9a00>%H:%M:%S</fc>" "date" 10
+ #+end_src
+** =DateZone Format Locale Zone Alias RefreshRate=
+A variant of the =Date= monitor where one is able to explicitly set the
+time-zone, as well as the locale.
+- The format of =DateZone= is exactly the same as =Date=.
+- If =Locale= is =""= (the empty string) the default locale of the
+ system is used, otherwise use the given locale. If there are more
+ instances of =DateZone=, using the empty string as input for =Locale=
+ is not recommended.
+- =Zone= is the name of the =TimeZone=. It is assumed that the time-zone
+ database is stored in =/usr/share/zoneinfo/=. If the empty string is
+ given as =Zone=, the default system time is used.
+- Sample usage:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run DateZone "%a %H:%M:%S" "de_DE.UTF-8" "Europe/Vienna" "viennaTime" 10
+ #+end_src
+** =DiskU Disks Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =disku=
+- Disks: list of pairs of the form (device or mount point, template),
+ where the template can contain =<size>=, =<free>=, =<used>=, =<freep>=
+ or =<usedp>=, =<freebar>=, =<freevbar>=, =<freeipat>=, =<usedbar>=,
+ =<usedvbar>= or =<usedipat>= for total, free, used, free percentage
+ and used percentage of the given file system capacity.
+- Thresholds refer to usage percentage.
+- Args: default monitor arguments. =-t/--template= is ignored. Plus
+ - =--free-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for free disk space in
+ =freeipat=.
+ - =--used-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for used disk space in
+ =usedipat=.
+- Default template: none (you must specify a template for each file
+ system).
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ DiskU [("/", "<used>/<size>"), ("sdb1", "<usedbar>")]
+ ["-L", "20", "-H", "50", "-m", "1", "-p", "3"]
+ 20
+ #+end_src
+** =DiskIO Disks Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =diskio=
+- Disks: list of pairs of the form (device or mount point, template),
+ where the template can contain =<total>=, =<read>=, =<write>= for
+ total, read and write speed, respectively, as well as =<totalb>=,
+ =<readb>=, =<writeb>=, which report number of bytes during the last
+ refresh period rather than speed. There are also bar versions of each:
+ =<totalbar>=, =<totalvbar>=, =<totalipat>=, =<readbar>=, =<readvbar>=,
+ =<readipat>=, =<writebar>=, =<writevbar>=, and =<writeipat>=; and
+ their "bytes" counterparts: =<totalbbar>=, =<totalbvbar>=,
+ =<totalbipat>=, =<readbbar>=, =<readbvbar>=, =<readbipat>=,
+ =<writebbar>=, =<writebvbar>=, and =<writebipat>=.
+- Thresholds refer to speed in b/s
+- Args: default monitor arguments. =-t/--template= is ignored. Plus
+ - =--total-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for total disk I/O in
+ =<totalipat>=.
+ - =--write-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for write disk I/O in
+ =<writeipat>=.
+ - =--read-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for read disk I/O in
+ =<readipat>=.
+- Default template: none (you must specify a template for each file
+ system).
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ DiskIO [("/", "<read> <write>"), ("sdb1", "<total>")] [] 10
+ #+end_src
+** =ThermalZone Number Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to "thermaln": so =ThermalZone 0 []= can be used in template
+ as =%thermal0%=
+- Thresholds refer to temperature in degrees
+- Args: default monitor arguments
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument: =temp=
+- Default template: =<temp>C=
+- This plugin works only on systems with devices having thermal zone.
+ Check directories in =/sys/class/thermal= for possible values of the
+ zone number (e.g., 0 corresponds to =thermal_zone0= in that
+ directory).
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run ThermalZone 0 ["-t","<id>: <temp>C"] 30
+ #+end_src
+** =Thermal Zone Args RefreshRate=
+- *This plugin is deprecated. Use =ThermalZone= instead.*
+- Aliases to the Zone: so =Thermal "THRM" []= can be used in template as
+ =%THRM%=
+- Args: default monitor arguments
+- Thresholds refer to temperature in degrees
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument: =temp=
+- Default template: =Thm: <temp>C=
+- This plugin works only on systems with devices having thermal zone.
+ Check directories in /proc/acpi/thermal_zone for possible values.
