path: root/src/Plugins/Monitors/Mpris.hs
diff options
authorArtem Tarasov <>2011-12-21 18:37:19 +0400
committerArtem Tarasov <>2011-12-21 18:37:19 +0400
commit47f49f08195b2b39333ea667fd4587bebcec0816 (patch)
tree2ac7503abe26147014d41d5260e6790a8c150e22 /src/Plugins/Monitors/Mpris.hs
parent849c5cfb7544cbbe56dfdc7d450172121e51dff5 (diff)
MPRIS plugin
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Plugins/Monitors/Mpris.hs')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Plugins/Monitors/Mpris.hs b/src/Plugins/Monitors/Mpris.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32f72d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Plugins/Monitors/Mpris.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : Plugins.Monitors.Mpris
+-- Copyright : (c) Artem Tarasov
+-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : Artem Tarasov <>
+-- Stability : unstable
+-- Portability : unportable
+-- MPRIS song info
+module Plugins.Monitors.Mpris ( mprisConfig, runMPRIS1, runMPRIS2 ) where
+-- TODO: listen to signals
+import Plugins.Monitors.Common
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import qualified DBus.Client.Simple as C
+import DBus.Types
+import DBus.Connection ( ConnectionError )
+import Data.Maybe ( fromJust )
+import Data.Int ( Int32, Int64 )
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Control.Exception (try, evaluate)
+class MprisVersion a where
+ getProxy :: a -> C.Client -> String -> IO C.Proxy
+ getMetadataReply :: a -> C.Client -> String -> IO [Variant]
+ fieldsList :: a -> [String]
+data MprisVersion1 = MprisVersion1
+instance MprisVersion MprisVersion1 where
+ getProxy MprisVersion1 c p = do
+ let playerBusName = T.concat ["org.mpris.", T.pack p]
+ C.proxy c (C.busName_ playerBusName) "/Player"
+ getMetadataReply MprisVersion1 c p = do
+ player <- getProxy MprisVersion1 c p
+ player "org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer" "GetMetadata" []
+ fieldsList MprisVersion1 = [ "album", "artist", "arturl", "time", "title", "tracknumber" ]
+data MprisVersion2 = MprisVersion2
+instance MprisVersion MprisVersion2 where
+ getProxy MprisVersion2 c p = do
+ let playerBusName = T.concat ["org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.", T.pack p]
+ C.proxy c (C.busName_ playerBusName) "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2"
+ getMetadataReply MprisVersion2 c p = do
+ player <- getProxy MprisVersion2 c p
+ player "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
+ "Get"
+ (map (toVariant::String -> Variant)
+ ["org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player", "Metadata"]
+ )
+ fieldsList MprisVersion2 = [ "xesam:album", "xesam:artist", "mpris:artUrl"
+ , "mpris:length", "xesam:title", "xesam:trackNumber"
+ ]
+mprisConfig :: IO MConfig
+mprisConfig = mkMConfig "<artist> - <title>"
+ [ "album", "artist", "arturl", "length" , "title", "tracknumber"
+ ]
+dbusClient :: C.Client
+dbusClient = unsafePerformIO C.connectSession
+runMPRIS :: (MprisVersion a) => a -> String -> [String] -> Monitor String
+runMPRIS version playerName _ = do
+ metadata <- io $ getMetadata version dbusClient playerName
+ parseTemplate $ makeList version metadata
+runMPRIS1 :: String -> [String] -> Monitor String
+runMPRIS1 = runMPRIS MprisVersion1
+runMPRIS2 :: String -> [String] -> Monitor String
+runMPRIS2 = runMPRIS MprisVersion2
+fromVar :: (IsVariant a) => Variant -> a
+fromVar = fromJust . fromVariant
+unpackMetadata :: [Variant] -> [(String, Variant)]
+unpackMetadata [] = []
+unpackMetadata xs = ((map (\(k, v) -> (fromVar k, fromVar v))) . unpack . head) xs where
+ unpack v = case variantType v of
+ TypeDictionary _ _ -> dictionaryItems $ fromVar v
+ TypeVariant -> unpack $ fromVar v
+ TypeStructure _ -> unpack $ head $ structureItems $ fromVar v
+ _ -> []
+getMetadata :: (MprisVersion a) => a -> C.Client -> String -> IO [(String, Variant)]
+getMetadata version client player = do
+ reply <- try (getMetadataReply version client player) ::
+ IO (Either ConnectionError [Variant])
+ return $ case reply of
+ Right metadata -> unpackMetadata metadata;
+ Left _ -> []
+makeList :: (MprisVersion a) => a -> [(String, Variant)] -> [String]
+makeList version md = map getStr (fieldsList version) where
+ formatTime n = (if hh == 0 then printf "%02d:%02d"
+ else printf "%d:%02d:%02d" hh) mm ss
+ where hh = (n `div` 60) `div` 60
+ mm = (n `div` 60) `mod` 60
+ ss = n `mod` 60
+ getStr str = case lookup str md of
+ Nothing -> ""
+ Just v -> case variantType v of
+ TypeString -> fromVar v
+ TypeInt32 -> let num = fromVar v in
+ case str of
+ "time" -> formatTime num
+ "tracknumber" -> printf "%02d" num
+ "mpris:length" -> formatTime (num `div` 1000000)
+ "xesam:trackNumber" -> printf "%02d" num
+ _ -> (show::Int32 -> String) num
+ TypeInt64 -> let num = fromVar v in
+ case str of
+ "mpris:length" -> formatTime (num `div` 1000000)
+ _ -> (show::Int64 -> String) num
+ TypeArray TypeString -> fromVar $ head $ arrayItems $ fromVar v
+ _ -> ""