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run Thermal "THRM" ["-t","iwl4965-temp: <temp>C"] 50
+ #+end_src
+** =CpuFreq Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =cpufreq=
+- Args: default monitor arguments
+- Thresholds refer to frequency in GHz
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument:
+ =cpu0=, =cpu1=, .., =cpuN=
+- Default template: =Freq: <cpu0>GHz=
+- This monitor requires acpi_cpufreq module to be loaded in kernel
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run CpuFreq ["-t", "Freq:<cpu0>|<cpu1>GHz", "-L", "0", "-H", "2",
+ "-l", "lightblue", "-n","white", "-h", "red"] 50
+ #+end_src
+** =CoreTemp Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =coretemp=
+- Args: default monitor arguments
+- Thresholds refer to temperature in degrees
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument:
+ =core0=, =core1=, .., =coreN=
+- Default template: =Temp: <core0>C=
+- This monitor requires coretemp module to be loaded in kernel
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run CoreTemp ["-t", "Temp:<core0>|<core1>C",
+ "-L", "40", "-H", "60",
+ "-l", "lightblue", "-n", "gray90", "-h", "red"] 50
+ #+end_src
+** =MultiCoreTemp Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =multicoretemp=
+- Args: default monitor arguments, plus:
+ - =--max-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for overall cpu load in
+ =maxipat=.
+ - =--avg-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for overall cpu load in
+ =avgipat=.
+ - =--mintemp=: temperature in degree Celsius, that sets the lower
+ limit for percentage calculation.
+ - =--maxtemp=: temperature in degree Celsius, that sets the upper
+ limit for percentage calculation.
+ - =--hwmonitor-path=: this monitor tries to find coretemp devices by
+ looking for them in directories following the pattern
+ =/sys/bus/platform/devices/coretemp.*/hwmon/hwmon*=, but some
+ processors (notably Ryzen) might expose those files in a different
+ tree (e.g., Ryzen) puts them somewhere in "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*",
+ and the lookup is most costly. With this option, it is possible to
+ explicitly specify the full path to the directory where the
+ =tempN_label= and =tempN_input= files are located.
+- Thresholds refer to temperature in degree Celsius
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument: =max=,
+ =maxpc=, =maxbar=, =maxvbar=, =maxipat=, =avg=, =avgpc=, =avgbar=,
+ =avgvbar=, =avgipat=, =core0=, =core1=, ..., =coreN=
+ The /pc, /bar, /vbar and /ipat variables are showing percentages on
+ the scale defined by =--mintemp= and =--maxtemp=. The max* and avg*
+ variables to the highest and the average core temperature.
+- Default template: =Temp: <max>°C - <maxpc>%=
+- This monitor requires coretemp module to be loaded in kernel
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run MultiCoreTemp ["-t", "Temp: <avg>°C | <avgpc>%",
+ "-L", "60", "-H", "80",
+ "-l", "green", "-n", "yellow", "-h", "red",
+ "--", "--mintemp", "20", "--maxtemp", "100"] 50
+ #+end_src
+** =Volume Mixer Element Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to the mixer name and element name separated by a colon. Thus,
+ =Volume "default" "Master" [] 10= can be used as =%default:Master%=.
+- Args: default monitor arguments. Also accepts:
+ - =-O= /string/ On string
+ - The string used in place of =<status>= when the mixer element is
+ on. Defaults to "[on]".
+ - Long option: =--on=
+ - =-o= /string/ Off string
+ - The string used in place of =<status>= when the mixer element is
+ off. Defaults to "[off]".
+ - Long option: =--off=
+ - =-C= /color/ On color
+ - The color to be used for =<status>= when the mixer element is on.
+ Defaults to "green".
+ - Long option: =--onc=
+ - =-c= /color/ Off color
+ - The color to be used for =<status>= when the mixer element is off.
+ Defaults to "red".
+ - Long option: =--offc=
+ - =--highd= /number/ High threshold for dB. Defaults to -5.0.
+ - =--lowd= /number/ Low threshold for dB. Defaults to -30.0.
+ - =--volume-icon-pattern= /string/ dynamic string for current volume
+ in =volumeipat=.
+ - =-H= /number/ High threshold for volume (in %). Defaults to 60.0.
+ - Long option: =--highv=
+ - =-L= /number/ Low threshold for volume (in %). Defaults to 20.0.
+ - Long option: =--lowv=
+ - =-h=: /string/ High string
+ - The string added in front of =<status>= when the mixer element is
+ on and the volume percentage is higher than the =-H= threshold.
+ Defaults to "".
+ - Long option: =--highs=
+ - =-m=: /string/ Medium string
+ - The string added in front of =<status>= when the mixer element is
+ on and the volume percentage is lower than the =-H= threshold.
+ Defaults to "".
+ - Long option: =--mediums=
+ - =-l=: /string/ Low string
+ - The string added in front of =<status>= when the mixer element is
+ on and the volume percentage is lower than the =-L= threshold.
+ Defaults to "".
+ - Long option: =--lows=
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument:
+ =volume=, =volumebar=, =volumevbar=, =volumeipat=, =dB=, =status=,
+ =volumestatus=
+- Note that =dB= might only return 0 on your system. This is known to
+ happen on systems with a pulseaudio backend.
+- Default template: =Vol: <volume>% <status>=
+- Requires the package [[][alsa-core]] and [[][alsa-mixer]] installed in your
+ system. In addition, to activate this plugin you must pass the
+ =with_alsa= flag during compilation.
+** =Alsa Mixer Element Args=
+Like [[=Volume Mixer Element Args RefreshRate=][Volume]] but with the following differences:
+- Uses event-based refreshing via =alsactl monitor= instead of polling,
+ so it will refresh instantly when there's a volume change, and won't
+ use CPU until a change happens.
+- Aliases to =alsa:= followed by the mixer name and element name
+ separated by a colon. Thus, =Alsa "default" "Master" []= can be used
+ as =%alsa:default:Master%=.
+- Additional options (after the =--=):
+ - =--alsactl=/path/to/alsactl=: If this option is not specified,
+ =alsactl= will be sought in your =PATH= first, and failing that, at
+ =/usr/sbin/alsactl= (this is its location on Debian systems.
+ =alsactl monitor= works as a non-root user despite living in
+ =/usr/sbin=.).
+ - =stdbuf= (from coreutils) must be (and most probably already is) in
+ your =PATH=.
+** =MPD Args RefreshRate=
+- This monitor will only be compiled if you ask for it using the
+ =with_mpd= flag. It needs [[][libmpd]] 5.0 or later (available on Hackage).
+- Aliases to =mpd=
+- Args: default monitor arguments. In addition you can provide =-P=,
+ =-S= and =-Z=, with an string argument, to represent the playing,
+ stopped and paused states in the =statei= template field. The
+ environment variables =MPD_HOST= and =MPD_PORT= are used to configure
+ the mpd server to communicate with, unless given in the additional
+ arguments =-p= (=--port=) and =-h= (=--host=). Also available:
+ - =lapsed-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for current track position in
+ =ipat=.
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument: =bar=,
+ =vbar=, =ipat=, =state=, =statei=, =volume=, =length=, =lapsed=,
+ =remaining=, =plength= (playlist length), =ppos= (playlist position),
+ =flags= (ncmpcpp-style playback mode), =name=, =artist=, =composer=,
+ =performer=, =album=, =title=, =track=, =file=, =genre=, =date=
+- Default template: =MPD: <state>=
+- Example (note that you need "--" to separate regular monitor options
+ from MPD's specific ones):
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run MPD ["-t",
+ "<composer> <title> (<album>) <track>/<plength> <statei> [<flags>]",
+ "--", "-P", ">>", "-Z", "|", "-S", "><"] 10
+ #+end_src
+** =MPDX Args RefreshRate Alias=
+Like =MPD= but uses as alias its last argument instead of "mpd".
+** =Mpris1 PlayerName Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =mpris1=
+- Requires [[][dbus]] and [[][text]] packages. To activate, pass the =with_mpris=
+ flag during compilation.
+- PlayerName: player supporting MPRIS v1 protocol. Some players need
+ this to be an all lowercase name (e.g. "spotify"), but some others
+ don't.
+- Args: default monitor arguments.
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument:
+ =album=, =artist=, =arturl=, =length=, =title=, =tracknumber=
+- Default template: =<artist> - <title>=
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run Mpris1 "clementine" ["-t", "<artist> - [<tracknumber>] <title>"] 10
+ #+end_src
+** =Mpris2 PlayerName Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =mpris2=
+- Requires [[][dbus]] and [[][text]] packages. To activate, pass the =with_mpris=
+ flag during compilation.
+- PlayerName: player supporting MPRIS v2 protocol. Some players need
+ this to be an all lowercase name (e.g. "spotify"), but some others
+ don't.
+- Args: default monitor arguments.
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument:
+ =album=, =artist=, =arturl=, =length=, =title=, =tracknumber=,
+ =composer=, =genre=
+- Default template: =<artist> - <title>=
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run Mpris2 "spotify" ["-t", "<artist> - [<composer>] <title>"] 10
+ #+end_src
+** =Mail Args Alias=
+- Args: list of maildirs in form =[("name1","path1"),...]=. Paths may
+ start with a '~' to expand to the user's home directory.
+- This plugin requires inotify support in your Linux kernel and the
+ [[][hinotify]] package. To activate, pass the =with_inotify= flag during
+ compilation.
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run Mail [("inbox", "~/var/mail/inbox"),
+ ("lists", "~/var/mail/lists")]
+ "mail"
+ #+end_src
+** =MailX Args Opts Alias=
+- Args: list of maildirs in form =[("name1","path1","color1"),...]=.
+ Paths may start with a '~' to expand to the user's home directory.
+ When mails are present, counts are displayed with the given name and
+ color.
+- Opts is a possibly empty list of options, as flags. Possible values:
+ -d dir --dir dir a string giving the base directory where maildir
+ files with a relative path live. -p prefix --prefix prefix a string
+ giving a prefix for the list of displayed mail counts -s suffix
+ --suffix suffix a string giving a suffix for the list of displayed
+ mail counts
+- This plugin requires inotify support in your Linux kernel and the
+ [[][hinotify]] package. To activate, pass the =with_inotify= flag during
+ compilation.
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run MailX [("I", "inbox", "green"),
+ ("L", "lists", "orange")]
+ ["-d", "~/var/mail", "-p", " ", "-s", " "]
+ "mail"
+ #+end_src
+** =MBox Mboxes Opts Alias=
+- Mboxes a list of mbox files of the form =[("name", "path", "color")]=,
+ where name is the displayed name, path the absolute or relative (to
+ BaseDir) path of the mbox file, and color the color to use to display
+ the mail count (use an empty string for the default).
+- Opts is a possibly empty list of options, as flags. Possible values:
+ -a --all (no arg) Show all mailboxes, even if empty. -u (no arg) Show
+ only the mailboxes' names, sans counts. -d dir --dir dir a string
+ giving the base directory where mbox files with a relative path live.
+ -p prefix --prefix prefix a string giving a prefix for the list of
+ displayed mail counts -s suffix --suffix suffix a string giving a
+ suffix for the list of displayed mail counts
+- Paths may start with a '~' to expand to the user's home directory.
+- This plugin requires inotify support in your Linux kernel and the
+ [[][hinotify]] package. To activate, pass the =with_inotify= flag during
+ compilation.
+- Example. The following command look for mails in =/var/mail/inbox= and
+ =~/foo/mbox=, and will put a space in front of the printed string
+ (when it's not empty); it can be used in the template with the alias
+ =mbox=:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run MBox [("I ", "inbox", "red"), ("O ", "~/foo/mbox", "")]
+ ["-d", "/var/mail/", "-p", " "] "mbox"
+ #+end_src
+** =NotmuchMail Alias Args Rate=
+This plugin checks for new mail, provided that this mail is indexed by
+=notmuch=. In the =notmuch= spirit, this plugin checks for new *threads*
+and not new individual messages.
+- Alias: What name the plugin should have in your template string.
+- Args: A list of =MailItem= s of the form
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ [ MailItem "name" "address" "query"
+ ...
+ ]
+ #+end_src
+ or, using explicit record syntax:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ [ MailItem
+ { name = "name"
+ , address = "address"
+ , query = "query"
+ }
+ ...
+ ]
+ #+end_src
+ where
+ - =name= is what gets printed in the status bar before the number of
+ new threads.
+ - =address= is the e-mail address of the recipient, i.e. we only query
+ mail that was send to this particular address (in more concrete
+ terms, we pass the address to the =to:= constructor when performing
+ the search). If =address= is empty, we search through all unread
+ mail, regardless of whom it was sent to.
+ - =query= is funneled to =notmuch search= verbatim. For the general
+ query syntax, consult =notmuch search --help=, as well as
+ =notmuch-search-terms(7)=. Note that the =unread= tag is *always*
+ added in front of the query and composed with it via an *and*.
+- Rate: Rate with which to update the plugin (in deciseconds).
+- Example:
+ - A single =MailItem= that displays all unread threads from the given
+ address:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ MailItem "mbs:" "" ""
+ #+end_src
+ - A single =MailItem= that displays all unread threads with
+ "[My-Subject]" somewhere in the title:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ MailItem "S:" "" "subject:[My-Subject]"
+ #+end_src
+ - A full example of a =NotmuchMail= configuration:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run NotmuchMail "mail" -- name for the template string
+ [ -- All unread mail to the below address, but nothing that's tagged
+ -- with @lists@ or @haskell@.
+ MailItem "mbs:"
+ ""
+ "not tag:lists and not tag:haskell"
+ -- All unread mail that has @[Haskell-Cafe]@ in the subject line.
+ , MailItem "C:" "" "subject:[Haskell-Cafe]"
+ -- All unread mail that's tagged as @lists@, but not @haskell@.
+ , MailItem "H:" "" "tag:lists and not tag:haskell"
+ ]
+ 600 -- update every 60 seconds
+ #+end_src
+** =XPropertyLog PropName=
+- Aliases to =PropName=
+- Reads the X property named by =PropName= (a string) and displays its
+ value. The [[][examples/xmonadpropwrite.hs script]] in xmobar's distribution
+ can be used to set the given property from the output of any other
+ program or script.
+** =UnsafeXPropertyLog PropName=
+- Aliases to =PropName=
+- Same as =XPropertyLog=, but the input is not filtered to avoid
+ injection of actions (cf. =UnsafeXMonadLog=). The program writing the
+ value of the read property is responsible of performing any needed
+ cleanups.
+** =NamedXPropertyLog PropName Alias=
+- Aliases to =Alias=
+- Same as =XPropertyLog=, but a custom alias can be specified.
+** =UnsafeNamedXPropertyLog PropName Alias=
+- Aliases to =Alias=
+- Same as =UnsafeXPropertyLog=, but a custom alias can be specified.
+** =Brightness Args RefreshRate=
+- Aliases to =bright=
+- Args: default monitor arguments, plus the following specif ones:
+ - =-D=: directory in =/sys/class/backlight/= with files in it
+ (default: "acpi_video0")
+ - =-C=: file with the current brightness (default: actual_brightness)
+ - =-M=: file with the maximum brightness (default: max_brightness)
+ - =--brightness-icon-pattern=: dynamic string for current brightness
+ in =ipat=.
+- Variables that can be used with the =-t/--template= argument:
+ =vbar=, =percent=, =bar=, =ipat=
+- Default template: =<percent>=
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run Brightness ["-t", "<bar>"] 60
+ #+end_src
+** =Kbd Opts=
+- Registers to XKB/X11-Events and output the currently active keyboard
+ layout. Supports replacement of layout names.
+- Aliases to =kbd=
+- Opts is a list of tuples:
+ - first element of the tuple is the search string
+ - second element of the tuple is the corresponding replacement
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run Kbd [("us(dvorak)", "DV"), ("us", "US")]
+ #+end_src
+** =Locks=
+- Displays the status of Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock.
+- Aliases to =locks=
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run Locks
+ #+end_src
+** =CatInt n filename=
+- Reads and displays an integer from the file whose path is =filename=
+ (especially useful with files in =/sys=).
+- Aliases as =catn= (e.g. =Cat 0= as =cat0=, etc.) so you can have
+ several.
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run CatInt 0 "/sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_hwmon/fan1_input" [] 50
+ #+end_src
+** =UVMeter=
+- Aliases to "uv" + station id. For example: =%uv Brisbane%= or
+ =%uv Alice Springs%=
+- Args: default monitor arguments, plus:
+ - =--useManager= /bool/ : Whether to use one single manager per
+ monitor for managing network connections or create a new one every
+ time a connection is made.
+ - Short option: =-m=
+ - Default: True
+- /Reminder:/ Keep the refresh rate high, to avoid making unnecessary
+ requests every time the plug-in is run.
+- Station IDs can be found here:
+- Example:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run UVMeter "Brisbane" ["-H", "3", "-L", "3", "--low", "green", "--high", "red"] 900
+ #+end_src
+* Interfacing with Window Managers
+Listed below are ways to interface xmobar with your window manager of
+** =XMonadLog=
+- Aliases to XMonadLog
+- Displays information from xmonad's =_XMONAD_LOG=. You can use this by
+ using functions from the [[][XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog]] module. By using the
+ =xmonadPropLog= function in your logHook, you can write the the above
+ property. The following shows a minimal xmonad configuration that
+ spawns xmobar and then writes to the =_XMONAD_LOG= property.
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ main = do
+ spawn "xmobar"
+ xmonad $ def
+ { logHook = dynamicLogString defaultPP >>= xmonadPropLog
+ }
+ #+end_src
+ This plugin can be used as a sometimes more convenient alternative to
+ =StdinReader=. For instance, it allows you to (re)start xmobar outside
+ xmonad.
+** =StdinReader=
+- Aliases to StdinReader
+- Displays any text received by xmobar on its standard input.
+- Strips actions from the text received. This means you can't pass
+ dynamic actions via stdin. This is safer than =UnsafeStdinReader=
+ because there is no need to escape the content before passing it to
+ xmobar's standard input.
+** =UnsafeStdinReader=
+- Aliases to UnsafeStdinReader
+- Displays any text received by xmobar on its standard input.
+- Will not do anything to the text received. This means you can pass
+ dynamic actions via stdin. Be careful to escape (using =<raw=…>=) or
+ remove tags from dynamic text that you pipe-thru to xmobar's standard
+ input, e.g. window's title.
+- Sample usage: send to xmobar's stdin the list of your workspaces
+ enclosed by actions tags that switches the workspaces to be able to
+ switch workspaces by clicking on xmobar:
+ #+begin_src shell
+ <action=`xdotool key alt+1`>ws1</action> <action=`xdotool key alt+1`>ws2</action>
+ #+end_src
+** =UnsafeXMonadLog=
+- Aliases to UnsafeXMonadLog
+- Similar to =StdinReader= versus =UnsafeStdinReader=, this does not
+ strip =<action ...>= tags from XMonad's =_XMONAD_LOG=.
+- It is advised that you still use =xmobarStrip= for the ppTitle in your
+ logHook:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ myPP = defaultPP { ppTitle = xmobarStrip }
+ main = xmonad $ def
+ { logHook = dynamicLogString myPP >>= xmonadPropLog
+ }
+ #+end_src
+** =CommandReader "/path/to/program" Alias=
+- Runs the given program, and displays its standard output.
+** =PipeReader "default text:/path/to/pipe" Alias=
+- Reads its displayed output from the given pipe.
+- Prefix an optional default text separated by a colon
+- Expands environment variables in the first argument of syntax =${VAR}=
+ or =$VAR=
+** =MarqueePipeReader "default text:/path/to/pipe" (length, rate, sep) Alias=
+- Generally equivalent to PipeReader
+- Text is displayed as marquee with the specified length, rate in 10th
+ seconds and separator when it wraps around
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run MarqueePipeReader "/tmp/testpipe" (10, 7, "+") "mpipe"
+ #+end_src
+- Expands environment variables in the first argument
+** =BufferedPipeReader Alias [(Timeout, Bool, "/path/to/pipe1"), ..]=
+- Display data from multiple pipes.
+- Timeout (in tenth of seconds) is the value after which the previous
+ content is restored i.e. if there was already something from a
+ previous pipe it will be put on display again, overwriting the current
+ status.
+- A pipe with Timeout of 0 will be displayed permanently, just like
+ =PipeReader=
+- The boolean option indicates whether new data for this pipe should
+ make xmobar appear (unhide, reveal). In this case, the Timeout
+ additionally specifies when the window should be hidden again. The
+ output is restored in any case.
+- Use it for OSD-like status bars e.g. for setting the volume or
+ brightness:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ Run BufferedPipeReader "bpr"
+ [ ( 0, False, "/tmp/xmobar_window" )
+ , ( 15, True, "/tmp/xmobar_status" )
+ ]
+ #+end_src
+ Have your window manager send window titles to =/tmp/xmobar_window=.
+ They will always be shown and not reveal your xmobar. Sending some
+ status information to =/tmp/xmobar_status= will reveal xmonad for 1.5
+ seconds and temporarily overwrite the window titles.
+- Take a look at [[][examples/]]
+- Expands environment variables for the pipe path
+** =HandleReader Handle Alias=
+- Display data from a Haskell =Handle=
+- This plugin is only useful if you are running xmobar from another
+ Haskell program like XMonad.
+- You can use =System.Process.createPipe= to create a pair of =read= &
+ =write= Handles. Pass the =read= Handle to HandleReader and write your
+ output to the =write= Handle:
+ #+begin_src haskell
+ (readHandle, writeHandle) <- createPipe
+ xmobarProcess <- forkProcess $ xmobar myConfig
+ { commands =
+ Run (HandleReader readHandle "handle") : commands myConfig
+ }
+ hPutStr writeHandle "Hello World"
+ #+end_src
+* Executing External Commands
+In order to execute an external command you can either write the command
+name in the template, in this case it will be executed without
+arguments, or you can configure it in the "commands" configuration
+option list with the Com template command:
+=Com ProgramName Args Alias RefreshRate=
+- ProgramName: the name of the program
+- Args: the arguments to be passed to the program at execution time
+- RefreshRate: number of tenths of second between re-runs of the
+ command. A zero or negative rate means that the command will be
+ executed only once.
+- Alias: a name to be used in the template. If the alias is en empty
+ string the program name can be used in the template.
+#+begin_src haskell
+ Run Com "uname" ["-s","-r"] "" 0
+can be used in the output template as =%uname%= (and xmobar will call
+/uname/ only once), while
+#+begin_src haskell
+ Run Com "date" ["+\"%a %b %_d %H:%M\""] "mydate" 600
+can be used in the output template as =%mydate%=.
+Sometimes, you don't mind if the command executed exits with an error,
+or you might want to display a custom message in that case. To that end,
+you can use the =ComX= variant:
+=ComX ProgramName Args ExitMessage Alias RefreshRate=
+Works like =Com=, but displaying =ExitMessage= (a string) if the
+execution fails. For instance:
+#+begin_src haskell
+ Run ComX "date" ["+\"%a %b %_d %H:%M\""] "N/A" "mydate" 600
+will display "N/A" if for some reason the =date= invocation fails.
+* The DBus Interface
+When compiled with the optional =with_dbus= flag, xmobar can be
+controlled over dbus. All signals defined in [[][src/Signal.hs]] as =data
+SignalType= can now be sent over dbus to xmobar. Due to current
+limitations of the implementation only one process of xmobar can acquire
+the dbus. This is handled on a first-come-first-served basis, meaning
+that the first process will get the dbus interface. Other processes will
+run without further problems, yet have no dbus interface.
+- Bus Name: =org.Xmobar.Control=
+- Object Path: =/org/Xmobar/Control=
+- Member Name: Any of SignalType, e.g. =string:Reveal=
+- Interface Name: =org.Xmobar.Control=
+An example using the =dbus-send= command line utility:
+#+begin_src shell
+ dbus-send \
+ --session \
+ --dest=org.Xmobar.Control \
+ --type=method_call \
+ --print-reply \
+ '/org/Xmobar/Control' \
+ org.Xmobar.Control.SendSignal \
+ "string:Toggle 0"
+It is also possible to send multiple signals at once:
+#+begin_src shell
+ # send to another screen, reveal and toggle the persistent flag
+ dbus-send [..] \
+ "string:ChangeScreen 0" "string:Reveal 0" "string:TogglePersistent"
+The =Toggle=, =Reveal=, and =Hide= signals take an additional integer
+argument that denotes an initial delay, in tenths of a second, before
+the command takes effect.
+** Example for using the DBus IPC interface with XMonad
+Bind the key which should {,un}map xmobar to a dummy value. This is
+necessary for {,un}grabKey in xmonad.
+#+begin_src haskell
+ ((0, xK_Alt_L), pure ())
+Also, install =avoidStruts= layout modifier from
+Finally, install these two event hooks (=handleEventHook= in =XConfig=)
+=myDocksEventHook= is a replacement for =docksEventHook= which reacts on
+unmap events as well (which =docksEventHook= doesn't).
+#+begin_src haskell
+ import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS
+ data DockToggleTime = DTT { lastTime :: Time } deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
+ instance ExtensionClass DockToggleTime where
+ initialValue = DTT 0
+ toggleDocksHook :: Int -> KeySym -> Event -> X All
+ toggleDocksHook to ks ( KeyEvent { ev_event_display = d
+ , ev_event_type = et
+ , ev_keycode = ekc
+ , ev_time = etime
+ } ) =
+ io (keysymToKeycode d ks) >>= toggleDocks >> return (All True)
+ where
+ toggleDocks kc
+ | ekc == kc && et == keyPress = do
+ safeSendSignal ["Reveal 0", "TogglePersistent"]
+ XS.put ( DTT etime )
+ | ekc == kc && et == keyRelease = do
+ gap <- XS.gets ( (-) etime . lastTime )
+ safeSendSignal [ "TogglePersistent"
+ , "Hide " ++ show (if gap < 400 then to else 0)
+ ]
+ | otherwise = return ()
+ safeSendSignal s = catchX (io $ sendSignal s) (return ())
+ sendSignal = withSession . callSignal
+ withSession mc = connectSession >>= \c -> callNoReply c mc >> disconnect c
+ callSignal :: [String] -> MethodCall
+ callSignal s = ( methodCall
+ ( objectPath_ "/org/Xmobar/Control" )
+ ( interfaceName_ "org.Xmobar.Control" )
+ ( memberName_ "SendSignal" )
+ ) { methodCallDestination = Just $ busName_ "org.Xmobar.Control"
+ , methodCallBody = map toVariant s
+ }
+ toggleDocksHook _ _ _ = return (All True)
+ myDocksEventHook :: Event -> X All
+ myDocksEventHook e = do
+ when (et == mapNotify || et == unmapNotify) $
+ whenX ((not `fmap` (isClient w)) <&&> runQuery checkDock w) refresh
+ return (All True)
+ where w = ev_window e
+ et = ev_event_type e
+* User plugins
+** Writing a Plugin
+Writing a plugin for xmobar should be very simple. You need to create a
+data type with at least one constructor.
+Next you must declare this data type an instance of the =Exec= class, by
+defining the 1 needed method (alternatively =start= or =run=) and 3
+optional ones (=alias=, =rate=, and =trigger=):
+#+begin_src haskell
+ start :: e -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+ run :: e -> IO String
+ rate :: e -> Int
+ alias :: e -> String
+ trigger :: e -> (Maybe SignalType -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+=start= must receive a callback to be used to display the =String=
+produced by the plugin. This method can be used for plugins that need to
+perform asynchronous actions. See =src/Xmobar/Plugins/PipeReader.hs= for
+an example.
+=run= can be used for simpler plugins. If you define only =run= the
+plugin will be run every second. To overwrite this default you just need
+to implement =rate=, which must return the number of tenth of seconds
+between every successive runs. See [[][examples/xmobar.hs]] for an example of
+a plugin that runs just once, and [[][src/Xmobar/Plugins/Date.hs]] for one
+that implements =rate=.
+Notice that Date could be implemented as:
+#+begin_src haskell
+ instance Exec Date where
+ alias (Date _ a _) = a
+ start (Date f _ r) = date f r
+ date :: String -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+ date format r callback = do go
+ where go = do
+ t <- toCalendarTime =<< getClockTime
+ callback $ formatCalendarTime defaultTimeLocale format t
+ tenthSeconds r >> go
+This implementation is equivalent to the one you can read in
+=alias= is the name to be used in the output template. Default alias
+will be the data type constructor.
+After that your type constructor can be used as an argument for the
+Runnable type constructor =Run= in the =commands= list of the
+configuration options.
+** Using a Plugin
+To use your new plugin, you need to use a pure Haskell configuration for
+xmobar, and load your definitions there. You can see an example in
+[[./examples/xmobar.hs][examples/xmobar.hs]] showing you how to write a Haskell configuration that
+uses a new plugin, all in one file.
+When xmobar runs with the full path to that Haskell file as its argument
+(or if you put it in =~/.config/xmobar/xmobar.hs=), and with the xmobar
+library installed (e.g., with =cabal install --lib xmobar=), the Haskell
+code will be compiled as needed, and the new executable spawned for you.
+That's it!
+** Configurations written in pure Haskell
+xmobar can be used as a pure Haskell program, that is compiled with your
+specific configuration, expressed as Haskell source code. For an
+example, see [[][the author's configuration]].